Levity Stands (Pull Of Gravit...

By irecognizedyou

33.9K 1.6K 325

Gravity Falls. Everything here has always been messed up for Dipper and Mabel, but when they end up in an alt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 8

1.5K 85 6
By irecognizedyou

Pacifica's POV (Levity Stands):

9:00 A.M, woke up by the sunlight from the triangle window. Hey has any one pointed out there are a lot of Bills in the Shack? Hmph. I probably should go wake the others- hey wheres Gideon? Probably Mystery Hunting. At 9, wow and he thinks I am weird for liking all these boys. Hey, not my fault that Mermando is such a cute fairy, do not get me started about my crush on that Zombie dressed up as some type of gnome. Well might as well wake the others up. WITH SOME ATTACK GLITTER!

"Pleh, pleh. I'm awake." Dipper woke up as he saw me and Mabel giggling on top of him. Wait until he saw what we wrote on his forehead. Dipwad as Mabel suggested. Hey, he didn't look as moronic as the time I wrote, 'Giddy Puff' on Gideon. "High Five!" Mabel said. I slapped that hand. "What do you want anyway?" Dipper said. I thought about it. Nothing really. I shrugged and he rolled his eyes. "Where's Gideon?" I shrugged again and Mabel quietly said, "He's not here?" She sounded worried. Does every Mabel like Gideon? Isn't she the opposite of our Mabel? Shouldn't she not care?

"Guys, umm I think we may need to be worried." She said. Dipper and I looked at each other and then quickly looked at Mabel. "Why?" I said. "Well I had this dream about Reverse Dipper and Mabel throwing Gideon into the room and then he was leaving, I mean it seemed like a dream. I mean-" I stopped her, "No, NO! They did this, they have this amulet and, and-" I started crying, I missed him. Badly. "Don't worry. We can get him back and as for Mabel- A DREAM? Why didn't you do anything?" Dipper questioned. Mabel looked away and Dipper sighed, "Sorry. I know they could have used magic. It's okay. Let's just go and get him back."

I walked them to the tent and none of us talked. I mean I did hear Mabel and Dipper whispering, but it didn't bother me. I just wanted to get Gideon back. I miss him for the world. For the sake of these the apparently Pines Twins, I hope that they get to go home soon. I mean two twins? Some townsfolk greeted them as we walked and while Dipper just nodded it seemed like Mabel went full out. Just like I would. It didn't take long until we arrived.

"We're here." I said. hopefully we'd get Gideon back to. Dipper knocked on the door. A pair of four blue eyes at the window, looking at us. No answer. Dipper knocked harder. No answer. We all knocked at the same time super hard. Answer. You could see Mabel in a beautiful teal dress and Dipper in his regular clothes. Mabel started to speak, "Hi dear. Looking for someone?" Someone. Not something. NewMabel looked at our Mabel and said, "In fact we are, about this high and-" New Dipper caught her off, "Gideon." My Mabel and Dipper burst out laughing. "Dipwad? What ya'll expect to do when your like that? Come in, come in." My Dipper said.

"Where's Gideon?" I looked around and there was no sign of him until the doors of Mabel's bedroom opened and out came Gideon. Dressed in a suit much like the others. Blue tux and a black tie. They even styled his hair up. A lot of hairspray. He had a funny look on his face. "I need to catch up on my reading." My Dipper said and he took out Journal 3, GIDEON'S BOOK! I saw Dipper fling to check his vest and relax, maybe he had the same book? I'll ask him later.

"Oh hi ya'll. Pacifica darling." Gideon said. That was not my Gideon, but he still came to hug me. "Your not my Gideon, you look like one of them." I refused the hug. My brother a Gleeful, maybe in their universe but definitely not in mine. "Please I just wanna love my Mabel-poo." My Mabel had a smirk on her face while the new Mabel had the quite opposite look. A silence. Trying to break the silence my Mabel said, "Tea?"

Tea at the enemies house. Wow. New Dipper leaned to me, "I know how to get him back, I mean it seems like a classic love spell if not then we'll try Plan B for mind washing. Anyway, for Plan A, we just need to get him something he lost when the spell was in motion. For some it's love of chocolate, others it's love of cats. Find something he loved and doesn't anymore and give it back. You should do it, he's your -" he was interrupted by my Dipper, "Ah, the good ol' joy of reading. Maybe I can read with someone?" He shot a look at the other Dipper and he clenched onto something in his vest. "Do you have Journal 3 from your universe?" I whispered. He just nodded and then said out loud, "Book club, pshh what are we in the 20th century?" His voice cracked like Gideon's would, never would my Dippers voice crack. Weird. Wait the book. Mysteries. I got it. I really did. "So Gideon do you still love Mystery Hunting?" His face was blank but new Dipper high fived me.


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