What is Love? [ Taekook story...

By haizy_lush

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'Please don't be in love with someone else' More

Note + Playlist ♡


175 12 0
By haizy_lush

The weekend arrived with a party for Yoongi's team winning the basketball match.

The party was in full swing, everyone celebrating Yoongi's team's victory with drinks and snacks. Jungkook was sitting in a corner, sipping his drink, watching the others laugh and have fun. He wasn't in the mood to get drunk but he was having a good chill time. Taehyung on the other hand was drunk as fuck. 

"guys guys we should play truth or dare " someone suggested and Jungkook groaned but was excited to see the drama. 

It was yoongi's turn and he picked truth.

"Is there anyone in this party that you would give up anything to hook up with?" Namjoon asked.

"Yes." Yoongi answered as he sipped his whiskey.

"Who?" Jimin asked obliviously, jealousy was evident in his face. 

"the rule is to ask just one question." Yoongi looked away.

"whatever." Jimin downed his drink. "my turn. I pick dare."

"I dare you to get on the table and dance like a stripper" Hoseok grinned. He was sick of these ex-lovers and really wanted to create some drama that he could enjoy. You should blame his love for reality shows for wanting to see drama everywhere he goes.

Jimin shrugged and got on the table, he was not one to shy away from a dare, no matter how outrageous or embarrassing it may be.The music started playing,he began to move his hips in a seductive manner, his body gyrating to the beat of the music. His friends cheered him on, hooting and hollering as he took off his shirt and continued to dance.

He noticed Yoongi watching him with a mixture of surprise and amusement and a hint of anger. Jimin unbuttoned his pants and that was enough for Yoongi to stop this. 

"Enough. let's move on"

Jimin grinned, satisfied with the reaction and sat back down. "Taehyung truth or dare?" he asked. 

Taehyung, in his drunk state would never be able to perform a dare. "Truth" he answerd. 

"do you like my cooking?" Jimin asked. Everyone knows it tastes terrible.

"yeah sure. I love it." Taehyung lied with ease..

Jungkook laughed and joked, "Do you like it more than chocolate cake?"


"But you love chocolate cake so much!" that's one thing that they both bonded over at the begining of their friendship, the fact that they both love it.

"Ew. I hate it"

"what? but--then why do you buy it all the time?"

"For you."

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat.

"I don't love chocolate cake but I love y--"

"Alright let's move on." Yoongi created a timely distraction. He knows that Taehyung will thank him later.

"Boo" Hoseok whispered to Yoongi, "I wanted some drama"

"Your life will be a crime drama for what you did with Jimin's dare." whispered back.

Hoseok smirked, "why does it bother you? you still love him"

"God give me patience." 

Jungkook took taehyung's hand, "guys we'll be heading home now. See ya later."

next day

The next day, Jungkook woke up with a heavy heart. He had been thinking all night about Taehyung and his confusing feelings for him. He wanted to talk to him, but he didn't know how to bring it up without risking their friendship.

As he left his room, he saw Taehyung and a girl talking in the living room.


"oh Jungkook, you're up? meet Yumi! she's my friend from japan" Taehyung smiled.

They looked like they were in love, and it made Jungkook feel  jealous. He didn't want to believe that Taehyung could have feelings for someone else. But he knew he had no right to feel that way. Taehyung was free to love whoever he wanted.

"Hi Jungkook. It's so good to meet you in person"

Jungkook smiled, feeling awkward. He looked at the suitcase placed near her. 

"she's staying with us for a couple of days. Is that okay?" Taehyung asked.

"sure...but um--we don't have an extra room"

"she'll stay in my room" Taehyung smiled looking at her, and Jungkook felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. He didn't know how to deal with this new development.

"okay sure--yeah that makes sense"

"would like to join us for breakfast?" she asked.

"um-no--I have to go meet a friend"

"who?" Tae asked.



"yeahh I'll see you later" Jungkook ran out of the house.

Jungkook walked down the street, still feeling a little embarrassed that he had run out of the house like that. As he passed by a park, he spotted Namjoon sitting on a bench, reading a book. Jungkook approached him, and Namjoon looked up with a smile.

"Hey, Jungkook. What brings you out here?"

"I just needed some fresh air," Jungkook replied, rubbing his arms as he felt a chill in the air.

Namjoon noticed Jungkook's discomfort and took off his hoodie. "Here, you should take this. It's getting cold out."

Jungkook felt his heart flutter as he took the hoodie from Namjoon. He felt a little silly for getting so worked up over a small gesture, but he couldn't help feeling touched by Namjoon's kindness.

"Thanks, Namjoon. You always know how to make me feel better," he said, slipping on the hoodie.

Namjoon chuckled. "I try my best. So what's on your mind?"

"sometimes I think it's better to just keep your feelings to yourself." Jungkook said, staring off into the distance.

"Why's that?"

"I don't know. It just seems like every time I try to tell someone how I feel, it never works out."

Namjoon nodded in understanding. "I get that. But sometimes it's better to take the risk and tell someone how you feel. You never know, they might feel the same way."

"I guess you're right. But it's scary."

"It is. But it's worth it. Trust me."

They continued walking, and eventually, the conversation turned to Namjoon and Jin's relationship.

"You and Jin seem really happy together." Jungkook said, looking at Namjoon with admiration.

"We are. It took me a while to realize it, but Jin was always the one for me."

"How did you know?"

"I don't know, man. It just felt right. When I was with him, everything else just fell into place. It's hard to explain."

"I wish I could find that." Jungkook said, feeling a little envious.

"You will, eventually. Just don't give up."

Jungkook ended up spending the entire day with namjoon.

When Jungkook went back home, he saw Taehyung sleeping on the couch and he felt stupid. Taehyung meant he would take his room and he would sleep out, not that they would share the room. Jungkook took a blanket and covered Taehyung, who was sleeping soundly with his back facing him. Jungkook felt a strange warmth in his chest looking at Taehyung's peaceful expression.

He couldn't believe how comfortable he felt around Taehyung, even though he had only met him a few hours ago. Jungkook brushed a strand of Taehyung's hair away from his forehead and whispered, "You look cute when you're sleeping."

Taehyung stirred slightly but didn't wake up. Jungkook's heart fluttered as he realized how much he enjoyed being around Taehyung, and he couldn't help but wonder if he was starting to develop feelings for him.

Jungkook decided to go to his room and sleep there, leaving Taehyung to rest on the couch. As he settled into bed, he couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung's smile and the way he laughed. Jungkook knew he needed to figure out his feelings soon, but for now, he just wanted to savor the warmth he felt in his heart whenever he thought about Taehyung.


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