Oshi No Ko; You are my World...

By SadisticDrake

95.8K 3.6K 836

Obviously from the title, it is a fanfic about a self insert Dio Brando OC getting transfered to the Oshi no... More

(Beta) Its not Muda Muda
(Beta) My name? ITS DI-
01: The Start of Muda
02: Another Star!?
03: The first Underling
04: The president
05: World Domination
06: Another One
09: I love you
10: A promise of lies
11: 5 years
12: Investigation
13: First role
14: red and blue
15: Friends?
16: dramatic flair
17: Kidnapping
18: Traces
19: her hero
21: The true Dio
22: Ai!?
23: Chase
24: Fruition
25: Papa Dio
26: child actress
27: Big announcement
28: the aftermath
29: hectic schedules
30: Second Role
31: Love triangle
32: First Encounter
33: Try again
34: time apart
35: jealousy
36: Priorities
37: The search
38: Her resolve
39: His answer
40: Saving her
41: look away
42: Bites from the past
43: Dio's choice
44: Y/N
45: Cherry
46: Fighting for her
47: wrapping up
48: budding emotions
49: A call
50: the fall
2-1 Eh?
2-2 Plan
2-3 the concert

07: Revenge?

2.7K 101 10
By SadisticDrake

Dio slowly opened his eyes, his head throbbing with pain. He tried to sit up, but a sharp jolt of pain shot through his body, forcing him back down onto the hospital bed. He looked around, taking in the sterile white walls and the beeping machines that surrounded him.

"How pathetic," he muttered to himself. "To end up in a hospital bed like some common mortal."

He remembered what had happened, how he had grown cocky in his time stop ability, and ended up getting shot. It was a foolish mistake, one that he would not make again.

Dio scowled at the thought. He was not accustomed to feeling weak and vulnerable, and being stuck in a hospital bed was a constant reminder of his mortality.

But even as he cursed his situation, Dio couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity. He had always been fascinated by the human body, and now he found himself in the perfect position to study it. As he lay in the hospital bed, he began to analyze the beeping machines, the tubes, and wires that connected him to the outside world.

Dio was a master of control, of bending the world to his will. But here, in this hospital bed, he was at the mercy of the machines and the doctors who tended to him. It was a humbling experience, one that made him feel both angry and helpless.

But even as he seethed with frustration, Dio couldn't deny the thrill of being in a new, unfamiliar situation. He was a creature of extremes, always searching for new challenges and experiences. And though this was not the kind of experience he would have chosen for himself, it was still a new experience nonetheless.

With a smirk, he settled back down on his hospital bed and closed his eyes, listening intently to the steady beeping sound of the machine that monitored his vitals beside him.

Slowly, he began to examine himself, starting with his fingers and toes. He flexed them experimentally, noting the way his tendons moved and the strength of his grip. As he worked his way up his arms and legs, he marveled at the intricate network of muscles and bones that allowed him to move and manipulate the world around him.

But it was the gunshot wounds themselves that held Dio's attention the most. He traced his fingers over the bandages that covered his chest and abdomen, feeling the raw pain that throbbed beneath the surface. Despite the pain, he couldn't help but be fascinated at the vision of his muscles slowly healing itself, knitting together the torn muscles and organs with almost supernatural speed.

Of course, it couldn't compare to the time he was a vampire, yet this may be a result of his strong mental psyche as he had heard that the mind had power over the mortal flesh. But he was no stranger to injuries, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride from his new body's ability to heal.

But even as he marveled at his own body, Dio couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. He was still stuck in this hospital bed, still vulnerable and weak. He longed to be back on his feet to feel the rush of power and control that came with his vampiric abilities.

"What are you doing."

An annoying voice filled the room, making Dio sigh and sit up properly, glancing at the young twins that entered the room unannounced. Aqua Hoshino and Ruby Hoshino, both having looks of discomfort present on their faces which amused him.

"I am simply studying this mortal flesh," Dio muttered while gliding his fingers across his chest. "It's quite fascinating, to say the least, but enough of that."

"How long have I been unconscious for?"

"About 6 to 7 days, give or take."

Frustration built up inside of Dio's chest, angered by the fact that he had been vulnerable and useless for such a long period of time. His fists clenched tightly , and veins began to pop on his skin.


Dio raged, threatening to pull off the wiring attached to his body, much to Ruby's disdain and Aqua's displeasure.

"Don't be stupid. Your wounds were fatal." Aqua deadpanned, exhibiting a rather mastery upon the topic."It's actually a miracle you didn't get into a coma from a bullet that goes between your heart and lungs or even your stomach. The chances of surviving are pretty slim."

Dio scoffed as he calmed down,"Injuries such as this are trivial, but I shall let this slide for now."

"Good, don't take your anger out on the doctors that stayed up for 48 hours just to save you." Aqua deadpanned.

"Yeah! You should thank Mama, too. She annoyed the producer and the doctors nonstop to make sure you're safe!"

Both Dio and Aqua collectively ignored Ruby as the two of them stared each other down, a scowl of both of their faces.

"You are right, Aqua Hoshino." Dio agreed and clenched his fists."However, the men behind this are naturally behind bars, I can assume that the justice system of Japan wouldn't let this pass?"

Aqua nodded,"You've gathered quite a number of followers from your stunt, so of course, the media and government wouldn't let it slide."

"I see, but that means that I can not inact my revenge at those who had placed me in this situation. "

"Uhh... I'll just go get mama." Ruby whispered, not being able to catch up with the rather serious discussion the two were having.

"But you're missing the bigger picture, Y/N Hijikita."

"And what is this bigger picture, Aqua Hoshino?" Dio frowned. "Are you telling me there would be a mastermind behind this event?"

Aqua nodded, a sinister smile plastered on his face.

"It doesn't make sense for a simple stalker to find out Ai had twins or where we both lived, not to say they shouldn't even be able to sneak in weapons in the concert."

"Hmm, yes. I suppose you're right, but the last part seems to have been solved already from your tone."

"Yeah, they murdered the security guards." Aqua whispered. "They're pretty serious about getting Ai."

Dio couldn't help but smirk, "Hmm, interesting. Who might this man be, to go after Ai with such great disdain?"

"I have no idea, but. I want your help in figuring that out."

"And tell me, Aqua Hoshino." Dio chuckled. "What do I get from helping you? Revenge may be sweet, but you must have something else to offer me."

Aqua nodded before taking a deep breath, "Help me get my revenge, and I'll help you dominate the world through the media."

Dio raised an amused eyebrow at his words,"Oh?"

"You won't get far on your own, so you can stick with Ai, me, and Ruby since we're all gonna enter the industry one way or another." He explained to an amused Dio. "Over time, your influence would go bigger the more successful we get, and you'll be worshipped as much as Ai or even more."

The idea of controlling the world over the media is a rather simple yet interesting approach. It wasn't one that was filled with blood or death, but that could be seen as a benefit.

"Very well, Aqua Hoshino." He sneered and shook his tiny hands. "Very well."

"Those two seem to be getting along." Ai whispered, peeking through the crack of the door with a smile on her face.

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