Empire /h.s/

By babyrrytpwk

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Running. I've become pretty accustomed to it by now. Whether it be back at the gym, being late to work, or... More



103 2 0
By babyrrytpwk


I'm not sure what Harry could possibly need to show me in his car garage as he's currently unlocking the side door that leads into the building. I shift awkwardly on my feet, my bag that holds my phone and other necessities I needed tonight is clutched in my hands.

The cool air runs through my hair, my thin sweatshirt I threw on before walking out doing nothing to keep me warm. It's October now, so the days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting colder.

Tonight didn't go as badly as I expected, minus the fact that I'm pretty sure I broke Mikey's nose. I don't know what came over me, everyone egging me on just caused something to snap in me. And before I knew it, my fist was crashing across his face.

In a way it felt... good? In some sick way, it felt good to almost prove a point to everyone in that room that I'm not as fragile as I seem. Am I emotional? Sure. Are the cracks in my glass glued together with chewing gum and scotch tape? Absolutely. But I can throw a good punch so at least I have that going for me.

Jacob and I have been texting quite a bit since I ran into him at the store. Nothing serious or any hints on where he's taking me, just little questions about each other.

I couldn't keep my excitement in when I arrived at Harry's and told Jenny about our date. She seemed a little too excited for me and asked me about him. Given there wasn't much to tell since I don't really know him.

When I was taking to Jenny, I could feel Harry's eyes starting into the back of my head, but I brushed it off when I would sneak a glance at him and he would be turned the opposite way.

I'm still wary about him, my brain definitely hasn't processed everything from the beginning of the week. From everything that he told me to the way he lashed out is till in the back of my mind.

In the time I've known him, I've never seen him act like that. He changed into a completely different person, and I can tell that he recognized that by not talking about it. It's obviously something that he struggles with and I'm not going to push him to explain the reason for his actions. While I don't appreciate it, I would never force him to spell out his problems.

The scent of rubber and gasoline hit my nostrils when Harry opens the door. He flicks on a light switch to our left, the harsh lighting making my eyes squint due to how dark it is outside. I had a feeling that Harry had a few cars, maybe three at most. But looking around the concret space, he definitely has more than three.

I'm not good with car brands, but from what I do know, he has a Mustang, Cadillac, Ferrari, Bently, and of course his vintage Mercedes. All of the cars look vintage, except for a few. Over in the corner I see two motorcycles, both being a slick color of black with shiny metal.

The colors of the cars though, they are nothing like I would expect from someone like Harry. I figured if he had any other cars, they would all be black, or a very dark gray; but I was wrong.

I already knew his Mercedes was dark green, and the Tesla, Audi, and Range Rover that I see are all black. But his Ferrari is yellow, compared to the black one he drove me home in the other night. The Bently is a very light gray-blue, the Cadillac has a type of copper color to it, and the Mustang is white. The other cars, that I have no idea what Italian brand they are, are a mix of black, white, and gray.

"Wow," I let out a huff of air at the beautiful pieces of metal in front of me. Harry looks around at his treasure trove of cars after shutting the door behind us. He has that look on his face like he knows he's hot shit for being able to afford all of these.

"These are just a few of them, the older ones were my fathers. The rest are over in England," he smirks over at me when I look at him with wide eyes.

"Well," I nod my head, "They are all very nice," I'm not sure what to say to him as my fingers fiddle with the strap on my bag.

He lets out a hum, walking towards a metal cabinet located to the right of the door, and unlocking it with a smaller key. I walk over to him and see that it's filled with different sets of keys with one set missing. All of the keys have labels above them stating what car they belong to.

1965 White Wimbledon Mustang Convertible, 1955 Copper Cadillac Coupe de Ville, 1973 Yellow Ferrari Dino 246 GTS, 1966 White Mercedes-Benz 230SL Convertible. Just to name a few out of the at least thirteen car keys.

Harry turns back towards the cars, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Pick one,"

It takes my brain a few seconds to register what he said, my head whipping to him, nearly giving me whiplash.

"What?" I give the side of his face a shocked look, seeing the cars out of the corner of my eye.

Harry shrugs his shoulders, "Pick one. If we're going to be training you, I need you here on time," he says nonchalantly, as if he's about to hand over a cheap nick-nack, and not some million dollar car.

I rapidly shake my head at him, "N-no, Harry, I'm not going to drive one of your cars. I can barely drive-"

"Do you have your license?" He cuts me off.

"Well.. yeah, but-"

"Then you know how to drive," he shrugs his shoulders. I go to argue more with him, but he simply walks towards the row of cars, my mouth opening and closing like a fish.

"So, preferably, you should take one of the newer ones. The older ones are mostly stick-shift, so unless you know how to drive stick, I would choose one that isn't-," he jesters between the Audi, Tesla, and a vintage Chevy.

"Harry, no, this is not happening-,"

"This one-," he points to a shiny Mercedes.


"Is a 2017 Mercedes-Benz S-Class S550, it has multi-link suspension, a twenty-one gallon fuel tank, bluetooth, lots of legroom."


"Leather seats, and the seatbelts automatically adjust-,"

"Harry!" I shout, the sound of my voice echoing off the metal and concrete building.

Harry's head whips to me, grabbing me by my forearms, and shoving me into the side of the car. The top of the car digs into my shoulder blades as Harry stands towering over me.

"I'm doing this to keep you safe, Katherine!" he shouts in my face. My body automatically recoils, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. Harry notices my flinch, and removes his hands from me. Shaking his head to himself, he takes a few steps back from me, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I take a shallow breath in, "W-What do you mean?" I ask him, trying to get him to look me in the eyes, but he keeps his casted down.

"Do you have any idea how unsafe it is for you to be out and about right now?" he looks at me with a tilt of his head, "I'm doing this, not only so you have a reliable means of transportation, but also so you don't get kidnapped or killed on the subway! So, do both of us a favor and pick a fucking car!" He ends his rant, fists clenched, and face red with rage.

I try my hardest not to cry at his loud outburst, mixed in with the potential for my dismay. My eyes sting as my fingers itch to pick at my nails. His sentence alone makes everything seem so much more real. Once again, I keep getting pushed further and further into the darkness on what is going on. Why is my life in so much danger? Who wants me dead? Is someone coming after me? Why is no one telling me what's going on, when it's my life that's apparently on the line?

"Okay," I whisper with a tight throat, not being able to move due to Harry still standing in front of me. His eyes stare into mine, brows furrowed, like he's waiting for me to change my mind.

He let's put a huff, running a hand down his face and through his hair. I quickly blink my eyes to dry to tears that keep threatening to fall while he's not looking.

Without another word, Harry turns around, and exits the garage. His departure gives me time to get my emotions in check, taking in deep breaths and collecting the moisture from under my eyes with my fingers. I take a few minutes to myself to breath and calm down, breathing in, holding it, and breathing out in ten second intervals. The air is thick with different smells from the cars that I will most likely end up having a headache later.

Harry may be taking all these extra precautions to ensure my safety, which I am truly grateful for, but he doesn't need to raise his voice and be a dick and try to push me around. Especially, when I don't fully know what's going on.

I've completely had it with his mood swings. We never had a real conversation about everything. He's told me bits and pieces, but not the whole picture. It's like he expects me to just go along with everything. Even when everyone joined in the other morning to discuss my joining, nothing was fully explained. I appreciate Jenny and the guys, but I have no clue what I'm doing.

Everything is starting to stack up on my shoulders, and I'm finally at my breaking point. He wants to keep me safe? Fine. But I will not be left in the dark. I already did enough of that when I was younger.

With all of this in mind, I look around at the cars, taking in my many options. I decide on the 2017 Mercedes. I told him I'm not a driver, so if I get into an accident or dent it, it's not my fault.

I remember him telling me what the car type was, so I walk over to the cabinet of keys and find the keys that match the car. I grab the singular key fob from the hook, even going as far as taking my house key from my purse and attaching the keyrings together.

The keychain that Harry gifted me clicks around with the key to my new locks he got changed, and now the new addition of the key fob of his car that I will be driving.

I roll my eyes at how much Harry has come in and taken over bits of my life in such a short amount of time. One by one, he has slowly inserted himself into things that at first didn't concern him, but now I will have no choice but to be around him. I haven't even known him for a month, but somehow he has managed to wreak havoc in the time he has.

I walk back over to the car, clicking the unlock button, hearing the sound of the mechanism turning. I open the door, sliding myself into the smooth leather.

I will admit, it's a nice car. It's a few years old but it still has that new car smell. The cream colored seats are clear of any cracks, and the inside is spotless. I look to the ceiling and notice a sun and moonroof.

I close the car door, and push the button to start the car. The engine makes a slight rumble, probably from not being turned on in a while. I look at the dash and see that it has a full tank of gas, and none of the lights that indicate that something is wrong are on.

I look at the touch screen panel, seeing the Connect Bluetooth Device option pop up on the menu. I grab my phone from my purse that sits in my lap, and connect my phone to the car. The last song I was listening to, No Diggity cover by Chet Faker, starts to play quietly through the car. The hum of the bass vibrates the car a bit, putting me at a relaxing peace.

I close my eyes and rest my head on the headrest, letting my mind relax for just a minute. The minute was very short lived when the passenger door opened, causing me to startle. Harry slides himself into the seat, looking semi-calm, and the smell of cigarette smoke wafts into the air in the confined space.

He sits static in his seat, fists clenched resting on his lap. His nostrils are flared, taking in big breaths through his nose and out through his parted lips. His hair's a little tousled from the wind, and his cheeks have a tinge of pink from the cold. If it wasn't for the music playing we would be sitting in an awkward bed of silence.

While I wait for him to sort his mind out, my phone buzzes in my lap. I already know who it is, seeing as Jacob and I haven't really stopped texting since we ran into each other at the grocery store. I told him that I was going to be busy this evening, the message I received most likely asking how my night went.

I didn't tell him what I was doing, for obvious reasons, so I made up a lie that I was hanging with a friend from work. Which wasn't completely a lie, just not the whole truth.

You can't exactly tell the guy you're about to go on a first date with that your boss is pretty much part of the mafia, that you saw something you shouldn't have, and now your life is thrown in a loop, and you have no way of getting out of it.

Maybe instead of a 'meeting the parents' date, if things go well, we can have a 'I'm part of a gang now' date.

Oh the joys of adulthood.

"What's his name?" Harry mumbles from beside me. I look at him from the corner of my eye, seeing him staring straight ahead.

"None of your business," I reply in rebuttal. I don't mean to be snippy, but I'm still rather irate at him.

He lets out an annoyed huff at my response, shaking his head. I hear him kiss his teeth, clearly getting just as annoyed with me as I am with him. "Should I be jealous?" he snarks.

I whip my head over to him, seeing him already looking at me with a smirk. I feel my cheeks redden with anger, how dare he make a statement like that when he made it very clear that nothing was to happen with us again.

My blood boils as he just stares at me, awaiting a response. He doesn't deserve anything from me, not my words nor my time. But I'll be damned if I don't get the last word in.

"Fuck you," I spit through gritted teeth. I don't bother turning off the car and grab my bag and reach for the car door. I try to yank it open, but the sound of the car locking keeps the door shut. Already knowing Harry is locking the car from his side, I unlock the car with the button on my side, but when I try to open the door again the lock clicks.

"Knock it off, Harry," I raise my voice a little, trying to open the door for a third time, locked. We play this game of me unlocking the car, trying to open the door, the car locking, for a good ten more seconds before I finally turn to look at him.

"I said fucking stop, and let me get out!" I yell in his face.

"I'm not done talking," he says calmly, shaking his head at me, clicking the lock again.

My blood boils over, my face feeling hot with anger. "I don't care what you have to say! I'm fucking done with all of this, Harry! You don't get to throw me into this.. This situation, or whatever the fuck is going on. You're not tell me anything, you're being a dick to me, and you expect me to just obey like a dog!-"

"I'm not throwing you into-"

"Yes you fucking are! You told me about your undercover, secret mafia gang, or whatever it is that you run, but you have told me jack shit about why I am now in it-"

"You're not-" he cuts me off again.

"Stop interrupting me for five god damn seconds!" I near scream at him, slamming my hand down on the center console.

I see his eye twitch at my outburst, definitely not expecting it, and not liking it. But he keeps his mouth shut, as his chest rises and falls with deep breathing, much like my own.

I take in a big breath, clenching my hand that rests between us into a fist, closing my eyes and counting to five.

Breath in. One, two, three, four, five.

Hold it. One, two, three, four, five.

Breath out. One, two, three, four, five.

With one final clench of my fists, I try to talk a lot calmer.

"Harry, if I don't start getting some answers, then I'm done, and I don't care what happens to me."

Silence looms over the car as my eyes flick up to his as he looks back at me through his brows. I can see the thoughts going through his head, but no words come from his mouth. Every second he doesn't say anything, my faith in him depletes. All that can be heard is my music that still plays quietly in the background.

Harry turns his body to face forward, no longer looking at me. I let out a huff, shaking my head at him while sucking my lips into my mouth. I give him ten more seconds to start speaking again, and after more silence, I grab my bag and purse, and grab the door handle.



I turn my head to look back at him, shaking my head at him in confusion. I go to ask him what he means, but he beats me to it.

"Drive, and I'll tell you what you need to know," he puts his seatbelt on, getting comfortable in his seat, clasping his hands together in his lap, staring straight ahead.

I follow his motions, clicking the seatbelt into place. I move quickly, wanting to hear everything he has to say. The side of the seat squeezes my sides, making me tense up at the strange mechanics of the car, it feels like the car is giving me a hug. I notice that the pedals are a little too far for my feet to reach, so I start to feel around the side of the seat to move closer to the steering wheel.

I check that all the mirrors are in a position so I can see behind me, checking my blind spots so I don't run into the other cars in the garage.

We were about five minutes down the road before Harry starts speaking.

"The people who you saw that day, were coming to break that man in the cell out. We knew about the possibility of that happening. So I told everyone to hang back until all three of them were down there, so we could put the building on lockdown, and we could trap them."

Even though it has almost been a week since it happened, it feels like it happened yesterday. The constant nightmares I've been having since are a testament to it.

"Odyssey, the gang I told you about- they are a part of it," Harry shuffles in his seat, breathing deeply in annoyance, "Jack informed me that we have a breach in our system; a rat. Someone who is in some shape or form working for me or is close to me is giving information to Odyssey."
I nod my head in understanding, letting him know that I am listening. 

"We knew what time they were coming so I knew you weren't going to be there yet. I know you have a habit of showing up early."

My eyebrows twitch in confusion, knowing that when I show up I hardly see him there when I arrive. He's usually already there with his office door shut, or walks in after everyone has already strolled in.

"How do you-"

"I see when you come and go from the camera by your desk, love."

My mind thinks back to that day where it felt like someone was watching me through the lens. Every now and then I still get that feeling while answering phone calls. But now I know it was just Harry.

"And I don't mean that in some stalker way, I just.. I always.." he grunts, "I check all the cameras all the time, anyways that's besides the point-," I can feel the shift in tension to one of uncomfortable awkwardness, and I can hear it in the way he rushes his words.

It brings a boyish charm to him to see him get flustered, one that I have only seen a few times, most notably when he was drunk at my apartment the other night. It makes my lips twitch to see these emotions that he doesn't show twenty-four-seven.

I start to drive over the Williamsburg Bridge that connects the two islands together, as he gets his mind back on track.

"Anyways, when I saw that you were earlier than normal, I called Jenny and told her to get there as soon as possible," I see him look out the window towards the water, the city lights reflecting beautifully off of it.

"I was still on the phone with her when she called you, and I felt my heart stop when the call dropped," he shifts in his seat, still looking away. My distraction causes me to jerk the wheel over, almost driving into the other lane. Harry must not notice because he just keeps looking away.

"I watched you," my arms tense, "The whole time, I saw what happened through the security cameras down there," I feel my eyes prick at the memories, feeling more emotions flood to me knowing he saw everything that went down.

It couldn't have been a pleasant sight to see. Knowing I was on the other side and he was God knows where, unable to do anything about it.

"I'm sorry that happened, I really am."

In the times I've known him, I've never heard him sound so sincere as he does now. His tone of voice reminds me of our night together in my bed when he told me I was beautiful. I hear zero lies in his words.

We're quiet for a few minutes as I dive through the city, slowly getting closer to my apartment in the late evening traffic.

"He knew my name," I mumble to him.

I see him nod out of the corner of my eye, the traffic lights shrouding him in red. "I know, I heard."

He heard? That means-

"The cameras have audio, I heard everything."

He heard my screams, my cries, the man's words he spit in my face. It's like I can hear my voice as it bounced off the walls of the basement. I never want to go back down there.

"How he knew it, I don't know. Honest. But if I had to bet, it was probably the rats that seem to have invaded my business," I see him shake his head in anger. "But that's why I'm taking these precautions, Kat. If he knew who you were, then there's no telling who else does."

Kat. He never calls me that.

The rest of the drive is silent. I now understand a bit more, while there is probably more I need to know, I've had plenty information shared with me for one night. While it wasn't a lot, it was enough for me to know why I'm being protected so much. While there's no telling if I'm being watched or followed, no one is taking the chances of that happening.

I slow the car down as I approach the underground parking garage of my apartment. Scanning my fob at the gate, and pulling into a parking spot. I'm not going to argue on the whole car situation again, so I'll need to remember to get a parking pass in the morning so I don't get towed.

We sit in the quiet hum of the car, my music still plays in the background, neither of us speaking a word.

As I'm letting everything sit, I remember the whole reason that led up to this point. I reach behind Harry's seat and grab my purse from the floor. I dig around in the side pocket for Harry's ring.

I pick it out and hold it out to him, "This is why I was early," he turns his head to me, looking down at the ring in my finger tips. A small smile graces his lips as he takes it from my fingers, shaking his head in a laugh.

"My ring? That's why?" he chuckles.

I shrug, "Well that, and to yell at you," I smile.

His smile fades as he twists the ring in his fingers.  I can see a flash of different emotions run across his eyes. "I lied to you."

I scrunch my face in confusion, "When?" thinking back to the times he has lied to me.

"When I said you shouldn't be around me," he grabs my hand, smoothing his thumb over the back of it. I watch his hand as his flips mine over, tracing the lines on my palm. "You should be around me."

At the end of his sentence, he slips the gemmed ring onto my pointer finger. The gold band loosely fits around it, barely holding on.

"I want to protect you," he delicately holds my hand, his thumb gliding over the ring. "I feel very protective of you," he says just above a whisper.

My chest contracts at his confession, feeling things I shouldn't. I feel a warmth consume me, running all down my body. I've never felt truly protected, and the way he speaks sends the biggest appreciation for this cold man through me.

"This ring, is my family ring," my eyes widen in shock at its meaning, thinking it was just another one of this many rings that he owns. "It's been passed on from my great-grandfather, to his father, to my father, then to me. If you wear this, anyone connected to me will know that you are being protected," he sucks in a big breath, still gliding his thumb over the gem, "I just want to keep you safe," he looks up at me, eyes locked onto each other.

I didn't realized how close we were until I could feel his breath on my lips. I suck in a slow breath at the close proximity, my lips still stuck in a gasp. He notices my gapped lips, and flicks his eyes back and forth from my eyes to my lips, my eyes doing the same to his.

His hand that's still holding mine travels up my arm to my face, carefully cupping my healing cheek in his palm.

He breaths in, leaning his forehead on mine, "Please, let me keep you safe," he licks his lips, the tip of his tongue just grazing my bottom lip.

I take a second to breath him in, his decadent sent of vanilla and tobacco invades my senses.

Nodding my head, I hear him let out the smallest sigh of relief. Closing my eyes, I feel his lips touch mine in a feathery, light kiss. As light as the kiss is, the sparks that paint my eyelids are heavy and colorful. The colors clash in beautiful greens and golds, matching the colors that make up his eyes.

Harry pulls away, peppering tiny kisses to my lips, then leading them to the cut on my cheek. He places the smallest of kisses to my marred skin, from the top of the cut to the bottom. The action makes my eyes flutter open, looking at the side of his face, seeing a deep frown on his forehead.

"I'm so sorry, Kat," he whimpers, as if he could feel the pain I went through that night.

His lips travel south, dragging wet kisses across my yellowing neck, mumbling apologies after every one. "I'm sorry," kiss, "I'm so sorry," kiss. My breathing grows staggered, feeling a new type of warmth consume me.

After one final kiss, he goes to move away, but I grab onto the back of his head, connecting our lips in a feverish kiss. He groans into my lips, slipping my tongue into his mouth. His hands move to my hips, wrapping around them and pulling me closer.

I lift my leg over the center console, straddling his lap in the passenger seat. My hips take on a mind of their own, staring to grind over his crotch. Harry releases a moan into my mouth, feeling him harden under me instantaneously.

Harry surprises me, when he suddenly grabs my hips to stop me, and disconnects his lips from mine in a loud smack.

"Wait, wait, wait," his voice comes out scratchy, sounding contradictory to his words.

I feel my cheeks heat in embarrassment, not even knowing how we got into this position from how fast everything happened. Harsh breaths leave from my lungs as I go to move off him, but he keeps me in place.

"One second," he lifts his hips into mine, causing the breath to get sucked right back out of me as he carelessly grinds into me.

I watch him as he reaches into his back pocket to retrieve his phone. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion as he taps on his screen, after lowering his hips.

After a few seconds, he throws his phone into the cup holder by my leg. "Okay, we're good," he goes to connect his lips with mine once more, but I pull back before he can.

I place a hand on his chest, the new addiction to my finger twinkling in the dark light, "What was that?" I ask him, still out of breath.

He just smiles at me, his dimples coming out for the first time in days. "I was just putting the buildings cameras on a loop," he shrugs his shoulders.

My eyes widen, "Harry! You can't just do that!" I try to say as seriously as I can but failing miserably.

His fingers tickle at my sides, "So you want someone to see what we're doing?" I giggle and swat away at his fingers. "Okay, I didn't think you would be into that, but if you insist-" he goes to grab his phone again, but I stop him in a gasp before he even gets close.

I give him a stern look, my cheeks probably as red at the ruby on my ring, "That's what I thought," he chuckles. I roll my eyes at him, not finding this funny. He grabs my chin, bringing my face close to his, "I'd be careful rolling those eyes at me, Kitty. You might find yourself in big trouble," I watch his eyes grow dark in color, turning a deep dark green.

I feel the heat that left me return in a fire, my lips dropping open in a pout.

I watch Harry's jaw tick, "You want that don't you? You pretend to be this sweet little angel, with pouty lips, and big eyes. But you're just a little minx, and a tease and you don't even know it," he pulls my bottom lip down, releasing it to pop back into place.

His hand that isn't on my face has started to rub small circles into my hip with his thumb. The same hand, then travels up my shirt to feel my skin, slowly moving towards my ribs.

"You know, I almost came on the spot when you showed up today," his hand on my chin moves to behind my head, lightly pulling my hair to tilt my head back. The slight sting on my scalp causes a shaky breath to leave my lips.

Harry drags his lips up my neck, to my ear, careful not to irritate my bruised skin. "Seeing you in this little matching set-," his fingers under my shirt pulls my sports bra away from my chest, letting it go and snapping back on me, causing me to jolt. "Knowing what you've got hiding under here," his thumb brushes over my clothed, hardened nipple, pushing the cold piecing into my hot skin.

I moan and lean into his hand, pushing my chest into him. Harry breathes out a chuckle, his hot breath hitting my neck. His cold fingers start to trace around my skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake.

"Knowing that I was the only one in that room who has seen them, and who gets to see you like this," I'm starting to get restless, my hips going back to their grind, causing jolts of electricity to run through me when my covered clit perfectly rubs over Harry's dick.

My action causes Harry to groan, "Fuck," he lets out in a whisper. He removes his hand from my head, moving it to the side of the seat. Suddenly, the seat reclines, taking me down with him.

I push myself up with my hands on his chest, grinding even harder with the new space. Harry doesn't let me continue more than a few seconds before his hand is on the back of my neck, pulling me close to his face, bringing my grind to a halt once more.

"But I'm not going to be the only one, hmm?" he cocks his head to the side. I look at him confused, "You're going to let whoever is texting you, see you like this, aren't you?" his hand on my side clutches me harder, I suck in a breath and wince at the euphoric pain.

My mind takes me to Jacob, seeing his face, remembering in my foggy brain of our date tomorrow.

"But you won't be thinking of him, will you? You'll be thinking of me, and my hands, and my body making you feel like this," his hand leaves my hip, and cups my clothed heat.

My hips jolt as he pushes his palm into me, stimulating me in the best way. I moan out, my voice staying trapped in the car that has started to fog up.

This was not the turn of events my brain was going in, but now that we are here, I have no thought of stopping it.

I shake my head, agreeing with him.

"Say it, use your words, baby," I feel him grind up into the back of his hand, using it to stimulate the both of us.

"I-I'll be- fuck, I'll be thinking of you," I say through labored breaths, clenching his shirt in my hands. My own hands travel south, lifting his shirt to feel is hot skin.

Harry sucks in a sharp breath at the contact, "Damn right you will," he releases me, grabbing my face and bringing his lips back to mine.

The kiss and anything but delicate like it was when we started, nothing but clashing teeth and tongue. Everything about this feels so rushed compared to the first time in my bedroom. We are both hungry on lust now, but I can still feel the passion behind his every movement like the last.

My fingers tug at the hem of his shirt, Harry releases my face to tug it over his head, throwing it somewhere in the back seat. He does the same with my sweatshirt, causing my hair to stick up all over, the clip I have my hair in barely hanging on. I try to blow the strands of hair out of my face, but Harry's hands come up and flattens it all down in a chuckle, moving his hands back to my hips once my hair is tamed.

I rub my hands up and down his chest, once again being met with the collage of art that litters his torso. Feeling brave, I drag my finger tip down to the ferns that decorate his v-lines, trancing the shaded lines down to the band of his boxers that stick out of his sweatpants.

Goosebumps now appear on his skin, he sucks in breath as my finger dips into his briefs. I didn't get to see him during our escapade, but I can just tell by the outline in his pants, that he is well built.

I go to tug at his pants before Harry stops me. I flick my now nervous eyes to his blown out ones, thinking I've gone too far. But Harry moves his grip to the top of my leggings, giving them a harsh tug.

"Off. Need these off. Now," I nod at him, trying to stand up in the tight space to rid me of my pants.

The struggle deems to be real, as he leans forward, desperately trying to get them off of me, and I stretch my legs out onto the floor by his feet, nearly stepping on his toes. I can't help the snort that leaves my lips at watching him as his face digs into my stomach.

"Laugh all you want, this is ridiculous, why are they so tight?" another snort leaves my lips as his words are mumbled by my tummy, shaking my head at the innuendo.

Once he gets them to my shins, I push him back to lay down, kicking off my shoes, and yanking my leggings off, throwing them with our discarded tops.

I'm still giggling as I straddle is lap again in just my panties. "I-I'm sorry, but you have to admit, it's a little funny," I say through more laughs.

Harry huffs, "Shut up, before I make you," he says seriously but the faint smile on his lips gives him away.

I hum, "Make me then," I say with a wide smile, keeping the mood light.

Harry obviously didn't take it lightly, as his eyes grow back to the dark green color of before, and his grips my hips, roughly grinding them into his.

I gasp into the air, whimpering at the pressure in my stomach that has grown back tenfold.

"Thought that would do it," he smirks from under me, grunting at the pleasure he also feels.

He continues to grip my hips, as my hands go back to his pants. My hands shake in urgency, but also a tinge of worry. My brain starts to wonder where we go from here after this happens.

"D-Do you have a condom?" I ask through shaky words, latching my fingers around his pants and briefs, tugging them once more.

Harry sucks in a breath, loosening his hands, "No," I shrink down, slumping my shoulders and lowering my head. I feel embarrassed knowing this isn't what he wanted, again. He lifts my chin with his finger, "I had something else in mind," he says with a twinkle in his eyes.

I tilt my head in confusion, a crinkled furrow in my brows. "I want you, to grind that beautiful pussy, all over my cock."

Jesus christ.

I look at him with widened eyes, having no idea where to start.

He must notice my flustered state, and starts to take the lead. "Here," he takes my hand in his, placing it on his chest, dragging it down, leading back towards to his crotch. He dips our hands into his briefs, feeling the corse hair that follow on my finger tips.

His hand leaves mine, gripping around my wrist, urging it lower. I move my eyes from our hands, to his asking for permission. He gives me a small nod, his lips open as breaths leave from between them.

I keep my eyes on his as I touch him, feeling him heavy, and silky. We both release a gasp, him at the small pleasure I am giving him, and me at the length he is. How he is ever going to fit is a mystery to me, if we were ever to take it there. 

I start to slowly stroke him in my hand, twisting and changing the pressure to see what gets me the best reaction. I swipe my thumb over his slit, feeling the precum that beads his tip.

Harry groans, using his hands to push his pants and briefs to his thighs. My hand and his cock slip out, I let my eyes flick down. The sight before me is something to be studied.

Harry is withering underneath me, with a slight glisten of sweat on his chest, and his dick standing tall in my hand. I can feel the pool of arousal in my panties at just the sight of him, and it's starting to become unbearable.

Feeling a surge of confidence from the way I am making him feel, I collect spit in my mouth, and let it dribble from my lips to land on his tip, making the glide of my hand smoother.

Harry's mouth opens, "Jesus christ," he moans out, throwing his head back in ecstasy.

Harry's hands come up to my chest, pealing the bottom of my sports bra up to sit on the peaks of my breast. His grips them in his hand, mashing them together, and toying with my nipples. I let out a whimper, squeezing him tighter in my hand.

He sucks in a breath, his lips looking absolutely delicious as he bights and licks them. I lean over him, connecting our lips in a kiss. He smirks into it, tailing his hands down to my panties, gripping the sides and pulling them up. The slight friction it gives to my acing core causes me to yelp in surprise in his lips, his mouth catching the sound.

His right hand slowly drifts down, placing his thumb over my clit, moving up and down my covered cunt. My cheeks light up at the wetness that he can no doubt feel through the thin material.

"I've got you this worked up? Poor, Kitty. Why didn't you say something?" he says in a cocky tone.

I breathe out, my hand faltering in its movements, "Please," I whimper, giving him a slight squeeze for emphasis.

That's all it took before Harry released a growling hum from his throat before he is moving my panties to the side, and letting his fingers run through my folds. He takes his wet fingers up to his mouth, sucking them in and licking them clean.

"Mmm," he hums, "So sweet," I crash my lips back onto his in a rush, tasting myself on the tip of his tongue.

I moan into his mouth when I feel his fingers back on my pussy, spreading my lips and the arousal around up to my clit. He gives it a playful pinch, causing another shock to run through me. He slips his fingers back down, teasing at my entrance, before moving them back up to rub harsh circles into my clit.

His dick has been forgotten as I bring both of my hands to rest on the seat next to his head, gripping the leather in my hands, feeling too overwhelmed to continue on him.

My hips start to move, needing more when he starts to pull his hand away. I whine when he places them back on my hips, tugging them forward.

He smirks at my misery, "Scoot up a bit." I move my knees up next to either side of his hips, his taunting dick laying flat on his stomach now underneath me. I have never been more turned on in my life that I can feel my arousal dripping down onto him.

He starts to pull my hips down that I can feel the heat coming off of his cock, now barely an inch between us. "Have you done something like this before?" He moves his eyes down to where we are almost connected, licking his lips at the sight.

I shake my head, "N-No, but-," I bight my lip, wondering if I should share my sexual experience when it comes to pleasing myself. He looks back up at me with a challenging glint in his eye. "I-I... um.. I've used a p-pillow," I finish my sentence in a whisper, feeling my cheeks heat.

He smiles, "Pillow princess, hm?" his fingers curl into my hips, no doubt leaving small bruises from his grip. "Tell me, do you keep your panties on?" he toys with the band, "or do you let your wet pussy drag on it, making an absolute mess?" He kisses the corner of my mouth, moving down my jaw, up to my ear.

When I don't respond right away, he nips at my earlobe, whispering against it, "Tell me, Kitty," his warm breath fans down my neck, causing goosebumps to form. His hand travels up to my head, removing the clip I had put my hair up in earlier in the day.

My hair falls down around us, curtaining us from the fogged up windows. I really hope no one has walked near the car or else they would most definitely know what's going on in here.

As I'm still silent, Harry's lips drag back down to my neck, kissing and sucking around my bruised skin, creating marks of his own. When he sucks the skin of my pulse point into his mouth, I finally find my voice, "No underwear," I moan next to his ear.

Harry hums, "Guess we won't be needing these." Before I can question him, I hear the sound of ripping, and feel the burn of fabric against my skin.

I gasp, sitting up straight, nearly hitting my head on the roof of the car, "Harry, those are expensive!" I watch with a shocked expression as his chucks my ruined underwear behind him.

He chuckles, "Calm down, I'll buy you a new pair," he says as he rubs his hands on my hips, soothing the irritated skin. My cheeks heat once more at his words, just imagining Harry shopping for underwear for me.

I glare at him, watching another smirk form on his face.

Harry's hands that still grip my waist start to tug me down. "Is this okay?" he asks, looking up at me with hunger in his eyes.

My hands move to his wrists, needing something to hold onto, "I won't hurt you, right?" Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm about to put my entire weight onto his dick.

He shakes his head, "Trust me, if we had the space, you'd be sitting on my face right now," his lips twitch, but his eyes stay serious, "but if you're uncomfortable we can st-"

"No! N-No, I'm good," I flush at my own eagerness to do this. "Are you clean?"

"Yes, you?" he responds just as quick.

"Mhm," I nod my head, "Yes."

"Okay," he says.


We both take a breath, and I slowly lower down onto him. The near pornographic sound that leaves his lips rushes straight to my core. I keep my hands on his wrists as I start to grind onto him.

"J-Jesus, fuck, Kat," he groans, "You're 's wet, holy shit."

While what I am doing isn't the right angle for me to feel much, but seeing him wither below me is enough for me. The way I'm moving perfectly glides him through my wet folds, the tip of his cock just barely touching my clit.

Harry must notice that I'm not getting off on the angle, and takes my hands into his and places them onto his chest, then moves his hands to my hip and on my back, forcing me to arch mine so my stomach touches his.

"Fuck!" I moan out as the tip of his dick perfectly hits my clit, and he gives me full control to the amount of pressure.

I already know I'm not going to last long, I never do when I do something like this. And looking down at Harry, I already know he's feeling the same way.

In this position, I'm grinding over the most sensitive part of him. Every time I move, his eyebrows twitch, and his mouth gapes.

This whole night has been one big foreplay, the tight coil in my stomach is evidence of that.

I lean back, placing my hands on Harry's knees, giving us both a perfect view. Harry's tip has created a literal puddle of precum on his stomach, my arousal coating his entire dick.

Harry's hand grip my thighs tight, his moaning increasing, "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum," he grits out.

I nod my head, signaling I'm right there with him.

And just like that, the coil in my stomach snaps, causing my elbows to bend and nearly give out. "Oh my god, oh my god," I tremble, grinding hard onto him, triggering his own release.

White stings of cum shoot out of Harry, painting his chest. "Fuck!" Harry's chest heaves up and down and he groans the most beautiful sound.

I move myself off of his dick, sitting back on his thighs, Harry hissing in sensitivity.

We both breathe out loudly into the air, trying to calm ourselves down. Harrys hands run through his hair, putting them behind his head, closing his eyes.

His post orgasm glow is hitting him, as his skin and face glisten in sweat. His tongue pokes out and runs over his pouted lips, wetting them.

I think this is my favorite sight of him. He looks so calm, relaxed, gentle even. The constant furrow in his brow is missing, and his lips are relaxed and not in a frown like they usually are.

I was looking so hard at him, I didn't even realize his eyes popped back open, and a smirk draws up on his face. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

I look away, acting as if I have no idea what he's talking about, busying myself by lowing my sports bra back into place. Harry just chuckles at my embarrassment, shaking his head.

We start to clean ourselves up, leaning that a packet of tissues sits in the glove compartment. As Harry swipes up his chest, I lean over him to reach my clothes, struggling just as hard in the beginning to get my pants back on.

I move back over into the driver seat, pulling my sweatshirt back over my head, as Harry tucks himself back into his briefs, and pulling his shorts back up to this hips.

I go to reach back for my ruined panties, huffing in annoyance at Harry, giving him a glare as he just winks at me. I tuck them into my bag to throw them away when I get upstairs.

I clip my sweaty hair back from my face, as Harry puts the passenger seat back into its original position, then slipping his shirt back on.

Harry picks up the used tissues, looking around the car for somewhere to put them. He goes to stick them in the cup holder of the door, and I abruptly stop him.

"Uh hu, nope. You're not leaving that in my car," I reach for my bag, digging around until I find a crumpled up shopping bag, holding it open for him.

Harry face scrunches, peeking his eyes into my bag, "Do you have Mary Poppins bag or something?" he asks as he tosses the tissue into the bag.

I roll my eyes at him, folding the plastic bag over itself, putting it back in my bag to toss later.

"And your car," he looks back up at me, "does this mean you'll keep it?"

Biting my lip, I flick my eyes around the car, shrugging "I guess," I say through an exaggerated sigh, looking back over at him.

A smile grows on his face, nodding at me in appreciation, "Good."

Realizing he doesn't have a way to get back to his house, I ask him, "How will you get home?" scrunching my eyebrows.

He just shrugs nonchalantly, grabbing his phone, "I'll call a driver or have one of the guys meet me close by," his thumbs taps the screen, hopefully turning the cameras to the garage back to normal.

Not being sure where to go from here, I turn the car off, and step out of the warm car into the cool air, feeling the instant relief tickle my neck.

Harry gets out as well, stretching his legs and back out. We look at each other over the top of the car, Harry propping his arms to rest on it.

The air suddenly feels thick, the realization of what we just did floating around us. My chest starts to feel that tightness again, wondering what this says about me. I just hooked up with Harry the night before my first date with Jacob. It makes me feel grimy and kinda disgusted with myself.

The weight of this situation weighs down on me, feeling the weight of the ring that now sits on my finger.

Needing to get away and literally wash this night away, I look away from him, grabbing my keys from my bag and locking the car. I don't look back up at him as I rush away from him to the elevator.

He must not have been paying attention, because he doesn't make a sound until the doors open, and I'm standing inside.


I turn my back to him, looking at my flushed reflection in the mirrored walls, "Goodnight, Harry," I say through a tight voice, hearing the doors shut on this night.

The ride up the elevator felt endless once I finally got up to the lobby, and trudged upstairs. I felt the ache in my legs as I took each step, a lovely reminder of the night.

Once I was inside my apartment, I kicked off my shoes, feeling my phone buzz in my bag. I felt a pang of fear strike my chest, hoping to whatever God that was out there, that it wasn't Harry.

But instead, the world must have different plans on how to reprimand me for my actions.

From: Jacob :)
Received: 11:00 PM
Change of plans..
Have you ever been to Coney Island?


We got a date to get to!
I don't really like how this chapter ended up but I really needed to get this done and over with. I hope spicy chapters will continue to get easier for me to write and they will turn out better than this one.

sorry for the wait!!
~Belles ♡︎

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