War, Peace, and Love (Naruto...

By SoniaM99

408 20 2

When the Sakamoto clan was killed one afternoon in Sunagakure, what does the lone survivor, Ella Sakamoto, do... More

The Unexpected Tragedy and the New Friend
Ella's New Home
The Mysterious New Girl
The Raven Haired Boy
The Academy
Team Assignments
Survival Training
Survival Training Cont.
Team 7's First C Rank Mission
The Ride to the Wave Country!
Zabuza Momochi
Team Growth
Broken Bond
Training Trials
Battle at the Bridge
The Final Battle
Home and Exams?
Chuunin Exams Test 1
Chuunin Exams Test 2
The Search for Team 7


7 1 0
By SoniaM99

Kakashi's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself lying on a makeshift bed on the floor of Tazuna's house. Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter, stood nearby with her hands on her hips, looking down at him. She didn't seem too pleased with his presence.

"How are you feeling, Kakashi?" she asked, her tone a mix of concern and annoyance.

"Not well, but I will be in about a week," Kakashi replied, his voice weak but composed.

Sakura, sitting next to Kakashi, couldn't help but voice her concern. "The Sharingan eye is an incredible power, but doesn't the strain it puts on your body make you wonder if it's worth it?"

Tazuna, who had been wiping the sweat from his face, chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. "This time, you took down your strongest foe yet. So we can probably relax for a while, thanks to you."

Sakura's thoughts were still on the masked boy who had intervened. "I can't get my mind off that masked kid," she confessed.

Ella nodded in agreement. "His scent was off, too similar to that of Zabuza."

Kakashi began to explain the mysterious boy with the mask. "That mask is worn by the most elite and secret ninja from the Hidden Mist Village. The shinobi hunters all wear them. Their unit code name is 'Undertaker Squad,' because they dispose of the corpses so thoroughly, it's as though they never existed."

Ella posed a question, trying to unravel the mystery further. "So, that kid is going to destroy each piece of his body?"

Kakashi affirmed her assumption. "That's correct, Ella. That's how each of them were trained."

Sakura couldn't help but find it eerie. "That sounds creepy."

A couple of hours later, Kakashi's eyes suddenly shot open, and a powerful surge of chakra emanated from him. Naruto and Sakura were taken aback and were sent flying back in surprise. Ella observed the scene with a curious smile.

"Oh, Kakashi," Tsunami scolded lightly as she entered the room. "Are you awake?"

Sakura chastised Naruto for his clumsiness, while Kakashi sat up, holding his head and staring off into space. Naruto, ever curious, asked Kakashi what was on his mind.

"Hmm... What's up, Sensei?"

Kakashi began to explain. "Hmm. Of course."

Ella, perceptive as always, couldn't help but connect the dots. "Is it about the boy?"

Kakashi acknowledged her insight. "Yes, actually. The shinobi hunters who manage corpse disposals are supposed to destroy the bodies of those they kill on the spot."

Ella's eyes widened with realization. "I knew it... I knew their scent smelled too similar."

Sakura, growing impatient, shook her head at Ella. "Don't you think that's enough? We heard you the first time you brought it up."

Kakashi couldn't help but feel frustrated by Sakura's dismissal. "Don't you get it? How did the masked kid dispose of Zabuza's corpse?"

Sakura, now more attentive, replied, "How should we know? He took the body with him."

Kakashi elaborated, his voice tinged with concern. "Yes, he did. Even though all he needed to take home as proof he killed him was his head. And then there's the mystery surrounding the weapons that the hunter nin used to dispatch his prey."

Sasuke's disbelief was evident as he muttered, "No way," his eyes widening slightly in shock.

Kakashi clarified the situation with a tone of seriousness, running his hand through his hair. "Yes way."

Naruto couldn't contain his frustration and blurted out, "What the hell nonsense are you all mumbling about?"

Tazuna, equally perplexed, demanded an explanation. "What the heck are you talking about?!"

Kakashi continued, "Most likely... Zabuza is still alive."

Sakura, her voice trembling, questioned Kakashi's conclusion. "But Kakashi-sensei, you checked Zabuza to make sure he was dead, didn't you?!"

Kakashi acknowledged her doubt. "I made sure of it, but a death-like trance could have created a very convincing illusion of the real thing. Those acupuncture needle weapons that shinobi hunter used can be deadly if they hit a vital spot. If not, the mortality rate is surprisingly low, and remember, they were originally designed as medical treatment tools."

Ella, as perceptive as ever, added her insights. "So, it seems this 'shinobi hunter' is in league with Zabuza and saved him."

Tazuna, seemingly unfazed by the complexities of the situation, tried to simplify it. "Aren't you just complicating things by overthinking them? Shinobi hunters are supposed to hunt outlaw shinobi, right?"

Kakashi, undeterred, emphasized the seriousness of their predicament. "Well, whether Zabuza is dead or alive, there may still be more and even deadlier ninja in the service of your enemy, Gato."

Sakura, her concern growing, brought up the issue of Kakashi's injuries. "Sensei, you can barely move, so how are we going to prepare?"

Kakashi responded with a sly grin. "Heh heh. I'm going to increase your training schedule."

Ella, deep in thought, gazed out of the window, her mind elsewhere as she contemplated the mysteries surrounding Zabuza and the masked boy. She was convinced that there was more to the story than they knew.

As her team and Kakashi continued to discuss their plans, a young boy named Inari appeared, pulling Ella out of her thoughts. Naruto reacted with suspicion. "Who the heck are you?!"

"Inari! Where have you been?" Tsunami asked, her tone a mix of relief and concern.

Inari didn't answer his mother immediately. Instead, he climbed up the wooden stairs to give his grandfather, Tazuna, a hug. "Welcome home, grandpa."

"Inari, greet our guests properly!" Tsunami scolded, her hands on her hips. "They're the ninja who brought your grandfather safely home."

Inari, however, had a gloomy outlook. "But mama, they're all gonna die."

Naruto, ever fiery, couldn't hold back his anger and frustration. "You brat!"

Sakura, ever the voice of reason, tried to calm Naruto down, holding him back. "Pull yourself together, Naruto. He's just a little boy."

Naruto wasn't easily appeased. "Right. Hey, pay attention, little guy. I'm a superhero who will someday become the most extreme ninja. My name will be Hokage, the Fire Shadow! Gato? 'Gaeau'? The guy's named 'Chocolate'! You can't seriously expect me to be afraid of that!"

Inari, unimpressed, retorted, "'Hero'? You're dumb! There's no such thing!"

"If you don't wanna die, go home now." Inari stated walking towards the door.

"Inari, where are you headed?" Tazuna's voice cut through the silence, his curiosity piqued.

The boy turned and glanced back, his gaze heavy with a hint of melancholy. "I'm going to look at the ocean from my room."

Tazuna's expression softened, his eyes filled with understanding. "Please forgive him," he implored, his words carrying the weight of a grandfather's love.

As time passed, the room gradually emptied, leaving only Kakashi, Ella, and Tazuna. Ella, a sense of determination in her eyes, approached Tazuna with a gentle poke, seeking his attention.

Tazuna turned to her, tilting his head slightly as he regarded her with mild curiosity. "What's on your mind?" he inquired, his voice hushed.

Ella leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "I was wondering if you could tell me about the swamps in this area."

Tazuna's intrigue deepened, and he leaned in slightly as well. "Of course," he replied. "The swamps surround the island, mostly concentrated on the eastern side. Is there a particular reason you're asking?"

Ella chose her words carefully. "I have some leads to follow up on, and I believe the swamps might hold answers."

Tazuna nodded in understanding but offered a word of caution. "Be cautious if you venture there. There are rumors of unsavory characters lurking in those parts."

Ella acknowledged his warning with a nod. "One more thing, if you could keep this conversation to yourself, I'd greatly appreciate it."

Tazuna met her gaze, and in that fleeting moment, their unspoken understanding was sealed. He glanced at Kakashi briefly before agreeing, "Very well, your secret is safe with me."

With that, Ella exited the room, leaving Tazuna and Kakashi behind. The masked ninja raised an inquisitive eyebrow as he turned his attention to the older man. "What was that all about?"

Tazuna shrugged casually, attempting to downplay the significance. "Oh, just some information she was seeking. Nothing too substantial."

Kakashi seemed content with the vague response, offering a faint but knowing smile. "I see."


Ella packed her bag with a selection of weapons and some essential supplies, slinging it over her shoulder as she snuck out of the house. "He said the east side of the island was worse, so I suppose that's where I'll be heading," she thought to herself.

Silently, Ella slipped out of Tazuna's house, leaving behind the safety of their temporary sanctuary. As she moved through the deserted village, a sense of melancholy washed over her. The villagers were trapped in their own homes, their resources held hostage by Gato, waiting for the day they could breathe freely again.

Once she reached the outskirts of the village, the sky had darkened, and a heavy fog began to settle. Ella wrinkled her nose as the pungent odor of the swamps grew stronger with each step. With determination in her heart, she pressed on, moving cautiously through the murky waters. The fog obscured her vision, and the squelching of mud underfoot echoed ominously in her ears. Creatures, both seen and unseen, lurked in the shadows, causing her to grip her weapons tightly.

Navigating deeper into the swamp, she started noticing peculiar markings etched onto trees and rocks, symbols that bore the sinister legacy of rogue ninja clans. Her pulse quickened as the realization hit her: she was treading into treacherous territory. She continued forward, making every effort to remain silent.

Suddenly, a snap of a twig echoed behind her. Her body tensed as she swiftly turned, weapon poised for action, but her eyes found nothing but the eerie mist. A shiver ran down her spine as she trudged onward, every one of her senses on high alert.

After what seemed like an eternity, Ella stumbled upon a small clearing. In its heart stood a wooden structure elevated above the murky water, its windows illuminated by a faint, ghostly light. Approaching with caution, Ella ascended a creaking staircase that led her to the top.

From her vantage point, Ella peered through a window and observed a group of individuals gathered around a table, their voices hushed in whispered conspiracies. Recognition struck her: they were members of a notorious rogue ninja clan, notorious for their ruthless tactics and black market dealings. Ella strained her ears to catch their words, realizing they were discussing an imminent shipment of illegal weapons. Their intentions remained veiled, but their preparations for an attack were evident.

In her concealed vigil, Ella was suddenly exposed when one of the rogues turned sharply toward the window, seemingly sensing her presence. Instinctively, she dropped out of sight, hiding behind the wall.

"Did you hear that?" the ninja questioned.

"I didn't hear anything," another replied.

Time was of the essence. Ella knew she had to act swiftly. Gathering her courage, she burst through the door, taking the rogue ninjas by surprise.

"Who are you?" one of them demanded, suspicion in his voice.

"I'm here to stop you," Ella replied, brandishing her weapon with unwavering determination.

Laughter erupted among the rogue ninjas as they unsheathed their own weapons. "You're just one person," one of them taunted.

Ella's resolve remained unbroken despite her dire circumstances. She charged forward with unparalleled agility and skill, catching the rogue ninja off guard. In a whirlwind of precise strikes and calculated movements, she managed to incapacitate several of her assailants. However, the tide of battle shifted, and the remaining rogues began to overpower her. It seemed like the end was near.

Just as despair threatened to consume her, the enigmatic boy named Haku, the one who had earlier defeated Zabuza, materialized before her. His presence alone was enough to paralyze the remaining rogues, their movements stilled by his aura of power. Haku turned his gaze towards Ella, who was panting heavily from her fierce struggle.

"Why did you come here?" he asked, his eyes studying her carefully, searching for any sign of a threat.

"What do you think you're doing Haku?!" A short man yelled out coming into view.

Before Ella could respond, a voice rang out, cutting through the tension. "What do you think you're doing, Haku?!" A short man emerged into view, his tone filled with anger.

"Gato..." Haku replied, his voice carrying an air of resignation.

"Who is this wretch?" Gato demanded, his eyes narrowing as he took in the scene of chaos and the injured rogues scattered around.

Ella met Gato's gaze with a defiant glare, refusing to show any weakness. "My name is Ella Sakamoto."

Recognition flashed across Gato's face. "The Sakamoto girl?"

He smirked at the revelation, his eyes shifting to Haku. "I need you to bring her down to that room."

Haku nodded, gesturing for Ella to follow him. She had little choice but to comply, fully aware of the danger posed by Gato and his ruthless men. Haku led Ella down into a room beneath the building, where she was confronted by a group of men surrounding a large table.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the famous Ella Sakamoto," Gato greeted her with a smug smile. "You're quite the troublemaker, aren't you?"

Ella remained silent, her gaze fixed on Gato, refusing to show any fear.

"You know, I've been wanting to meet you for some time now," Gato continued, his tone dripping with arrogance. "You and your little friends have been causing me a lot of problems."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ella replied with a cool demeanor.

Gato laughed dismissively. "Oh, don't be coy. I know all about your little mission to protect this village. And I must say, I'm quite impressed by your skills."

Ella kept her composure, her expression unyielding, aware that showing vulnerability would be a grave mistake.

"Here's the deal, Sakamoto," Gato offered, his tone shifting. "You leave this island, and I'll spare your life. Simple as that."

Ella shook her head firmly. "I can't do that. I made a promise to protect this village, and I intend to keep it."

Gato's smile faded, replaced by a cold and menacing expression. "You're making a big mistake, girl. You have no idea who you're dealing with."

"I know exactly who I'm dealing with," Ella retorted, her voice unwavering. "A greedy, power-hungry man who doesn't care about anyone but himself."

 Haku's concern for Ella was evident in his glare, but he followed Gato's orders reluctantly. With a conflicted expression, he knocked Ella unconscious and carefully caught her when she crumpled to the ground.

"What do you intend to do with her?" Haku questioned, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and unease.

Gato's gaze remained cold and calculating as he glanced at Haku. "I am just going to do some testing, is all. Now set her down on the table, and leave."

"As you wish," Haku replied, his tone filled with reluctance. He gently laid Ella on the table and cast one last worried look at her before hesitantly exiting the room, leaving her alone with Gato and his ominous intentions.

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