Wings of a Wizard (Harry Pott...

By IroniumToy47

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"I died in my sleep. I'd lived a good life, despite my less-than-stellar upbringing, and my teenage years. Ha... More

Prologue (PLZ READ 1ST)
New Life
An Unexpected Event Pt.1
An Unexpected Event Pt.2
An Unexpected Event Pt.3
An Unexpected Event Pt.4
More than High School Pt.1
More than High School Pt.2
More than High School Pt.3
More than High School Pt.4
Save the First Dance Pt.1
Save the First Dance Pt.3
Save the First Dance Pt.4
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.1
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.2
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.3
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.4
Miss Magix Pt.1
Miss Magix Pt.2
Miss Magix Pt.3
Miss Magix Pt.4
The Swordsmith Pt.1
The Swordsmith Pt.2
The Swordsmith Pt.3
The Swordsmith Pt.4
A Job for Bloom Pt.1
A Job for Bloom Pt.2
A Job for Bloom Pt.3
A Job for Bloom Pt.4
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.1
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.2
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.3
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.4
Mind of a Child Pt.1
Mind of a Child Pt.2
Mind of a Child Pt.3
Mind of a Child Pt.4
rejected sections pt.1
Darko's Plan Pt.1
Darko's Plan Pt.2
Darko's Plan Pt.3
Darko's Plan Pt.4
Day of the Lily Pt.1
Day of the Lily Pt.2
Day of the Lily Pt.3

Save the First Dance Pt.2

292 16 3
By IroniumToy47

X - normal text

X - text where Bloom is not present

'X' - thoughts

'#$X#$' - Parseltongue

Chapter: : Save the First Dance Pt.2: 


I was back in the snow. The sky was dark, and the air was freezing. I shivered and rubbed my bare arms, my nightie offering no protection against the frigid air. 


There's that voice! 


And it's repeating my name. 


Gold swept past my vision. That hadn't happened before. 


Do you know me, Bloom? 

I followed the gold stream, finding another. Weaving and shifting, like loose cloth and fabric. A bright contrast against the cold and dreary landscape. 

Do you remember my voice? 

"What are you?" I whispered, trying not to lose sight of the gold in the blizzard of snow. 

Bloom, remember. 

My eyes snap open, and I shoot up, gasping for air. What was that? 

My dreams at night had been the same, the same weird dream. I'd find myself in a dark void, hearing that same woman's voice. This time, this...dream had been longer, and I'd seen something new. Golden streamers, kinda like the ones you see on fancy muggle outfits. 

To be fair, I really can't call them weird dreams, especially not when my past self would fall asleep and end up looking through a Dark Lord's eyes. 

I wonder if those were...visions. 

Visions repeat themselves, as I found out when Voldemort sent repeated visions of the Department of Mysteries' locked doors to the Prophecy Hall. And could send very realistic visions, as I learned the hard way when I acted upon a vision of Voldemort torturing Sirius in the prophecy hall for the prophecy about Voldemort, and my last life's self: Harry. 

Someone was sending me these visions. I'd realized that fact after the vision I had at home back on Earth started to repeat itself. It wasn't often, so far once per month, but it was becoming more frequent. 

This was the fourth night when sleeping that I'd experienced that vision. Unlike all the other times (cough, memories, cough) I had experienced with visions, this was very different. 

It was a woman's voice, beautiful, angelic, and somehow familiar. The voice's owner keeps calling out to me, getting stronger and louder with each vision. 

For some reason, that call I get with these visions goes straight to my core, literally and metaphorically. The Dragon Flame is also affected by these visions, as I find myself more easily able to access its power after one. 

I've yet to see this woman, although I suspect that it is a nymph. But why would a nymph be calling me? And how can a nymph affect the Dragon Flame? 

This isn't like The Siren's Call, although I cannot rule that out. 

I haven't returned this call (not like I know how to), and I'm certain that it is not the bonds I have with my family. All three are dark. I don't know if that means they're indisposed or broken. I suppose that it would be something to research. 

Still, I cannot discount this as manipulation from my Headmistress. Call me paranoid, but I spent years getting out from underneath the thumb of an old man who thought he was god because he held a wand crafted by Death, bonded to a Phoenix, and single-handedly ended the second magical World War. 

I don't know enough about her apart from the fact that everyone loves her. Dumbledore was beloved by much of Europe as well. I had little evidence against her, but for all I knew, her grandmotherly persona was an act. Doing something like this could potentially be up her alley, especially if she suspects more about me than she lets on. 

Should I discount my paranoia and pull a Gryffindor for once? Not a chance. Not only has my Slytherin mindset and my paranoia kept me from attracting more dangerous attention, but I've found myself liking this ever-constant state of alertness. Plus, scheming and concocting strategies and ideas is so fun! 

I sighed, getting out of bed to dress. It's Friday, week two. We have to be in the Great Atrium in less than an hour. Might as well get a move-on. 

'Sorry strange nymph voice, but you're getting no girl-scout cookies from me. Regardless of who you are, or what connection you might or might not have with my home planet.' 


Daphne huffed in irritation as she picked up the gist of her sister's thoughts from across their bond. Really now, she knew that their family was stubborn to a fault, but her sister has taken things to a whole new level! 

Ever since Bloom started using the Dragon Flame, Daphne was able to feel her, faintly. Her presence--still faint-- grew when she crossed over to the Magix Dimension. Her baby sister was closer than she'd ever been, and yet, so out of reach. 

It was frustrating, considering that she thought she'd killed her sister when the Ancestresses sabotaged her portal. And now that her sister is back, she feels more than relieved. But also a little annoyed. 

Either Bloom isn't receiving the weak visions Daphne is attempting to send through their bond (which nearly broke after the Original Coven stripped her of her body and cursed her power), or more likely, she is getting them but is ignoring them. 

She might not have the best concept of time on Domino--there are no updated versions of calendars--nor are there any sundials left, but her instincts tell her that Bloom is at Alfea for a new school year. 

When she gave Bloom her piece of the Dragon Flame, she lost nearly all of her connection to the Great Dragon's power bar the lingering remnants in her blood. The faintest link remained; had she not given up the spark of the Flame that she had, she might've been able to communicate with her sister easier. 

As it was, she was growing weaker with Domino. Existing solely as a spirit, she couldn't interact with solid objects, so there was nothing she could do to help her dying homeworld. Being one of the last members of a dying race isn't easy. 

'Then again, neither is being the Supreme Guardian of the Keeper of the Dragon Flame', Daphne thought sardonically. 

She wasn't exactly accomplishing much on that front either, apart from sending Bloom away from the Ancestress's clutches and taking the brunt of their fury. She couldn't protect her sister while she was stuck here, nor could she help raise her sister in the ways of their people when she was tethered to Domino as a waning spirit.

But Daphne was a Fyre. She wasn't as stubborn (publically) as her father (who was known for having an iron will so strong that not even the darkest of mind control magics could sway him) when he set his mind to a task, or as committed (publically) as her mother (who was known for dedicating days at a time to her research and always finding or discovering something), but she has her bloodline's stubborn streak--to a fault. 

She would strive to find a way to contact her sister and get her back home. If Bloom couldn't, or wouldn't meet her halfway in the bond, then she'd get into Bloom's head and make contact. 

The only thing that worries her more is the emotions or lack thereof she's starting to get from Bloom's end of the family bond. Daphne remembered when she would feel everything that her sister felt. 

Curiosity, awe, wonder, shyness, happiness, excitement, love, and affection. Bloom had been the sweetest baby in all of Sparx--everyone from servants to nobility to royalty from other realms said so. The innocent gem of a war-hardened kingdom. The shining light that pierced all the shadows. 

From what Daphne has been able to feel--which isn't much--every positive emotion that her baby sister had is just...gone. 

The only thing she has ever felt are flickers of slight fear and anger, real anger, every now and then. Sometimes, that anger is followed by the feeling of the Dragon Flame, which Daphne knows she could only feel if Bloom was channeling the Great Beast's power. 

Questions she yearns to ask, yet fears the answers for spring to mind:  

Who found her after she sent her through the portal? 

Was Bloom raised by a good family? 

Were they loving? 

Were they abusive? 

Was her family killed in front of her, scarring her for life? 

Because whoever Bloom is now is not the loving little girl that Daphne knew fifteen years ago. 

Going down that tangent nearly makes her explode with fury--something that she cannot afford while her magic reserves are already so low. 

Still, if someone hurt her baby sister, dead or alive, corporeal or spirit, Daphne will make them rue the day that they hurt her little fire angel. 

That is not a threat, but a promise. 


"--And lastly, I am excited to reveal which group or fairy's submission for our contest was accepted, and will be opening the Back-to-School Ball with any male of their choosing from the invited schools!" 

It was Friday again, week two. We were all gathered in the Great Atrium for breakfast, which actually started a little earlier. Like last week's Tuesday, attendance had been mandatory. I'm guessing that it was because of this announcement. 

Stella and Musa looked identical at this moment--their hands tightly gripping the edges of the table, knuckles white, their gazes locked onto Headmistress Dowling. Flora was fidgeting in her seat nervously. Tecna was busy on her device (I still have no idea if that is a futuristic computer or tablet with a keyboard accessory), adding in data and calculating the likelihood of our group's entry being chosen. 

We did go all out, to be fair. I drew each decoration that we made on the large posters from three angles, shading in the appropriate colors. 

Stella had decided the placements on almost everything (she was better at it than I), and Tecna had taken another poster to make the blueprints for where everything should go. Musa and Flora helped wherever they could, but mainly aided me in shading posters from different angles of the Great Atrium & Courtyard for the ball. 

We did do more, but I was still hesitant as to whether or not I wanted our group to be picked, despite dedicating almost an entire day to designing the stuff for the ball. We'd submitted everything in a folder under our group name. 

I myself was drumming my fingers against the table, my eyes also focused on the professor's table. 

"Bear in mind that regardless of whichever group was chosen, I trust that all of you young ladies will be good sports about it, and work with your peers to decorate the school according to the selected theme." 

Griselda clapped her hands loudly when a group of girls started to scoff loudly. 

"Now, we have just under two-hundred submissions. This was a hard decision for the staff as a whole, but one entry stood out from the rest." Headmistress Faragonda Dowling's expression shifted into a warm smile. "Would the alias or group known as the 'Winx' please stand?" 

All our jaws dropped. My heart started beating in my chest. No bloody way. I kind of expected it, but, for us to have been chosen...

All my dorm mates looked just as shocked as I was. I don't think they expected to get chosen either. Stella snapped us out of it. "Come on girls. We're in, there's no backing out now." 

We all stood just as Faragonda was about to call again. I blushed as I felt hundreds of eyes turn on us. Many of the other girls--especially from the older years--had expressions ranging from disbelief, shock, annoyance, jealousy, bitterness, anger, eagerness, and interest. 

I glanced towards the staff table and saw other emotions. Surprise, curiosity, interest, and pride could be seen in many of our professor's expressions. 

Faragonda pulled out a folder--our folder!--and cleared her throat. "These lovely girls, while a little younger than most of our annual winners, submitted their theme with more than just a word or description. They went all out, creating designs for each decoration, specific placements for their designs and decor, many of which do not come from any of our realms. Creativity. Originality. Love. Dedication. Specification. These are all traits that went into their work, and with an overwhelming majority, the staff has chosen their theme for tonight's ball! This means that these five girls will be the ones to open the first dance at our ball!" 

Flora and I blushed under Faragonda's praise and kind words. Stella beamed and posed. Musa waved a hand shyly. And Tecna stood awkwardly. 

I could see many sullen and upset faces. Some girls even looked like they were about to cry. Faragonda's words addressed them next. "Do not fret if you did not win this contest. There will be a dance or two every term, and this contest is open for the first of each." 

I could see that her words relieved the tension of many in the school, but others were still disgruntled and upset. Amaryl was giving us a heated glare. I averted my eyes, looking away from our table to the rest of the hall again. 

I spotted Freddi and her twin Georgia waving and giving me thumbs up with eager, excited expressions on their faces. I smiled back and waved before looking up as Faragonda addressed us again. 

"You may sit girls." We did, still feeling eyes on us, but glad. 

Our headmistress cleared her throat. "Professors will assign students to groups with one of our staff supervising your work as you decorate the Great Atrium and our courtyard. Your professors and myself will be performing a majority of the more complex spellwork, but others are welcome to aid us in our tasks if they so wish." 

She smiled as she saw raised hands. "The reason why you are all being given these tasks is that classes are canceled today. Any homework or assignments you have for a professor can be turned in the following class." 

Well, that was convenient. And helpful.  

"That is all, thank you." Headmistress Dowling sat back down, and conversation exploded at every table. Many gazes kept on being cast our way. 

"Do they have to stare?" Flora asked quietly, blushing adorably. 

Stella shrugged, seemingly unaffected. Course, she lived for this kind of stuff. "They did just get trounced by us." 

"Trounced?" Amaryl had moved down a few seats, and she was glaring at us. "How dare you!" 

Stella glanced at her, unimpressed. "Having a tantrum does you no favors. Just accept the loss and move on. It's not like you had that much of a chance, there were hundreds of entries." 

'Ouch.' I winced. I wouldn't have delivered it that way. That was rather insensitive. 

Amaryl opened her mouth to say something else, but Griselda appeared over her shoulder and cleared her throat. Amaryl got up, but the look on her face clearly said that this wasn't over. 

Stella sighed in relief. "Seriously, Amaryl's a bitch." 

Musa and Flora gasped. "Stella!" 

"What?" Stella defended. "If things don't go her way and the world doesn't cater to her every need and whim she acts like a spoiled three-year-old brat instead of the daughter of a wealthy Solarian Baron. Quiet frankly it's embarrassing what she's done to her and her family's reputation." 

"You could be a little more sensitive." I pointed out. Stella tilted her head in silent acknowledgment. 

Musa was practically writhing with excitement. "Oh, I cannot believe that our entry got picked!" 

Stella wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "And it was all thanks to Bloom. She's the one who brought raw material to the table. Who knew that Earth Culture would be such a hit!" 

I blushed. Wow, I've been doing that a lot lately. Too much praise. Luckily I have this complex that makes me embarrassed, rather than letting praise go to my head and feed my ego. "All I did was show you, girls, a couple of drawings inspired by Christmas." 

"I still await a full lecture on Earth culture," Tecna said eagerly. 

"Come to Earth when term ends and I'll do you one better. A full field trip and crash course." I offered. Tecna wasn't the only girl in our group that appeared to be contemplating that offer. 

As soon as we all finished breakfast, we made to leave. "Bloom! Wait up!" 

We turned to see Freddi and her sister approach. "Hey, Freddi! Is she your twin?" 

"Georgina, at your service." Georgina mock-curtsied, and we all giggled. 

We began to move again, with the Westley Twins. "So, what did you submit that soaked all the professor's panties?" 

Stella choked on water that she'd been sipping as we walked. Flora blushed furiously and Tecna looked puzzled by the phrase. Musa giggled quietly and I snickered. 

Freddi slapped Stella on the back, knocking the water out of her windpipe. "Ft-anks" Stella coughed. 

"Not to worry, love," Freddi said cheerfully. Georgina looked at me. "So, Bloom?" 

"All I did was take some decorations and designs from different holidays on Earth and mix them together with my friends." I shrugged. 

The redhead's gazes both snapped to me. "So you're from Earth?" Freddi asked eagerly. "The magicless realm?" 

I nodded. "Born, adopted, and raised as far as I know." 

"Adopted?" The twin's eyes got big before they squealed in unison. "Oh my gosh, that is so awesome! You come from a magicless realm, but you're doing so good here!" 

I grinned. "I have no idea how I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow." 

We walked in silence for a bit, until Tecna broke it. "Second week and classes are canceled," she muttered. 

"Cheer up," Georgina said brightly. "There's plenty of work to do if that's what you want." 

"And decorating," Freddi muttered with a wistful look in her eye. "I tell you, this year is going to be the year." 

We Winx members were confused. "What is going to be the year?" 

Freddi leaned in and whispered, "Professor Avalon is going to be the chaperone along with Malacoy's headmaster." 

"We'll finally have our shot at bagging him." Georgina bragged. 

The gears were turning in Stella's head. "Wait! That professor? Strong jaw, brooding dark eyes, pale delicious skin..." 

"Broad chest--" Freddi said. 

"--strong arms--you got it, girl!" Georgina said with a sultry grin. Seems they also finished each other's sentences. And fantasized over the same male, just like the Weasley Twins did over Angelina. 

"I'm more worried about the kind of music that they're going to play," Musa said. "I mean, what's dancing without music?" 

Stella sniffed. "I'll worry about what to wear. Clothes are important too." 


Turns out, we actually saved ourselves a lot of work. By making blueprints (good job Tecna!) for the professors, we didn't have to direct or tell others where we wanted things put up, because it was already specified in our entry. Which was actually a nice change of pace, considering that interior and exterior designing and decorating was stressful and time-consuming. 

"I am wiped out." Stella groaned. The rest of us were slightly winded but no less tired. 

We'd spent most of the morning putting up decorations around the areas of the school that our visitors would be in. Headmistress Dowling was directing everything, and each of the professors had taken a group of students and put them to work. 

Some groups had been separated further. Flora had been paired with me and Terra, as well as over a dozen other nature or plant-themed fairies. Wizgiz worked with us to make Christmas wreaths and spread ivy and Mistletoe. I was simply there because I knew exactly what they were supposed to look like, and they could use me as a reference point. 

He looked very confused about a specific enchantment--we girls all giggled knowingly (Flora and I spilled the beans)--I had requested but agreed to add it to the mistletoes. 

Stella worked with Amaryl and other fairies to shine the light through the ice that the professors and weather-related fairies worked hard to put up. 

After lunch, the Great Atrium had been completely transformed. Now we were back in our dorm, preparing our dresses. Well, they were. 

I still had nothing to wear except for last year's prom blue dress. The top half was a halter, with a v-plunging neckline, and left the upper half of my back bare. It also had a leg slit on the left side that rose up to half of my thigh. It was nice and snug when I first wore it and hugged my body perfectly. 

With all the growing that my 'girls' have done, I had doubts about it fitting. And even if it did, I was unsure if it would be ok, considering how much more conservative Magix was. If Stella--whose realm was considered more 'modern'--nearly fainted at the sight of a public lingerie and sex toy store, how would the rest of them react to me in a revealing, braless dress? 

Flora and I went to look at our options. She started to undress, and I turned my back to her, but not before getting a glimpse of a deliciously tanned large bubble butt that wobbled

'You innocent, ignorant, naughty temptress'. 

I stripped down naked. Kiko was in the common room, so he wasn't there to squeak and faint at my nudeness. My prom dress was the only formal wear I packed, so unless I go shopping I really had no choice. 

Reluctantly, I stepped into my dress and started to pull it up. Up my legs, over my thighs, then up and around my shoulders. 

It was nice and more than a little snug, hugging my bottom globes and clinging to every curve I had, making it look as though someone had painted my skin and curves. It fit me perfectly, except for one thing. 

I stared down in irritation. 'You got to be kidding me'. 

The way my dress was designed was to cover three-fourths of my breasts, leaving the sides of my inner cleavage visible. The bottom part also pushed them up some, leaving angles of cleavage exposed, like a v-neck with a little longer slit that flashed the skin above my navel. 

My boobs were pushed together in an enticing view of cleavage, but they were hanging out of my dress. Pushed together and upward, like someone peeling back the wrapper and leaving chocolate bars whole and bare. Taunting and slutty, my pink and puckered nipples begging to be touched. 

The bloody fuck. 

I blushed red and tried my hardest to pull the sides of my dress over my boobs, but I only succeeded in covering the sides of them. The inner sides of my breasts, as well as my pink teats, were still on display for any hot-blooded males to ogle. I pulled again, but when I felt the fabric reach the limit I stopped. I didn't want to tear this dress. 

"This is not going to work," I muttered, poking one of my hard nubs, only for a pleasurable tingle to travel through my body. 

"What's not going to work?" I jumped as I heard Flora ask behind me. I blushed furiously, keeping my back to her. 

"Uh, nothing," I muttered, slightly embarrassed. 

I felt her hand on my shoulder and tensed. "Bloom? Is something wrong?" 

I shivered as her hot breath reached my ear and neck. Dammit, Flora! That's one of Andy's favorite spots to tease me! The thoughts of Andy snap me out of my haze. Seriously (I blame the Dragon Flame for this) whenever I feel a bit of pleasure, I get aroused, like soak-panties until I squirt aroused. And very passionate, which the Dragon Flame has been known to induce in its bearers. 

Merlin, now I sound like I'm impregnated with the Flame. 


I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "Nothing Flora. Just realized that the top part of my dress is too...erm...small." I sighed, feeling a little bit sad. It had been my favorite dress to wear to special events, complete with matching gloves. 

"And you don't have another dress?" she asked me, putting slight pressure on my shoulder so that I will turn. I did, one hand covering my exposed chest. As I spun around, Flora's features colored as she realized just what my jutting, jiggling problem was. And I saw her dress. 

Flora's dress started out in a sleeveless, shoulder-bearing corset colored a dark coral pink. Her corset cut off around where her thighs would start, and the skirt part of her dress began, flowing down from her wide hips and ending just above her ankles. The sides were lined with vines and the bottom was also lined with green vines. On the front, (& back) of her dress was a single, wide flower in the same dark pink. The skirt part was done in a bubble-gum pink, and her lips were naturally rosy pink.  

A unique flower (the same color as her corset) along with leaves decorated her hair, which had two buns on either side. The rest of her hair fell down to frame her face and flow over her shoulders and down her back. 

She blushed as she realized what my problem was. "Oh! Um, that's bad." 

I huffed. "Yeah, I know." Flora's blush seemed here to stay as her eyes would dip down to my cleavage, which you could see a lot of, bar the centers of each of my breasts. 

I turned and pulled a yellow t-shirt over the dress before stripping. I slid a strapless bra on with soft, cotton blue panties before pulling up a set of flaring jeans that Stella bought for me. 

I glared at the dress lying innocently on the bed. Flora walked over. "Do you need help?" 

I shrugged. "I either need to pick something else to wear, or I need to do some sewing." On the run during Voldemort's reign, Hermione and Harry picked up some very useful skills. Skills that I would benefit from. 

Still, I'd need some form of other cloth if I wanted to make modifications to the dress, and not just in the chest area. Don't get me wrong, my ass looks great in almost anything, but I'd rather not wear something that hugs it to the point that they know the exact shape, placement, proportion, and where the crack of my cheeks are. 

I sighed. "If we hadn't got picked, I might've skipped the ball," I admitted. 

Flora walked over and sat down on the bed beside me. Flora gave me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Bloom. It was your work that got us the...'W'?" 

I nodded, a smile starting to form on my features. "You're catching on." 

Flora smiled, her gaze knowing and sympathetic. "Honestly, if we weren't picked, I might've stayed too, with you, so you weren't left alone. I'm not really one for balls anyways. We could've watched one of your culture's movies, gotten some snacks from the kitchens, or gone exploring." She paused, then added, "And I could've made us a special herbal tea so we could sleep easier." 

My heart swelled. Here was a servant of nature giving me a glimpse of a possible alternate future, all out of kindness. I grabbed her hand and her shoulder, leaning in for a hug, being careful not to mess up her appearance. Merlin knows Stella would have a fit if I messed up her hard work. 

"I can lend you a hand." Flora offered shyly, wrapping an arm around my shoulder to return the gesture. I beamed and squeezed her hand gratefully, a pang of guilt blooming in my chest. 

Flora was so sweet, so nice, so caring, so naive. She was a perfect mesh of innocence and caring. Honestly, I feared the day that the secrets I carried would come out. Make no mistake, they always did at Hogwarts, and knowing Murphy's Laws, Potter Luck, and Fate, the information about me and my last life would surface sooner than later. 

Flora would be the best person to tell, apart from Stella. Stella--as I'd come to learn--was very good at keeping her secrets. I was still having trouble getting her to open up about her parents. 

But I just couldn't. I couldn't say anything about what I knew, what I suspected, what I feared. That I was reincarnated as the second princess of Domino, Keeper of the Dragon Flame. That I remembered my last life as a wizard, child soldier, father, general, and husband. 

Even though I'd separated myself from Harry's memories, they would always be a part of me. 

I withdrew suddenly, hiding my face, lest she see my guilt. I was never good at hiding guilt. Other emotions? I could just fine. There is a reason why Hermione used to say that Harry had a literal guilt trip. 


I shook my head. "Just hoping that I can handle being around other magicals, especially with their auras running free." It was a lie, that wasn't what I was currently dwelling on, but it was also the truth. I was worried about how I'd handle a room full of various magical creatures with unrestrained auras. 

In class, I barely got by, and sometimes when the auras that surrounded me were too much I could focus on using my magic. It was rather frustrating, and I seriously needed to master my base fairy form, if only so I could channel the ridiculous healing properties that the Dragon Flame came with into my body. 

I wasn't the only one who hadn't unlocked their basic fairy form, but with each passing day, I grew more and more worried (and jealous) as girls would show off their new wings and sparkling outfits to each other, giggling and gossiping about how they unlocked it. 

Never have I desired something so feminine so much. 

Flora's brow furrowed. "If you're feeling unwell, maybe we could ask the headmistress to excuse you. You shouldn't be forced to suffer in a room with hundreds when you can barely handle a room full of sixty girls. I would think that Headmistress Faragonda would understand that." 

"Stella might not," I muttered. "Especially after she lent you girls money to buy better dresses." 

"Bloom! Why are you not ready yet? Perfection takes time, you should have your hair done!" 

Stella, Musa, and Flora entered our dorm, all bar Stella in their own dresses.

Tecna wore a two-layer gown that consisted of a pale purple dress with light pink outlines. The skirt part of her dress cut off at her inner thighs. She wore two-inch heel boots that cut off just below her knees but also left some of her calves exposed.

She had a triangular collar at the top that rose above her head, which was actually a part of the outer layer. The collar moved down into a small, zip-up top with shoulder pads. A purple stone was set over the center of her breasts, to which the top of the collar was connected. top flowed outward, allowing viewers to see the actual part of her dress, flowing out like the train of a gown. The overall color of her outer layer was in a pale shade of deep blue-grey with green details and outlines.

Musa wore an overlapping two-piece outfit. The bottom half was pink pants with a red outline. Red patterns and swirls traveled off the bottom hem upwards in a strangely attractive pattern. The dress pants (ceremonial pants? I don't know) were long enough that they covered her three-inch red heels.

The top piece of her outfit was a slanting sleeve shirt that fell lower on her right side but only covered Musa's left hip--barely. The bottom of the slanted shirt had a light purple outline with the same From her upper hips to just below her breasts was a bluish-black (the same color as her hair) waist corset that hugged her body. It had gold strings that wrapped around over the corset before tying in a dangling neat mess of bows on the side.

Just above her corset was another of those spirals, rising up from the area where the corset was and curling at the edge of the top of her...shirt. Her left shoulder was partially covered, the right hanging on her bicep (the top clearly wasn't made to fit her shoulder frame, but she made it work).

Her sleeves were long, almost too long in my opinion (I know I'm not a fashion queen or a celebrity stylist, but I'm fairly sure that you're not supposed to wear an outfit that isn't twice as big on you so that you have to roll up the sleeves just so you can use your hands. The ends of her sleeves clearly had been modified, as they were resewn with gold stitching so that they fell downward.

Honestly, her outfit reminded me of older Asian dress styles for women. And the outfit that the Disney character Mulan wore at the start of the children's movie.

Like Tecna's gown, Musa also had a triangular collar. The outside of hers was red to match her top, but the inside was the same color purple, just like how the outside of Tecna's outer layer was a shade of pale blue-gray lighter than the inside. A single red strip of fabric trailed up her collarbone to reach the collar, wrapping around her neck like a choker, a single red gem in the center of the fabric over her neck.

Her hair was styled so four strands of curled hair fell down to her waist. The rest of her hair was in its natural two bunches, although I noticed that she had more hair hanging low over her face, kinda giving her a seductive look. She also wore a red diadem with yellow markings in her hair similar to a hairband.

All in all, every girl here looked amazing. And I felt that stirring rumble of jealousy in me, which I suppressed. 

Stella came over and started to lecture. "Bloom! Come on!" 

I rubbed my temples tiredly, suppressing the building headache. My gut intuition told me that something bad was going to happen tonight. But I didn't know what it was, or how to say it without being brushed off, sounding crazy, or making the girls suspicious. 

"Stella, can't you see that Bloom's exhausted?" Flora said sternly, protectively. "She isn't feeling well." 

"It's probably just nerves." Stella dismissed. "Besides, makeup can help in the exhaustion department. No one will notice her shadows when I'm done with her." 

"Stella," Flora growled, actually growled, to my shock. 

Stella huffed. "Don't give me that, Flora. Musa and Tecna have already told me how irresponsible it is to bring Bloom down there." 

"There is a risk that her magical system will give out five minutes into the ball," Tecna said in a monotone. "About an eight-nine percent risk that she will collapse and lose motor function and a sixty-nine percent chance that she will pass out when she reaches the stage prior to magical burnout." 

There was an awkward silence as we all processed Tecna's statement. 

Stella sighed, her shoulders sagging. "I know, I know. I just want you to be there with us. I want all my girls there." 

She wrapped her arms around me. "Without you--" she cut off, her body trembling. "--my body would probably still be lying on Earth for someone to discover." 

Slowly, I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly, breathing in her scent. Warm, pineapple, sand. 

"If you're not going, I might as well not go either," Stella said. 

"But we have to open the dance." I pointed out. 

Flora shrugged. Her eyes were the only sign that was betraying her disappointment. "It's a dance. Your well-being and health come first." 

My heart fluttered, gratitude filling my body. "Thank you, girls. I really don't want to be in the infirmary and ruin everyone's fun." 

"Ofelia will kill us if we bring you in again unconscious and near magical burnout," Musa added. 

Stella huffed, annoyed. She decided to pull the line on me that I used when I wanted us to go to Magix City on our first day at Alfea. "Where is the fiery girl who risked her life for a fairy she didn't even know? The girl who braved her way through attendance with over two hundred auras all in close proximity to her, and didn't waver, despite my protests? What happened to the girl--"

I groaned, massaging my temples. The Dragon Flame was tense too, either projecting onto my anxieties and fears, or feeding off of them. 

"Stella! Quit it!" Musa snapped. 

"No." Stella snapped back. She turned to me. "Please, Bloom? I will get on my knees and beg--" 

Musa's snort of disbelief was ignored by Stella. I was still unsure what transpired between those two, but they had a like-dislike relationship. "--if I have to. Come on girl, Brandon will probably be there." 

"Who said I was interested?" I asked dryly, trying to avoid the building migraine. I cross my arms. "Besides, who would miss me if I wasn't there?" 

"I would!" Stella said instantly. 

"So would I," Flora added quietly. Musa and Tecna also nodded. I choked up. 

I don't know what happened, one moment I was fine, and the next I was trying to hold back tears of gratitude. There was still a part of me from Harry that anticipated and expected rejection. Almost two decades of neglect and abuse from a horrid trio of relatives take years to heal after all, and there are lingering scars. 

Maybe I still had psychological issues from my past life that carried over. My vision was wavering and I took deep breaths, pushing back the pounding in my head. 

I glanced at Stella, who was still in her pale yellow nightgown. Time to change the subject, before I blew something up. "Stella, what are you going to wear?" 

She snapped her fingers, and the dress shot out of the door into her hand. "Ta-da!" 

Stella's dress was clearly made to entice, but to be discreet. It drew attention, flashing a bit of skin and curves, but enough that it was still appropriate for a princess to wear (I think, it was kinda revealing), which was perfect for Stella. It fit her personality, in all honesty.

Sure, most of our casual wear meant that people in Magix left their midriffs, arms, legs, and shoulders bare, but it was just so accepting, so natural (on Earth, miniskirts were NOT as accepted). There was just a comforting 'feel' to them here that there most certainly wasn't on Earth.

Rather ironic considering how 'backward' this society claims to be. If that were the case, where's the stuffy robes? 

Unlike Magix's everyday outfits, Stella's dress was meant to tease and hint. Her dress was a dark orange, with the top designed very similar to a bikini. It started out like a triangle but wrapped around the sides and held together at the back. A unique blue crystal design wrapped around the front of the orange fabric before connecting to a crystal blue gem in the center between Stella's breasts angled downward.

It was angled so that the rest of Stella's dress could be connected. The upper fabric of Stella's dress left her sides bare while covering up her front and back and turned into a skirt piece that neatly hugged her thighs in dark orange, with gold lines that made it appear as though it was a cocoon.

The last piece of her dress was a pale orange skirt underneath. Finishing the look was a blue choker with a gold jewel in the center (matching her eye color) that actually connected to the bikini part of her dress. She was already wearing blue bracelets and had a blue headband in her hair. Her hair itself was left hanging free, flowing down her back to just above her butt.

"A party is only as good as what you wear to it. And of course, I refuse to go unnoticed." Stella lifted it up so we could see the dress from all angles. 

"Of course." I teased, my lip twitching. Stella stuck her tongue out at me in good humor before doing a little twirl, much more graceful than myself. 

"Mind you, this wasn't cheap. I maxed out the credit card Father gave me, but I didn't have a choice." Stella pretended to mash her face and hands up against an invisible wall. "It was just calling from the shop, 'buy me, buy me please'." 

"And of course, you answered its plea. How very noble of you." Musa teased. 

"It's meant to draw attention. And it's so totally you." I added. 

Stella winked. "You know me too well." 

She then glared at the Scepter of Solaria, resting innocently in its ring form on her finger. "The only issue I have is that my ring doesn't go with it." 

"Pity we can't just use magic to make outfits," Flora commented. She, Musa, and I had stayed up late last night having an intellectual discussion on the pros and cons of Alfea's students being able to use magic outside of class, in the halls, and in our dorms. 

Tecna nodded. "Yeah, it took me forever to find this thing." 

"Where'd you get it? Mars?" Musa teased some more. 

Tecna actually got offended, which now that I think about it, was what Musa was probably trying to do, get her more in touch with her emotions. "I researched it thoroughly before Stella gave lent me a hand monetarily. This is the latest in Zenith formal fashion trends. And in fabric technology." 

"At least it won't wrinkle." Stella commented as she studied it with what I like to call her 'fashion eye'. 

"I hear the boys from Red Fountain are cute," Musa added with a pointed look at Tecna. Oh yes, she was definitely trying to provoke responses. 

"Guys? Why should I care about them? Relationships right now have a seventy-three percent risk of falling apart at our current age, therefore it is illogical to consider them." Tecna said. 

I snorted. "Tecna dear, you're going to draw attention. The way that thing hugs your curves is even making me question my sexuality." Score! 

I shot Musa a look as Tecna blushed--she actually blushed! 

"Then why dress like an absolute diva?" Musa pressed. 

Tecna's blush faded as she glared--she actually glared! "That's beside the point. When you attend a ceremony, it is logical to dress the part." 

Stella then noticed my dress lying on the bed. "Oh! Is this what you're going to wear Bloom?" She picked it up after putting her's down, admiring it from the sides. "Simple, yet alluring. Clearly made to accent existing beauty and to flaunt a little." 

"I was going to wear it, but it's a little small," I grumbled. Flora patted me sympathetically on the back. 

"Small how?" Stella asked. She checked the size. "You're a size adult-small, last I checked." 

"Small in the chest department, because mine grew," I said, feeling heat return to my cheeks. 

The other girls gasped, 'ah'ed, or giggled. "Oh Bloom, this is an easy fix," Stella said cheerfully. 

We exchanged confused looks. "Huh?" I said stupidly. 

"There's a simple solution to any fashion dilemma." Stella tossed back her hair dramatically. "Shopping!" 


Griffin rose from her chair, standing before three witches. "I asked for a clever plan, something that was clever, simple, slightly painful, but rather harmless in the end. One that cannot be directly tied to Cloud Tower, sparing our institution from being shut down by those meddling light geezers." 

She walked around her desk, a cruel, but pleased expression on her harsh features. "Girls, girls. Your proposal was rather...diabolical." 

The three witches dared not glance at each other, not while their headmistress stood before them. "This, this is a truly despicable, horrible, terrible idea." 

The headmistress's cruel smile widened, like a vampire preparing to bite its victim. "Utterly disgusting." 

This time, the witches did glance at each other, nervous, but not because of their headmistress. Oh no, their plan resided on their proposal being accepted. 

"And I love it!" She slammed her fist down on top of the paper that detailed their plan. "Congratulations girls, you're all abominable." 

The trio of witches, despite their appearance, all broke composure to sigh in collective relief. 

Isobel smirked coldly. "I had a feeling that you'd pick our's out." 

Griffin gave them a harsh, twisted grin. "Do make us proud. Remember, your actions tonight will reflect on all witches. Failure is not to be tolerated. Nor is getting caught." 

Isobel, D'arcy, and Beatrix all nodded a smile of ice, one hidden in shadows, and one deranged grin all on their faces. "You will not be disappointed." 

Griffin's face would have terrified a village of pixies if they saw her bloodthirsty grin. "I look forward to hearing your report of a night full of wickedness, broken wishes, shattered dreams, and projectile vomiting. Dismissed." 

With matching grins, the coven known to the fairies as the Trix left. 

A few moments later, a pale, slender figure appeared out of the darkness, the illusion blending her body in with the walls falling. 

Grey-green eyes watched patiently as the Trix vanished from sight before they turned toward Griffin's office. 


"Nope. That one doesn't go with your eyes." 

"Nah, that one clashes horribly with your hair." 

"Hm, that one could work. Actually, no, that collar is unflattering." 

"Nope, that one looks like shit next to your skin complexion." 

I huffed, standing in yet another dress, feeling like a fucking doll that Stella was using to play dress-up. 

I'd lost count of the number of dresses we'd already gone through. Stella had told me that blacks, reds, and white dresses were immediately out. 

Apparently, only black dresses were worn the night you consummated with your husband and he took your maidenhead. White ones were worn only at funerals. And Stella claimed that the red dress would draw attention away from my hair instead of accenting it. 

So now we were working with greens, yellows, pinks, and blues. Personally, I felt that blue would work best, but I had to admit, Stella had a better eye for these things than I did. 

I walked out again, this time in a pink dress that slanted lower to the right than the left, exposing more of my left thigh. Kinda felt like Ariel in The Little Mermaid. Apart from the extra bows and the style of the top of the dress, that's exactly how the flowy part felt. 

Stella paused, considering it. Musa tilted her hand in a so-so gesture. Flora clapped her hands. Tecna shook her head. After a moment, so did Stella. 

I grumbled as I changed into yet another dress in yet another fucking shop. Seriously, this was fucking annoying. There was a reason why I preferred to wear a denim skirt, a leather jacket, and either a loose t-shirt or a crop top underneath. 

I couldn't quite hide the displeasure on my face as I walked out in a blue dress with royal blue outlines. It had a slit to show off my toned tummy, wrapped around one shoulder, leaving the other bare. The dress also came with two simple wrist bangles. 

"And this one?" I asked dryly. 

Stella simply hummed, looking at me from all angles, even having me do a couple of poses. "I like it." she finally announced. 

'Thank Merlin'. I thought, before gaping at the price tag. "Stella, I can't afford this." 

"I could buy it." she offered. I shook my head. "You've bought me more than enough. This is over 13K. And you maxed out your card, remember?" 

Stella winced as she remembered. "That's half of what I paid for my dress. Sorry, Bloom." 

I waved her apology off, now feeling more than a little letdown. My only dress would have my young tits bounce freely like a whore's, and all the dresses I've tried so far were either too expensive, or just clashed horribly with my colors. 

We ate a light afternoon snack at Mooka's Cafe. I looked around grumpily as I sipped my lemonade, or 'Mooka Margarita. 

'Maybe I can get a job here'. I thought. I had no source of active revenue, short of finding a treasury for Domino. Money was a necessary evil in this world, you needed it, and people had killed and died for it. I would need it if I was to survive, as no form of Earth and Magix money conversion existed. 

Finally, the girls got up, ready to head back. Honestly, I was thankful that they'd been willing to undress and take me around town, just to find a fucking dress. 

"You girls go ahead. I'll take it from here." I said, some of my depression seeping into my voice. Wow, I was really getting depressed over not having a dress to wear? Seriously, what the bloody buggering fuck is this life! 

"Are you sure?" Flora asked me, her eyes full of sympathy. 

I nodded. "You girls still have to get ready...again." 

Musa waved it off. "You needed our help. I don't need to put that much effort into getting my getup on." 

I smiled weakly. "Go Winx. I'll see you later." 

"Your probability of success is still very high." Tecna pointed out in her own way. 

"Alright, but you can dm me if you need anything." Stella reminded. Hesitantly, reluctantly, my friends left. 

As soon as I knew they were gone, I walked to a bench and sat. Luna Lovegood had taught a technique to Harry and Hermione for finding things, and it was rather broad, which was perfect for me. 

I reached deep into the wellspring of power inside of me. My eyes glowed orange. I willed myself. 'Find the place that has what I need'. 

My feet began to walk on their own. I felt something, like an anchor, a tug in my chest, pulling me towards a thrift shop. My lip twitched. Stella would have a heart attack if she knew where I was. 

The Alfea Tuition program had given me some money, most of which I'd spent to acquire the books. I still had a large sum, but I wasn't about to blow it on a dress that cost $13, 550 CC. Not that the tuition fee even gave me that much. 

I followed the pull, letting the Dragon Flame guide me. Others were in the thrift store, looking through various racks and bins. I probably would be doing the same if I didn't have the knowledge that I did. 

I allowed the Dragon to guide me to a bin near the far back. A cyan dress with royal blue ribbons, and another wad of cloth that likely belonged to a cape. And both were on sale. 

'Bingo'. I took both to the cash register and quickly made my purchases, luckily avoiding the worst of the growing line behind me. I paused, glancing around the thrift shop. Might as well see about acquiring a few more outfits for school. 

After some perusing and two-hundred Shanix lighter, I left, glancing at a clock. 

Only half an hour had passed. I still had enough time to get back to Alfea, sew, and 'get my getup' on. 


'Brandon' stood in the mirror, buttoning up his dress shirt and adjusting his collar. 

'Sky' stood next to him, already in his black dress shoes, deep blue dress pants and jacket, with the white undershirt and blue-grey tie. His sleeves were folded back and buttoned down into wrist cuffs. 

Riven emerged from the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist. 

Timmy was already dressed, and currently sending rapid messages to a few online friends, including TECNA-Klick that he would be busy this evening. 

TIMBlast8000: Yeah, I'm going to be busy tonight. Alfea's gala and all. 

SereneBRI28: Oh wow. I wish I could go. Sadly I have to wait another year. 

TECNA-Klick: I wouldn't worry too much. I doubt that it's going to be as big as it sounds. 

RavenousDani04: Tec, I get that you're from Zenith and all, but it's going to be a HUGE deal this year. 

TECNA-Klick: What makes it so special? 

TIMBlast8000: Probably because we're going to have five of the seven Magix schools all attending the Alfean Gala for the first time in two hundred years. Usually, it's just Red Fountain and Alfea. 

TECNA-Klick: I see. Well, I will be present at the dance. 

TIMBlast8000: Awesome! Want to meet up? 

TECNA-Klick: Sure. 

Timmy pumped his fist. 

"Did something happen?" 'Sky's eyes were drawn by the movement. 

"You bet. One of my friends is a freshman at Alfea." Timmy slipped off his computer glasses and pulled out new ones. "She agreed to meet up." 

"So, ickle little Timmy got himself a girlfriend?" Riven smirked. 

"Lay off, Riven." 'Brandon' scowled. "We're going to have a fun time, and hopefully find our girls." 

"Well, we already know who you and 'Sky' want, squire." Riven teased, his tone slightly mocking with a twinkle in his eye. At the end of their first year, Sky and Brandon had told them about the swap. Both boys had been surprised, shocked, and a little angry, before they calmed down and thought it over. 

That had been one of the few things that brought their squad closer together, and it provided Riven with endless blackmail material. After all, what prince willingly put their life on the line for a squire, or would lower themselves to take their role? 

As honored as Squires were viewed, their worth still paled in comparison to royalty. 

'Brandon' flushed red. "So? What about it?" 

"She's an ginge." Riven reminded. "Just...don't set your expectations too high." 

"Relax, Riven." 'Sky' attached his blade to his hip in the hip holster. "I'm sure you'll find someone." 

Riven rolled his eyes. "It's not finding someone that I'm worried about." 

None of the others knew what to say to that statement. 

Timmy glanced at his chronometer. "We've got ten minutes left." 

Riven and Brandon finished dressing. 

Then there was a knock at the door. 'Brandon' answered it. Natalia stood on the other side, wearing a conservative curve-hugging dress. Since Red Fountain was a militaristic academy, uniforms were required for all occasions, except when they were outside of school events.

"They're starting to load the ships. Just thought you should know." She said, looking him up and down, then peeking past to see the others well-dressed and rather handsome. 

She nodded with a small smile. "Looking sharp, boys." Then she was gone, her hips swaying as she walked back the way she came. 

"I tell ya, one day I'ma bag her." Riven's comment filled the boys with annoyance. 


Stella turned to look in the mirror. "Mm-hm." she hummed happily as she admired herself from the back. She turned to the front and adjusted the choker around her neck. She then slipped off her ring and put it into a shell ring box. 

She slipped a duplicate into her safe, the other vanishing into the little purse she'd chosen as her accessory for tonight. As Bloom had pointed out, there had been too many attempts to steal her ring by the witches to not keep it close on hand. 

Tecna pulled up her boots, while Musa admired herself in the mirror. 

Flora emerged from her dorm, all dressed. "I hope Bloom finds something to wear." 

"The probability is still high, though it decreases with every passing minute," Tecna shouted from her room. 

Musa snorted as she joined Flora. "Bloom will be fine. She's a tough girl." 

"Just because she's a big girl, doesn't mean that she doesn't have problems," Stella said as she emerged in all her radiant glory. 

"You look good, Stella." Flora complimented. Stella beamed. "You do too." 

"Oh honey, I'm home!" a familiar voice sing-songed. 

The girls all turned towards the entrance. "Bloom!" 


I grinned as I entered the dorm. "Hey, girls!" 

Stella looked at me curiously. "Bloom, where's your dress?" 

I entered my dorm, the Winx following me. "About to be made," I said over my shoulder as I dumped the contents of my shopping bag next to my prom dress. 

I could feel Stella's brain start to overload as she took in the blue dress I bought, which to be honest was rather unflattering. But once I'm done, it would be. 

I grabbed a sketchbook and began to draw, much to my friend's surprise and confusion. "Uh, Bloom? Shouldn't you be uh, customizing the dress?" 

I shook my head. "Not until I know what I want." They were silent for a time as I worked. When my sketch was finished, I handed it to Stella. "What do you think?" 

Stella looked at it, and her eyes widened. She turned back to me with a smile. "You never told me that you could design clothes!" 

I grinned. "You never asked." I shot back as Kiko hopped onto my bed, his nose twitching adorably as he looked at my dresses. He squeaked before hopping to the edge. I smiled tenderly, sending warmth and love down my bond with him before getting to work. 

I pulled out the sewing kit that the dorm came with and grabbed pins and scissors from my own kit. The girls hovered around me as I worked, watching as I expertly cut the seams on the sides of both dresses. 

I took the extra fabric I bought and turned it around, wrapping it around my breasts. I marked the edges with a sharpie and worked to fold it before I could get a shape that left a bit of my cleavage showing (I've got to let my 'girls' breathe a little y'know) into an inner top for my prom dress. I cut the prom dress down so that the v-part would end just before my hips began, below my navel. 

I cut the sides of the prom dress and began to cut apart the other dress, using its fabric to add strips of royal blue on either side of my prom dress that way it wouldn't be so tight against my body and look painted on my ass. 

Fortunately, both dresses were made from the same color: cyan, even if the material was a bit different. Which meant that I had a bit of breathing room here. 

I left the leg slit alone but added strips to the sides of the skirt before sewing it all back together. Sewing by hand was rather time-consuming, but it beat magic. 

I had to send the girls down when the light outside started to fade. Soon after, I started to hear noises from the open window. I peeked out (I'm not going out onto the balcony while in lace panties and a t-shirt) to see dozens and dozens of Specialists in their blue, white, and blue-grey uniforms walking onto the school grounds. 

I could see that many were surprised by the changes made to Alfea's courtyard. Some of the teenagers and young men moved to sit, others went ahead towards the Great Atrium. 

I couldn't waste time sightseeing for the squadron of boys that served as our reinforcements back at Gardenia, not if I was to finish this dress before the gala started. Nor did I really want to be plagued with more dreams of blue eyes and messy blonde hair. 

I fashioned an inner bra for the dress where my boobs would pop out and used the leftover piece of fabric to finish the look of the dress, adding an extension to the plunging v-neckline that made it look like it was always there. This way I wouldn't need to wear a bra underneath the dress. 

Satisfied, I finished the stitching and levitated it up with my magic, the dress having a slight orange halo. It was now a plunging v-neck that left the inner top of my breasts exposed. Fabric covered the rest of my breasts as you go downward, then starting at my diaphragm to above my hips was a slim triangle slit that left my navel bare, and teased the skin of my midriff. 

I slipped into the 1-inch heels that Stella had taught me to walk in (seriously, I cannot stand heels) and pulled up the gloves. Satisfied, I pulled down the bowl with carrots for Kiko. I cuddled him before setting him free. 

I glanced at my hair before concentrating on my magic, channeling it. I felt tingles throughout my body--similar to when you experience ghosting touches on your skin--before my hair turned from messy-straight-curly to wavy and smooth, flowing over my shoulders and back down to my waist like a waterfall. 

Satisfied with how I looked, confident that I'd gotten a part of tonight over with, I slipped out of the dorm into the shadowed and dim-lit halls. 

And ran smack-dab into a witch. 


"If I knew we were walking, I wouldn't have worn heels that pinch my feet." Grumbled Beatrix. 

All the schools on planet Magix had a series of evacuation tunnels that ran deep under and away. This was supposedly in the event that the Ancestresses ever attacked the schools. 

The Trix were now walking in one such tunnel, Zen Lights in hand (flashlights). D'arcy held up a map that Griffin had lent them, which showed all of the tunnels that branched out from the schools, as well as the entrance points. A special spell told them where they were on the map. 

"Oh, quit your crying Bea," Isobel said cooly. "Once we take that ring and have the Dragon Flame, we'll be able to have chariots take us around everywhere. D'arcy, how close are we?" 

"Very close. The entrance should be three hundred meters ahead." D'arcy said. 

Beatrix growled as her flashlight started to flicker again. "Fuck this thing." she tossed it behind her. Holding out her hand, she created a ball of lighting that hovered above the trio, illuminating each other and the way ahead. 

"Well that's convenient timing," D'arcy said as she shut off her light. "This is it." 

They found themselves standing at the edge of stairs cut from the rock. Staglmites and dripstone hung from a cavern partially exposed next to the stairs. 

"Let's go." The Trix climbed up the stairs. The hall they walked through was narrow, leaving them to pass in a single file. They came to a section of the wall that was a part of the school itself. Rather dirty and muddy, along with a single door. 

The girl's outfits changed into the zip-up catsuits they wore. Magical makeup and eyeshadow appeared. A pale hand with ice-blue nail polish opened the door. 

Cold blue-grey eyes scanned the area. "The coast is clear." 

They stepped inside, the door shutting behind them with a quiet 'thud'. 

Icy, Darcy, and Stormy shared a grin as they eyed the empty halls. It was time to ruin the fairies' precious night. 


Stella paced outside of the doors to the Great Atrium. Musa, Tecna, and Flora were all in similar states of worry and impatience. 

"Where is she?" Stella burst, unable to keep silent any longer. "She said that she would be here, she told us to go ahead..." she tossed her hands up in frustration. "I don't understand." 

"Bloom is making a dress," Tecna said. "It stands to reason that it would be time-consuming." 

Stella groaned aloud. She then heard the sound of dozens of male voices. She stood upright, excitement visible. 

"Ready for the boys Stel?" Musa teased. 

Stella mock-scowled. "Don't call me that. And for the record, Prince Sky is mine tonight, so don't think about him unless you want a sunburn. He'll be with Turnip-hair, Timmy, and Brandon." 

Musa sniggered. "Turnip hair?" 

Stella shrugged, not bothering to hide her grin. "That's Bloom's nickname for him. And it's more flattering than what I would've called him." 

Then the handsome young men (and gorgeous women) came into view. All of them were dressed in uniform, each with a single deactivated weapon on their hip. 

Some were walking with other fairies (some were hanging off their arms). Clearly, they'd set up their dates beforehand. 

Flora spotted Terra walking with a dark-skinned male Specialist. She waved and her cousin waved back. 

More Specialists and fairies passed them, heading into the Great Atrium, which had been magically expanded. Stella overheard many of the Specialists making interested or positive comments on the theme this year and grinned. Seems Bloom's little Christmas theme was a bigger success than any of them could've realized. 

Her grin became wider as she spotted her man emerge from the collective group with the rest of his squad. "Sky!" she squealed happily, breaking all forms of decorum to run and jump into his arms. 

The other girls had a look at the handsome, broad, tall brunette that Bloom had teased Stella endlessly about. 

"Ok, Stella has good taste," Musa said. He was a hot hunk, even if he wasn't her type. Not that Musa really knew what her type was yet. 

Flora agreed. "Prince Sky is hot." 

"All of these males have a distinctive percentage of physically attractive features." Tecna's tone was dismissive. "And yet, multiple sources claim that physical features are only a potential part of a healthy relationship." 

Flora had to agree with Tecna's point. There was no point in dating a hot warrior if he was an absolute ass. Musa on the other hand looked like she wanted to disagree. 

"Girls!" Stella waved them over, looking energetic and happy in Sky's strong arms, currently circled possessively around the blonde's waist. 

"Winx, let me introduce you to the Specialists who saved Bloom and me," Stella said with a flirtatious wink. 

"My charming Prince Sky," she said as she brushed a hand up his broad chest. She pointed with her free hand at the other specialists as she introduced them. "The roguish warrior is Riven, their resident techie is Timmy, and the modest squire here is Brandon." 

Brandon waved. Timmy did so shyly. Sky winked before cuddling Stella. And Riven eyed them with indifference, though his gaze did linger longer on Musa. 

Timmy's gaze was drawn towards Tecna, who gave all the boys a single lookover before releasing a dismissive 'hmph'. 

Brandon glanced around. "So, uh, Stella, is this all of you?" 

Musa and Flora exchanged knowing looks. "Our last dorm mate is busy finishing up her appearance," Flora said, a practiced smile slowly forming on her features (something that DuFour had taught them in the last class session). 

"Oh." Huh, Musa didn't think that she'd ever heard a boy sound more dejected in her life. 

Stella pulled herself from Sky's arms to wrap an arm around Brandon's shoulder and ruffle his blonde hair like a wingwoman would. "Aw, what's the matter, Goldilocks? Disappointed not to see a certain, fiery redhead Earthling fairy?" she teased with a cheeky grin. 

Brandon blushed rather visibly. "I--that's not what I...Am I that obvious?" he grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. 

Stella had wandered back into Sky's arms. "Just a bit." she said, glancing at the other girls with her infamous 'cupid' look. Getting her cue, the other girls turned towards Brandon. 

Musa bumped Brandon with her hip. "Better make a move on her tonight, before someone else does." she teased, hiding her amusement as the long-haired blonde blushed. 

As Flora started to give Brandon a few tips, Musa found her gaze wandering back to the other guy. 'He really does have turnip hair.' she thought with amusement as her stomach fluttered. 

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