Mrs Scuderi

By cute_astrophy

413K 17.3K 1.2K!what are you, twelve?" I yell at her because it's a huge one and not even enou... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty Three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
chapter Thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
side note ;)
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
writer's note

chapter fifty

4.8K 221 30
By cute_astrophy

Amelia's Pov
When i get home the lights are on off so i take it she's not back from her trip yet. When i landed i didn't come home because i wasn't ready to confront the situation with her. The truth is we didn't leave things well. She wanted me to not go because Ophelia wouldn't fly off with me last minute and i was mad because she actually never cancelled her work trip and told me that last minute. I did try calling her early today but she wasn't picking up so assume she's still not over it, well she's about to be angrier. I try ringing her again and this time she picks up.

"Hey ameLia," she says slurring her words abit.

"Hey Reya, are you drunk?"

"Nope," she says giggling and i don't see anything to giggle about.

"Are you with Marcus?"

"Yes why?"

"Give him the phone," i demand and she surprisely does that. "Where are you and why is she drunk?"

"I'm so sorry i tried to talk her out of it but she was so mad and she's my boss,"

"when was your flight back supposed to be?" I ask ready to teleport myself there and drag her bag by the ear. Seriously i was here trying to give her space so we could talk and she was drinking away? "Tonight, there's a time difference actually,"he says and I'm Abit relieved. She's not a responsible drinker and i should know. "How the fuck is she drunk at 2pm over there?" I ask after quickly checking how long the time difference is. "She'll be sober by the time she's back,"he says before hanging up abruptly.

I make myself dinner because unlike Fabiana i don't have Diana to take care of me like that. I decide to call her because i miss her already. "Hey shortstuff," "hey Fabi" I say abit embarrassed because we did talk during my lunch break which extended while i was handling some files and she just needed company on the train. "How's Ariella?" I ask shyly. "Amelia you don't have to use her as an excuse to talk to me, I miss you too, allot,"she says making me bit my lower lip to stop my smile from growing wider. She says my name so well or maybe it's because I'm smitten by her. "It's that obvious huh?" I ask.

"Did you talk to her?" She asks getting straight to the point and i get the feeling she won't like the answer. I couldn't tell Freya over the phone especially well she's drunk. "She's not back from her trip yet,"i say summarizing it and i hear her sigh. I feel the urge to reassure her that it's her i want, I've always wanted and i wouldn't hurt her in that way. "I think Ariella just woke up, I'll text you later,"she says rather dryly and i already know why. I'd expect my stomach to read the room but no it demands more food than i intended to eat. I'm lucky tomorrow is Sunday and i cleared my schedule, well the remaining work i can do from home.

Reality is actually hitting me that Fabiana really wants to be with me and I'm about to give up Freya for her despite it not being question as to who I'm meant to be with. I sit down to watch a movie but end up falling asleep because when i wake up the alarm is going off but Freya immediately walks through the door making me relax abit. I was alone in this house and i don't know what would happen if i got burglared. "Hey hey I'm sorry i woke you,"she says placing her small suitcase on the side and rushing to my side kissing my forehead. She smells so good and seems to have sobered up. She gets in the empty space, cuddling me.

"I'm so sorry about how we left things,"she says inhaling me shamelessly. I think we both know what path that took us when we argued that Friday. I check my watch to see it's around 4am. I want to tell her to go sleep in the bed but i feel even more guilty now so i let her sleep here with me. We share that bed, but we wouldn't from when i wake up. "Just shut and sleep,"i say making her chuckle at how grumpy i am. I haven't been a morning person since i got twice the clients in the last month.

"I hated the whole trip,"she mumbles and i just focus on my sleeping knowing she'll tell me all about it when she wakes up,but end up staying up because of the confrontation I'll have to have in the morning. What was i supposed to tell her? That i fucked the person she hated most because i may or may not have feelings i denied having in the first place? I twist the ring on my finger knowing after tomorrow I'm not an engaged person anymore. Damn if someone didn't know me they'd call me a runaway bride or just afraid of lifetime commitment.

By the time it's morning Freya is still clinging onto me but i try my best to wriggle out so i can make breakfast for both of us. "Mhhh stay here,"she mumbles in her sleep and it's like she already knows what's going to happen. I get up anyway because she doesn't deserve it. And with how good she's been to me it just makes everything harder. "I'm still so sleepy," she says as i place a plate of pancakes with honey before her and making own before sitting next to her to eat. We eat in silence for a while. "How was the funeral?" She asks.

"Memorial and It was okay, she had so many people who adored her,"i say genuinely.

"Look I'm sorry for not trusting you to go there alone,"

"I had sex with Fabi,"i blurt out with how guilty each word she says is making me feel. She's silent and it's scaring me. "The whole trip i was thinking about you,"she says as if she didn't hear what i just said.

"Reya, did you hear what i just said?"

"You were angry and that's why you did it, to get back at me. That's all it was,"she says still focusing on her pancakes. "No I -" she pushes her plate so hard it hits the fridge, breaking immediately with honey all over it, making me jump at the sudden action. "I fucking heard you Amelia!" She yells and i take a step back not understanding how quickly all this escalated. She's been mad before but not like this. She walks out when she's mad,needing space but i guess i pushed her this far with my confession. "I'm so sorry it happened like that,"i say whimpering because her eyes are fixated on the honey smeared on the fridge.

"Say something please,"i plead closing in on her but i guess i shouldn't have touched her because i feel a hot stinging pain on my right cheek throwing me into shock staggering back because of how hard it was. I feel her hands grip my throat before i can even recover from what just happened, tightening her grip each time her stare grows. I try my best to get her hands off me but she's stronger than i am and all my strength was replaced with shock. "Why are you so ungrateful? I do everything for you, I even put your needs before mine and for what? So you can make a fool out of me?" She asks letting go of me and i feel a hard smack from the back of her hand and yet another one.

Who was this person and what happened to the Freya that cuddled me earlier? "I'm so sorry,"i say whimpering from the pain trying to stall her so i can get my phone and call Ophelia because I'm sure Fabiana is still tired from the trip. She takes a knife and that does it for me as i try to back away from her. "You're not yourself Freya please put the knife down," i say pleading with her because all this is my fault. She places the knife down breaking down right Infront me looking completely different from the person that just attacked me. "We'll just forget everything about what happened and start a new, like it never happened,"she says confusing me even more.

"Freya i don't think I can...I Don't regret doing it and i want to see if there's something there," i say genuinely not wanting to lie to myself or her. She glares at me as I'd she's in a stance. "I'm gonna go take a shower," i say still feeling sour from whatever just happened and she's still quiet. I'm about to enter the hallway when i feel something hit my head with so much impact, and turn to see her standing there shocked by what she just did. "I'm so sorry i was just mad and not thinking,"she says but now I'm more frightened that she might end up doing worse.

"Stay the fuck away from me Freya!" I say feeling something wet on the back of my head, trying to get away from her. I take steps back wards cautiously trying to dial Ophelia but she's not picking up, who would this early so i try again and she picks up with me now in my bedroom locking the door behind me. "Hey what's up,"she says.

" I need to get out of here, Freya she...she..I'm scared Ophelia just come get me,"

"Did you call the police?"

"Ofcourse not, she's not in her right mind right now but she wouldn't do this,"i say genuinely but i know exactly what this is. I provoked it, it was my fault. "Okay hold on, I'm taking a turn to your place. I need to make a call so I'm putting you on hold for a minute. Do. Not. Hang. Up,"she says and i remain on the line. I hear her knocking the door but i don't trust her anymore. What the fuck is happening. I stand there frozen to the spot waiting for Ophelia to tell me she's outside. This is my house and i can't wait to be away from it?

"Okay I'm driving back now, where are you in the house?"

"I'm in my bedroom," "get off the fucking phone Amelia,"she says opening the door. Fucking spare key! "Amelia?" I hear Ophelia on the line but i dont want to upset her to do something worse. Fighting back would only give her the adrenaline to hurt me even more especially now that she's holding the same knife she let go off earlier. I drop the phone on the bed feeling Abit woozy from earlier. She's about to lunge forward when she's tuckled to the ground.


"Why didn't you fucking call me?" She asks pressing her on the ground before i hear police car sirens. "You called the police?" I ask feeling even worse, she didn't mean to. "Amelia thank God you're okay,"Ophelia says hugging me and i wince from the pain before opening the door to Fabiana's car that she practically commanded me to enter. She wanted to do so much to Freya but i begged her not to. "Amelia car now!"she commands and i do as she says confusing Ophelia even more. "I'll explain everything later,"i say genuinely, getting in with her and she speeds off to the hospital.

I've never seen her like this before. Maybe today is a day to show me both their sides that i haven't seen before. "I shouldn't have pressured you to tell her,"she says as the nurse puts me on the wheelchair as per her demands. "It's not on you Fabi,"i say simply because of how fast my head is spinning. "I won't let anything happen to you ever again,"she says kissing my forehead before analysing my face with so much regret and anger in her eyes. She did leave a mark huh? I ask myself as the nurse takes me in and she waits outside.

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