The Starting Line. [On Break!]

By IISpeedyII

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James Heart's life has been marked by a traumatic childhood. Seeking understanding and personal growth, he se... More

Prologue: The Beginning, Forest Fire. {.: James :.}
Chapter 1, Home Sweet Home. {.: James :.}
Chapter 2, The Chaotic School. {.: James :.}
Chapter 3, Darkness Lurks. {.: Mihoko :.}
Chapter 4, Training Begins. {.: Mihoko :.}
Chapter 5, Curiosity Grows.{.: James :.}
Chapter 6: The Wilderness. {.: James :.}
Chapter 7, The Meeting. {.: James/Moros :.}
Chapter 8: Blossoming Bonds {.: James/Jeo :.}
Chapter 9, Heavy Hearts and Silent Struggles {.: James/Jeo .:}
Chapter 11: Resurfacing Demons {.: James/Jeo :.}
Chapter 12: Fragments of Uncertain Hope {.: James/Mihoko.:}
Chapter 13: Shadowed Shootout {.: Ajax/Lara .:}
Chapter 14: Untangled Threads {.: Zack/Ajax .:}
Chapter 15: Executing The Plan {.: The Group .:}
Chapter 16: Echoes of Captivity {.: Skylar/Toki .:}
Chapter 17: Chasing Fate {.: James/Moriai .:}
Chapter 18: Unmasking the Illusion {.: Ajax/Lara :.}
Chapter 19: A Road to Recovery {.: Skylar/Toki .:}
Chapter 20: Bonds of Strength: Family, Siblings, and Love {.: Skylar/James .:}
Chapter 21: Fractured Family {.: Jeo :.}
Chapter 22: Circus of Mayhem {.: Ajax/Lara :.}
Chapter 23: Frosty Relations {.: Jasmine/Skylar :.}
Chapter 24: Unseen Letter {.: Skylar/Moriai :.}
Chapter 25: Whispers of the Absent {.: Skylar/Jasmine :.}
Chapter 26: The Watchful Eye {.: James/Jeo :.}
Chapter 27: Playing With Fire {.: James/Jeo :.}
Chapter 28: Searching For Answers. {.: Ken/Xenith :.}
Chapter 29: A Lesson in Progress {.: Skylar/Xenith :.}
Chapter 30: Speeding Into Danger {.: James/Moriai :.}
Chapter 31: Veil of Deception {.: The Group/Cultist :.}
Chapter 32: Fading Hopes {.: The Group :.}
Chapter 33: Reckless Temptations {.: Jasmine :.}
Chapter 34: Shadows and Chains {.: Toki :.}
Chapter 35: The Unseen Puzzle {.: Zack :.}
Chapter 36: Lone Pursuit {.: Jasmine :.}
Chapter 37: The Night's Gambit {.: Skylar/Jasmine :.}
Chapter 38: Eyes Wide Open (W.I.P)

Chapter 10, Reaching New Speeds {.: James :.}

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By IISpeedyII

James groaned in frustration as the sound of his alarm filled the room. He had been up late talking to Jeo and the excitement of their plans for the day had made it hard for him to fall asleep. Despite his fatigue, he felt a sense of anticipation building within him. Today was going to be a big day.

As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and started to stretch, he was startled to see Moriai leaning against his door with her arms crossed. "Wakey-wakey, sleepyhead," she said, with a smirk on her face. "I was about to dump a bucket of ice water on you, but I didn't want to ruin that precious bedhead of yours."

James couldn't help but roll his eyes at Moriai's hotheadedness, but he was secretly glad that she had woken him up. "Thanks, Moriai," he said, yawning as he got out of bed. "What's on the agenda for today?"

Moriai shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, my dad decided that today would be a good day to start your little speedster training sessions," she said, her tone hinting at the fact that she didn't agree with the decision. "I don't think I've seen him this awake since... well, ever."

James chuckled at her remark, knowing all too well how much Moriai disliked being woken up early. "Okay, ten minutes it is. I'll make sure I'm dressed appropriately," he said, heading towards his closet.

As he quickly threw on his workout clothes and grabbed his water bottle, James couldn't help but feel nervous about the upcoming training session. He knew he had to improve his speedster abilities if he wanted to be an effective member of their team. He briefly thought back to a conversation he had with Ken about training his speedster abilities, and he hoped that he would be able to put those tips into practice today.

"Alright, let's get this over with," Moriai grumbled as James emerged from his room. "We don't have all day."

James took a deep breath and followed Moriai out the door, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him in the training session ahead.

As they arrived at the open field, Ken greeted them with a smile, already setting up some training equipment. "Good morning, you two," he said cheerfully. "Today's training is going to be focused on improving your individual abilities as speedsters."

James and Moriai exchanged a quick glance, both feeling a bit relieved that they wouldn't have to do the same exact training. "What's the plan?" James asked.

Ken began to explain, "Well, James, I thought we could work on your quick changes in direction and short bursts of speed. You have the potential to be very agile and unpredictable in a fight, and I think this will be a big asset to our team."

James nodded, feeling excited and eager to start working on this specific skill set. Meanwhile, Moriai crossed her arms and gave a playful smirk towards her father. "And what about me, sensei?" she asked, using the title mockingly. "Don't you think I already have enough endurance to outrun you in a race?"

Ken chuckled, not letting his daughter's teasing get to him. "Endurance is always important, Moriai," he said. "And with your speed, you have the potential to be unstoppable if you can maintain it for longer periods of time."

Moriai nodded, her playful expression turning more serious. She respected her father's experience and expertise as a trainer, and she was determined to take his advice seriously and make improvements to her abilities.

James couldn't help but chuckle at the playful back and forth between Ken and Moriai. "You two never cease to entertain," he said with a grin.

Moriai shot him a smirk. "Hey, it's all part of the training," she said, playfully nudging him with her elbow.

Ken chuckled at their banter. "Okay, let's focus now," he said, clapping his hands together. "James, we'll start with you. We need to work on your agility and ability to change direction quickly in a fight. I'll set up some cones, and we'll practice weaving through them."

James nodded eagerly. "Sounds good to me," he said, already feeling pumped up for the training.

Ken led James to a corner of the field where he had set up a series of cones. "Okay, James, let's start with some basic weaving through these cones," he said, gesturing to the cones. "Focus on your footwork and try to move as quickly and smoothly as possible."

James nodded eagerly. "Sounds good to me," he said, feeling pumped up and ready to start training.

Ken led James to a corner of the field where he had set up a series of cones. James took a deep breath, trying to focus his mind. He was aware that his agility and change of direction were not his strong suit, but he was determined to improve.

"Okay, James, let's start with some basic weaving through these cones," Ken said, gesturing towards the cones. "Focus on your footwork and try to move as quickly and smoothly as possible."

James took his starting position and waited for Ken's signal. As soon as Ken gave the signal, James began weaving through the cones. His movements were initially awkward and clumsy, his feet tripping over the cones. He lost his balance a few times and almost fell over, but he managed to stay upright.

Moriai watched intently, her eyes following James' movements. She could tell that James was struggling a bit, but she was impressed with his determination to keep going.

"Looking good, James," she called out, trying to encourage him.

James grinned, grateful for Moriai's support. He took a deep breath and focused on his footwork. Slowly but surely, he started to get the hang of it. He started moving more smoothly, and his feet practically glided across the grass.

Ken watched from the sidelines, nodding in approval. "Good job, James," he said, clapping his hands together. "You're starting to get the hang of it. Let's keep going and see if we can up the difficulty a bit."

James nodded, feeling energized by Ken's praise. He continued weaving through the cones, trying to move more quickly and smoothly with each pass. He stumbled a few times, but he quickly recovered and kept going.

Moriai watched as James started to improve, her eyes widening in surprise. She hadn't expected James to catch on so quickly. "Nice work, James," she called out, impressed by his progress.

James grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He was determined to keep working hard and improve his agility even further.

As James continued his training, Ken turned his attention to Moriai. "Let's work on your endurance training," he said, gesturing towards the track. "I want you to run as many laps as you can in 30 minutes."

Moriai nodded, her eyes narrowed as she took a deep breath, feeling her heart rate quicken in anticipation. She focused her mind, calling upon the power within her. Bright blue lightning crackled and surged around her, building up in intensity.

With a sudden blast, Moriai launched forward, her feet pounding against the ground with a thunderous rhythm. She ran around the track with incredible speed, each stride covering a remarkable distance. Her form was impeccable, every movement fluid and precise.

As she ran, the wind whipped through her hair, the rush of air threatening to throw her off course. But she remained focused, her eyes trained on the finish line. Her breath came in short, sharp gasps as she pushed herself to the limit, her muscles straining with effort.

Ken couldn't help but smile as he watched Moriai run with incredible speed, surpassing even his own. It was a mystery why she was so unusually fast compared to most speedsters, but Ken knew better than to question a good thing.

However, there was a flaw in Moriai's power. As impressive as her speed was, she had a tendency to push herself to the point of burning up. Ken had seen it happen before, her skin starting to smolder and blister if she ran for too long.

He knew he needed to be careful with Moriai's training, pushing her too hard could have serious consequences. But he was determined to help her build her endurance and control her power, so that she could become an even more formidable speedster.

Moriai's muscles burned with exertion as she continued running, her eyes fixed on the track ahead. With each passing lap, her breath came in shorter, more ragged gasps, and her heart pounded in her chest. But still she pushed herself onward, determined to keep going for as long as she could.

As the minutes ticked by, Moriai began to feel the familiar heat building up within her, a sign that she was nearing her limit. Her skin started to prickle and tingle, and she knew that she needed to slow down before she burned herself out.

Ken watched her carefully, ready to step in if necessary. He knew that Moriai had a tendency to overdo it when it came to her powers, and he didn't want her to hurt herself. But to his relief, she slowed down on her own accord, gradually reducing her speed until she came to a stop.

Breathless and exhausted, Moriai stumbled forward a few steps before collapsing onto the ground, her chest heaving with exertion. Her body was drenched in sweat, and her muscles quivered with fatigue. She had pushed herself harder than she ever had before, determined to impress Ken with her speed and endurance.

As Moriai caught her breath, Ken approached her with a stern expression. He had been watching her carefully, noting the telltale signs that she was pushing herself too hard. He knew that Moriai had a tendency to overdo it, and he was determined to help her learn to control her power.

"You pushed yourself too hard," he said firmly, his voice laced with concern. "I told you to run for 30 minutes, but you kept going until you were about to burn up. You need to learn to pace yourself and listen to your body."

Moriai hung her head, feeling a wave of shame wash over her. She knew that Ken was right - she had let her eagerness get the better of her, and she had pushed herself to the brink of exhaustion. She had always been one to throw herself into things with reckless abandon, and it was a flaw in her character that she needed to work on.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ken softened his tone slightly, sensing her distress. "I know you want to be the best you can be," he said gently. "But you have to be smart about it. I don't want to see you hurt yourself."

Moriai nodded, feeling a mixture of gratitude and frustration. She knew that Ken cared about her and wanted her to succeed, but sometimes his strictness could be overwhelming. She couldn't help but feel like she was constantly falling short of his expectations, no matter how hard she tried.

Ken saw the disappointment in Moriai's eyes and knew she needed a break. "Why don't you rest for a bit?" he suggested. "Take a breather and get some water. We'll continue your training once you're feeling better."

Moriai nodded, grateful for the reprieve. She slowly rose to her feet, her legs feeling like lead as she made her way to the nearby bench. She collapsed onto it, feeling the cool metal seeping through her sweat-soaked clothes.

Ken watched as Moriai caught her breath and took a long swig of water from her bottle. He knew she needed to rest and recover before pushing herself again. As he turned to James, he could see the determination in his eyes, ready to continue with his training.

"Alright, James," Ken said, clapping his hands together. "Let's get back to it."

James nodded eagerly, and the two of them began to run through a series of exercises. Ken watched carefully as James executed each move with precision and control, his form improving with each repetition.

Moriai watched from the bench, feeling a twinge of jealousy at James' effortless abilities. But she pushed those feelings aside, reminding herself that everyone had their own strengths and weaknesses. She took another sip of water and closed her eyes, allowing herself to fully rest and recover before joining back in with the training.

"Alright James, let's focus on your blitzing technique," Ken said, motioning for James to come closer. "Blitzing requires quick changes in direction and short bursts of speed. I want you to work on your agility, so you can make these movements without losing momentum."

"We'll be doing the same thing but this time I want you to have a few things in mind while you do these exercises, footwork, coordination and explosiveness I want you to move through this course as quickly and efficiently as possible, changing direction with speed and precision."

James nodded, understanding the instructions. He took a deep breath and got into position, his focus solely on the upcoming training. As Ken set up the course, James mentally prepared himself, going through the steps in his mind.

"Ready when you are, Ken," James said, his eyes locked onto the starting line.

Ken gave him a nod and a smile. "Remember, James, quick feet and explosive movements. Let's see what you can do."

With a deep breath, James took off, his feet moving in quick succession as he weaved through the course. He felt his muscles burning with exertion, but he pushed through the pain, his eyes fixed on the finish line.

As he approached the first turn, he felt a surge of adrenaline, his body reacting without hesitation as he made a sharp change in direction. His feet pounded against the ground as he accelerated towards the next obstacle, leaping over it with ease.

Ken watched, impressed with James' speed and agility. He could see the improvement in his movements, each one more controlled and precise than before.

As James crossed the finish line, he couldn't help but grin, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him. "How was that, Ken?" he asked, panting slightly.

Ken walked over, clapping him on the back. "Great job, James! Your footwork and coordination have improved significantly. Keep it up, and your blitzing technique will be top-notch in no time."

Moriai had been sitting on the worn-out bench, her eyes fixed on James as he gracefully maneuvered through the challenging course with intense focus. Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead, his body moving with a natural grace and speed. She couldn't help but notice a unique quality in his movements, a sense of controlled power tempered with gentleness.

As James conquered the final obstacle, a surge of exhilaration coursed through Moriai's veins. She marveled at his agility, his ability to navigate the course with an unwavering determination while maintaining an air of serenity. Yet, there was an underlying serenity to his approach, as if he was consciously choosing to harmonize his speed and agility rather than wield them forcefully.

The way James effortlessly leapt over obstacles, smoothly changed directions, and maintained a fluidity in his movements was a testament to his peaceful demeanor. There was a sense of tranquility and grace that radiated from him, even in the midst of intense physical exertion.

As James caught his breath, Moriai stood up from the bench, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of amusement and admiration. She couldn't help but be impressed by his progress. With a mischievous smirk playing on her lips, she approached him, unable to contain her teasing nature.

"Well, well, look who's surprising me again," she chuckled softly, reaching out to ruffle his hair affectionately. Her voice carried a genuine tone of admiration, laced with a hint of playful banter.

James couldn't help but smile at her playful gesture, feeling a sense of warmth from her words. Her support meant a lot to him, and her teasing reminded him of their comfortable camaraderie.

"Hey, what can I say? I like to keep you on your toes," he quipped, a lightness in his voice as he met her gaze. "But seriously, thanks, Moriai. Your encouragement means a lot to me," He turned his gaze towards Ken, his smile extending to include him as well. "And you too, Ken. Your guidance and training have played a huge role in my progress. Thank you both."

Moriai's eyes softened, a warm glow in her gaze. "You don't have to thank us, James," she said, her voice gentle yet determined. "We're here to support you, always. You're like family to us."

Ken nodded, a proud smile on his face. "Absolutely, James. We believe in you and your potential. Keep up the hard work, and you'll continue to achieve great things."

James felt a surge of gratitude and determination coursing through him. With Moriai and Ken by his side, he knew he had a strong support system that would push him to reach his full potential.

"Thanks, guys," he said, his voice filled with determination. "I won't let you down. Let's keep pushing forward together."

As they exchanged smiles and shared a moment of unity, James couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. With his friends by his side, he was ready to face any challenge that lay ahead.

As they basked in the warmth of their shared camaraderie, James's phone vibrated, indicating a new message. He pulled it out from his pocket and saw that it was from Jeo. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, knowing that Jeo was always shy and bashful when it came to reaching out.

Curiosity piqued, he opened the message, his eyes scanning the screen. Jeo's text appeared, slightly hesitant but filled with genuine enthusiasm.

"Hey James! I was wondering... um... if you're free later, would you like to hang out? Maybe go for a walk in the park? If that's okay with you, of course."

James couldn't help but feel a surge of delight. He knew Jeo cherished their time together, but her nervousness always made his heart skip a beat. He quickly typed a reply, his fingers dancing across the screen.

"Hey Jeo! I'd love to hang out with you. Going for a walk in the park sounds perfect. I'll meet you there in an hour. Looking forward to it!"

As James finished typing his reply to Jeo's message, a mischievous glint sparkled in Moriai's eyes. She leaned in closer, a playful smirk forming on her lips.

"Well, well, well, it seems like someone has a special someone to hang out with," she teased, her voice filled with amusement. "Should I be worried about losing my spot as your favorite training partner?"

James chuckled, his cheeks slightly flushed. "Come on, Moriai. You know you're irreplaceable," he replied, giving her a playful nudge. "But Jeo and I are just friends, you know that."

Moriai raised an eyebrow, her playful smirk still lingering. "Just friends, huh? We'll see about that. Don't keep the poor girl waiting too long. You don't want to give her the wrong idea."

Before James could respond, Ken interjected, his voice carrying a hint of caution. "Alright, you two. Enough teasing. James, have a great time with Jeo, but remember to stay vigilant. The world can be unpredictable, and it's always better to be cautious."

James nodded, his playful demeanor fading as he absorbed Ken's words. "I understand, Ken. I'll be careful. Thanks for the reminder."

With Ken's words of caution lingering in his mind, James bid farewell to Moriai and Ken, their supportive smiles urging him on. As he left the training area, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension about his upcoming hangout with Jeo.

With Ken's words of caution lingering in his mind, James bid farewell to Moriai and Ken, their supportive smiles urging him on. As he left the training area, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension about his upcoming hangout with Jeo. Little did he know that their meeting in the park would mark the beginning of an unexpected turn of events that would test their bonds and their physical abilities.

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