By jungkookjinthv

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An arranged marriage where one of them will go to great lengths to get along, the other simply ignores and tr... More



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By jungkookjinthv

Six months after getting married, Jungkook knows that he would be a fool if he lied to himself denying being in love with his husband, in fact he was madly in love with Jin.

He knew that sometimes he screwed up but little by little he was learning what things were right and what things were wrong, having been raised by too conservative people played bad tricks on him.

He was aware that he hurt Jin with his bad attitudes but he never did it on purpose, he used to realize that he had acted wrong even several days later and he always tried to fix it.

Jin was a sea of emotions, he gradually noticed the change that his husband was having and some time ago he began to feel attracted to him husband, things had changed since he had accompanied Jin when he had asked him if he was not unfaithful.

It was still uncomfortable that almost every day Jungkook would drive him to work.

"I see you smiling more Jin, you complain less and less about your husband," said a woman.

"He has improved a lot and we are getting along better,"

"It's nice to know you two get along," she said "But all men are usually jerks,"

"I think I'm in love with my husband," he confessed.

"Jin I feel that if they had met before they knew what they would be forced into they would have fallen head over heels in love with each other, I think the bad start to their relationship was that, no one would like to be forced to marry someone you don't know,"

"Maybe so, I wish I had been born into a normal family so none of this would be happening to me, I might not have money but I would be happy, like Taehyung and Soobin they didn't have much but they were happy,"

"See the bright side if you are sad you can go anywhere in the world, it's not the same crying in your bed, than in Rome or Germany," the woman laughed.

"Yes," he reciprocated the laughter.

That night he made dinner for two, as Jungkook said he wanted to eat chicken breast and he had no trouble cooking something.

However he came across an unpleasant scene, Mingyu Jungkook's Appa was having sex with a cook, the Jeon mansion was divided into two wings one where Jungkook's parents lived and one where they lived, he walked out of there without looking back he understood Mingyu having the husband he has he understood why he cheated on him.

"Jin we have an event tomorrow, do you know what outfit to wear," him husband asked "I wanted you to wear something very casual, the event is not very fancy,"

"I have what you bought me last weekend, can I wear it," he asked him husband.

"Yes," he smiled "The food is great."

"Thank you,".

They continued talking for a long time and later they each went to rest in their rooms.

The next day at the event Jin felt annoyed again not only because him husband had invited him to the event as an ornament, showing him off to everyone as if he was a trophy, but also because he was talking calmly with his assistant and they seemed to be more like a couple.

It was not the first time since it had been happening in several events before, but Jin had already talked to Jungkook about how he was bothered by the closeness he maintained with his assistant, so why the hell Jungkook did not pay attention to him.

At that moment he could not understand why Jungkook liked him, because deep down he knew that him husband was not bad, he had just been badly educated and many times he showed how bad his parents had raised him, which was unfortunate.

 Since Jin arrived him husband was more polite with the service staff, he measured what he was going to say and was calmer.

But when he was with people who acted just like him it was hard to talk sense into him and it seemed like there was no breakthrough in him.

"I have my wife the best dressed I like them to know she is my wife and she is well groomed," laughed one of them "If she doesn't dress up well enough she doesn't get in my car, that's why I give her money to invest in her beauty,"

"My husband is wearing me out," said another man "He thinks he can spend without limit, but if I don't indulge him I know anyone could steal him from me,"

"What about you," they looked at Jungkook.

Jin has all my things at his disposal everything of mine is his, what kind of husband would I be if I didn't do that for him," he smiled "Look at him he's beautiful and with the clothes I bought him he's even more so,"

Jin inhaled deeply as he tried to calm down and thought about whether he should control himself.

"Everyone must want to steal him from you you know," one of them raised his eyebrows "You should take care of what's yours it's not everyday you find someone who is not as troublesome as a woman and can give you children," the man winked at Jungkook.

"Don't mention it, he attracts a lot of stares," he laughed "But he's totally and completely mine nothing will change that," he grabbed Jin tightly by the waist.

And the great effort he was making to control himself was gone.

"Let go of me now Jungkook," he whispered quietly but it seemed that some of the men heard him "Give me the car keys."

"Jin no," he tried to put his foot down.

"You give me the keys or your assistant will pay for being so nice to you," Jungkook laughed "I'm serious Jeon,"

Later that night he drove to the Manor in tears returning to feeling like he did at the beginning of their marriage.

As soon as he stepped into the mansion he took off his clothes and burned them without hesitation he did the same with all of his husband's clothes and piled them all up waiting for him on the balcony he smiled as he saw him coming and shouted at him.

"Love," he smiled, "You're here."

"Jin you behaved like a damn fool do you know what an embarrassment you put me through in front of all of them?,"

"Like what you are!," he replied throwing all the surviving pieces of clothes on him.

"What the fuck have you done," he screamed as he saw that all his clothes were burned.

"Don't ever spend your fucking money on clothes for me again," he replied "All your property you can shove up your ass Jeon,"


"What," he said sarcastically "I think I'm a woman right now because I'm being so hysterical," he retreated from there.

He left smiling until Jungkook was out of sight because after that, he started crying inconsolably not knowing what to do to stop his crying.

He ended up lying in the middle of his room with his head between his knees and hugging himself, he didn't know why his husband was like that, did he always had to put up with him.

But at the end of the day Jin was too naive, he trusted people, he believed that even the bad and the unfaithful ones changed and he trusted that he could improve the relationship with his husband with whom he was now in love.

He couldn't be more foolish, or maybe he was but growing up surrounded by so much evil and greed his only option was always to try to be better than them and that meant knowing how to forgive, because hatred was bad for him.

"Jin," another body sat next to him "You can't sleep here on the floor, let me take you to your bed,".

Jungkook wrapped him in his arms and carried him a short distance to his bed, settling him and covering him up.

"Rest, we'll talk tomorrow," he kissed his forehead before leaving the room.

The problem was that nothing happened afterwards.

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