The Cold Protocol (Male Sith...

By Kingrenetti

243K 7.1K 2.1K

During the Clone Wars, Separatist Admiral (Y/n) led his droid's against the Republic and become a big problem... More

CHAPTER 1-Post Clone Wars!
CHAPTER 2-The Village!
CHAPTER 3-Rebel Cells!
CHAPTER 4-Night Raid!
CHAPTER 5-Talk of The Clone Wars!
CHAPTER 6-Operation Risky Waters!
CHAPTER 7-The General, The Apprentice, and The Force
CHAPTER 8-Peace Keepers!
CHAPTER 9-False Prosperity
CHAPTER 10-The Hacker
CHAPTER 11-Confederate-Menagerie Relations
CHAPTER 12-Escalation!
CHAPTER 13-Battle of Menagerie Part 1
CHAPTER 14-Battle of Menagerie Part 2
CHAPTER 15-Battle of Menagerie Part 3
CHAPTER 16-New Ally
CHAPTER 17-Next Step
CHAPTER 18-Information, Training and Reinforcements
CHAPTER 19-The White Fang
CHAPTER 20-Recruitment
CHAPTER 21-The Khan
CHAPTER 22-Plan of Attack and Infiltration
CHAPTER 23-Battle of Bingham Part 1
CHAPTER 24-Battle of Bingham Part 2
CHAPTER 25-Battle of Bingham Part 3
CHAPTER 27-Battle of Bingham Part 5: Showdown
CHAPTER 28-Battle of Bingham Part 6: Duel
CHAPTER 29-After Shock
CHAPTER 30-Coalition of Rebel Sectors
CHAPTER 31-New Assignment
CHAPTER 32-The Remnant
CHAPTER 33-Find the Outlaws
CHAPTER 34-The Knight & The Soldier
CHAPTER 35-Reunion
CHAPTER 36-The Outlaw Base
CHAPTER 37-Cooperation
CHAPTER 38-Escape
CHAPTER 39-The Traitor
CHAPTER 40-Three Beasts
CHAPTER 41-Hawks Vs Three Beasts
CHAPTER 43-Always a Family
CHAPTER 44-Setting the Stage
CHAPTER 45-Red Horizon
CHAPTER 46-Defense Plan
CHAPTER 47-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 1
CHAPTER 48-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 2
CHAPTER 49-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 3
CHAPTER 50-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 4: Showdown
CHAPTER 51-2nd Battle of Menagerie: Admiral Vs General
CHAPTER 52-Rebuild
CHAPTER 53-Milita Meets CRS
CHAPTER 54-Council
CHAPTER-55-Break Out
CHAPTER 56-Calm Before the Storm
CHAPTER 57-Conspiring
CHAPTER 58-Conspiracy in Motion
CHAPTER 59-Operation Mimic
CHAPTER 60-Welcome to Unity City
CHAPTER 61-Meetings
CHAPTER 62-Thorn
CHAPTER 63-A Day in the City
CHAPTER 64-A Night in the City
CHAPTER 65-Shadow
CHAPTER 66-Peace Faction Leader
CHAPTER 67-The Plan
CHAPTER 68-Union Academy
CHAPTER 69-Within Darkness
CHAPTER 70-Shadows Attack
CHAPTER 71-Through the Force
CHAPTER 72-Evaluation
CHAPTER 73-New Job
CHAPTER 74-Reunite
CHAPTER 75-Time to Plan

CHAPTER 26-Battle of Bingham Part 4

2.7K 112 71
By Kingrenetti

The Droid/Faunus Army have breached the walls of Bingham. The once invincible fortress is now getting close to the verge of being conquered by a rag tag group of rebels. With their forces now inside the Fortress, Najenda orders them all to split up and search for Prison Buildings and to mop up the United Forces and take their precious Super Fortress. Knowing the Super Fortress is massive, Najenda sets up an FOB right beside the gap in the wall. All wounded White Fang Soldiers were being taken care of here as Battle Droids marched past them with Tanks into the Fortress. Najenda and Sienna Khan were standing next to each other conversing on their next plan of action.

Sienna: "now that we've breached the walls. Marvin is going to be doing whatever he can to kick us out of his Fortress." she said.

Najenda: "Then we'll be ready. But we need to seize control of this base as fast as possible incase enemy reinforcements are on their way." she said.

They all heard an explosion and looked up to see more York Class Frigates being destroyed by the battle that was above them.

Najenda: "Altus sure is kicking ass up there."

{Skies Above Bingham, Fort Bingham}

Altus watched as his ships converged on the enemy fleet. He saw The Invincible tactically retreat as the two Battle cruisers began their approach on his vessel. The York Class Frigates were all but destroyed at this point. Only 4 remaining. The droid Fighters and bombers were making quick work of them alongside White Fang Gunships. Most of the wreckages of the destroyed Union Airships crashed outside of Fort Bingham. The one they just blew up fell directly towards the wall on the Eastern side of the Fortress. The Droid/Faunus army attacked from the South and breached the Southern Wall. Altus sees the frigate crash into the Eastern wall and explode causing a ton of destruction and even destroying the wall even further.

A Tactical droid walks over to Altus who turns to face them.

Tactical Droid: "The enemy has yet to call for reinforcements."

Altus: "that is why we brought a small fleet. To trick Union into believing we have a smaller force." he states.

Tactical Droid: "What about their Command Ship? It appears to be in full retreat." he asks.

Altus: "Not full retreat. Tactical retreat. It is getting to a safe distance before it comes back at us again. It's probably going to attempt a flanking maneuver." he dismisses/explained.

The two hear an explosion and look towards the enemy fleet to see one of the missile cruisers explode. A Vulture Droid had gotten lucky and made a well-placed shot which ignited a missile that was preparing to launch and exploded causing the rest of the missiles inside the ship to explode. Kiefer saw this and was beginning to get nervous. This Rebel force is MUCH stronger than he anticipated, and Marvin is right. The Soldiers are incompetent and ineffective. This Peace Time has made them weak and arrogant. Most of the soldiers fighting now are in it for the money, or they blindly join believing they'll attain glory and a taste of war without knowing how deadly it is. Kiefer knows what War is like. Nothing glorious about it. Just a fight for survival with each side trying to out kill the other. Kiefer just needs to worry about the Rebel Air Fleet instead of the ground forces. That's Marvin's job.

The two Battle cruisers currently firing upon the Droid Fleet gets a little too close and become a prime target for Droid Fighters and Bombers as the three Munificent frigates lit them up.

Kiefer: "What are they doing!?" he asks in shock before getting on coms. "What are you two idiots doing!?"

Captain1(COMS): "Going in for the Kill, Sir." he responds.

Kiefer: "Fall back now!" he orders angrily.

Captain2(COMS): "NO need to worry sir. We'll deal with these Rebels." he said, arrogantly.

Kiefer growls at the two incompetent officers. He turns to one of the crew.

Kiefer: "Activate our shields. It appears we have to deal with this fleet alone. Show them why this ship is called, The Invincible." he orders.

He receives a nod as the crew activates the Destroyers shields. The Hard-light shields form around the ship in a hexagonal pattern before dimming away from sight. The ship then heads in to return to battle. As he did, one of the Battle cruisers was being battered by the Droid Forces. A squad of bombers rain down their payloads onto the vessel and a pair of Vulture Droids destroy the bridge with well-placed shots. An F-22E crashes into the ship causing an explosion to erupt. As the bombs from the bombers made contact, a chain reaction of explosions on the hull erupted before new explosions appeared on the belly of the ship before it inevitably exploded.

Suddenly, the shields on The Salvation shattered which surprised Altus. The UF Battle cruiser saw that and charged in to ram the Salvation. But fortunately, the Risk got in the way and instead rammed the Battle cruiser. This caused The Risk to suffer severe damage but it was worth it. The droid ships unloaded rounds into the battle cruiser as The Risk was slowly pulling away from it while heavily damaged. Kiefer watched this with annoyance and irritation. Those idiot officers caused this. They got too cocky and cost them the battle. General Ironwood's men are incompetent and weak. He clenches his fists. He and Marvin served under the strongest General. Her men weren't weak. They got the job done no matter what. The only ship that served his former General was The Invincible. The rest of the fleet came from Ironwood along with the crew on those ships.

Ironwood's men were always incompetent, and it always angered Kiefer. But Kiefer was ordered to by the Headmasters directly. He's starting to regret agreeing to this task, to lead a bunch of brainless idiots. The Battlecruiser soon joins its sister ship and blows up from the overwhelming firepower of the combined Droid Fleet. The Missile Cruisers and the Invincible are all that's left of the Fleet. The Risk is fleeing the battle due to it's critical state while The Bold and The Salvation remain to continue the battle.

{Droid FOB, Fort Bingham}

With their forces flooding into Fort Bingham, the United Forces are losing ground quickly within the base. Najenda was standing beside an AAT when she notices (Y/n) and Night Raid coming towards her. She walks away from the tank and towards the team.

Najenda: "Good job handling the AA Guns." she said.

(Y/n): "Same could be said to you. We've secured a foot hold and can now focus on finding the slaves and freeing them while dealing with the United Forces." he said.

Sienna: "What about Marvin Turner? He runs this place." she asks.

(Y/n): "We'll deal with him to. Considering how this Union treats its officers, I wouldn't be surprised if he is a weak coward." he said.

Adam: "When we find him, Marvin is mine to kill." he declares angrily.

(Y/n): "Don't let that anger control you." he said. "It will be your downfall."

Adam growled at him before (Y/n) looked at Sienna.

(Y/n): "Where could we find Marvin?" he asks.

Sienna: "In the Warden's Office in the Headquarters building of the Fortress. You can't miss it." she said, pointing in the general direction where it should be.

Nura: "how do you know this?" she asks.

Sienna: "We've used nearby mountains to peek inside the fortress." she replies.

(Y/n): "Alright. Najenda, continue our efforts in seizing the Fortress. I'll go look for the Warden." he said.

Adam: "I'm coming with." he states.

(Y/n) gazed at him before looking at Sienna. Silently asking her if it's alright. She nods and he returns it before he motioned for Adam to follow him. The two rush off to find Marvin Turner. Najenda then turns to the others.

Najenda: "You heard him! Let's move!" she orders.

The Droids and White Fang Soldiers snap out of whatever daze they were in and went about their jobs to prepare to continue the attack. The Battle is far from over.

{Underground Lab, Fort Bingham}

Marvin stood in front of the pod containing his armor when a UIB Soldier walks into the room and over to him. Marvin looks over his shoulder as the soldier reaches him.

UIB Soldier: "The Rebels are advancing deep into the Fortress, Captain Holbach's Fleet has been decimated, only the Invincible and a few Missile Cruisers remain." he reports, his voice deep and almost static like thanks to his helmet's voice filter.

Marvin: "Then the headquarters will be their next target of interest. Defend this lab until I'm suited up." he orders.

The soldier nods silently before turning around and walking away. The soldier leaves the room and the Scientist in the room is doing what he can to hastily prepare the armor for the Commander.

Marvin: "These Rebels won't see what hit them." he declares.

{Skies above Bingham, Fort Bingham}

Kiefer was trying to figure out what he could possibly do to stop the enemy advance. But with his fleet decimated and the Fortress breached. There is really only one thing he can do. Ensure the Rebels don't walk away ALIVE.

Kiefer: "Full Speed ahead, all guns open fire. If we cannot push them back, we'll take them with us to the grave." he orders/declares.

The crew on the bridge was hesitant but followed orders. The Invincible engages all its thrusters and reaches its full speed as it charges towards the Droid Fleet. As this happened, all the guns on the ship opened fire. The droid ships focus fire and hail the airship with an onslaught of red laser bolts from all available guns and cannons. Droid Fighters even switched targets, but the bombers continued their assault on the Missile Cruisers. The Invincible's hard light shields hold against the beating its receiving as it attacks the Droid Fleet. This onslaught from The Invincible is battering The Salvations hull. The ship hadn't fully fixed it's shields as they were still down.

Altus stayed standing as the ship was shaking violently from the barrage. He clenches his metal fist.

Tactical Droid: "We're suffering sever damage. I recommend a full scale retre-" the droid was stopped by Altus who brought his hand up.

Altus: "No."

The droids look at him.

Altus: "Get me in contact with the Admiral." he orders, calmly.

The droids nod.

{Streets, Fort Bingham}

(Y/n) and Adam ran down the street while throughout the base, Droids, Faunus and UF Soldiers engaged in combat. They both come to a stop when (Y/n) hears his communicator go off. They come to a stop and (Y/n) pulls out his holographic communicator. Altus's hologram appears.

Altus(Hologram): "The Salvation is taking considerable damage. The Risk is in critical condition and only The Bold's shields are operational. The enemy Command Ship is battering the fleet and may target our forces on the ground." he reports.

(Y/n): "Pull back. Once I deal with Marvin I'll join you in the skies." he said.

Altus(Hologram): "I will have to decline sir." he said.

(Y/n): "What?"

Altus(Hologram): "It would be illogical to let the enemy Command Ship remain. Our forces will lose air superiority and many people will die." he states.

(Y/n): "Then call for reinforcements from the Fleet in orbit." he orders.

Altus(Hologram): "They won't get here in time sir." he said. "But I have a plan."

(Y/n) figured as much. But a part of him felt like what he just said was wrong. He tries to theorize what his plan was. But his eyes widen.

(Y/n): "Altus..... you're not considering-"

Altus(Hologram): "It's been and honor, sir." he said.

(Y/n): "no, Altus wait!" He was too late as the droid cut the transmission. "Altus? Altus!"

Getting no response, he looks up at the battle above. Adam follows his gaze and turns around.

{Skies above Bingham, Fort Bingham}

After ending the transmission with his Admiral. Altus stares at the enemy command ship. All his years of service in the Clone Wars led to this. He remembers when he and (Y/n) first met during The Battle of Vaatu. Vaatu to now. A long journey indeed.

Altus: "Full Speed ahead." he orders.

The droids nod. The Salvation kicks into high gear and goes straight for The Invincible at full speed. All its guns firing upon it as it approaches without pause. Kiefer sees its approach and knows what's going to happen.

Kiefer: "Stop that enemy ship!!" he orders hastily.

The guns focus on The Salvation in attempts to stop what Altus is planning. But it was futile. The droid ship was not stopping and no matter what they did it would still hit. Kiefer, knowing there was absolutely no way out of this, closed his eyes. The Salvation gets closer and closer before it smashed into the Invincible at full speed. The Invincible was shaken a little before a series of explosions erupted on The Salvation. Altus simply stood there on the bridge while explosions erupted on all decks of the ship. Before he knew it, The Salvation exploded taking the Invincible with it.

(Que Tech's Death Theme)

A massive hole is ripped into The Invincible as it begins to descend towards the ground with the Salvation's burning wreckage behind it.

{Streets, Fort Bingham}

(Y/n): "NO!!!" he shouts, seeing the Salvation explode.

Adam's eyes widened seeing the explosion and the obvious sacrifice.

{Droid FOB, Fort Bingham}

Everyone in the FOB heard the explosion and looked up to see the Salvation in flames and falling towards the ground. Night Raid knew who was on that ship and was in disbelief.

Najenda: "Altus...."

The others stared on in disbelief. They watch the two ships crash into the ground. The Invincible crashes into the base itself, leaving behind a trench of destruction before it explodes completely. The Salvation crashed just outside the Base. The flames make large pillars of smoke rise into the sky.

{Streets, Fort Bingham}

(Y/n) stands there in disbelief. The Super Tactical Droid he fought beside in the Clone Wars, the one who helped him create The Cold Protocol and one he considered a brother.... was gone. Altus was gone. After everything they've been through. The Battle of Vaatu to this very battle. He fought back any tears that wished to be released as his once shocked and disbelief confused expression turned calm but the sadness was definitely present. All hidden by his helmet. He looks at Adam.

(Y/n): "We.... Marvin is still in the base. Let's get him." he said, a deep hidden anger.

Adam watches him walk away before he follows him silently.

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