Lavender Eyes II Tokito Muic...

By ThatOneSimpyFriend

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Hanae Kocho (A.K.A you) is the younger sister of Kanae and Shinobu Kocho. She also has an older adoptive sist... More

*Author's Note**Edited*
*Character Info*
*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
*Chapter 4*
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 6*
*Chapter 7*
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
*Chapter 11
*Have I seen you before?*
*Chapter 12*
*Fallen for you*
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*

*Chapter 10*

1.2K 14 18
By ThatOneSimpyFriend

*A/N: Hey y'll~ Anyways, we're so close to 1k reads! And I'm really excited rn! I'm planning to make a 1k reads special, so comments some ideas on what I so write about! Well, enjoy this*

*Hanae's Pov*

~One day~

"AH!!" I whipped my head towards the scream. I was helping Aoi train some demon slayers when we heard someone screaming. I looked at Aoi, and then dashed outside.

"What happened-" I stopped mid-sentence, when I saw what had happened. Then I bursted out giggling. There was a stray dog, who happened to wandered into our yard, and Shinobu was behind Kanae, clinging to her.

"Get that furry monster away from me!!!!!" Shinobu screamed, terrified. Me, Kanae, and Aoi couldn't stop laughing.

"Go away, you fluffy little demon!" She yelled at the dog. We kept laughing.

After a few minuted of yelling and laughing, the dog decided to leave and chase a butterfly.

"Awww... Shinobu-nee! We could've kept the dog!" I pouted, totally.

"Nuh uh! As long as I'm here, there will be absolutely no furry monsters," Shinobu said sternly. A few giggles escaped from our lips.

"Uh... Hanae-sama?" I heard someone said my name from behind me. I turned around and saw a kakushi waiting.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Your katana is here," They informed me, bowing.

"Ah, thank you for informing me," I smiled, and followed the kakushi to the living room, leaving the arguing trio behind me. There was a guy waiting in the living room. He turned around and faced me. He was wearing the same mask like the two that came to Sensei's house to deliver nee-san's katana.

"You must be Kocho Hanae," He said, politely. I nodded, then sat down in front of him. 

He putted a cloth-covered rectangle box between us, then slowly untied the knot. He took off the lid, revealing a silver katana resting on a soft piece of cloth. he picked up the katana and held it in front of him. I took it and admire the intricate butterflies pattern on the silver saya. The handle also has the same pattern.

"The nichirin blade is made of scarlet crimson iron sand and scarlet crimson ore. These materials bathed in the light year-round, meaning that they can absorb sunlight," He explained to me, I nodded. I observed the golden, but hollow, butterfly tsuba.

"Why don't you go ahead and draw your katana?" The man said, politely. I nodded, and slowly draw the katana. I held the katana upright, the color started changing. I gasped as the katana slowly change from silver to a light purple color.

"What a beautiful color!" Kanae exclaimed from the doorway.

"Indeed," The man agreed.

"The color changes based on the owners, and I think the color fits you," Shinobu said, also from the doorway. I smiled, admiring the beautiful katana.

"CAW! CAW!" Something screeched from outside the window, which startled me. A crow landed on the window silt.


"Well, what are you waiting for?" Kanae said, "now you are officially a demon slayer," she smiled, I smiled back.

I got ready, then waved goodbye to my sisters and Aoi, I blew out a breath, and headed out for my mission.

~Time skip, because I'm lazy like that :)~

By the time I'd arrived at the village, it was already dark. I walked around the quiet and empty town. I walked past the empty stalls.

"This place is awfully quiet... and empty..." I thought to myself.

I was walking, when I picked up an odorous scent.

"A demon!" I realized, I quickly sprinted towards the scent. Then another scent filled my nose, followed by a scream. I suddenly recognized the smell.

"The smell of blood!" I quickened my pace, and the smell of blood got stronger. I clutched the handle of my katana tightly. I arrived at a clearing in the forest. I gasped at the sight. Countless of dead bodies lied on the ground, and the demon was about to devour its victim.

In an instance, both of its arms fell limply to the ground. I set the startled girl on the ground.

"HEY! THAT WAS MY PREY!" The demon screamed at me, I ignored it. Focusing on the startled girl, I checked to make sure that she was okay.

"Please get out of here," I said, gently. She nodded then stood up and ran away.

I stood up, then turn to face the demon. I held the katana tighter.

"You sure have devoured a lot of people!" I said, cheerfully.

 The demon charged at me, I jumped to the side to avoid the attack. The demon changed direction, then came at me again. I smiled cheerfully, then dodged the attack, effortlessly. I planted my left foot on to the ground, then sprinted towards the demon.

"Blood demon art: Death trap!" The demon shouted, then raised its arm. I skidded to a stop, then I caught a scent coming from the ground. I gasped, then jumped backwards to avoid the sharp spikes coming out of the ground.

"Woah! What an amazing demon art you have!" I said, cheerfully. The demon was shocked to hear my words.

"I would be your friend, but its too bad that you're a demon," I frowned, tilting my head to the side.

"But, I'm sure that we can make this work!" I smiled.

"W-wait, r-really?" The demon stuttered, I nodded.

"Of course! But there is a few things we need to do before we can be friends!" I explained, "Since you killed so many innocent people, you must be punished!" I continued, "It would be unfortunate to let you go after what you have caused so much suffering to the people, so you must received a punishment to cleanse you of your sins!" I smiled. The demon looked at me terrified.

"I could slit your stomach in half, I could gouge out your eyes. In order to be cleanse you need to go through pain and suffering. I'm sure it won't hurt, since you are a demon after all! After you have been cleansed, we can be friends!" I smiled, cheerfully.

"You little b!tch, who the f#ck do you think you are?!" The demon said through gritted teeth, it raised its arm one more time. Sharp spikes came out of the ground, then it came at me. I smiled, then sprinted towards the demon. I cut down all the spikes coming at me in an instance. As I gain momentum, I pushed all of the momentum in to the ground, then launched myself into the air in the same instance. The demon, in shocked, looked around trying to locate where I was. I flipped mid-air, so that I was head first. The demon finally looked up into the sky, and widen its eyes the moment it realized I was in the air.

"Nature breathing, third-form, autumn breeze," I whispered to myself, I sliced the demon neck in a blink of an eye. I, gracefully, landed behind the demon. I heard the demon's head falling to the ground with a soft thud. I turned around, and looked, sympathetically, at the disintegrating body.

~Time skip, because your author is lazy~

For the next 30 minutes, I dug out graves and buried the dead bodies, praying after I was done.

"CAW! CAW! KOCHO HANAE! HEAD TO YOUR NEXT MISSION IN THE EAST TOWN!" My crow screeched out of nowhere, basically starling me. I sighed, then sent dead glare at the crow, who was resting on a tree branch. I swear, I'm pretty sure that my crow just snickered at me. I glared at my crow for a good 3 minutes, then I sighed, again. I, then headed east for the next mission


Hey y'all! Here is another chapter! This might be one of the only times I've actually update in time- Well, anyways. Y'ALL, we are almost to 1k reads! I'm really thankful for your support! Please comments some ideas for me, cuz I'm planning to make a 1k special chapter just for you guys! Anyways, I hoped y'll enjoy this chapter! - Author-san

P.S. PLEASE, comments and share this story with your friends! I mean you don't have to, but I'd really appreciate it!

Words: 1358

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