Living a Dream: Love Story in...

Od PurpleKorea134

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It has been Sophia O'Shea's dream to travel to an Asian county, and she gets the opportunity to do so when sh... Více

Chapter 1 - The Beginning of a Great Adventure
Chapter 2 - The Ben Thanh Market: Bargaining
Chapter 3 - Fun at the Beach in Da Nang
Chapter 4 - Lovely Morning Walk on a Busy Street
Chapter 5 - The Colorful Night Scene in Hoi An
Chapter 6 - A Rather Heated Day at My Son Sanctuary
Chapter 7 - The Breathtaking Vietnamese Countryside
Chapter 8 - Nighttime in the Country Produces Heated Feelings
Chapter 10 - Advice from a Few Reliable Sources
Chapter 11 - Not Acting out the Emotions
Chapter 12 - A See You Later at the Golden Hand Bridge

Chapter 9 - The Cute Kiss Scene Brings Back Memories

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Od PurpleKorea134

I quote the movie in some scenes. I just wanted to add a disclaimer that it was the writers that own the dialogue and everything about the movie, like the scenes and pictures I use. I'm just expanding on it all a bit.

~ ~ ~

Morning came, and I stood in an open veranda to the house that viewed the farm lands and mountains with the rising sunlight casting its glow over them. I learned that this very spot would be used for the film, and what a perfect view to do so. I took in and let out a deep breath of fresh morning air.

"Wow, what a dream this is..." I said as someone came out from the house and joined me.

"You're still saying that you don't believe any of this is happening?" he asked me, and I looked over at him. His black hair was down, and he had on a white tank top and silver basketball shorts.

"You going out for a run?"

He smirked in amusement. "Hey, don't change the subject. So? When are you going to believe that all this is really happening?"

"When I wake up and realize it's the day of my big interview with the film company, and my sister is banging on my door, yelling at me to get up or I'll be late."

"Did she actually do that?"

"Yes, she did. My alarm didn't go off, and I had to get ready in ten minutes, which was quite the feat since I had to shower, do my hair and makeup."

He whistled as he looked out at the farmlands and houses dotting them. "Women never cease to amaze me."

"We're part robot." We both laughed at that as we stood there, gazing at the view. "It's so beautiful out here. I wouldn't mind living here. I mean, out in the country where the air is fresh and there isn't the constant bustle of the city... That alone is a dream."

"I hear ya. I thought the same thing when I came here. Before, I've only seen pictures. But as I said..." He wrapped me up in a hug, tangling his arms into my long hair, and I smelled cologne on him. He hadn't gone out running yet. My whole body suddenly turned to pudding. "You're the most beautiful thing here."

I smiled against his chest. "Thank you. So... are we actually a thing now? I mean, I don't want to sound like we're in the nineth grade, but..."

"Boyfriend and girlfriend? You can say it."

"Okay, then. Are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

"I hope so. Since Jenny, I haven't felt like this for a woman. It's refreshing and wonderful."

That tickled me and made me feel incredible—him not feeling like this since his last girlfriend a few years ago. "I second that. It's the same for me."

We stood there, holding each other for a minute, and we heard the family make a ruckus inside. We reluctantly released each other. "Minh is making breakfast. Do you want to go help?"

"Don't you have to get a run in?"

"I think skipping a day wouldn't hurt."

We went on in and helped out with breakfast, and by eight o'clock, the whole cast and crew had arrived, and we were back to work. This was a big part of this movie—filming the Tết celebration. The very house Scott and I stayed in was turned into a film set, as well as the vicinity around it. The whole area started to smell of incredible food. The actors got to take part in making it, and it would be filmed.

"Hey," I greeted Thanh as we were in the house, and cameras were set up, and several crew members and a few of the cast were inside to do the scene.

"Hey. So, I saw you talking with Scott earlier..." She nudged me and gave me a sly look.

"Yeah," I said, smiling. "We're official, I guess. I mean, we talked about it and decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend."

She squealed gleefully. "Oh, I'm so happy for you!"

"I'm happy for you, too."


I leaned in and glanced at Andrew who was in the room, too. I whispered, "I happened to be walking along the road last night and saw something..."

She gasped. "Me and Andrew?"

"M-hm. It's about time. You two a thing now, too?"

"Honestly, I don't know. Yeah, we kissed and all, but..."

I saw her hesitant look. "You two like each other. And so what if you're going to be elsewhere after filming. Knowing him, he's going to make it so he stays here for you. He has it bad."

We both looked over at him, and he noticed us looking at him. He smiled and put up a hand in a wave. Thanh did the same back. "Yeah, he does. I think he's one of the nicest guys I've met and so much better than other guys I've dated."

"Well, there you go. Just see where the road leads."

We had to stop our conversation since filming would start soon. I stood out of the shot as the two lovebirds came close to each other. They had the same predicament as Scott and me, only Thanh wasn't going to the US afterwards. I would say that they had it worse.

I exited this scene since I had to help out with other scenes that were being filmed around the house's property. I knew that Scott was off with Rachael as they were filming that scene with the stick poofs.

Once lunch came around, I sat down on a bench that was near the house, and I held my lunch on a plate as the hot noon sun beat down on me. We were able to have the leftovers to the food that was made. The rest was all put into a fridge and saved for the feast scene. My feet throbbed in my Hey Dudes as I started munching on a very delicious noodle dish.

"Mm, this is good," I said with my mouth full, then chewed. Naturally, I would love Asian food. It was my favorite type of food, no matter the country. I loved it all.

"You look like you're enjoying that," I heard a familiar voice comment as someone sat next to me. He had a full plate as well.

"I am. I'm in love with Asian food."

He leaned in an said in an undertone, "And with a certain Asian guy."

I chuckled as I still chewed, then swallowed. "You're right." I pointed to my plate. "This hits the spot. I was starving, and my feet are throbbing from being up on them for hours. So, you have to change into some traditional clothes after lunch, huh?"

"Yeah, for the celebration in the film." He took a bite of the same noodle dish. "Yeah, this is good. Homecooked is the best."

"Your mom's made traditional dishes before?"

He chewed, then swallowed. "Oh, yeah. All the time. Our house always smelled like it, and sometimes I was self-conscious about it since it smelled like fish a lot of the time, and I knew visitors weren't thrilled about it."

I laughed. "Sounds fun."

We both munched on our lunch as we watched everyone else do it, too. Scott pointed to Thanh and Andrew sitting in chairs set right next to each other, and Andrew fed something to Thanh. "Hey, when did that happen?"

"Last night. I happened to overhear and see them talking after I left the house. They're not the only ones who started something last night."

"Seriously? Wow. Good for them. I knew that Andrew was crazy about Thanh and she was about him."

"Yeah. It was so sweet. He kissed her, thought he made a mistake, left, but then she stopped him and kissed him back. I think it was the cutest thing outside of a romcom that I've seen. And, yes, you should know by now that I'm like Naomi and am a cheesy romantic. That's why my time here seems like a movie, and you're the main lead."

"Hey, I don't mind being your leading man." He became silent, and I looked over at him. He stopped eating. "So... speaking of kissing, you know that the kiss scene between Amanda and Sinh is being shot this evening, right?"

I nodded as my happy feelings in this moment depleted. "Yeah, I know."

"Just know that it's only acting, okay? I want to make that clear. Plus, you should know that after working on a movie set for a while."

I nodded again. "Yeah, you're right, and I know that Rachael and you are only good friends."

"We are. I look up to her as a fellow actor. She's down-to-earth, charming, kind, humble... something you wouldn't really expect a Hollywood actor to be."

"You're the same, and you're an actor," I argued.

"She's a better-seasoned one," he corrected, and he saw my expression. "Hey, it's okay. Just know that you're the only woman in my heart right now."

My plate sat on my lap, and I stared at the food on it, not touching it. "Still... it's going to be hard watching you kiss someone else. Maybe I'll just not be there when it happens. I don't think I have to be, anyway. Plus, this scene needs to happen. It's going to make the audience squeal."

He smirked. "That it will. Sinh was completely in love with Amanda from the get-go, so he's been wanting to kiss here for a while." He looked over at me. "Sounds like someone, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, you. And me. I've wanted to kiss you since I first saw you on the screen. Remember that scene in Bones? I thought you were pretty hot there, too."

"If only I knew that a beautiful redheaded woman was ogling me in that scene."

We both laughed, and we finished off the lunch. The Tết celebration was filmed, and the whole time, I watched Scott as he was dressed in his maroon-colored traditional outfit, and his hair was pulled back. He was great in acting out being completely stunned by how pretty Rachael looked in that blue traditional dress. It almost didn't look fake. That made my chest pinch. And they would be kissing in a few hours.

The scene was cut since Steven wanted Sinh to look more lovestruck. Huh. Maybe I didn't want to watch this, either. I went out of the room, and I knew that Scott noticed.

Yeah, I most definitely wouldn't watch them do the kiss scene.

As some members of the crew walked around the yard to the house, I sat in a chair around that campfire. It was still light outside, and still pretty warm, so there was no fire. My long hair was down, and my neck felt heated, so I pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I felt my heart sinking as not-so-great thoughts rampaged my mind...

He's an actor, so he would be kissing women sometimes for shows and movies.

He would be traveling to far-away places, especially Asian countries since he's Asian, and I wouldn't see him often.

He's so much older than me, and I'm a normal girl, so people may not like him with me.

Would his family like me? They sounded nice, but...

Maybe being here in Vietnam in such a beautiful romantic place sparked feelings that could dwindle away eventually.

All this could end in heartbreak when filming is through.

We rushed this relationship. I've only known him for not even two weeks, and I don't know much about him...


That catapulted me out of my thoughts, and I jumped from the sudden voice. I looked over and found a whole lot of blue. "Hey, Rachael. Is the scene through?"

"For now." She sat down in the chair next to me as I had my gaze on the campfire holder that was filled with charred wood. "Are you okay?"

She was using a gentle tone. I looked at her and saw that her expression was the same. "I... don't know."

"Scott wanted me to come out and talk to you. He told me of the conversation you two had regarding the scene we have to do tonight."

She was nice enough to say what kind of scene. "Yeah... I guess... I know... Rachael, do you think that Scott and I rushed things?"

"I don't think so. When you love someone, you love someone. Relationships can start in a day or can be drug out for years. It all depends on the couple. You and Scott... honestly, I was surprised that he didn't kiss you on the second day of filming. He had hearts in his eyes from the beginning, and so did you. I saw it as you two met for the first time. There was no mistaking it."

I nodded as I absorbed that. "He's an actor..."

"And you're in the show business, too."

She had a point.

"It's normal to have some doubts at the beginning of a relationship," she continued. "I think you should know that from the relationships that you've been in."

"My last one ended in a trainwreck, so..."

"So, you think that it will happen again."

"It's not that." I sat up and fully faced her. "That relationship scarred me really bad because we were so in love and so serious and were even talking about getting engaged, but then he cheated on me." My throat caught, and Rachael put her hand on mine that was on the armrest. "I lost a lot of self-esteem, and even though Scott tells me I'm the most beautiful thing he's seen in Vietnam, and he promised that he wouldn't look at other women..."

"There are still doubts," she finished and squeezed my hand. "I understand. But Scott is a good man and is true to his word. I can promise you, that even though we have to kiss for that scene in a few hours, it's not going to change how he feels about you."

"I guess it's more, I know that he's going to kiss other women in the future now that he was pushed to the forefront in acting. He's off to Thailand after this to film a show, and... I guess I worry. He promised, yes, but... things can happen. I don't want to be heartbroken again."

She nodded in understanding as my eyes stung, and a tear escaped. "Hey, come here," she said and pulled me into a hug. We hugged for a minute, and I felt her warmth and smelled her perfume. Again, it felt like hugging my sister. It was so comforting and caused me to ease my emotions. I took a large breath and let it out. "That's it," she said and rubbed my back. "Love is wonderful, but it can also hurt. But I think it's more wonderful than hurtful."

I nodded. "Yeah."

We hugged for a moment longer, then let go. She put a hand on my cheek and gave me a kind smile. "You are so beautiful in every way, Sophia, and you've been so blessed lately. Don't let fears get in the way."

"I'll try. It's hard."

"I know." Someone around us said that filming would start again in five. "Well, I have to get back in there. Come with me and watch your man at work."

A smile managed to escape, and we headed back to the house. When Scott saw me come in with a smile, he looked relieved. He was fearing something, too. That was why he asked Rachael to talk to me. And while she did her best, and her words were comforting in the moment, I couldn't shake that fear. It was hard to push away. As the saying goes, I wore it on my sleeve, and people noticed. I hoped that I would get over it.

~ ~ ~

The kiss scene came, and I chose to stay behind. There were only a few crew members that needed to be there, anyway, like two cameramen, the director and producer. Thank the Lord.

I came back to the house once the film crew was away from it since they needed to be in order to create a clean backdrop for the kissing scene. I was about to head into the house to get ready for an early night, but I was stopped by Steven. His salt-and-pepper hair was tied back into a ponytail as usual.

"Sophia, I'm glad that I caught you. Are you headed off to bed?"

"Yeah, Steven. You look flustered. Anything the matter?"

He put his hands in front of him and put them together like he was praying. "Could I ask you to hold on that and join us out to do the next scene? We need an extra set of eyes, and others have already left. Cass and Naomi are off in the marketplace down the road, so they won't be able to. Please."

I feared this would happen. My heart started beating faster. "Um, there's no one else? Like any other of the film crew?"

"I told them earlier we only needed two cameramen, me and Joel."

My heart was sinking as this conversation was going on. "Um..."

His Asian eyes turned sympathetic. "I know what's been going on between you and Scott, so I know it would be hard for you to watch, but I'm desperate."

This was news to me! "You knew about me and Scott?"

"Please. Everyone knows. A romcom off the camera as everyone is saying."

I was blown away by this. "I had no idea people were paying that close attention."

"A film crew's a small community where everyone knows everything about everyone. Anyway, will you do it?"

I felt like I didn't have much of a choice here. He was the director. It was hard to say no to him. "Okay. I'll do it."

"Great! You're a lifesaver. Come with me."

We headed out to the pathway that this scene would take place on, and Scott, Rachael, Joel and the cameraman were already there, ready to go. The all saw us come up, and Scott and Rachael looked the most surprised to see me.

"Sophia is here to help us out," Seven announced. "Now, let's get ready."

Scott came up to me as he was still in his traditional outfit, and his hair was tied back. "This is surprising."

"You're telling me. I tried to talk my way out of it."

"Just remember what I told you, okay?"

"I know."

He and Rachael had to get behind the camera, and she gave me a worried look. She probably could sense that I was still doubtful about all this, about what Scott's and my relationship would lead to. The cameras started rolling as soon as the two actors were in place.

"That dinner with your family was so special, thank you," said Rachael as Amanda. I knew that she and Scott knew their lines since I saw them rehearsing them earlier after the Tết scene. "I had no idea that this tour could include something like that."

As they were walking, I saw a stick in the way on the path. I quickly moved it off the camera. So much was my job.

"It's like I said," said Scott as Sinh, "when you open yourself up to new possibilities, you'd be surprised where life can take you."

I could wholeheartedly agree with that. I wouldn't be here if I didn't take that leap and applied for this job.

"I do feel like this trip has completely changed me," said Rachael.

"I'll take credit for that."

Yes, this whole trip changed me, and Scott had to take full credit for that. Well, the country had some of the credit, but Scott took most of it.

"As you should," said Rachael. "I mean, we've completely thrown out the guidebook, and I love it."

"So... no more coloring in the lines?"

"I wouldn't go quite that far. There's so much to be said for spontaneity, for throwing away your plans, for leading from the heart."

"Cut!" Steven said, and Scott and Rachael stopped walking. "That was good, but Scott, I want you to smile and head nod to what Rachael says. Make it seem more natural. Let's try it again."

We walked back along the path a little ways. I eyed the areal camera that was being operated by a crane by one of the other cameramen. That was for the areal shot of the kiss. Really, I just wanted this to be over.

"Okay, action!" Steven shouted, and the actors went through the lines again, and the scene was cut, but so the shot could be at a different angle. Steven said, "Okay, Scott, I want you to use that alluring gaze you do so well." Scott laughed. "Hey, I've seen that commercial you did. I say do that as you look at Rachael as she's about to tell you her secret. Or as Amanda is about to tell Sinh her secret. Then, you know what to do. Let's try it out."

When he said directions like that, it meant that the shot would be done several times, meaning that Scott had to kiss Rachael several times. My stomach started to sink again, and I regretted eating so much earlier.

"Action!" Steven shouted again, and the scene went on...

"But, uh, listen..." Rachael started, and she turned to face Scott. "The truth is that I didn't just randomly take this trip, and there is something that I wanna say, that I need to say."

Scott was staring at her in the very way he was told, in the way that he demonstrated that day near the river. "Is it 'Kiss me?'" he asked in that sultry tone.

"I... I, um... yes, kiss me."

Steven gave them instructions, and Scott leaned in. He hesitated for one second, then went in for it. The two started kissing, and I gulped hard. Even if it was acting, watching the man you loved kissing another woman wasn't great at all. I pressed my lips together as the cameral came closer to them as they kissed, and I knew that the camera above was catching this moment, too.

"Cut," said Steven, and the two unhooked. They both smiled at each other, and my heart pinched. I folded my arms and looked away, my mouth far away from a smile. Steven said, "That was wonderful, but, Rachael, I want you to sound more nervous and breathy after he says, 'Is it 'Kiss me?' Okay?"

"Okay, Steven."

"And Scott, don't be hesitant. Just go in for the kiss since Sinh's been wanting to do this since he met Amanda."

He made a glance at me as I stood about ten feet away from him, behind the camera. "Okay, Steven. Sorry about that."

"It's okay. I know Sophia's here, just try and get it straight. Now, let's take it from Amanda's line, 'But, listen, the truth is...'"

Everyone got to it, and Scott made a glance at me. Yeah, he was hesitant because of my presence.

The scene was shot again, and again, I had to watch him kiss a beautiful woman that I knew was his friend, and who was taken, but still...

"Cut!" Steven shouted. "I love it. Wonderful! Nice work, everyone!"

In this moment, this was when the crew started to disperse, and Steven would rewatch the scene on the camera. I stood there, watching it with him since he wanted me to be another set of eyes. He made comments about it, as did Joel and Rachael when she came up to view it as well. Scott was standing there, watching all of us, mainly me.

"You okay?" Rachael asked me as the kissing started on the video. I nodded but didn't say anything.

"I think we'll use this," said Steven. "Thoughts?"

Everyone agreed, and when we were told to head back, I did so briskly. I heard Scott call my name, but I still went on. I ran back into the house, greeted the family, then went to my room and shut the door. Tears leaked from my eyes, recalling another man I loved kissing a woman that wasn't me.

I packed up my stuff quickly. I wouldn't be staying another night since the plan was that we would all head back to the city after the kiss scene.

I left the house after thanking the family the best I could since my Vietnamese was still horrible, then I ran to Cass and Naomi who were packing up the car. I put on a face that thankfully fooled them, and we headed back to the city.

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