The Lonely Wolf Of Lri

By JeewakaE

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Once Upon a Time, There Was a young man named Jack Robson in a village called Lri Who was wondering about wha... More

It Begins

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By JeewakaE

Once upon a time,

There was a village called " LRI " surrounded by a green plain. It was such a beautiful place. There were Sunflower fields, Blue ponds, various fruits and vegetables, and more to see i. There lived a people who loved farming, having parties, Fishing, dancing, and fighting. Those people were called "Lri Landers". Lri landers have been living in lri for many years and it was their only home. Lri is situated in the kingdom called " DHURLAND ". Dhurland is one of the Regions and Kingdoms of...


It's a world that had so many things that anyone couldn't expect. There was Magic, Power, Hope, and Reason that shaped this world. It was a lively world with so many stories. But this time it's a story about one person.

This story is centered around a young man who stepped into an adventure he did not expect.

In Lri there was a small house that had a wolf skull on the front door. There lived a young Lri lander named Jack. Jack Robson. He had a black birthmark on his left Cheek.

Jack lived with His father " Rob Livalon ", Mother " Dorthy Grutdun " and his younger Brother "Edward Robson ".

Rob was a Farmer and was the former Guardian of Lri. He was trained to Fight any enemy that threatens Lri. But he lost his left leg when Dhurland was about to get attacked by something evil. After he retired and started farming and helping his village as a leader. Rob never wanted his sons to get the same fate he got. So he and His wife trained their sons to be better. He wanted his sons to be Noblemen.

Dorthy was the Daughter of the village leader of Lr , "Al dhrun" who died some years ago. Edward was a bit fatter than his elder brother Jack. He wanted to be a fighter and he loved to start a fight with his brother. Also, He likes farming like his father and helped him a lot.

Jack was different from other family members. He lived like he was alone. He just wanted to make his life full of adventures. He wanted to be different than others in the village. He hardly talks with people. But still, he wanted to see the experience more.

So, one day he Thought about Running away from his home and going on an Adventure. He planned it for some time. He waited until he get older enough. On his 20 birthday Which was in the year 1299, He made his escape from normal life. While his family members were sleeping He wrote a letter for them to find after they woke up. Then packed the things he need and prepared himself. He took a map and a compass because he would need them. Then Jack slowly opened the window and went outside.

The letter was left on the table. Under a plate.

The Letter -

* Dear Mothere and Pathere,

I am sorry I left you without saying goodbye. I want to see the unknown lands; I want to see the green valleys and Blue seas.

I want to see what you have told in your stories Pathere. I want to feel the snow. I want to live a new life. I will tell you everything after I return. Don't worry about me. I will return as a better man, a better son. I love you all.

Your son,


It was a cold night. The sky was beautiful as it was in Dark Green and Dark Blue mixed colors.

Jack walked away from his house and looked back. Then took a deep breath with a sad face expressing his sadness about leaving his family behind. He sneaked past the night watch of the village. He managed to Jump from the fence and exit the village.

After some time passed He reached the border of Dhurland. He headed North and forth.

After walking for hours He reached The UTULA FOREST. it was still dark and that forest was restricted to wandering at night. Jack took a deep breath and entered the forest. The forest was full of tall Redwood trees. The trees were moving like they are alive, because of the wind.

Jack felt tired after walking for a long time. So he stopped under a Big tree. He took his water bottle and drank.

Suddenly a cold wind went through the forest. The water in the bottle froze. Jack quickly stood up and grabbed a stick nearby. He heard a noise coming from the East.

It was a herd of creatures called "SNOWDERS". Snowders were innocent creatures that looked like deer with a Horn and Antennas on Their head. When a heard of Snowders are running, the area becomes colder. There were 20 snowders in the herd. Jack stepped away from their path.

After the herd passed the forest, the frozen water became normal again. It was really quiet after the snowders are gone. Jack realized something was chasing the snowders and I could be a Predator.

Jack heard some bushes moving. There was something growling behind the bushes. Suddenly a Big " TION " jumped through the bushes and it was Drooling as it heavily breathed the air. Jack slowly stepped back and prepared to run. The Tion Roared like a Lion.

Tions were predators. They were like a hybrid of Lions and lizards which had fur around its neck and Sharp claws on strong four legs. They had long fangs and small spikes on their back. They were not easy to outrun and they were born to hunt. One of the dangerous things that live in Wach-Jeju.

Jack started to run without Directions. He ran without looking back. The Tion was chasing Jack through the forest and through the obstacles. Jack suddenly fell into a Hole in the ground. It was a hidden Tunnel that must lead somewhere. The Tion couldn't reach Jack. It tried to reach its arms to Jack but It couldn't. So it roared and walked away as a defeated hunter. The chase made Jack puff and he breathe heavily. He sat down for a while until he feels comfortable. After some minutes he started walking through the tunnel until he find an exit.

While walking Jack felt hungry and sat down on a rock. He took a sandwich and ate it. After that, he continued walking forward. It became darker when he walked forward. So Jack made a torch and Lit it up.

Jack walked for an Hour. He was tired and all sweaty. He started thinking about home. His eyes were full of tears. He looked back and took a deep breath.

"Why Did I do this? My parents will be mad and heartbroken. Should I give up and go back? "

Jack talked to himself.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I won't step back. I will go forward. I am not stepping back. "

Jack stood up and walked forward without looking back.

After walking for about fifty minutes Jack saw a light coming from forward of the tunnel. There was an exit, finally.

Jack ran towards the light. He saw gold rays of light coming through the trees. He started hearing birds singing. He felt happy about escaping the tunnel. He was in some kind of Hidden Forest. It was in a cave. It was surrounded by rock walls and the above was clear. One of the two suns was up in the sky, and it was visible because of the Hole above. This hidden forest is in somewhere below the Utula forest.

Jack picked and ate some blueberries that were on a tree. There was also a lake with pure water. Jack filled his water bottle and washed his face with cool water.

This hidden forest was quiet and peaceful. Jack felt tired. so he laid down on the ground to take a nap.

After a While, Jack woke up. He felt strange. He looked around and realized he was in a white room. Jack couldn't move and everything was blurry. A man wearing White clothes and something that looks like a black rope or a snake around his neck. He had four eyes and two of them were in front of the other two like they were protecting them. That man came forward with the small board-like thing and started to talk.

" Hello Jack, I am Doctor Ivan Hasmara "

The voice was echoing and loud.

Jack felt dazed and hallucinated.

"Jack, You are in the Westhol Hospital. It's 2000 September 9. Your family is gone. Only You survived "

His Voice became louder and unclear. It was echoing.

"Ynohu airte doreabmrinag "

The voice wasn't clear and it faded away slowly while Jack shut down his Eyes and ears.

Jack panicked and started to shake.

"Jack, the light will guide you "

" you will die or you will kill "

"You are the Alpha "


Jack heard more and more voices and everything became twisted and echoing. It was like a hallucination.

"No, No!

This isn't real! "

Jack yelled while covering his eyes. Then he felt like he is falling into a black hole and started spinning. He saw stars, planets, and galaxies while spinning.

Suddenly he got swallowed by the darkness and He woke up. It was just a dream. Jack was scared and panicked. He breathes heavily while looking around. He was still in the hidden forest. He calmed himself down.

" It was just a dream "

Jack felt like he has been sleeping for more than a few hours. It was like he have spent a day inside the hidden forest. Jack was clean shaved but He realized that there is a little bit of beard on his face when he looked at his reflection in the water. Also, his hair was grown.

Jack decided that it was time to leave the hidden forest. Jack searched around to find a way out other than the tunnel he came through.

Behind some bushes, there was a stone door that had strange Triangles, stars, circles, squares, and lines on it. They looked like some kind of symbol. Jack pushed the door and walked forward.

Then he saw the two suns shining.

He saw a green valley. There were horses running around the valley. Jack realized That he is in a different region now.

It was WHE-ZUARD. Jack saw a road sign after walking along the road. He felt glad about that.

It was written as "LOKKUR". Jack saw a carriage stop near the road. The driver was searching for something on the ground.

Jack went closer to look.

"Pardon, What are you looking for Mister ?" Jack asked while looking at the Driver's carriage.

"Oh Lad, Me is searching for me Glasses," said the Driver who was searching on mud.

"Check Your pockets, Mister," Jack said.

"Wha? Me would neva put me Glasses in me...Oh, There it is. Hah "

The driver found his glasses in his pocket.

Jack and Driver smiled at each other. Jack was holding back his laugh by covering his mouth and pretending as if he is coughing.

"Darn, Me Didn't know it.

Thanks, Lad. But Where ya goin'? "

asked the Driver after wearing his glasses.

"I am going on a .... vacation. Is there an Inn nearby? " asked Jack.

"Oh Ya, Lucky, Me is also going to the Red deer inn.

It's not far.Me will take ya there,"

said the driver.

Jack mounted onto the carriage.

The Driver fed the two horses and took the carriage control into his hands.

"Jaha! Edi an Debi.

Let us go on " Shouted the driver.

The carriage went along the road.

The driver was smoking a pipe and started to sing.

" O ' Lil boy

Way we goy

Not bad ahoy

O' way we goy ,

Oh , ooo, oh ,ooo

We go on the road

Yes we go on the road

Oh yes we go forward

The two suns are shining

The blue sky is clearing

Oh the birds do their singing

Ah we are on our way going "

After sometimes the carriage reached the inn. In front of the inn, there was a sign that had a shape of a deer and it was red. There were some people outside playing cards.

"Here we are lad," said the driver.

Both Jack and the driver went inside the inn.

" Oh, Heyahh Oliver, "

Said the driver to the innkeeper.

"Hey, Tom. After some weeks eh ?"

Replied The Innkeeper.

Jack looked around. There were some people having meals. Jack went near the innkeeper and Asked

"What do you have ?"

The innkeeper showed Jack Day's list. Jack bought some cheese for five coins and a cup of milk for seven coins. Jack only had Twenty coins left.

The innkeeper looked at Jack's coin purse and said

"If ya want some extra coins, ya should help some fellows out here. They have plenty of work for a boy of yar age could do "

"Thank you. Who should I talk to ? " asked Jack.

"The fellow over there is a woodcutter. He could use some help "

The innkeeper said while pointing at the man who was sitting on the bench.

Jack walked near the woodcutter and looked at him.

"What do you want? "

Asked the woodcutter.

"I am looking for work to earn some extra coins "

Jack replied.

"Very well Then. Let's get to work "

Said the woodcutter

The Woodcutter gave Jack an Axe and went to the nearest forest.

"Find some Pale tree wood. They are white. Also, be aware of WOODOOLS. There's one who haunts here ." said the woodcutter.

Woodools were a type of beast that protect the green. They were angry with woodcutters. Woodools had a body that looked like a Tree.

They had left on their head, Yellow Fiery eyes, sharp stick-like claws, and feet with roots. They could kill a human.

Jack went to the right. There were beautiful flowers on the ground that smelled like Honey. Jack saw some pale trees near the stream. Their trunks and leaves were white.

Jack went near the pale trees and took the axe to his hands. Then he stroked the tree. There was Orange looking sap coming from the trees. Jack collected the wood and tied it up with a rope and took them back to the woodcutter.

The woodcutter wasn't there. Jack looked around for two minutes. Then He heard a scream. Jack took the axe and dropped the wood. He followed the scream through the forest. Jack saw the woodcutter on the ground with his legs wounded.

The woodcutter was under attack by a Woodool. It was a small one.

Jack jumped onto the woodool and struck it with his Axe. Jack struck its legs and made it fall down to the ground.

The woodool got defeated and turned into a small plant. Surprised that he killed a monster, Jack looked at the Woodcutter with a confused face.

"By KONGRU, You killed it. Ha hah. "

The woodcutter was happy about what Jack did. He laughed while looking at The small plant that used to be the woodool .

"It has killed so many people who used to live here. You have sent that thing to its death. You are a savior that kongru has sent us. Bless you " the woodcutter thanked the gods by praying.

Kongru is the god of surprises and hope. He always helped citizens who needed help. Many people worshiped him and believe Kongru sent someone to help the ones who need it.

By the evening Jack helped the woodcutter to walk back to the red deer inn. Everybody inside the inn was shocked after seeing the Wounds of the woodcutter. They realized it was a Woodool attack by looking at the wounds.

"He killed it, He killed the monster in the forest," said the woodcutter who held up Jack's hand and introduced him to the villagers.

The villagers were happy that their trouble is over and they celebrated it by having a feast. The cook has cooked a "TOORIN" for dinner for the people.

Toorins were big birds that looked like Turkey. Its meat tasted sweet.

Also, there were more foods and beverages.

People were dancing and celebrating the night. Jack was sitting on the bench with a guilty mood on his face. He was not happy about his first kill because He have never killed anything big. He has only killed small things like Mosquitoes. Then Jack looked at the people who were happy and Pursed his mouth in a proud smirk.

He realized that he have saved more lives by taking one.

The woodcutter came and gave Jack a medium size wooden statue of Kongru as a gift. Jack told him to send it to Jack's home at Lri along with a letter to his family.

*Dear Mothere and Pathere and Bruhthere,

I hope you are doing fine. I have arrived at an Inn at Lokkur. I am safe and I have helped some fellow out here. I am going to continue my adventure tomorrow. I will write to you after I reach my next stop. Until then.


Jack gave the letter to a courier.

After having Dinner Jack went to sleep. He saw a House burning down in his dreams. he heard screaming. Jack woke up and realized it was just a dream. He went to sleep again.

The next morning, Jack prepared to leave the inn. He thanked everyone for their hospitality and left. He walked along the road that leads to " LOR-THEL "city.

while moving he had to cross the ZUKER river which had a lot of loti. There was a wooden bridge. Jack walked across the River and saw Lor-the city in the Horizon.

Lor-thel was a busy city full of Markets. It was the Trading point of wach-Jeju. If someone want to buy something, Lor-thel was the best place to buy.

After half a day Jack reached the City gate. There were two guards dressed in blue in front of the city gate.

"Halt Traveller ! " said a guard.

" Good Afternoon " another guard greeted.

"Good Afternoon " Jack greeted back.

The guard didn't let Jack enter the city by blocking the way with their spears.

"Is there a problem? "Jack asked

"Before you enter the city you must know the Laws here.

Law number one: You have to protect your items from thieves and we won't meddle with those situations.

Law number two: No walking outside after dark or you will be punished.

Law number three: Stealing, murder, fighting, and vandalism are punishable crimes.

Understood? "

The guard told Jack.

"Understood," said Jack.

The guards opened the gate and let Jack in.

" You may now enter Lor-thel. Good day to you. "

" I used to be a Traveller like you. But then I got married to a She Elf.

Well, Have a good day then "The other guard said.

Jack nodded his head and smiled at both guards.

Jack entered the city and the Street was full of people. Jack walked through the crowd. Jack collided with a girl who came from the front. Both fell down.

"Ow! " both said at the same time.

Jack quickly stood up and helped the girl to stand up by giving her a hand.

After standing up, The girl was staring at Jack like a cat. She had blue and beautiful eyes. She looked younger than Jack and was wearing a Green dress. Jack was also looking at the Girl's eyes straight. Both were holding hands and they had let it go after both a man walked through interrupting them. They both were like They have met each other before.

"I am sorry," both said at the same time, and then both smiled.

" I feel like we have met before, "

The girl said while smiling.

" Same. It's like a Deja vu. But I just arrived here " Jack said with a blushy face and an awkward voice.

"You are new here? "Asked the girl.

"I am from Lri in Dhurland," Jack replied.

"You came all the way here by foot ? " the girl asked.

" Aye. I am going on an adventure ." Replied Jack.

"That is interesting. I am Ann by the way. " said the girl.

"Name's Jack. Nice to meet you Ann " Said Jack.

Both Jack and Ann became friends after chatting for a while. Both walked in the street together for some time. They had lunch from a food hut together. Both shared their opinions about Lor-thel. It was almost dark.

" It's getting dark. we should not be outside. Where are you planning to spend the night? "Asked Ann.

"I have no place to stay " Replied Jack.

" If you like you can stay at my place tonight ." Ann dragged Jack near a small Hut. There was a door to the basement. Ann opened the door and both went in.

It was a poor-looking place. There wasn't much furniture in there.

Ann put on the lamp and the light brightens up the Darkness.

Both had dinner together.

"You live down here alone?

Where is your family? " Jack Asked.

"I lost my family after DOL-AHUR got attacked by Barbarians. They burned our village and killed most of the villagers. We used to live in peace but they took it away. I ran away from my village. I don't think anyone else made it. It happened some weeks ago. I arrived here a few days ago. I had to steal food to survive. Luckily No one caught me. Yet. Still, I feel guilty about stealing. " Ann told Jack her story.

Jack felt sad about Ann but proud that she took care of herself all by herself. Jack realized She is stronger than she look.

"Are you going to stay here? I never had a friend as good as you ." Ann Asked.

" I am sorry. I can't stay. I have to continue moving "

Jack replied

Ann felt sad after hearing that and looked down .she felt lonely.

" But there is someplace you can go. Go to Lri and Find my father Rob. Tell him I sent you. You can live in peace, there." Jack gave hope to Ann.

Jack Wrote another letter and gave it to Ann.

*Dear Mothere and Pathere,

This Girl, Ann is a friend of mine. I met her at Lor-thel. She has lost her family. Please let her stay in our village. Give her a place to live. She helped me. So I want to help her.

Your son,


"Here, take this letter and give it to my father. You will be fine. I promise. " Jack gave the letter to Ann and she took the letter.

Ann hugged Jack and Thanked him with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you, Jack. Thank you very much. I will never forget your kindness ."

Jack was feeling shy while Ann was hugging him but after a few seconds, he felt comfortable.

" It's just nothing. I am not really a kind person " Jack said like He had low self-respect.

" Why do you talk like you are not a good person? You are a Good person. Your parents should be proud of it " Ann cheered up Jack.

Both went to sleep after that.

In the morning both prepared to leave.

The city was busy as it was the day before. The markets were open and the crowd noise was loud.

"Where are you going next? " Asked Ann.

" I don't know. But wherever I go, I hope there will be a good story to tell. " Jack Replied.

Jack gave some coins to Ann. Ann was surprised by it. She gave Jack her Amulet as a gift.

"This amulet was my mother's.

She always said this amulet will give the wearer Luck and Strength. Now I give it to you. This will shine your way " said Ann.

It was an amulet of HU-RUSHU. The Goddess of Luck and Light.

The amulet was beautiful and it was made out of silver. It had a round shape. In the middle of it was a small Emerald.

Both Ann and Jack hugged and went on their own way.

While walking in the street Jack saw an old beggar wearing a Black robe sitting near the road. He had a grey beard. He was holding a staff that had a gem on the top. Jack felt strange about the old beggar. Jack walked near him.

The old beggar looked at Jack and asked "Could you spare a coin for this old man? "

Jack took his purse and gave the old beggar three coins. Meanwhile, four men were looking at Jack from a side.

" There you go," Jack said after giving the old beggar the coins.

"Bless your kind Heart young man "

The old beggar was happy.

Jack turned around and went through an Alleyway .he heard someone following him. Jack looked back and saw two men following him. When he turned around there were two more men in front of him. One of them punched Jack in the face. Jack fell onto the ground.

" Could you spare some coins for us boy? " One man Jokingly asked.

"Take his purse," another man said.

Jack quickly kicked the man who tried to take his purse. Blood came from his nose and he was angry. He tried to strangle Jack

"You are a dead kid !"

Suddenly a bright white light came from the other side of the Alleyway.

There was someone standing where the light came. It wasn't clear who was that but he was holding a staff.

"Hol Duru Knockodelia !" He Shouted and a force pushed away the men who were hurting Jack. All of them got knocked down and the bright light made Jack lose consciousness.

After some time Jack woke up on a bed. Jack looked around and realized he was in someone's house.

"Oh, You are finally awake boy "

There was the old beggar who Jack saw early, sitting near Jack.

" Where am I? Who are you ?"

Jack was confused.

The old beggar gave Jack a cup of tea and started to talk.

"You are in my house. I am Similio.a retired wizard of Wach-jedu.I am Your grandfather ."

Jack was surprised.

" I have been waiting for you ."

Similio said.

" How's your father Doing? I haven't seen him for a long time." Asked Similio who wanted to know about his son.

"He is fine I guess. My father never told much about you. He only said You are far away or maybe dead "

Jack said.

" Your father wasn't good with me when we last saw each other," Similio said.

"What happened ? " asked Jack.

"Your father and I fought together in the battle of Dhurland. Your father saved me from a giant Rock troll. It cost his left leg. I tried to heal him but I was afraid and weak. Because of that, he had to retire. He blamed me for what happened. He said He will never save me again. He didn't talk to me ever since. It really hurts like a wound in my heart.

I couldn't help him. After some years I heard my son became a father. The day you were born I received a message about you from a friend. I was really happy about you. I wanted to see you but I couldn't go to Lri because Your father was angry. And for that, I am truly sorry."

Similio said while tears fell from his eyes.

" It wasn't your fault. It was The Rock Troll's doing. You tried to help him. My father gets mad quickly.

He has anger issues. Maybe He isn't mad at you anymore " Jack said.

"Maybe you are right my boy. That day we won the battle but we lost many good men. We were fighting with Rock trolls and Goblins. All Lead by IMDURK THE EVIL "

" He was Half man, half machine .his right side was made out of metal. His Right Eye was Red and it was shining. His right hand only had Three long metal fingers. Imdur was pure evil and Strong. He was the king of DURKLAND. He wanted to claim Dhurland. Our home. " Similio was telling Jack about his memories.

" What happened to him ? " asked Jack who was interested in the story.

"We destroyed his army. King of Dhurland, Lord THALHORN fought Imdurk face to face. Imdurk fought well and he was near to killing our king and taking over Dhurland. But Our king Thalhorn stood up with his full strength and cut off Imdurk's head.

Imdurk's body was alive even after his head fell down to the ground. He fought back King Thalhorn and stabbed him with his sword.

Thalhorn didn't give up. While Imdurk's sword went through King Thalhorn's body, he called upon the Twelve Gods of Wach-jedu to give him strength until his last breath.

A bright golden Lightning came from the sky and stroked Thalhorn's Axe. I saw it with my own eyes. His Axe shine.Thalhorn strike his Axe through Imdurk's mental heart. And then a golden light went across the Dhurland.

Imdurk the evil died. The same fate happened to Our king Thalhorn.

After that, Thalhorn's son Alhorn became the king of Dhurland. The evil that poisoned Wach-jedu was defeated. After that time peace came. You were born in the era of peace. " similio told Jack what happened before he was born.

Both heard someone knocking on the door.

" Wait here " Similio went near the door.

Similio opened the door and It was Ann.

"Jack, You are awake " Ann was happy.

" How did you find me ?" Jack Asked.

Ann came near Jack and sat down.

" It's a gift. I can feel, see, hear, and talk to the person I mark. It's something like power. I marked you by giving that Amulet to you.

I felt your pain and headed back to you. I am happy you are fine now. "

Ann Said.

" She is a ROOCREN.Telepaths.They are Rare people with the ability to see, hear, and feel things that normal humans can't . " said Similio.

" Thank you for coming back for me, Ann. But next time no matter what happens to me, don't head back. Go straight to Lri. " Jack said while holding Ann's hands.

" Aye, I understand. But be careful ." Ann said.

After a while, Jack wrote another Letter to his Parents.

*Dear Mothere and Pathere,

I hope you are doing fine. I met my grandpa Similio. I am going to spend some days with him before I continue going on. He is really Nice and He thinks about you Pathere. Please forget the past and be good to him. I will write to you after I reach the next stop. Take care of Ann.

Your son,


"Here take this too " Jack gave Ann the Letter.

"I will go then. I will talk to you after I have reached Lri. I can talk to you through my mind while you wear the amulet. Keep it safe. Good luck " Ann Hugged Jack and Headed her way to Lri. Jack stayed with Similio.

" She suits you, " Said Similio.

Jack smiled with shyness.

Jack and Similio walked into the Garden. There were so many Herbs.

"Since You are staying here for a while, I will teach you How to heal others and how to use these herbs."

Said Similio.

" I thought you know wizardry. You are a wizard, Right Grandpa ?" Jack asked.

"I am more of a healer than a wizard. I use magic to heal others. I never use magic to kill or hurt anyone.I know some self-defense spells. I will teach you What I know.

You will need them someday my boy. " Similio said.

Similio showed the Herbs in the garden to Jack. He picked up a herb that had Three pointed Leaves.

"We call These 'Healer Leaves'.we use these for wounds. We must Chew it first and put them on the wound. It will heal in a day. "

Similio explained.

Similio picked up another herb. It had red flowers with a yellow stigma coming out from it.

"These flowers can be used to make Stamina potions. We call these ' Wenderoos'. We have to squeeze the flower and mix the sap with water. " Said similio.

After that, Similio showed Jack some mushrooms. They were brown and had Fibers coming from them. There were white dots on them. Similio picked up one.

"These mushrooms are 'Lopnods'.

We can use these and ...."

Similio picked up a herb with big roots and small leaves.

"... These 'Crockroots ', mixed them up and drink. It helps to remove poison from the Body. If you use it without limits, It would poison you more than the poison You had before. " Similio said.

"But the most important lesson you must learn is that Everything nature gives us can be used as medicine," Similio said while Walking with Jack Back to the House.

" So what do you do with magic? Do you know any healing spells too? " Jack wanted to learn how to use magic.

"Well, there are lots of Spells to Heal. But you need to focus and a power source Like a staff to cast spells."

Similio went to his room and opened his cupboard. He took something out of it. It was something wrapped in clothes.

"Hello, my dear old friend " Similio Whispered.

Jack walked near to see what is it.

It was a small staff that was the size of a small cane stick. On the top of it was a blue gem held by Three claws.

"This was my first staff. Made out of a Dragon bone. I used it when I was young. I wanted your father to have it. But he preferred Swords. Now I am giving it to you."

Similio gave the staff to Jack.

"Thank you, but It's small for a staff ". Jack said.

Similio borrowed the staff and tapped it to the ground three times and The staff suddenly became longer than It was.

" You can use this to cast spells and use it as a weapon," said Similio.

"This is Amazing. Thanks, Grandpa. " Jack was surprised by the staff.

"Yes, All we need now is a wounded person. Then I can teach you How to use the healing spell. " Similio said.

Similio walked to the kitchen to make some tea.

Jack sat down on a chair and looked at his staff.

Jack heard similio coughing hard. Jack went to see Similio.

"Are you alright Grandpa ?"

Asked Jack.

" I am fine my boy. It's just, I am old now. I am not like I once was. Even I can't heal myself. When the time comes I will have to go. I would give my life to save a life."

Similio said while washing off the blood that came from his mouth.

Both Jack and Similio had tea and went to bed.

Jack was sleeping for some minutes and Started to hear a voice. It wasn't clear who it was. Jack closed his eyes and focused and It became clear. It was Ann's voice. She was trying to talk to Jack through her mind without talking by mouth.

"Ann?" Jack Asked.

"Jack, How are you? I made it to Lri. I have met your parents. They were happy to hear from you. They gave me a place to stay. Thank you for everything ." Ann's voice faded away.

Jack was happy to know that Ann made it. He went to sleep after that.

It was raining outside.

The next day the rain was still there. Jack and similio have spent their time indoors playing cards, studying magic, and chatting. At night both Ann and Jack talked to each other again.

A new day began. The long rain stopped and the golden rays came from the two suns and touched the grass. there were rainbows near the waterfalls. Flowers blooming and butterflies flying. Little birds were singing and the fish were swimming. From afar, was someone playing the flute while walking on the green grass.

It was the beginning of a new year.

The year 1300, Day 01

People of Lor-thel were celebrating the New Year. They had parties. Everybody was happy.

Near Lor-thel city was Similio's house. Both similio and Jack were looking at How people celebrate the new year while having breakfast.

After breakfast and having a cup of tea, both went to the nearby forest to gather some herbs.

There were trails of blood on the ground. Both were curious whether it was a Human or an Animal who got attacked by someone or something.

" Help me! , Please someone Help me! "

Someone was screaming from inside the forest. Jack and similio followed the scream and They saw a man who was injured on a rock and surrounded by a pack of wolves.

"We have to help him,"

Said Jack who stepped forward.

Similio held Jack back.

"Wait here my boy, I will take care of this " Similio stepped forward with his Staff.

The wolves saw Similio and came near to attack him.

"Agnideiir Solva! " Similio Shouted

Suddenly Fire came from the top of Similio's Staff. He swung it to scare the wolves.

One wolf caught fire and the pack ran away. Similio removed the fire from the Wolf that got burned and let it run away.

Jack and Similio went near the Injured man.

"Let us take him to our place," said Similio.

Jack and Similio tied up the man's wound. Then Jack picked up the injured man and carried him to Similio's house.

Similio took some Healer leaves and chewed them. Then he put them on the Wounds and tried to calm the injured man down.

"Oh God, It hurts. I don't think I will make it. " The Injured man was panicked because of the wounds.

Similio stopped the bleeding but the Man was in pain.

"This is where I will teach you How to cast The spell that will help a wounded person. We need to calm down his nervous system. The herbs will heal him in time but He is panicked and in pain. Get ready ."

Similio whispered to Jack.

Jack took his staff to his hands and prepared.

" Please, It hurts so much. I can't take this pain. " the Injured man said.

"Do not worry. I will end this pain "Jack said.

"Jeevrhe liveelyah " Similio whispered to Jack.

Jack took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He focused on Man's panicked Heartbeat. Everything became silent. Jack only heard the Heartbeat. The gem on the top of Jack's staff started to glow.

"Jeevrhe Liveelyah " Jack slowly whispered.

The heartbeat became normal. Jack opened his eyes.

The Injured man has stopped mourning.

"What happened? I don't feel the pain anymore " said The Injured man.

"Do not need to worry. Your pain has gone away. The medicines will heal your wounds in time. You are very lucky. " Similio told to the Injured man.

A smile came to Jack's face. He was happy because he saved a life.

The injured man stood up and tried walking. He was happy.

He shook Jack's Hands and thanked him.

"Thank you, Bless you, I owe you. I am really happy to serve you."

"Happy to Help, "said Jack.

"Name's Argo. I work at a farm nearby. I am the owner. Well, I was" the man said.

"What happened ?" Jack Asked.

"Some wealthy folks Threatened me to leave my farm so that they could build their plantation there. I refused many times because I have no other places to stay. So they attacked me and left me in the forest to get eaten by wolves. Luckily you two saved me. I have lost my farm but I am still alive. " Argo said.

"There is a place you could live. Go to Lri. There are nice people who could use help from you. There are good lands for farming. " Jack gave hope to Argo.

"Oh, Thank you, Mister. Thank you.

I will head to Lri right now " Argo said.

"Find Rob in Lri. He is my father. Tell him Jack sent you " Jack said.

Argo headed to Lri after that.

After Argo left Similio prepared some tea. He was proud of Jack.

"You are just as brave as your Father. You have a better future.

You have a heart of a good man.

You will save many lives. " Similio said. You will replace me someday.

" I don't want to replace you. I just want to be a good person. " Jack said.

"You are like me. You are like Your Father. " Said Similio.

That day passed as Jack learned more spells. Ann talked with Jack that night. She told him that Argo have reached Lri and started farming. Jack was glad to hear that.

The next day Similio Trained Jack How to defend Himself using Spells.

" Defendia Ashieldah " Jack shouted while holding the staff.

Then a green light came from the staff and became a Circle looking Shield that was made from Magic.

" Impressive My boy "Similio clapped with a Happy face.

"Can you teach me any spell that could be useful in a fight? " Jack Asked.

"I do not fight, but I know Some spells " Similio replied.

" 'Hol, Duru Knockodelia '. It can knock down your enemies for a time.

'Iris Toghazu'. It will Blind your Enemies for a short time.

'Faus Dol Du '. Push Your Enemies with a strong force.

But never use Spells to Kill someone. There are consequences for them " Similio said.

"What kind of Consequences? "

Jack asked.

"If a wizard Use Dark Spells like Death, Cursing, poisoning, or mind manipulation on Someone ' The Deladurs will start hunting them.

Deladurs are fed on Anger, Fear, and Sadness. They like to hunt down Wizards who use Dark spells.

They are Horrifying creatures. They are hard to look at. Their faces are rotten and their skulls are visible.They have Four arms to make it easy to grab someone. They are like ghosts. You must be careful " Similio explained to Jack. Jack was frightened by hearing that.

"Promise me you will never use Dark Spells on anyone My boy " Similio said.

"I promise Grandpa ." Jack said.

After sometime the night came. Both similio and Jack had dinner and went to sleep.

At midnight Jack started to hear voices while Sleeping. There was screaming.He saw fire everywhere. People were burning and screaming. Jack started to Shake and He tried to open his eyes. He felt pain. Jack opened his eyes and saw Something Black coming from the roof above. Then a Horrifying skull appeared.

It was a Deladur

It hissed like a Snake and grabbed Jack's neck. Jack tried to escape but the Deladur used its Four arms against Jack. It tried to take Jack away.

Similio entered the room with his staff and shouted

"Alok, Duradhur! "

A Bright light shined across the room.The Deladur vanished.

Jack fell down and Similio helped him to stand.

"You alright my boy ?"

Similio Asked.

"I saw fire. People were burning. I heard people screaming. I felt it like it was real "

Jack was shaking in fear.

Similio Embraced Jack for a few minutes till he feels comfortable.

After a while, Similio prepared Soup for Jack and gave it to him.

Jack Drank the soup and relaxed.

"They are coming For you. You can't stay here any longer. They know you are here. "

Similio said.

"I didn't use any Dark spells. I swear. It must be a mistake. "

Jack said.

"You haven't done anything wrong. They like to hunt powerful wizards. And you are powerful. They want to drain your power. "

Similio said.

"What should I do now? "

Jack asked.

"You have to keep moving till they can't find you. They will find new prey in time. You have to continue moving. "

Similio said.

Jack prepared his bag to leave Lor-thel at Dawn.

" I am going with you until I reach my turning point. " Similio packed his things and prepared to go with Jack.

"Where are we going? "

Jack asked.

"West from here. To THE GREEN MOUNTAIN PASS. From there we depart. You will have to follow your own path. "

Similio said.

Both left the house at dawn. Both walked for about a day and they waited in a resting hut to spend the night. That night Jack was sleeping but Similio was staying awake to protect Jack.

The day after they arrived at The Green mountain pass.

There were Two Huge Green mountains and a small road middle of them.

"Here is where we move on our own paths My boy,"

Similio said.

"Where are you heading Grandpa? "

Jack Asked.

"Well, I am going to TULOK. I have to do some business there."

Similio said.

"I will follow this road. Wherever it leads me. "

Jack said.

Similio gave Jack some Herbs and potions.

"Keep the Staff with you. It will help you when you need it ."

Similio said.

"What's west from here? "

Jack Asked.

"HELCHI, It is a town that is connected to the JORU river. It's a Fishermen's village "

Similio said.

"Well Then, I will go this way,"

Jack said.

"Goodbye, my boy. May the gods guide you "

Similio said.

"See ya Grandpa " Jack waved at Similio.

Both went on their own ways. Jack went on the road. After two hours of walking, He saw a Small inn nearby.

The inn's name was 'Dark Flower Inn '. Jack entered the inn to rest. There were some people inside. Jack went near the innkeeper.

"What do you need boy? "

Asked the innkeeper.

"I would like a Cup of Grape Juice, please "

Jack gave some coins to the Innkeeper.

The Innkeeper gave Jack a cup of Grape juice. Jack took it and sat down.

"No, fellows. Please. Gentlemen, I got no coin now "

Jack heard someone saying .

Jack saw an innocent man who was surrounded by three men who were bothering the man. He was wearing glasses and a well-crafted dress. He also looked like a nobleman from a well-educated family.

"You won't leave here without broken teeth, you scumbag, "

One man said.

Jack quickly drank his Juice and Entered the scene.

One man punched the innocent man in the face. He fell to the ground. The other two laughed at him.

"Leave Him Alone! " Said Jack loudly.

The three men looked at Jack.

"Or what boy? Get lost you little dog ! " said a man who looked at Jack while pointing at him.

Jack took his staff to his hand.

"Why, you are going to hit me with that stick? Hah "

The man Laughed in an insulting way.

"Yes, I will " Jack Hit the man's face with his staff. The Man's nose was broken and He was really mad.

"Why you Little Dog," said the man who tried to hit Jack.

"Faus Dol Du! "

Jack shouted while casting the spell and The man got pushed away. His head got hit on the wall and he got knocked out.

"He is a wizard! "The other man said frighteningly.

The other two men got scared and quickly carried the fallen one out of the inn.

Jack helped the innocent man to stand up.

"Thank you, thank you So much,"

He said while swiping the blood on his face.

"You are welcome. Why were they bothering you? "

Jack asked.

" I took a loan from them to support my inventions. But my workshop got burned by an accident. I lost my money and most of my things.

Oh, I am Robert Kronva by the way. I invent stuff "

Said the man.

"I am Jack. Sorry to hear about your workshop " said Jack.

" Yeah.Oh right, I may have no coin to repay you but I have some tools with me. I can make some inventions for you "

Robert said while picking up his bag.

"What kind of inventions are you talking about? "

Jack asked doubly.

"The Ones that would help you when you are in trouble. You look more like a traveler to me. Oh, you only have that staff? I can give it a little touch. You won't be disappointed. "

Robert said while looking at Jack's staff.

"That is a bright idea. I could use some tools to help myself other than magic "

Jack gave the staff to Robert.

Robert went into a room to work and closed the door.

After some hours passed Robert came back with the Upgraded Staff.

"Tadhaa! Jack's Almighty Upgraded Staff "

Robert showed it to Jack.

The staff had a grappling hook launcher and a reel on it, and at the bottom of the staff, there was a Spearhead. Near the bottom, there was a small crossbow. The staff looked more advanced than it was.

Jack was amazed by Robert's work.

"Wow, That's just amazing. You really are talented "

Jack said with a happy face.

"Since this staff is upgraded you can't make the staff small like you used to do. But there are new tools here "

Robert said.

" It's fine. What's new? "

Asked Jack who was excited.

" Well, You have a Grappling Hook Launcher. You got to Aim and Push the Button. After the Grappling hook gets hooked push and holds the button until the rope starts to reel. Then you can climb up in lesser time. You can Climb walls, rocks, mountains, and trees and even drag things to you. Can be used to cross between gaps too "

Robert explained about the Grappling hook launcher and showed him how to use it.

"That would become handy. "

Jack said.

" Also, There's a small crossbow too. You can shoot bolts as a long-range weapon. You can only kill someone if you hit a bolt right in the head. Here are crossbow bolts. Would be enough. "

Robert gave a small box of crossbow bolts to Jack.

" And There's an Unbreakable Spearhead at the bottom of the staff. In case you want to fight someone or catch fish or help you to walk. Just in case. "

Robert said.

" That's Impressive. Thank you for this "

Said Jack. Both shook hands to thank each other.

"Well then, I should go "

Robert prepared to leave.

"Go Where? You said your workshop got burned down "

Jack Asked.

"I will just walk until I find a way to earn some coins. Then I will buy a place and start over again "

Robert was feeling worried about his own future.

" Wait, there's a place you could go and stay and work. Head to Dhurland and Go to the Village called Lri. Our village could use a smart inventor like you. Hire a carriage. Here are some coins for you. Find my Father Rob and tell him Jack sent you. "

Jack said and gave some coins to Robert.

" Oh my, I really appreciate that. Very kind of you. Thank you, my Friend. I hope we shall meet again in the future "

Robert thanked Jack and left the inn.

Jack stayed at the inn to spend the night there.

It was a rainy night. There was thunder rumbling like a Dragon roaring. Upstairs Jack was sleeping peacefully and heard someone knocking hard on the door. Jack woke up and headed downstairs. The innkeeper was also woken up and walked near the door with a frying pan in his arms. The innkeeper slowly unlocked the door and opened the door.

There's Wounded man. He came inside and fell down onto the ground.He was wearing Armor and he was soaking with blood and water. It seems to be that he was a soldier.Jack checked his pulse. He was alive.

Both Jack and The Innkeeper lifted him up and carried him inside to put him on a bed.

The Soldier was trying to say something. He was shaking and Bleeding. His eyes were black like Blackberries.

" He has been poisoned,"

Jack said.

" What are we goin' to do? "

Asked the innkeeper.

" Hold his wound Tight,"

Said Jack who took a healer leaf and started chewing it. Then he put it on the wound.

Then Jack took a Crockroot and Lopnod from his bag and mixed them up in a bowl.

Jack took his staff and cast the spell.

" Jeevrhe Liveelyah "

The soldier stopped shaking. Then Jack hold the Soldier's nose and poured the Crockroot and Lopnod mixture into his mouth.

The mixture went into the Soldier's body. In a few seconds, the Soldier vomited Poisoned Black Blood. His poison got removed and his pulse was normal.

Both Innkeeper and Jack took care of The Soldier till morning.

Jack was taking a nap. The Rain stopped and The two suns rose up. A new day began.

Jack woke up and checked the Soldier.

The soldier opened his eyes and looked around.

"Where am I? "

He asked.

" You are at the Dark flower inn. Not much far from Helchi. "

The Innkeeper said.

The Soldier looked outside from the window.

" Who are you, soldier? What happened to you? "

Jack asked.

" My name is Jacob. I was sent from Dhurland a few days ago to Deliver a message to King Imeros of THERELORIA. Dhurland is in Danger "

The Soldier said.

Jack panicked after hearing that.

" What is happening? Tell me "

Jack asked.

" There's a whole army of Barbarians from BARBUNDU are going to capture Dhurland. They have already captured the east part of SELRIOHUM. They will reach the borders of Dhurland in a few days. King Thalhorn of Dhurland sent me and my Fellow soldiers to deliver the message to Thereloria to bring Reinforcements and warn them. But we were attacked by Barbarian scouts at Whe-zuard. Only I got lucky enough to survive. They shot me with a poisonous arrow but you saved my life. I am honored to serve you, Citizen ."

The Soldier said.

He tried to stand up but his wound made it difficult for him.

" You can't go on like this. You have to rest. "

The Innkeeper said.

" I have to deliver the message. It's my duty "

The soldier said.

" I will take it to the king"

Jack came forward and said.

" But you are not a soldier. The road ahead is long and difficult. You won't make it. "

The Soldier said.

" Not if I have Luck on my side. Besides, I came all this way from Lri to find a purpose and go on an adventure. I can do it. "

Jack said

The Soldier took a deep breath.

" Fine. May the gods shine your path. I will head back after you return. Here take this letter. "

He gave Jack a sealed Letter.

" Have you warned the villages? "

Jack asked.

" We couldn't. Our orders were to head to Thereloria without stopping. The king said We should not panic the citizens of Dhurland right now. "

The Soldier said.

" What kind of an order is that? The villages are in danger and they don't even know what is coming. We have to warn them "

Jack was Angry about what the soldier said.

" I am sorry about that. I will head back to Dhurland to warn the villages Tomorrow. I promise ."

The Soldier was frightened by Jack's anger and said.

" Alright, I will go then. Warn the villagers. "

Jack quickly packed his things and prepared to leave.

" Aye. Go forward Brother " The soldier said to encourage Jack.

Jack Left the inn and Ran his way to Helchi. While that Jack heard Ann's voice.

" I heard what the soldier said. I will tell your father about that."

Ann said.

" Yes. Tell him to warn the villagers. I am going to deliver the message. Then I will be back with help. "

Jack said.

" I believe in you "

Ann's voice faded away.

By the evening Jack reached Helchi. It was a poor-looking town. Most people were fishing and selling fish. And there was the Joru River. It was a huge river. Jack had to cross the river to go to Thereloria.

Jack looked to hire a boat to cross the river. He walked near a boat with its owner.

" What do you need lad? "

The boat owner asked.

" I am looking for a boat to cross the river and reach IVORIA. "

Jack said.

" To Ivoria? We aren't allowed to take our boats there "

Said the Boat owner.

" Why is that? "

Jack asked.

" There is something in that water. Something that attacks the boats "The

Boat owner said.

" But I have to cross the river. It's urgent "

Jack said.

" I would take you there if you pay me 200 coins "

The Boat owner offered.

" I only have 30 coins,"

Jack said after checking his purse.

" No Luck Then, "

The boat owner said and looked away.

Jack was mad about it and walked away.

" Pss psst "

Jack heard someone whispering.

Jack saw a young bald man looking at him while standing against the wall. he whistle a few times.

" Are you talking to me? "

Jack asked quietly.

Then the stranger came forward with a smile.

" Yes, you. Heard about your chat with that boat owner. Heard you need some extra coins. I can help you with that mate. "

The stranger whispered.

" Who are you? " Jack asked.

" Name's Carlo. Quietly, Follow me "

Carlo lead Jack near to a forest nearby. There were no people out there.

" There's a treasure in this forest. People call this place ZEKORL forest. If you help me to find it I will share it with you. Deal? "

Carlo told Jack about the treasure hidden in that forest.

Jack thought about it and replied

" Deal it is "

" Aye, Meet me at the forest tonight. "

Carlo said and walked away.

Jack waited till night inside the 'Kingfisher inn'. Jack started to hear Ann's voice.

" Jack, I have told your father to warn the villagers. But things are going out of hand. Villagers are panicked. Some tried to leave. Your father gave them a good speech and calmed them down. "

Ann said.

" He is good at giving advice. He is my hero. "

Jack said Proudly.

" When you go farther I am losing the connection between us. I won't be able to see you. "

Ann said.

" Don't worry. Everything is fine. Everything will be. I will bring help soon "

Jack said.

" I hope so. Be careful. Many lives are counting on you "

Ann's voice faded away.

Jack took a deep breath and held the Amulet close to his heart.

After the night arrived. Jack went outside. He put on a torch and went to the forest. He heard wolves howling from the distance. Jack saw Carlo waiting near a ruined building.

" Are you ready mate? "

Carlo asked. He was excited.

" Yeah, I think I am "

Said Jack.

Both walked forward. There were more ruined buildings. They were made out of White stones. There were stones with Ancient looking carvings. Then they saw a cave. There was a door that looked similar to the door Jack saw in the hidden forest.

" According to my Grandfather, This door is the entrance to the treasure vault. We need to get this door open "

Carlo said.

Carlo tried pushing and prying the door. But it didn't move.

" I could use a hand now "

Carlo invited Jack to join him.

Jack touched the door and helped Carlo to push the door. Then the door started to move.

" You have lucky hands mate,"

Carlo said happily.

Both took torches and walked into the cave. Inside was really dark. There were Giant stairs that leads down. Both walked their way down.

There were giant statues of unknown life forms that looked similar to Humans. They were made out of obsidian.

" Who might have built this place? "

Jack was amazed by it.

" Who else other than The Gods "

Carlo replied.

Both of The young men walked down the stairs for an hour. Then they saw a light shining through a hole in the wall. They went that way and they saw five tall Crystal Skeletons standing in front of them.

Both Jack and Carlo draw their weapons. But they didn't move. Carlo threw his Axe at one of the skeletons. The skeleton broke down and turned into dust.

In a few seconds, other skeletons broke down and turned into dust.

Carlo picked up his axe and it was crystallized. He took it and walked forward. Then they saw something they didn't expect.

An Underground City made out of Crystal. There was a giant Shining Crystal pyramid above the city. Light came from it and it reflected on the crystal towers and beautiful rays were shining. There were crystals on the floor that was countless like Sand on a beach.

" This is Amazing. I knew it. My grandfather used to tell me stories about a city of crystal, hidden from the eyes of the world. We found it. "

There were Tears in Carlo's eyes. He was really happy. He screamed and danced. He ran toward the city.

" Wait, Don't run "

Jack was doubting if there was any danger there.

" We are Rich! , We are rich! Hurrah! "

Carlo jumped on the crystal with happiness.

A few moments later Jack found a room full of Golden coins, Gold ingots, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, pearls, gems , and black rocks. Jack took coins as many as he can carry in his purse. He saw something shining among the gold. It was a beautiful golden ring that had a ruby on top of it. Jack took it and wore it.

Carlo came to Jack while wearing a crown and some Jewelry.

" I am now more Wealthier than any king of Wach-jedu. I will make this my kingdom. I will be its king. Helchi will no longer be a poor town with Fish everywhere. Today We won. "

Carlo screamed while drawing a golden sword and holding it up.

He laughed with glory.

" I should go Now "

Jack said.

" You deserve to be my second in command or maybe My Advisor. Maybe my guardian. You deserve more than a few coins "

Carlo held Jack's shoulder and said.

" For Me, money isn't the important thing. It is my family. My loved ones. I have to do what I have to "

Jack said. It made Carlo's smile go away.

" Alright, mate. If you ever need help let me know. Go, Forward mate. "

Carlo said goodbye to Jack and went to the Throne. He sat down and looked glorious.

Jack went back to the inn to take a nap. On the next morning, Jack returned to the boat owner and gave him 200 coins.

" Here, Now take me to Ivoria."

Jack said

" How did you ...., oh Doesn't matter. Take this boat.I am not going to that place "

The boat owner said.

" But you said ...." Jack said

" The Damn boat is all yours. Go now or I will take it back. "

Said the boat owner.

" Fine"

Jack got into the Boat and started rowing. He headed his way to Ivoria. Jack rowed the boat for six hours and it was evening. There was only fog. Helchi disappeared from Jack's sight.

He couldn't see where is going.the water was green and unclear.Jack took his compass out and looked but It didn't seem to work.

He was lost in the fog.

" Can anyone hear me? Hello !? "

Jack Shouted.

But there was no sound at all.

After some minutes Jack felt like something is moving in the water.

Jack took his staff and loaded the crossbow. Jack stopped moving and covered himself. He heard something hissing.

Then something rose up from the water. It was a Big River Serpent.

It looked like a hybrid of a snake and a salamander. It hissed and tried to attack Jack. Jack fired the crossbow and hit the serpent's head. It started to bleed and it pushed Jack's boat.

Jack fell down to the river. He lost his staff from his hands. The serpent grabbed Jack's leg by biting it. Jack screamed in pain. He started to drown. The serpent took Jack to the bottom of the river. It was really dark and The blood from Jack's leg was flowing in the water.Jack was almost out of breath. He punched the serpent's head to break free. Jack punched its eye with the Golden ring he found. The ruby on it made The serpent's eye bleed.

The serpent released Jack from its mouth. Jack saw his staff stuck on seaweed. He pulled it and stabbed the Serpent's head with its spear. The serpent was badly wounded and it disappeared while going more deeper. Jack was out of breath. He tried swimming upward. But he started to drown. Jack took his staff and aimed the Grappling hook upward and shot it.

The hook went up and it reached the land. then the rope started reeling up Jack. He held the staff till he reach up.

Jack reached the land after that. He screamed in pain. He looked at his leg and there was a serpent's fang stuck in his leg.

He pulled it out while putting pressure on it. He started to bleed.

Jack drank a potion to make the poison go away. Then he put some healer leaves on his leg and tied it up with a bandage.

Jack was already in Ivoria. He smiled through tiredness and fell into sleep.

After some time passed Jack woke up. It was night. He stood up and start to walk. there was only sand on the ground. It looked like a desert .on the north side there were snowy mountains afar.

Jack walked for almost an hour on the sandy plain. He heard wolves howling from the distance. It started to get colder. Jack lighted His Staff. There was only a small light.

Jack heard the wind blowing .there was a sandstorm coming toward Jack. Jack covered his eyes and kept moving. Jack got hit by a derby and his bag fell down. Jack Tried to reach for his bag but the wind was too strong. The bag got opened and some of Jack's stuff got caught in the storm. the urgent letter was in the bag and it also got caught by the storm.

"No !!!" Jack screamed. The letter disappeared. The storm went away after a few minutes. Jack was covered in sand. He was shocked after He lost that letter. He searched everywhere for it.

" No, Please gods. Why did you do it? what an idiot I am "

Jack talked to himself.

Jack took his bag and gathered what he could find. Still, he could not find the letter.

Jack fell down to his knees while feeling hopeless.

" I have failed to save my home. What have I done? I am just a useless boy. I should have stayed home. "

Jack said.

" Jack, I feel your pain. But this isn't the end. You are still here. You still can save your home. Don't give up now. Losing that letter doesn't mean you have lost everything. Courage Jack. I am always believing you. You gave me hope. Now I give you hope. Stand up, Jack. You can do it. You are the bravest person I have met. You are a great person. You always will be. Stand up Jack "

Ann's voice said.

Jack swiped away the tears and took a deep breath. Then he looked up at the sky. He felt braveness in his heart.

" Everybody loves you, Jack. We all do. You are not alone. You never were"

Ann said.

Jack stood up with his full strength and took his staff to his hand.

" I will try my best, Ann. I am glad you are always with me. I shall not give up.People need me more than ever. I have to do it. And I will."

Jack said without a doubt. Then he continued moving forward.

Jack walked his way to thereloria and then he came up with a small village called ' DUHRI '. He went to the village to spend the night. There was a rest house named "Sleeping Cave".Jack bought a room for a night.

He entered his bedroom. there was another person sleeping on the second bed. He had a sword near him while sleeping. He seems to be a Hunter or Ranger. His face wasn't visible because he was facing the wall. Jack washed and cleaned himself up. Then he wore soft clothes and drank some herbal potion to dull the pain of the wounds. After that, Jack lay on his bed and went to sleep.

Jack slept peacefully for some hours.

After Some time passed Jack woke up after he heard a thudding.

" Dus ! "

Jack looked outside from the window to see what was going on. There were some people outside carrying torches and Axes. Some of them set fire to a house and captured the people who were inside. Jack heard someone banging on the door of the rest house. Jack took cover to hide from the attackers.

Jack slowly prepared his bag to leave. Then someone came from behind and covered Jack's mouth.

" Shh... They are bandits from Grey Camp. If they catch you, they will use you as food for their dogs "

It was the same person who was sleeping on the bed next to Jack.

He had long hair and not so grown beard. He had a scar on the right side of his face.

He had let Jack go and took his sword to his hand.

" Quickly, Follow me "

He whispered.

" Who are you ? "

Jack asked him.

" I am Valthron. Let's chat later. Come here "

Said Valthron.

He pushed some boxes toward the door and blocked it.

The bandits found out someone is inside.

" Someone is inside it . Burn it down ! " a Bandit yelled.

Then someone threw a torch at the rest house. The fire came inside and started spreading.

" Quickly, we have to move . "

Valthron climbed up and broke the roof. He made a way to climb up.

Valthron climbed up and helped Jack to climb.

"There he is ! "

A bandit screamed. The bandits started to shoot arrows using Crossbows at them.

Jack quickly cast a magic shield and covered Valthron and Himself. Valthron was surprised and impressed.

Valthron took a smoke bomb from his belt and threw it at the bandits. The smoke covered them and let Jack and Valthron escape.

Both of them ran away from the village and reached Valthron's hiding place under a dead tree.

Both stopped running and sat down to rest for a while.

" What's going on? Why are they attacking the villagers? "

Jack asked.

" They are looking for me. I am their target. I am the only ranger left Ivoria. I used to fight those bandits with my brothers. But they all were slaughtered. "

Valthron said.

" What's your plan? "

Jack asked.

" I have none but Running away from them, "

Valthron said.

" You can't run forever. They will keep killing innocent people who live here. You have to put an end to it,"

Jack said.

" They did this to me. They are the ones who called me a coward. I couldn't save my brothers because I was just not ready to fight. I ran to save them but I was not quick enough. the people throw me away saying I hid as a coward and let others die.

It's too much to bear. I can't fight them alone. I am not enough. Even my own people hate me. I can't save them. The woman I loved, left me because she was told that I am a coward. I never wanted all of this. None of it. "

Valthron was angry and sad at the same time.

" Still you can make a difference. You can prove that you aren't a coward but a warrior. There is always hope and strength hidden inside us. Take your sword. Swing it as your brothers did. It's always better to fight for a cause than to run away from everything. "

Jack encouraged Valthron.

" But why do you care? You are just a visitor. "

Valthron asked doubly

" Because I know the value of a person. Their past doesn't matter. All that matters is what they do and will do "

Jack said with a strong voice.

Valthron sighed and took up his sword.

" Alright. I will avenge my brothers and save the people. Once and for all. "

Valthron said with Braveness and with hope in his eyes.

" I will aid you in this My friend"

Jack padded Valthron's shoulder to give him more strength.

Valthron gave Jack two braces to protect himself. Jack gladly accepted them with a friendly smile.

Both of them traveled their way near the Grey camp. They took cover behind a rock and looked at the camp. There were civilians inside cages who were captured by bandits. Bandits were having dinner around a campfire. There were some guard dogs inside a ring eating a civilian's corpse.

Valthron gave Jack a bottle of oil.

" What's this ?"

Jack asked.

" This will hide your scent from the dogs and the Bandit leader. He is an Orc named ' Uzur '. He can smell and track us from far away. It's too risky to charge against them. First We need to free the civilians silently. Then we need to give them weapons to fight. "

Valthron said while Jack applied the oil and prepared himself.

" I am ready,"

Jack said.

" Alright. We need to distract the night watch somehow. I know a way to sneak into the camp but they would spot us ."

Valthron said.

Jack inspected the camp for a while. He saw a Haystack and barrels of fire powder.

" I got an idea. I will distract them "

Jack told Valthron.

" How? " Valthron doubted what Jack is going to do.

" Wait for it " Jack sneaked his way near the Fire powder barrels past the lookouts on the towers. Valthron was looking at What Jack was doing from a safe distance.

Jack used the spearhead to make holes in the fire powder barrels and leaked them. Then he took his staff and whispered " Agnideiir Solva "

The fired powder caught into the fire and started to spread quickly. Jack rushed and shouted " Fire, Fire !"

The bandits got panicked and stopped what they were doing and ran to look what was happening.

Jack jumped into the Haystack and hide while the Bandits pass by. The fire spread across the camp and the fire powder barrels started to explode like fireworks.

Valthron realized that was the signal and he sneaked his way into the camp and silently killed the bandit who have the key to the prisoner cages. Then he unlocked the cages and freed the civilians.

" Thank you, Ranger. You are not bad as we thought " a civilian whispered.

Valthron have lead the civilians to the weaponry and took weapons to their arms. The civilians went against the bandits and started to fight.

The whole camp was a mess at that point. The Fire was spreading and everybody was fighting.

Jack came out of the haystack and helped the women and children to escape.

Meanwhile, Valthron was on a killing spree. He killed the bandits who were in front of the leader's hut. Valthron took a torch and set fire to the hut. Suddenly Uzur the bandit leader came out by smashing the door. He was in a rage. His eyes were red and he was drooling.

Both Valthron and Uzur prepared for a dual while they were surrounded by fire.

" You Human Scum. You will join your brothers today. "

Uzur yelled While grabbing his battle axe.

"This shall be your last day of Scaring Ivoria, You Orc filth. This day will change the future to come. " Valthron pointed his sword at Uzur and taunted him.

" Die !!!" Uzur screamed while burning in rage and swung his Battle Axe ruthlessly.

Valthron dodged his attacks and started to strike Uzur with his sword. Uzur got wounded but he still gave a good fight.

Meanwhile, Jack have done helping the women and children to escape and is headed to look at the fight. But he was interrupted by a Bandit who jumped onto him. The bandit started to choke Jack. Jack punched him in the face but he didn't stop. Then Jack pulled out the spearhead from the staff while his hand got wounded. Then Jack stabbed through The bandit's neck. Then Jack pushed away him and pulled the spearhead back.

Jack was shocked after realizing he killed a human for the first time. Jack's hand was wounded by the spearhead and it made a scar that will remind his first human kill.

Valthron and Uzur were still on the fight to the death.

Valthron stabbed his sword through Uzur's knee and made him slow. Then Uzur pulled it and threw it at Valthron. Valthron quickly got away and survived.

" I am gonna eat your heart "

Uzur yelled in pain. Again he started to swing his battle axe. But this time he was weaker than before. Still, he was in a rage.

Valthron rolled away and grabbed two Axes and struck Uzur's head with them. Uzur grabbed Valthron by his neck and roared at him.

Valthron quickly pulled off a Dagger and stabbed Uzur's left eye and got away from his hand.

Uzur fell down to his knees and vomited Black Blood.

Wounded Valthron picked up his sword and said " May my brothers smile at your failure "

Then he decapitated Uzur's head.

Other bandits who saw it started to flee in terror while the free people of Ivoria cheered. Among them, Jack looked at Valthron and smiled. Valthron had a friendly smirk on his face that made him feel more bonded with Jack.

That night free people of Ivoria had a feast in their great hall of Duhri. They were singing and dancing because of their victory against the bandits. Jack was wrapping his wounded hand with a bandage and thinking about his first murder. He will remember it as he got his scar on his hand. Valthron came forward to the people and gave a speech to them.

" Today we won our rightful freedom That my brothers wanted to give you. Keep it safe and peaceful. We couldn't do it without this Young man, Jack. He gave me hope and strength to fight back against the bandits. People like him are a good example of that, there are people who are meant to do greater things. Cheers to Jack. "

The whole hall cheered at Jack and thanked him. Jack was grateful for being praised by people. He finally felt like he is more responsible than he was. He felt happy and overwhelmed.

After some time passed everybody in the great hall was sleeping on the floor. While Others were sleeping Jack was awake. He was looking at the stars and smiling.

" Thank you for giving me a chance to prove myself "

Jack whispered to himself.

After a while, Suns rose up and a new day began. Jack and Valthron rode their horses to HOLGUARD.

While traveling Valthron gave Jack a red apple. Both arrived at the border of Holguard after a few hours. They could see Nazuk city from afar.

" Well, This is the far as I can go with you. You have to travel to Nazuk city to sail by boat to Thereloria. I wish You all the best, my friend ." Valthron padded Jack's shoulder with a smile.

"Thank you ." Jack Said.

" Thank you, for saving Ivoria and encouraging me to fight back. Without you, things would have been worse. I will never forget your kindness and hopefulness. If you ever need help Ivoria is with you, Brother "

Valthron gave a purse of coins and left back to Ivoria by his horse.

Jack thanked Valthron and went his way to Nazuk. after reaching the gates He released the horse back to Ivoria.

As Jack entered the city he saw giant white statues of HOLGROK along the red-tiled path that leads straight to the Temple of Holgrok. Holgrok was the god of peace and he was a monk.

In front of the Temple, there was a giant Statue of Holgrok made out of Gold. It was a beautiful sight to see. The trees with red leaves made it more beautiful and calm to look at.

Jack walked his way near to the temple and stared at the beauty of the arts.

There were so many people near the temple worshipping. Among the crowd, there were monks wearing orange hooded cloaks. They were the followers of Holgrok's religion and they were his legacy.

" Are you here to worship our leader, Traveller? "

A monk asked Jack calmly.

" I was just passing by but I would like to " Jack replied.

" Here you go. Place them on the stand over there."

The monk gave Jack three incense sticks and showed him a stand.

Jack went near the stand and lit up the Insense sticks using fire from a nearby lamp. Then he placed the incense stick on the stand and worshiped the Statue.

The monk smiled and left.

There are smaller shrines of Holgrok across the Wach-jedu built by his worshipers. But the temple is where it was meant to be home to Holgrok's religion of Peace.

The city was more peaceful than most cities of Wach-jedu. There was no fighting or yelling. Everything was calm.

Jack walked his way along the road and found an Inn called " Peace House ". He entered the inn and bought a glass of milk and sat down on a chair.

Suddenly people started cheering and clapping. Jack was wondering why and he saw there are some people on the stage with Flutes, Violins, and drums. They caught Jack's attention.

They started playing the instruments calmly. It was like pouring honey on the ears. Then the lead signer came to the front. He was a young man with combed hair and a mutton chop beard.

He started to sing.

" Oh, The two suns

May we live free

No harm to us

Way away from Lri

Once again

From fire to Ashes

I shall ride forward

I shall carry my burden

To the world's end

Because no one

else will

I will fight my foes

You shall hear my voice

We may walk to the light

Keep our hand hold tight

For a new dawn

For a new world

For a new life

For whatever comes

I shall show my might

I shall carry the light

No matter

What happens

My hopes will not lie

It may stay even if I die

One day none will cry

We will walk toward, hey

I will be the

Lonely wolf

Take my hands

Give me your trust

I will take you to

The light

May you




Don't tell me

You can't

Because I will be howling like a

Lonely wolf

I am the lonely wolf

The Lonely wolf!! "

It started and ended calmly while everybody in the inn was silent.

After the song faded away into silence The audience started to cheer and clap at the singer and his team.

They then the audience and stepped down from the stage. They sat down where they could.

The singer sat next to Jack and smiled. Jack smiled back.

" You look familiar. But you also look like you are new here. Where are you from Fellow ?" The singer asked Jack.

" I am from Lri. Their name's Jack. But I guess we haven't met before "

Jack replied.

" From Lri? For Real? I have relatives there. A whole family ."

He said.

" My father is the leader of the village. Rob "

Jack said.

" Wait a minute, That's my uncle. My father's sister is your mother. Finally, I met my cousin after some years " He laughed and Hugged Jack tightly .

" you are Bobbin? Robbin's son? "

Surprised, Jack asked.

" Yep, It's a me, Bobbin "

Bobbin laughed.

" What luck to meet you here,"

Jack said.

" People made their own luck "

Bobbin whispered to Jack.

" Oi, This is my cousin, Jack from Lri. He has come a long way here! " Bobbin told to his friends and they all cheered.

" Hey Bethy, Give our Jack something to eat with your finest Ale. Bring some for me too "

Bobbin told to the waitress. She was a pretty woman wearing an apron.

" Coming right up, love "

Bethy said and went to the kitchen.

She brought Some roasted chicken legs and a salad. Then she poured some ale into two glasses and served both Jack and Bobbin. Bethy smiled at Jack and kissed Bobbin's cheek.

" Eat well Sweeties "

Bethy left back the kitchen.

" Heh, She is a fine lady,"

Jack said.

" That's my wife "

Bobbin laughed.

" Oh, Congratulations,"

Jack said.

" Thank you. By the way, How are your parents? "

Bobbin asked.

" They were fine until I left Lri. It's a long story "

Jack said while eating a chicken leg.

" What made you leave Lri? Did something happen?"

Bobbin asked.

" Lri is about to get attacked by Barbarians. I have to travel to Thereloria to deliver a message about it. But I have lost the letter. Still, I am going there to bring help. I will leave tomorrow ."

Jack said in a serious mood.

" By the gods. You are going to need help. " Bobbin said.

" I have to do this alone. It's my fate now " Jack said.

" Well, Eat well because you need more strength to go. I will give you some food for your journey. Don't worry now. I will pay for all the food. I am happy to help "

Bobbin said.

" Thank you Bobbin "

Jack smiled.

Jack went to bed after having dinner. He heard Ann's voice.

" Jack, are you there? "

Ann asked.

" I am here. What's going on ?"

Jack replied.

" Barbarians have captured GRELON. They are heading to TORU next. The king has sent soldiers to protect Lri but They won't be Enough. Besides that People are trying to leave lri. But they don't have a place to go. People say after capturing all the villages and cities of Dhurland, Barbarians will attack the King's palace and claim the throne. But how did they get more power to raid a kingdom? Something is really going on with the politics ."

Ann said.

" Just don't give up hope yet. I am closer to Thereloria ."

Jack said.

"I won't give up on you. Never "

Ann said And Jack felt happy about it.

" Also, There's a place that could hold some people for a time. But won't be enough for everybody. Tell my father to hide the woman, children, and elders there. It's a hidden forest under the Utula forest. There is a tunnel somewhere there and it leads to the hidden forest. After that hide the tunnel entrance from sight. Men can survive. They better. Try to move people as possible. "

Jack gave instructions to Ann.

" A Hidden forest? I will tell your Father about it. I will go now. I can't see you clearly because you are farther. Hope you are alright ."

Ann said.

" I am fine. Don't worry about me. Be safe "

Jack said.

" Be safe "

Ann's voice faded away.

The next morning Bobbin escorted Jack to the docks.

They were traveling in a carriage. Bobbin was Drunk and singing.

" Oh, Father

I have no mother

So I asked a pretty girl

To be my mother

She refused my offer

Then came her lover

He hit my face harder

I hit him back no matter

I ran I ran

He chased me like a Glin

Oh I found a bow

Turned around bit slow

Shot an arrow through

His knee that was blue

O , I ran away "

After some time passed The carriage reached the docks. Bobbin was taking a nap and Jack woke him up.

" We are at the docks Bobbin "

Jack whispered to Bobbin's ear and he woke up lazy.

" Oh, Come on then " Bobbin yawned and said. He paid the carriage driver for taking them there.

Both went along the way. There were so many boxes and supplies. Different kinds of ships and long boats with colorful sails were also there.

Bobbin escorted Jack near to a longboat that was docked and the sailors were loading the boat with boxes. There was a dwarf near the longboat sitting on a box and smoking a pipe. He turned his head at Bobbin and laughed.

" Bobbin. My fellow Songbird, Heh"

He shouted happily

" Hello there, Lesborn. Ya sailing now? "

Bobbin asked.

" Aye. To NORAZEL through the KAL-HOF River. We got some stuff to deliver to the folks. Why are ya asking? "

Lesborn said.

" My cousin here needs to travel to UR-HADOR capital. I will pay you for it "

Bobbin said.

" Alright. Get in boy, we'll leave in an hour "

Lesborn said.

Jack Hugged Bobbin and thanked him for helping.

" Thank you Bobbin. I hope one day I could repay you. "

" Only way you can repay me is by taking me on a world tour someday. But let it be at a different time. So long Lonely wolf of Lri."

Bobbin said.

Jack went inside the longboat and waited. There were many boxes full of Food, Iron, Meat, and more. Jack sat down on the floor and waited.

After waiting for some time Jack heard Longboat's bell ringing.

The longboat set sail and it started to move away from the dock.

Jack looked outside from the window and he saw more boats sailing. Jack went for a nap.

Again He saw Lri burning in a dream. He saw everything fall apart. There were Deladurs circling around Jack inside some kind of Dark area. Jack woke up panicked. He drank some water and took a deep breath.

" I am afraid " Jack whispered to himself.

Jack stood up and walked to the upper deck. There were some Dwarves smoking pipes and playing cards with some men. Jack smiled at them but they didn't give him much attention.

Jack went near Lesborn who was handling the helm standing on a stand because he was too short.

" How are ya doing boy? "

Lesborn asked.

" I am fine. Just wanted to see what's going on up here. "

Jack said.

Jack looked at the helm and asked

" Is this made out of Oakwood? "

" Aye, how do ya know that? "

Lesborn asked.

" My father told me stories about his ship. Her name was ' Elthro '. My father was the captain. He went to war with it. "

Jack said.

" Hmm, That's interesting. What happened to the ship? "

Lesborn asked

" The ship was sunken deep into the Great blue sea. The crew was eaten by Red Fin Sharks and my father was the only one who survived ."

Jack said while standing next to the helm.

" That's sad. Losing a Ship and its crew is the saddest thing that could happen to a captain. Also, a captain should have died with his ship. But still glad yar father survived ."

Lesborn felt sad about what Jack told them.

" My father said if He could save his crew he would have. And he has tried but failed. Maybe it's what was meant to happen "

Jack said.

" So, You know how to handle a boat? Like yar father? "

Lesborn asked excitedly.

" He has told me some stuff but I haven't tried,"

Jack said.

" Here hold the helm "

Lesborn made Jack hold the helm.

" Wait, I don't ..."

Jack was afraid and unsure

" Take a deep breath Boy. Feel the wind. Let the hands take care of the helm "

Lesborn instructed Jack.

Jack slowly got used to the helm and handled it like a master.

" There you go, boy. There ya go. Move us away from the boat in front of us by steering the helm left."

Lesborn said.

Jack steered the helm left and the longboat moved right, away from the boat in front of them. Jack felt proud and happy.

" Nicely done boy. Now call for full sail because the wind is in the right direction "

Lesborn said.

" Full Sail lads " Jack shouted.

The crew released the full sail and the longboat started to move faster.

" That's right. Always change the sail depending on the wind "

Lesborn said.

Jack learned more about controlling the longboat and kept sailing.

" You have your father's skills boy. Someday ya will get ya own ship "

Lesborn said.

" Maybe. But who knows "

Jack said.

The longboat went far away from other boats and became alone. Jack saw something blocking their path.

" I see something but not sure what "

Jack woke up lesborn who was asleep.

Lesborn took the spyglass and looked at where Jack pointed.

" Oh, God. Get ready to sail back lads "

Lesborn yelled.

" Sail back? Why? "

Jack was confused.

Lesborn gave Jack the spyglass and Jack used it to see what was going on. He saw two ships heading straight at the longboat. Their Flags were Black and the crew looked like they are hostile.

" Pirate Scum. No way through. We have to head back and get help. "

Lesborn said.

" No " Jack shouted.

" This is my boat boy. I ain't risking it. " Lesborn was angry and panicked.

" We don't have time to go back now. I need to go to Thereloria to deliver an urgent message to the king. "

Jack said.

" No king will pay us to repair our boats when we get attacked .there's no way we can go past two pirate ships, "

Lesborn said.

" There's always a way," Jack said.

" What are ya Saying, boy ?"

Asked Lesborn.

" Do you have any weapons? How many crew members do we have? "

Jack asked.

" There are like 20 men on this boat. There are a couple of Swords, Axes, and Two harpoon cannons. But we can't fight two ships at once. They will sink us, boy "

Lesborn said.

" Do we have fire powder and Small clay pots? "

Jack asked.

" Yes yes, but why? "

Lesborn asked.

" We will fill the clay pots with fire powder and tie them to harpoons. Then we set fire and shoot at the ships. Then we can set them on fire. " Jack told the crew.

" That's a brilliant idea, "

A crew member said.

" Alright then. Do what the boy said. " Lesborn shouted.

The crew prepared the fire powder bombs and tied them to harpoons and loaded them into the cannons.

Jack made the longboat go through the two pirate ships, so the harpoons could get a clear shot.

The crew ignited the bombs and fired the cannons. The harpoons got hit and started to burn the ship's sails. The pirates got burned and jumped off their ships. Pirates also attacked back with crossbows and harpoons.

The crew took shields and covered themselves from the attacks. They threw fire powder bombs at both ships and the ship on the left side started to fall apart. Their powder storage got caught on fire and exploded. That ship slowly got sunken. The ship on the right was also burning and incapacitated.

Jack used his Crossbow on the staff and shot bolts at the Pirate captain. He got injured and yelled

" Face me like a man, you little pig "

Jack made the longboat stop near the burning pirate ship and ordered the crew to board the ship.

" let's show them our strength! "

Jack shouted.

The crew started to board the ship and fight the pirates. Jack went face to face with the pirate captain.

Jack used the spearhead to fight the Captain's sword. The captain disarmed Jack by pushing away him. Jack fell down and kicked the captain's leg. Then Jack charged toward him and pushed him into the fire.

The pirate captain got lighted up and came toward Jack while burning. Jack used the pushing force spell and pushed him off the ship. Other pirates surrendered and Jumped off the ship.

The crew cheered happily because of their victory.

" Ha ha We showed them, "

One crew member said.

" Good Job boy. Ya saved our boat and our job. Thank ya so much "

Lesborn padded Jack's shoulder.

Other crew members salvaged what they can from the ship making it sink. After that, the longboat continued sailing.

The Dusk came. The longboat was in the center of the river. The sky was orange and the two suns were going down on the horizon. The crew was taking a break. Jack was sitting next to Lesborn who was handling the helm. Lesborn left the helm and sat down near Jack. He gave a bottle of Ale to Jack and he accepted it. Both were looking at the Horizon while the crew started to sing in the Sea language.

" Ooohlea ! Zum luku bor dia

Zon karu len boya

Don wadhl kurum woda

Wi sail toga thor waya

Ooulovazu ! Zen kera der hoda

Yol noka ven soda

Ale duru len efa

Win sin toga thor Heya .... "

Jack didn't understand what they are singing, but He enjoyed it.

Later the night came. Some of the crew were sleeping on the deck while Jack was sleeping inside the boat.

Sometimes later Jack woke up and heard Gulls and the bell ringing.

Jack rushed to the upper deck to look. But there was fog everywhere.

" Ah, Ya are finally awake,"

Lesborn said.

" Where are we? "

Jack asked.

" Go to the front of the boat. Ya will see "

Lesborn said.

Jack walked to the front of the boat and looked. The fog slowly vanished away and he saw a city in front of them. Jack felt happy.

" We have arrived in Norazel. Capital of Thereloria . City of rich folks "

Lesborn said.

The longboat docked among other Boats and the crew unloaded the boxes.

Jack was happy and amazed after seeing how big this city is. There were so many people and so many buildings. Carriages were traveling on the big street carrying goods. Guards dressed in armor were patrolling among the people. The city looked so lively.

" Right then. Here ya are. Now pay us "

Lesborn said.

" Oh. But I thought my cousin already paid you "

Jack said.

" Just Joking Boy. See you soon "

Lesborn laughed.

" Thank you for bringing me here" Jack smiled and walked away.

He looked south and saw the Ur-Hador palace on the top of the hill that was near Norazel city. Jack kept walking forward along the street.

The city seemed to be well-ruled by its king. There were many buildings with art on their worlds. The walls were in different colors and patterns which made each building look so unique. The people who lived there looked happy and proud. They were dressed more colorful and neater than People in Lri. People even looked at Jack like he was some kind of a thug or a peasant. What makes this city look more rich and clean is that it had no beggars or uneducated people. All of them including farmers, fishermen, and poor ones were exiled to a Village called HAK-SUL in the northern parts of Thereloria. The king didn't like to see that kind of people in his city he walks around as a hobby. He only cared about Rich and Educated people.

The king of Thereloria was named Imeros .but most times his second-in-command and Advisor Henry Liue took care of the kingdom.

There were many rumors about a conspiracy inside and outside Ur-Hador that was popular. There was someone trying to Conquer Thereloria. Many citizens and King himself believe that it was Imeros's younger brother Halumar, who was exiled for threatening King's Advisor. What happened to him after was unknown. But still, the king has set wanted posters of Halumar to bring him dead or alive. Even sent special guards to find him from Wach-jedu.

But on the other side, the people of Hak-Sul loved Halumar because he cared about the poor. They even helped him during hard times. King Imeros suspected that they are hiding Halumar. But they didn't find him.

Jack walked toward Ur-Hador for some hours while none of the carriages that were passing by gave him a lift. He started to hear Ann's voice again.

" Jack "

" Ann, What's going on? "

Jack asked.

" Some of the women and children are in the hidden forest. Others traveled west for refuge. We have hidden the entrance to the hidden forest and made it hard to find. "

Ann said.

" Good. But what do you mean by ' We '? Are you still out there? "

Jack asked.

" I am fine. I am helping your father and brother to protect the village. Just don't worry "

Ann said.

" No, Don't do it. Save yourself. Go hide "

Jack was worried.

" I am no coward. I am a girl who can fight back. We will be waiting for your return with help. The barbarians will reach Lri tomorrow according to the scouts. After that they will try to capture Dhurland completely "

Ann said.

" I will return. I promise "

Jack ended talking and kept walking toward the Ur-Hador palace.

Jack reached the gate after some time passed. It was near dusk. There were four royal guards dressed in red and gold armor and holding long spears.

Jack stepped forward and the guards pointed their spears at Jack.

" Halt Stranger! You shall of pass. Explain what you are doing near the royal palace. "

A Guard said.

" I am from Dhurland. I have an urgent message to the king."

Jack said.

" Our Highness is Il... busy these days, "

A Guard said.

" But it's important. I have been traveling for days to deliver this message. Please "

Jack begged.

" If it is You shall meet Our Highness's Advisor and Second in command Lord Henry Liue "

The guards opened the gate and escorted him inside.

Jack went into the palace and he was amazed by its beauty. The ceiling was White and had a big ceiling lamp made out of gold. There was a royal red carpet on the floor leading to the throne. The throne was made out of gold and it had a head of a golden lion on the top. And on the throne was a person dressed up in a black robe and wearing a strange-looking hat. He wearing five golden rings on his right hand.

The Guards pushed Jack forward and said,

" Lord Henry Liue, This boy said he has an urgent message for the king. "

Henry was eating an apple and he threw it away.

" Speak Boy. I have more urgent matters to attend to "

Henry said.

" My lord, I have come all the way From Dhurland to Thereloria to inform you that Dhurland is under attack by Barbarians of Barbundu. My village, Lri is going to be attacked tomorrow. Our king asked you for help and reinforcements. You have to save our Land. I beg you. "

Jack fell down to his knees with tears in his eyes.

" Oh, I see. But where is the letter? "

Henry asked.

Jack was surprised that he asked about the latter without knowing about it.

" I am really sorry, I lost it when I got caught in a storm. I swear it's all true. " Jack said.

" Oh. What a fool you are. Words and Tears aren't enough to prove it. King needs to see the latter with his own eyes."

Henry said.

Jack looked down hopelessly.

" But there is another way,"

Henry said and Jack looked up with hope.

" I need a favor. If you do it I will let your message go to my king. "

Henry said.

" Anything. I would give my life. "

Jack said.

Henry took a paper and a pen and turned away. He was writing something. Then after some minutes he turned back to Jack and stepped forward.

" Deliver this message to The Woman named Bonnie. She lives in Norazel. A big yellow house with a red door. There's a painting of an Eagle on the wall near her house. It's easy to find. And It's a private letter. Do not open it. Go now. "

Henry gave the letter to Jack. He stood up.

" I will do it, my lord. I will return "

Jack exited the palace and ran his way down to Norazel.

By dusk, Jack reached Norazel and searched for Bonnie's house. Then he found the painting of the eagle Henry mentioned. Near it was a yellow house with a red door. Jack knocked on the door several times and waited for some minutes. But no one answered.

Jack was angry and he pushed the door. It opened up and no one was there. Jack walked into the house to check.

" Lady Bonnie? Anyone home? "

Jack asked loudly.

There was no reply and Jack turned back to go outside.

" Help me! " Jack heard a low voice from a room. He walked in to check and opened the door. There was an old woman on the floor with blood while someone wearing a black cloak jumped outside from the window and vanished. Jack looked where the killer went but he couldn't find him. Jack went near Bonnie and pressured the cut on her throat.

" Ek.. Eka.. Ekans, Ekans Did ... this "

Bonnie said while dying.

"Who is Ekans? What does it mean ?" Jack asked but she was already dead.

Someone came behind Jack and yelled.

" Help! Guards! There has been a murder! "

Jack tried to calm him down but the Guards came and tackled Jack.

" No, It's not me. I didn't do it "

Jack tried to explain but no one listened.

The Guards handcuffed Jack and punched his face.

From somewhere Henry Liue arrived.

" What have you done, you monster? Check his pockets "

Henry said.

The Guards checked Jack's pockets and took the letter Henry gave to him. Henry took it and got shocked.

" It's Halumar's writings. It has his seal on it "

Henry said.

" What? You gave me that..."

Jack got slapped in the face by Henry.

" Silence you filth "

"It says ' I, Halumar hires you to kill that bitch Bonnie and poison the Weak King. I will pay you double '. Your little piece of garbage! "

Henry read the letter aloud.

The Guards punched Jack until blood came from his nose.

" Take him to VOLAPH prison. Lock him up for good. "

Henry yelled while Jack was displaying in front of the public.

Later that night Jack was taken to the Prison island Volaph in chains. Then the brander branded a skull shape on Jack's Back. He screamed in pain.

Guards took away Jack's belongings including his staff and locked them in a room.

Jack was in pain, suffering, and crying. One guard pulled Jack's necklace and crushed it by foot. It broke into pieces.

They left Jack Alone in a cell.

Jack looked outside and saw the two suns rising but still, the sky was dark. Jack realized he have failed to Save His Home.

Meanwhile, Lri was burning, and many men were dead. It was tragic.

Jack fell down to his knees and gathered the broken pieces of the necklace. Then he hugged them while teardrops fell from his eyes and mixed up with the blood on his face.

" Ann, If You are hearing this don't lose hope. I will be back. I promise. I will save Lri. I will save you all.

The Wolves will howl "

To be continued .

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