By SadistWhore

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Little Vixen is the only omega in his pack and is determined to make the tiger shifter his friend. His curios... More

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By SadistWhore



| Apollo's POV

After we explained the situation to the sins, all of them began eyeing each other but my main focus was on Envy.

He hasn't looked at me since Thierno called upon them and shit was irritating me. I just wanted to get him alone and explain everything before we left to investigate Amigo.

The virtues stood on the other side of the room, occasionally glaring at the sins as the sins gave them odd looks.

I sat down on the couch with my leg bouncing out of frustration while I kept watching him. He leans against the wall with his eyes closed but his eyebrows were slightly furrowed. I always noticed the small details that no one else would bother to see.

"Instead of investigating him there, my brother and I are going to bring him here." Tiberias stood in front of me, forcing my eyes to trail up his legs to his darkened face. "Okay." I mumble.

Thierno walks towards the door while sliding a glove over his right hand. Tiberias, Wrath and I stared at him with a look of curiosity. "Why do you have on one glove?" I ask.

He turns to me while licking his lower lip as he said in a husky voice, "Gotta keep this hand soft and clean for when I'm stroking Vixen off."

"Alright then," I chuckle while turning to look at Wrath whose eyes were solely on Basim who was currently sat in the corner with a frown on his face, slowly massaging his belly.

I wonder how Vixen put up with his ass. I mean, dude was a straight hornball for him. I'm glad Envy and I left when we did.


My attention returns to the demon who was no longer by himself. There was a younger guy with long orange hair who was closer to him than I liked. He kept pestering him with annoying questions and Envy's eyes slowly opened, staring down at the guy.

Would he fuck someone else to get revenge..?

I chewed on the inside of my lip while staring at them. I didn't give a fuck if people saw me as creepy for it.

Envy was mine.

Anger began to cloud my sanity as I debated on getting up and going over there to dominate him because I was getting pissed off just by watching the two converse.

Who the fuck is that?

I blinked and found myself fisting my knuckles into the couch which was now lumped inwards.


Tiberias might kill me.

I zoned in on the brother's conversation as they discussed just going by themselves without the accompanying of Wrath.

"Why am I not going? I know my pack better than anyone else." I point out.

"Because we don't need you." Thierno's dark eyes trailed up and down my body with a evil chuckle. "How about you focus on mending your relationship?"

I look around to see if anyone else heard him but they were all too engrossed with themselves. I turn back at him with a growl, "Just go."

Was it that obvious?

"We'll be back shortly. Try not to kill each other." Tiberias lets out a sigh of frustration. "And protect Vixen with your lives. Forbid anything were to happen to him." He said before vanishing along with his brother.

The mansion became quieter. Everyone kept their distance from each other while occasionally sending glares.

"Can't believe this is happening," Ace's deep voice broke the silence as he leans against the back of the couch with his head hung low. "This is a waste of time."

"Nothing is ever a waste of time. Every lesson in life comes with a price. If you choose to learn from it then you will prevail; if not, you simply wasted your time." Zen softly smiles at the virtue with a look of understanding.

"Here we go." Envy tossed his head back with a groan escaping his throat. The virtues turned to him.

"Is there a problem?" Ace's attention was on the demon as he unfolded his muscular arms while sending a glare. Envy smirked without responding.

Wrath quietly strides over to his sad mate before sitting down next to him, placing his hand on his back.

The virtue named Dax continues to stare at Sloth who was currently sleeping on the couch with his head resting back against the cushioned pillow. His dark hair carelessly fell over his eyelids while his face was one of peace.

The only problem is that he fell asleep on the virtue's side of the room. No one wanted to wake him up so they just ignored him until Dax leans forward with his hands on his knees. "Does he always sleep? Guess it's cause of his sin, right?" Dax turns his attention towards the sins with a smirk forming at his lips.

Pride, Greed and Lust turned their heads at the mischievous virtue.

"What would happen if I touch him? Is he a light sleeper?" Dax asks while extending his finger out towards Sloth's sleeping face.

"Touch him and I'll break your fucking arm," Lust rose to his feet with a playful gleam in his eye as he slides his split tongue out which sent Dax stepping back with a look of disgust evident in his face.

"Is that a threat?" Lev's eyebrow arched while sending a curious look at Lust.

"Yo, everyone need to chill. They haven't even been gone for five minutes and you're already picking at each other." I sent a look at them both before Lust could respond.

"Who are you?" Ace questioned me while eyeing me up and down with a loathing look.

I return the look with a growl. "The reason why you're here."

"So, you're the blame for this?" Ace clenched his fist. "We don't have time to meddle with your inconveniences in your mortal world." He removed the bow and arrow from his back as he sighed, pushing his red hair back, away from his face.

I look towards Envy who was now watching the situation transpire between us. With a roll of my eyes, I said, "I didn't ask for your help. Remember, Tiberias has you here, not me."

Dax chuckled.

"How tiresome," Pride says while staring at me. "You're the reason as to why we're here too. We wouldn't be in this predicament if wolves knew how to protect themselves."

"Get dick out your ass," Lust thrusts his thumb over his shoulder at the virtues. "Don't be like them."

Ace slowly claps his hands as he chuckles. "Yes, don't be like us. We're brilliant leaders with skills that surpass sins by far," he smirks. "Not to mention more handsome."

"Leave them alone, Ace." Basim finally spoke with a frown. "That's only going to make the situation-."

Ace gave Basim a wicked smile before cutting him off, "Look at you," He pushed himself off of the couch. "Playing for the other team."

Basim growled, "What are you talking about?"

"You're a disgrace as a virtue. First, you turn your back on the moon goddess then you go and get pregnant by a demon." Ace's face was morphed into a murderous look as he gripped his bow. "It's fucking disgusting."

Basim's eyes widened as his parted lips didn't move, shocked from the words the virtue spat. While rising to his feet, Wrath chuckled, "Either your dick is hard for him or you genuinely can't see how stupid you look right now."

Ace clenched his fist while staring at Wrath. The pregnant virtue stood to his feet while holding his swollen belly. He glared at the virtue of temperance while growling, "He saved my life, Ace. Where the hell were you?! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you shooting your arrow in me to begin with."

"You were about to kill Calypso." Ace's tone was monotonous as his hardened eyes focused on Basim.

"He did kill her," Envy snickered, gaining the attention of Sage, Zen and Dax while Ace focused on Basim.

"And Wrath saved my life." He points out.

Ace chuckled while shaking his head. "I'd rather you be dead than bare the seed of that demon." And that broke Basim as his eyes filled with tears.

Wrath's irises began to turn a deep red as literal steam rose from his skin. The guy was practically on fire. He seethed, "I'll fucking kill you just like I did Reo when I decapitated his head and I made you watch. Let's repeat the past, shall we?" His deep laugh taunted the virtue.

The virtues all rose to their feet, holding their arrows which were now aimed at Wrath who maniacally laughed at them. "I'll kill all of you and piss fire on your corpses."

Dax and Lev growled at him.

Aw shit.

The guy with the orange hair chuckled as he stood next to Envy, "Do they know that those arrows doesn't affect Wrath?" He asked my mate.

Envy grunts a reply before standing next to the other sins who all rose to their feet, ready for shit to pop off.

"I'm sure our arrows work fine on this demon." Ace growled a reply as his murderous eyes were locked the seething demon.

"Must we fight? Why can't we all just get along?" Sage asked while wielding his arrow, aiming the weapon specifically at Envy.

"Because you're all judging fools who can't keep their thoughts to themselves. Not to mention, Cicero was the reason so much shit happened anyway. Virtues ain't all that." Envy tsks.

"Cicero had his reasons," Ace said with eyes flickering between all of the sins, contemplating who'd attack first. "Sins have always been the rotten fruit that tainted the garden. I suppose there has to be balance."

Basim hovers his hand over his mate's scorching skin, scared to touch him as he whispered, "It's not worth it. Let's calm down," before he turns his head towards the virtues, "You all have no right. You're basically provoking them. Sure, I may be a virtue-."

"Was a virtue," Ace growled.

"Excuse you?!" Basim's face morphed into a fiery anger as Ace licks his lips before darting his eyes towards Wrath who was staring silently at him then chose to focus his attention back on the pregnant virtue. "You.. are not one of us."

Basim took a step forward while swallowing his tears as he looks at each and every one of them. "All that I've done for our kingdom and you all stand here and act like I'm a stranger."

Since he stood in front of the sins, the virtues slowly, one by one, put their bows down as they glance at each other. Ace relaxes his arms while a soft sigh escapes his lips. "I could accept you being mated to him but you're now with child."

"So what?!" Basim's voice rises as his eyes were full of emotion. "Am I different for who I love?! Maybe we should try to be more civil with each other."

"You were the main one who couldn't stand the sight of them back then, and now since you're mated to one, that has changed. Stop being a hypocrite, Basim." Ace's voice lowers while he returns his bow into the holster located on his back.

"I think the reason why virtues are so tight is because you all have never been fucked before. Just sitting ducks with hard cocks." Lust thought out loud as he smirks.

"Sorry for us not sticking our dicks in everything that moves," Lev's golden eyes were focused on the sin of lust as he placed his bow on his back. "I think we should handle our disputes one day after this because I would love to end your life."

"Careful new born, you're no strength compared to a first generation," Pride said, flexing his shoulders.

"New born or not, I'm still strong enough to take on all of you," Lev said with confidence but in reality I wasn't too sure about that.

"Master should be back shortly. He wouldn't like it if we couldn't control ourselves," Mercy was right and it would only bring destruction.

"Exactly," Basim agreed with the virtue until Lev glared at him. "Stay on your side, traitor."

In the blink of an eye, Wrath launches himself forward with a deep growl as his hand latched around the virtue's neck, pinning him up against the wall.

The virtues with swiftness reached for their bows, starting to aim their arrows at the demon until Dax pulls out a long machete and yanked Sloth's head back, baring his neck while holding the weapon up to his neck, "You sure you want to do this Wrath?!"

Sloth slowly opens his eyes as they focused on the virtue who was currently threatening his life.

Wrath's nose flared as his scorching skin burnt the flesh off of the virtue's neck who screamed in agonizing pain. Lev attempted to wrap his hand around the demon's wrist but ended up burning the muscle tissue lodged in his palm.

His grip on the virtue's throat tightened as he bared his teeth, "Seeing the life drains from your eyes fuels me with a desire you have no idea." He bit out as Lev's neck was now deformed, flesh melting onto Wrath's hand, dripping onto the floor like lava.

The sight disgusted me as I put my fist against my mouth as I glance at Envy whose eyes were already pinned on me.

Dax forces the machete into Sloth's throat, breaking skin as black blood began seeping out of his neck, splattering all over his clothing and the floor. The sin, despite having a large weapon digging into his flesh, remained stoic.

Does he care about his life?!

"Put Lev down or we'll kill him," Dax shouts as he had a crazed look in those brewing forest green eyes. Sloth's lips part as blood began trickling down the corner of his mouth.

"Wrath," Basim's voice was a whisper long gone in the wind and he still managed to hear as his red eyes focused on his mate. "Please, just put him down. He's going to die if you hold him any longer."

"The moon goddess forbid anything happen to her children while she's deceased," Ace growled as he suddenly pulled the string back with two arrows aimed at the demon.

"NO!" The pregnant virtue stood in front of Wrath with his arms stretched out to shield his mate. "You will not kill him!"

Ace continued to wield his bow despite Basim shielding his mate. He glared at him as he pulled the string back further with anger etched in his features. "Basim, step aside or I will make sure you remain dead this time."

"You don't mean that," Basim softly calls his bluff as Ace remained quiet but his eyes were softening by the second until they returned hard. He nods his head towards the other virtues and they began slowly dropping their bows and returning them to their rightful place; in the holsters on their backs.

Wrath's grip around Lev's throat loosened and the virtue slid down the wall with his head tilted, resting on his shoulder. He was struggling to breathe while his melted flesh was sticking to the wall like gum.

Dax slowly releases Sloth, removing the machete from his neck as he quickly rushed over to Lev. "Fuck," he uttered while positioning him upright.

"Next time, I won't stop." Wrath promised the virtues with a growl. His skin returned normal as he remained behind his mate.

Ace put his bow back into his holster as Sloth rose to his feet, walking over to the other sins while holding his neck that was healing quickly. "That was.. a eventful way to wake up."

Lust crossed his arms while looking at the sin, "You need to be more concerned with your life."

Sloth glances up at the sin with dead eyes before he said, "I was hoping he'd finally end my suffering."

Lust's lip quirked down at that as he shrugged it off with a nodding of his head. However, my attention was on the smell of burning flesh. The smell was awful and since I became an alpha, it was three times more intense.

I pinched my nose.

As Wrath and Basim began to walk away from the virtues, Basim stops in his tracks as he inhaled a large gasp of air while holding his stomach. A liquid began forming into a puddle around the virtue. "T-The baby!"

Basim legs wobbled, losing his balance. With haste, Wrath wrapped his arms around his mate's waist, allowing him to use his body to remain upright. "W-Wrath, it's time."

"He wasn't due for another week or tw-."

"I'm in pain, Wrath." Basim whimpers as he grabbed ahold of his mate's arm. Wrath's widened eyes were frantically looking everywhere as he asked, "Are you able to handle me teleporting?"

"The baby won't make it through teleporting once the birthing process has started," Mercy informed. "I can help. I've helped with live births before but it will be painful since I don't have the necessary anesthesia-."

"I don't care!! Just help me!" Basim yelled which shocked Mercy but he quickly regained control. "Since we're doing it here, I need a bunch of pillows and three towels!"

Wrath gently kept Basim in his arms before he growled at the sins, "Stop fucking standing around and get what he asked!"

Without another word, Sloth, Pride and Greed rushed to grab pillows from around the house. Ace walks up to them as Wrath gently lays Basim down who was inhaling a large amount of air at one time. Wrath growled at Ace, "Back the fuck up bitch."

Ace clenched his fist as he releases a sigh, "Let us help." He looks down at Basim.

"We don't need-," Wrath began but Basim placed his hand on his mate's shoulder, nodding his head.

"Half of that baby is part virtue," Ace glared down at the demon. Wrath sighed before glancing up at the virtue in his kneeling position, "Fine."

Mercy smiles then instructed the virtues to obtain the necessary surgical tools he needed to perform the surgery, "I need scissors, scalpels, forceps, retractors, -."

While zoning out; my attention was now towards Wrath as I shift on my feet, "Anything I can do?"

"Yeah, let him use your body as a leveraged pillow." Wrath replies with a deadly glare before returning his attention to his mate.

"Uhh, okay." I nod then crouched down behind Basim before sitting down with my legs crossed in front of me. Wrath gently lays Basim's head on my lap after Sloth returns with a pillow, neatly tucking it under Basim's curly head of hair.

"Breathe-." Wrath began to say but the virtue grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "I AM FUCKING BREATHING!"

Greed and Pride returns with arms full of pillows.

"Lust and Gluttony, help me lift Basim so they can put the pillows underneath him." Wrath instructed.

So his name is Gluttony...and he's one of the sins. I had nothing to worry about.

"I don't understand why we just didn't take him upstairs to one of the bedroo-." Gluttony began.

"Did I tell you to talk or did I tell you to help me while shutting the fuck up?" Wrath asked in a sarcastic tone. "Move!" He growled and Gluttony scurries around the other side of Basim, ready to lift the sweating virtue.

"Okay, on the count of three."

Lust positioned himself at Basim's legs while he chuckled.


All of them elevated the virtue, holding him in place while Greed and Pride placed the pillows in alignment under him then put a blanket over the pillows to prevent a mess from happening.

Shit, if this was the case of having a baby then I don't want to put myself or my mate in this situation. I never really thought about having a kid.

Who would carry the baby though?

They slowly dropped Basim down onto the pallet they made as Basim sat up, eyes narrowing into slits while smacking Gluttony across the face, "Not too fast!!"

His hand slowly moved to his cheek with a shocked expression. "Ow?"

"If only Tiberias was here. He'd know how to go about this. I just don't want to begin without the proper anesthesia and go in, cutting around and he jerks while I'm next to something-." Mercy fans himself, swallowing his fear.

"If you can't do it, just say that." Basim growled as he toss his head back into my lap.

"I can. It'll just be risky." Mercy places his hands on his hips. "Just waiting for the virtues to return."

"It's fine. I can do it." Basim nods his head with his hair stuck to his forehead from the excessive sweating he was doing.

"It's okay, Basim. You can do this." I encourage the virtue who glances up at me with big green eyes, lashes dancing every time he blinked. "Thank you." He groaned as he grabbed Wrath's hand, squeezing the shit out of it.

Fucking hell.

All of the virtues returned with the necessary necessities except Lev who I assumed was too busy trying to recover.

"We managed to find a pack hospital that allowed us to have these tools," Ace said while laying out a bunch of silvery objects.

"Okay, allow me to prepare myself," Mercy quickly went to wash his hands but my attention was on the demon leaning against the wall with Gluttony standing next to him.

Why the fuck were they so close?

"Apollo," the virtue laying on my lap says. "Please, I need-," he swallows. "-water."

Wrath snaps his head towards Mercy who rushed back into the room while sliding medical gloves on. "You can't have water right now, Basim. You're going into labor. And I need you to get naked for me."

"Turn all of your heads away!" Basim screamed and everyone turned their backs to us. I closed my eyes as I heard shuffling happening under my nose.

"Okay. You can look now."

"He's very mean when he's in labor," Sage whispered to Zen who nods in response. I open my eyes to see Basim's fingers twitching, desperately wanting to grab onto something with his free hand.

He whimpered, "W-Why is the pain so unbearable?!"

"Having demon babies are more intense than having regular ones. Demons are aggressive in nature so when it's ready to come out, it will be immediate. Even if they're not due for another few weeks. It's natural." He explained while flattening Basim's knees. "I need you to keep your legs down for me."

"That's hard," Basim's grabs my hand with his free hand as he puckered his lips, breathing slowly as he stares at Mercy who began applying sterile drapes over his belly, leaving only the lower abdomen part of his stomach visible.

Tiberias and Thierno appeared with Amigo being held by the neck by the dark haired brother who stopped growling once seeing all of us gathered around Basim.

"What the hell?" Thierno looks at Tiberias. "I'm going to take him to another room until..this is situated."

Amigo gave me a look of confused recognition while Thierno dragged him away.

"Tiberias! I need you." Mercy's voice was full of worry while Tiberias looks at him with solemn. "What is the problem?"

"Well, we don't have the anesthesia and he's going to be awake. I don't want to-."

"What is so important about the anesthesia? Do Basim need it?" I asked the tall god who approaches us with cloudy eyes remaining on Basim.

"There's types of anesthesia; regional anesthesia blocks the pain in the lower body which allows the patient to remain awake during birth," Tiberias explains while sliding his fingers through his hair. "And general anesthesia is used when the patient wants to be unconscious during the procedure."

"Oh, that sounds like a lot." I heave a sigh while continuing to let Basim squeeze the shit out of my hand.

Wrath's brow arched as he looks up at Tiberias. "Is it possible for Sloth to force Basim into a slumber so deep that he won't feel it?"

"Studies has shown that people have a higher pain tolerance during certain times which consists of at night. It just depends if Sloth can do it." Tiberias shrugs.

"Can we stop all the damn chatting and more birthing?!" Basim screams with soft wails erupting from his throat.

"I believe I can do it." Sloth crouches next to me with his thighs bulging beneath his pants. He rests his elbows on his knees while staring down at Basim.

"Tiberias, you should do this." Mercy mumbled but he shook his head 'no' before placing his hand on his chin. "I'll guide you."

Mercy nods, sliding his mask on before he applied the scalpel to the lower part of the virtue's belly. "I'm ready."

Tiberias circles us while carefully watching Mercy's hand movement. "Ace, hold his legs down in case."

Ace obliged.

When the fuck did Tiberias become a surgeon? Somehow, that didn't sit well with me. My mind wonders to the many psychopaths who have an obsession with the body and how perfect they'd cut their bodies up then dispose of them.

Or he's just a man who probably studied the profession, Xio puts out there.


"Sloth." He nods his head to give him the signal.

Sloth averts his eyes down, reaching forward to hold Basim's head in place while his eyes changed from obsidian black to light blue. With furrowed eyebrows, his eyes flickered back and forth as he said, "Someone is shielding you."

"Huh?" Basim gulps. "What?"

Wrath's jaw tightened as his red eyes remained on his mate. He almost looked sad...

"Whatever it is, it's to protect you but I can still do it." Sloth blinked before placing his index and middle finger in the center of the virtue's forehead. "Sleep." He whispered as the virtue's eyelids peel shut but there was slight twitching in his arms and fingers.

"Please keep him stable." Mercy begged before reapplying the scalpel to Basim's lower stomach.

"Let's start with the initial incision into the skin horizontally." Tiberias instructs while pacing back and forth, watching the virtue slowly cut into the flesh.

Ace's muscles began to flex under his shirt which only meant that Basim was reacting to the pain because I was starting to feel slight jerks in his arm.

"Done." Sweat trickled down Mercy's forehead while he examined the fresh cut across Basim's lower stomach.

"You're going to have to cut through multiple layers; the fat, into the abdomen and separate where the uterus would be." Tiberias explained.

Mercy blinked, taking a second before he began cutting again. Wrath applied towels on his pelvic area where blood was starting to flow out.

Everyone was silent while watching him perform this procedure. I continue to watch Sloth. His eyes were glazed over while staring forward. His eye would twitch occasionally but I could tell he wasn't exactly here with us.

"You have to separate the abdominal muscles in order to access where the uterus would be," Tiberias continues to circle us with wide eyes. He watched Mercy as if he was his student. "And the bladder and intestines may need to be pushed aside."

Mercy was concentrating, eyes glowing a golden color despite the usual green. His pink hair was in a high tight ponytail.

After about thirty minutes, Mercy finally cut through the needed layers and began to feel inside. "There's no sign of blood clots nor hemorrhaging."

"Proceed with the extraction of the baby." Tiberias nods towards his apprentice. There was silence while the virtue felt around inside before his eyes brightened, "I can feel the head but there's too much fluid."

Wrath's eyes hardened at the virtue with a frown but Tiberias says, "The amniotic fluid would usually be suctioned away to make room for the extraction but we don't have the proper equipment so you're just going to have to take your time."

Mercy releases a breath as he continued. It was harder to keep Basim from moving since he was practically fighting against us. The only person who didn't seem to have a problem with holding him down was Wrath.

After the time reached forty-five minutes, Sloth's eyes began to bleed black blood. "I got it," Mercy says while slowly extracting the head first.

The baby has a head full of curly hair plastered on its head since blood coated its face and head. Mercy maneuvered the baby back and forth trying to emerge the shoulders and the rest of its body.

"Check for any umbilical cord entanglement or other complications." Tiberias' shoulders visibly relaxes while watching with a keen eye. The virtue nods.

After about five minutes, Mercy had properly extracted the baby. "It's a boy," he held the baby with his right hand while lifting the umbilical cord scissors with his left. "Want to cut the umbilical cord?" Mercy offers Wrath who stared at the baby with great jubilation, forgetting how to speak.

"Yea." He softly says, taking the scissors and extending his hand forward, finally cutting the cord.

I look over my shoulder to see Tiberias exit the room but I return my focus on the new born.

The baby was beautiful. His hands were curled at his side as his chubby cheeks added to his cuteness. His eyelashes were long and his black hair was curly but had blue tips at the ends instead of red like his father.

Almost gave me baby fever.


I turn to look at Envy who was watching the baby with the same intensity. It's like everyone was entranced in their own way.

Sloth removed his fingers from Basim's forehead, eyes returning black as he held his head. "I need.. to sleep." He stood up but stumbled, walking towards the couch where Lust sat.

The sin glared at Sloth who sat beside him. "Mind if I sleep here?"

"Yes." Lust crossed his arms over his chest but Sloth lays his head on the sin's shoulder anyway. "Thanks." He says before closing his tired eyes, "You've always been the softest pillow."

"Die already," Lust spat but the sin didn't move from his spot despite how aggravated he looked.

What an odd friendship.

But I looked down at Basim who was unmoving. I lightly tap the side of his head until his chest was no longer rising.

"Basim isn't breathing," I yell.

Mercy quickly wraps the baby in a warm blanket then gave him to me. "Hold him!"

I cradled the baby to my chest as I backed away from the unmoving virtue as Wrath began applying pressure to his chest with wild eyes, fear evident in his face as he began doing thirty chest compressions. "No. No."

"Stand back." The virtue of diligence; Sage, says.

"What are you going to do?" Wrath growled up at him and the virtue's soft eyes met his. "Trust me."

The debate that went through the sin's head was quick as he removed his hands from his mate's body.

Sage lifts his hand as what looks like an electric charge began flowing back and forth between his fingers as he leans forward, placing his hand onto Basim's chest. His body jerked at the constant volts coursing through him.

Until a breath released from the virtue's lips and his body began self-healing.

I exhale a sigh of relief then looked down for another glance at the baby to see him staring back at me with wide red eyes.

And then he cried.


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