They Don't Know about Us

By riniobsessed

15.2K 329 2.5K

Rini One-shots. Maybe some Jolivia and Portwell More

Mission Rini <3
Mission Rini <3 (2)
The Talk
The Double Date
A hatred behind love
Panic Attack
Miss you
3 Weeks?!?!
Wedding Bells (1)❤🔔
Wedding Bells (2) ❤🔔
Wedding Bells (3)❤🔔
People (not Hsmtmts)
The Incident
I am not going anywhere Angel
Breakups and Makeups
The Meeting
Awkward Moments
Please Don't Kill Me
My therapist would kill me
The Couple
I want...
A Hatred Behind Love (Part 2)
Look Up
I Love You Angel
Is It Too Much To Ask?
Roommates Part One
The Story Of Us
My Life Would Never Be The Same
The Assignment
- love you.
Lime And Soda (2)
Lime And Soda (3)
Angels On Earth
Love / Loved
Rules For Life
Rules For Life (2)
In Between

Lime And Soda (1)

166 5 32
By riniobsessed


It was my last night before I start university. I am so so excited. I got into NYU! I was so happy when I got my acceptance letter. 

Gina (my best friend) and I moved into the dorms yesterday and spent the day unpacking. 

We had both gone to UoU (University of Utah) for 2 years before we had applied for a transfer to NYU because we needed to get out of our small town. 

I was busy playing my guitar while sitting on the floor when Gina burst into my room. "We are going to a bar." she said. 

Before I could say literally anything she opened my closet and had chosen a outfit. "Get dressed and curl you hair and do your make up" she said and left. 

I sighed and got up. I put on the outfit, curled my hair and did my makeup. I must admit I looked amazing and I loved the outfit she picked out. 

I walked out my room and Gina met me there. She gorgeous as always. She hardly ever wears skirts when we go out. 

We walked out of the door and grabbed a cab. When we got to the bar there were only about 50 people in the bar. 

We went to the bar and Gina said "Can I please have a tray of vodka shots please and my friend will have -?" she says and turns to me. 

"A lime and soda" I smile. I don't want to drink much tonight. Gina starts to protest but I shoot her a look. 

After Gina had downed 10 shots and I was nursing my 3rd lime and soda. Gina had disappeared to the dance floor. 

I suddenly felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and oh my word. 

Behind me stood a tall guy. He had brunette curls with blonde tips. His face has a sharp jawline and gorgeous brown eyes. He had broad shoulders. 

"Hi. I am Ricky" he says holding out a hand. "Nini" I smile at him. He smiles back and takes a step next to me. 

"What are you drinking." He gestures to my glass. I look down to my empty "I was drinking a lime and soda." I say. 

Ricky turns to the bartender and says " 2 lime and sodas please." he says. The bartender gives us the drinks, I smile and thank both of the guys. 

"Soo how old are you?" I ask him. "23" he answers and asks me "21" I answered. We spent about 2 hours getting to know each other. 

"Wanna dance?" I asked him "Oh yeah." he answered. We got up and I took his hand. I pull him to the dance floor and placed my arms around his neck and his hands landed on my hips. 

"I must say I have never seen anything or anyone as gorgeous ad you." he says to me as we dance. I feel a blush forming on my cheeks. 

"Thank you Ricky." I smile up at him . "Can I kiss you?" he asks me. "Please do." I reply. 

He kisses me and he lips feel right on mine. Our lips moved in sync as we kissed. It was
the best kiss I have ever had and I never wanted it to end. 

But it did. We pull away breathlessly and stare into each others eyes. "Wow" he speaks first and I agree with him. 

Sadly that was the last kiss for the night. A few hours of dancing and drinking (lime and sodas) we left.

I hugged him goodbye and then helped Gina who had gotten trashed into the cab. In all the crazyness I only realized when I put Gina to bed that I hadn't gotten Ricky's number.


I am sitting in english two weeks later. The professor calls me up to the front. My professor is an older lady with brunette hair, she is short and sweet.

"Sweetie, can you do me a favor and stop by room 0708 and give this to the Professor in that class ." she says to me.

"Of course ." I smile at her and then she lets the class out. I pack up my laptop and notebooks and stationary.

I walk down the hallway and make a right then a left at the end of that hallway. I look for room 0708 and when I find it, I knock on the door.

The person who I would assume is the professor tells me to come in. When I open the door and walk inside, my head is down until I look up when the professor says.

"Nini?" standing there is Ricky. The guy I spoke to, danced with for hours on end is sitting at the desk.

I kissed him. I kissed a Professor from my university . And now I am standing in front of him.



I hope you enjoyed this

This is inspired by the Love Hypothesis. Kinda

This is one of my last one shots.

While I am fourteen.

Take care of yourself . Eat, drink water and sleep enough . Be you because you are such an awesome person and deserve the world

I love you but Jesus loves you more

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