Trauma store

By Iconic-Valentino

95 3 1

Hello this is base off one of my friend rp also we're both is very deep in the lgbtq+ so if you're homophobic... More

Trauma store renovation!

Trauma store the beginning on how this all started

77 3 1
By Iconic-Valentino

BebeRaver talking(This is my friend account)

Me talking



The people that come to the store

My two children that I adopted that won't be here yet

Tнё моп$тёя тнaт щїll cомё laтёя оп їп тнё $тояу

"Time skipped"

NOW LET THE STORY BEGIN. Also in this story I will be called Moonlight or moon now let's begin.

My pov

I was getting in the car to go to BebeRaver house but first I grab my bag and headed out the door

"Time skipped it's now 3:50"

I walked to the front door and knocked and raver opened the door

Hey moon!

Hey Raver!

So why did you come here for?

I came here to kill you.


I'm kidding I came here to hang out with you

Alright come in.

Raver then move out the way and then I walked in

let's go to my room


Moon and raver then went to the bedroom

So want to have a movie night!

Hell yes!

I'll go get the snacks and drinks!

Okay I'll choose the movie!


Moon then went down stairs and into the kitchen

*Grabs a glass bowl and put it on the table* Now which bag of chips should I get...I know the bag of barbecue chips and sour cream and onion and the cheese puffs!

Moon then pour the chips in three different bowls and made some popcorn as well

Now to wait....

After the popcorn was done popping (Idk what else you wanted me to say)Moon grab another bowl and filled it up with the popcorn

-Meanwhile with Raver-

Raver was choosing a movie and they didn't know which movie to choose

Damn it what movie do I choose...

Raver then looked on a desk and saw a movie they didn't watch yet

I never watch that movie before guess it will do and it's a horror movie this is gonna be good! but I have to wait for moon so I'll just put it in *Put the movie in*

Now...What I do I know I had bean bags and a table I could put them in front of the TV!

Raver then went to the closet and grab two bean bags one with a moon design and one with a msm (Msm means my singing monsters they loves that game a lot) design

I love that msm bean bag it's my favorite! and we have pizza coming this is gonna be great

Raver then sit the beans bags next to each other and went and to go get the table from downstairs

Back with moon

moon was choosing a drink

Which drink I'm gonna pick...I know maybe this coke and sprite also some wine!

Moon then grabbed the wine and the sodas then some cups and put them in a bag so she can carrie them

Nows that done I'm gonna go upstairs and take these. *Grabs the three bowls of snacks somehow*

Back with Raver

Raver was getting the table out the storage closet and pull the table out

Jeez that was hard...But I still got to take it upstairs...

Um Raver what are you doing

Oh hey moon I was about to take this table upstairs

How the fuck are you gonna do that

I don't know but you can help me if you put those snacks down

Okay I'll put the snacks upstairs be right back


Moon then walked upstairs and opened the door

Now where to put the snacks

Moon then looked at the bed

I'll just put them there

Moon then put the snacks on the bed and walked downstairs

Raver I'm here

Okay now help me with this table!

Okay jeez

Moon walked to the right and grabbed one side of the table and raver grab the other side

Okay let's go upstairs now at least try

Alright I'm still confused how were gonna do this

Will figure it out

Okay let's go then

Moon and raver then then went upstairs somehow

Okay that wasn't hard

Yeah it wasn't but come on let's get it in my room


Moon and Raver then went inside Raver room and put the table in front of the bean bags

I thought the table wouldn't fit though the door the whole time

well it did soo yeah that's good

Mhm I'm gonna put the snacks on the table now

Also I forgot to mention I order pizza as well

You did


Okay then but you start the movie while I put the snacks on the table


Moon then put the snacks and sodas on the table as well as the wine while Raver put the movie on then Moon sat on the moon design bean bag and Raver came after

Hey Raver what type of movie is this

Its a gay furry movie!

What no!

I'm kidding it's a scary movie that we both didn't watch yet

Oh okay for a second I thought you were serious

Pfft- You actually thought why would I do that but I will spam your phone with gay furry pictures

Please don't

I'm gonna go on Google and spam the images on your phone

...Fuck you

Okay but anyways shush the movie is about to start!


Moon and Raver then looked at the TV

I wonder if this gonna be good

I hope it is


"3hours into the movie it was late and the movie was about to end"

Hey raver I'm going to sleep

Okay I'll watch the rest gooodnight!


Moon then got off the beanbag and walked to the second bed and fell asleep quickly

"Its was now 4:50 and the movie was over"

*The movie is over and moon is still sleeping and I'm pretty tired but first I have to clean this...*

Raver then started to pick up the bowls and drinks and walked down stairs to put them in the kitchen as well as the cups then she walked back upstairs

Now that's done i'm going to sleep

Raver then crawled onto her bed and fell asleep in like 1hour

"Its now 3:56"

Moon woke up in the middle of the night cause she heard a noise which is not surprising cause she hears everything (Hell yeah I do)

Raver wake up

Raver was still sleeping

Okay I'm not doing this today so...RAVER WAKE THE FUCK UP


You also yelling so don't say anything also I heard something

That's what you woke me up for cause you heard some little noise that could be nothing

No the noise sounded strange...

Okay so it could be nothing

Moon at the door and saw it was opened and then a blue light appeared

Raver there's a blue light out the door

A blue light?

Raver then looked out the door and saw nothing

Moon are you playing tricks

No I'm not there was a blue light!

Moon then heard the noise again

There's the noise again!

Moon I don't hear nothing are you going crazy crazy?

Listen Raver I'm already crazy but not the type of crazy I'll be literally hearing noises where ever I go when there really not there

You sure?

Moon heard the noise again but this time raver heard it

Wait what's that noise

You see I told you there's a noise!

Yeah you were right *Looks out the door again* And it came from out the door...

Then the blue light appeared again

What's that blue light...

I told you there was one

Yeah but what's is it?

I don't know

The blue then turned into an arrow pointing to the left with a text above it that says "Follow me"

Follow me?

It wants us to follow it

But why there's no way we can trust it

I know

The blue changes again saying "You can trust me I got something to show you just follow me"

I think we should follow it

What but moon we don't even know what it's capable of

Raver I know that but this time I feel like I can trust it

Raver was silent for a minute

Fine if you feel like you can trust it

Good now let's go


The light then glowed brightly as it seemed happy

It seems happy

Yeah it does but let's go now


Moon and raver then got off the bed

Wait should we change

Maybe we should

The light then changed 'You won't need to do that"

Okay then

Oh okay

Lead the way I guess since you wanted to show us something

The light then changed "Okay don't need to say it like that"

Well I'm sorry I'm just angry I don't get to sleep but follow a light instead

But moon you said you wanted to follow it

I know what I said I only said that so I can sleep and get this over with now lead the way- um...

The light then change a again "You may call me the guide"

Okay that's a unique name

Indeed it is

Mhm now let's stop talking and follow the light.

The light then changed into an arrow again pointing to the left

Okay to the left

Moon and Raver then walked to the left and kept following the arrow as it moves faster

Slow the fuck down you're going to fast

Yeah I'm not gonna start running after you guide

The arrow changed saying this"Oh sorry i'm just excited

Okay that's fine

Okay but why you're so excited

The light then changed "You'll see when we get there"


Oh okay then?

The light turn into a arrow going to the right and moon and Raver followed along

Where tf are we going

I don't know...

The light then changed into a arrow pointing to the left and stopped right at a attic that's on the ceiling and pointed up

What you want us to open it

What but my parents said never go into the attic ever

The arrow then changes saying "I know just open it"

Okay I say we open it

What but my parents said to never open it even if I'm a adult they said never open it

So? just open it I'm curious

Fine...Cause I'm curious as well

Raver then opened the attic and climb up there moon did as well as the glowing light just disappeared

Wait where's the glowing light

I don't know it just disappeared?

Alright I don't give a fuck anymore

Okay then let's go forward I guess?

Okay then

Moon and raver then approached a spot and with engravings on the wall

What are these engravings..?

I don't know but I can read what it says?

The engravings on the wall then glowed a blue color like it was telling moon to read it

Oh what is this why it started glowing does it want you to read it...?

I don't know maybe it does want me to read it...?

Moon I think you should read it cause I don't understand what it's saying

Okay...? it says...ዐየቿክ ፕዘቿ ሠዐዪረዕ ዐቻ ዪየነ ልክዕ ረቿፕ ሃየሁዪነቿረቻ ጌቿ ፕልጕቿክ(So this says open the world of rps and let yourself be taken cause I tested with my other friends and they couldn't read it so I had to put this)

I didn't understand nothing you said

you weren't suppose to

As soon as moon read it a blue circle had appeared around us

Okay what's happening now

I'm not sure...

The circle then glowed brighter and soon we felled thought the ground into a new world



Moon then felled face first on the ground and raver fell on moon back



Oh shit sorry moon but don't call me fat

I'll call you whatever

No you don't

But I do now

I don't have time to argue with you but where are we...?

I don't know but it looks like were in a store..?

Wait moon when you read that message it brought us here so can you say it in human language

Okay I think I can so it said open the world of rps and let yourself be taken

Ooh now I get it

Wait I do too now so we are currently in a rp that we have to make alive


And you know what that means raver

Mhm I do~

We can do what we want with this rp and since we spawned in a store I guess this is are first rp

Well then what are we gonna call it

Were gonna call it trauma store

Why do you want to call it that..?

Cause were gonna ask for people trauma and were gonna have fun doing it

Y'know what that does sound good and plus this place is nice but some things can change to be to our liking

Yeah let's call it trauma store and will began tomorrow but let's get this place decorated first and add some things to the building~

*Should I be scared nah this sound fun so let's do it* Okay! but let's explore!


Moon and raver then explored the building and moon found a lot of hidden places and showed them to raver

Who this part of the underground hideout is big

Yeah it is but let's go back up cause I'm pretty sure we found everything in the buliding


Moon and raver went back upstairs and closed the hidden hideout

I'm actually excited for tomorrow but first I wasn't gonna tell you this but there's a note on the desk

Wait there is


Well let's read it


Moon then walked to the desk and grab the paper and it reads

In this rp the people are dumb as fuck and the children too also this place is like the hood but worse and at any moment one can come in and try to kill you two so be carful and don't let your guard down also the kids and adults could be very perverted and weird to the point where you wouldn't want them in your store but there is good people that you guys will like so keep that in mind not all are like that also there could be demons in this universe and others monsters so keep that in mind as well.

Raver and moon then stared at each other until moon say something

This is going to be hell tomorrow... let's just enjoy our alone time right now...

Mhm...but at least there is good people...

Yeah now let's go eat something cause the rp gave us some pizza and soda and wine...

Okay at least there nice enough to do that...


Moon and raver then started eating pizza and other things as well as drinking and moon knew that this was only the beginning

*This is only the beginning we have just started...and it's about to get crazy and weird...*


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