The Reality Reader

By writingb00ks

8K 183 121

Annabelle Flora was a nerdy girl who was completely obsessed with books/movies, especially the trilogy, The M... More



157 5 3
By writingb00ks

Brenda stops us, "Go where?"

"To see some friends of ours, they're most likely to have the rest of the group." Gally spits, walking us slowly out of the house.

Within a few minutes we are down onto the train tracks again, praying to God that it doesn't have another train go past again.

Gally busts open the sewer door, hearing the clock of guns, "Who goes there?!" A male voice occurs from the building.

"It's Gally and Bela!" Gally yells, climbing up the ladder, hearing the guns get lowered.

"Fuck, scared the shit out of us!" Benji yelled, his smile lit up when he saw me.

I run into his arms with a hug, "God I'm so glad you're ok."

My head turns, seeing some old friends standing still with their shocking faces.

"Annabelle?" Newts voice cracks.

I wave with a smile. It went silence as they noticed Galileo and Gally, looking like twins.

"Long story." Galileo scoffs.

Gally broke the longing silence, "We need to figure out how to save Minho and get to a safe place."

Everyone stares at each other in agreement. After long minutes of gathering a map together, they started to discuss how to get him back.

"It's called the last city, according to Bela." Gally points towards me, not taking any credit.

I knew I had to let them figure it out, so that the plan doesn't go to shit. I'm now stood next to Newt, I'm praying to God that he hasn't been bitten yet, even if he is I know how to cure it. With Thomas's blood.

"Right. So how are we supposed to get in?" Brenda spoke with her arms crossed.

Everyone stares at me slowly, my brows furrow, shaking my head, I sign towards Gally, 'I can't risk anymore of changing the storyline, a different outcome might occur.'

Gally exhales, "She doesn't know."

Thomas groans, holding his head in his hands, "Alright I've got a plan, but it's going to be hard to do."

I gulp.

Thomas had managed to get into the lost city secretly, the same way that me and Gally did. He had a black hoodie with his hood up. Leading Teresa, who betrayed them towards the entrance of the WCKD building. Gally then kidnapped her with a bag over her head, leading her to our camp out.

Newt removed the pillowcase from her head. Her hands are tied behind her back. I'm sat next to Thomas as we both wait for her to focus.

"Gally? Annabelle?" She stutters, staring at me and him in disbelief, fiddling with her hands.

Gally folds his arms, exhaling, "Here's how this is gonna go."
"We're gonna ask you some questions.. and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know. We'll start off simple. Where's Minho?"

Gally hoists a chair, placing it down in front of her, the sound of the creaking against the floor echoed.

"You guys don't seriously think-" A loud slam hit the floor from Gally's chair, making a jump a little.

Gally affirms, sitting on the chair like it's a horse, "Don't look at him. Why you looking at him? Look at me. He's not gonna help you."

She gulps, looking deep into Thomas's eyes, although he's not focused.

"You're gonna give us Minho or we're gonna chop your body up into 3 sections and feed it to the Grievers. Yeah?" Gally asserts, I can't remember this from the movie or book.


She exhaled shakily, avoiding eye contact with anyone, "He's with the others in holding."

Newt joins in, resting his arms in the table, "How many others?"

She makes eye contact with me, clearly seeing the scar plastered across my neck and with a shakily expression she asserts, "28."

"You guys don't understand. You can't get in without a fingerprint ID." Teresa spits, leaning forward.

Thomas's chair moves closer towards me, obviously agitated, "That's why you're gonna come with us."

"I don't know! We don't necessarily need her. We just need her finger!" Gally suggests, holding a blade in his hand.

"Nope. That's not the plan Gally." Thomas speaks.

"You guys can do whatever you want to me. But you'll never get through the front door because of the sensors." She confesses, stalling to make time.

"Yes, the stupid WCKD chips in the back of our necks." Gally responds, sitting back down.

Thomas and the others look around confused, kinda forgot to tell them about that, "You're gonna help us get the chip out." Gally spoke, taking the blade from his hands.

I had agreed to go first, so I had my back faced on the backstabber.


She exhaled, picking up the scalpel, "This is going to sting, so take a deep breath."

I hiss silently. The silence was so thick, until she broke it, seeing that everyone had wondered off towards the table.

"I can see the slice wound scar to your neck." I heard her gulp.

I just roll my eyes and wince everytime she digs it into my skin, a tut she spills as she spoke, "I know we haven't got on the right terms after you stabbing me with the Grievers stinger, but I think I can help you."

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