The Blood of Old Valyria

By LucianaLorein

43.4K 1.1K 33

They are the ones whose souls desire freedom. They are those who can both destroy the world and allow it to f... More

The Blood of Old Valyria
Characters for Pt.2


3.2K 80 1
By LucianaLorein

Raena and Rheya are abbreviated names of Dayraena and Meireya

~The Blood of Old Valyria ~
Chapter II


She was awakened by the dazzling rays of sunlight, streaming insistently through the curtains that concealed the passage to the balcony. The sun, already high, seemed to be exploring the room with its golden tentacles. Dayraena covered her eyes with her palm, trying to make out the towering figure above her.

"It's late," Meireya said, opening the curtains. "You've fallen asleep. You still have to pack for the journey to King's Landing."

Dayraena closed her eyes and turned her back to her sister, wrapping herself in the blanket. She did not want to leave her warm bed. She wished she could lay down for a little longer before she began her business, but apparently Meireya wouldn't let her. Dayraena felt the blanket begin to pull away from her, so she grabbed hold of it and pulled it back. But her arms were weak in her sleep, so Meireya managed to pull the blanket off her sister. Despite the five-year age difference, Daireyena and Meireya were close and understood each other. Ever since the birth of the younger Gelarion, there had been a strong bond between the sisters.

"Were you in the library again until morning?"

Dayraena mumbled something and Meireia took it as a positive answer. The girl was well aware of her sister's interests. She often caught the elder Gelarion reading scientific treatises and folios on magic at night. Raena thus wished to make up for the five years she had lost, and did so in the shortest possible time, sitting up late into the night and sometimes into the morning for books. The woman absorbed knowledge and practiced more and more spells. Valyrian magic was complicated. It required a great deal of control and power to use it. And Dayraena had that, which is why magic was much easier for her than for Dayra and her mother Viserra. In the Gelarion clan, only women used ancestral magic, while men perfected martial skills. Meireya had no interest in witchcraft, but liked to watch her sisters do it.

The younger Gelarion crouched on the edge of the bed and looked at Dayraena. The woman rubbed her eyes sleepily. Meireya was happy for her sister, for she had finally gained her long-awaited freedom from Dayraena's control. She and she could now communicate freely and spend as much time together as they pleased. When Dayron was healthy, he restricted their meetings because he thought Dayraena would run away, but from now on... From now on, Raena is free. Meireya knew about what her sister had done to her cousin. Knew about the curse and didn't blame Dayraena for anything. Dayron deserved that fate.

Raena finally cracked her eyes open and looked at Meireya. Her younger sister had bright blue eyes, unusual for a Gelarion, and hair the color of liquid silver with two strands of gold that reached her shoulders. Rhea had a rather frail build, but that did not prevent her from wielding a sword and dagger. Dayraena held out her hand. Her fingers froze an inch from her sister's face. The sunlit face of the girl was mesmerizing, her celestial eyes as if they glowed.

"My sweet sister..." the woman stretched her words thoughtfully. Mereya looked perplexed at Dayraena. "I'm so happy you're here"

Raena's warm palm finally touched her little sister's cheek. Meireya covered her eyes and pressed herself against her hand. The girl's neat lips spread into a kind smile. The tenderness on her sister's part made Meireya's heart beat faster. She loved Dayraena more than anyone else in the world. It was sisterly warm and innocent love.

"We will never be separated by Dayron. Never again," Meireya said softly, and snuggled against her sister's shoulder. "I've missed days like this, when everything is fine and you're happy."

As a child, Meireya would often run to her older sister in the morning and evening and climb into bed. They would read and dream together. Maireia was always a ray of sunshine in older Gelarion's life.

"Time to get up, mandia (sister)," said Meireya, pulling away from Dayraena. The latter sighed heavily and rose from the bed following the younger Gelarion.


The day was nearing its end when Dayraena decided to visit her dragon. Egarax hovered above the castle, his silvery white scales gleaming in the sunset, his turquoise webs violet. When it saw its mistress, the lizard let out a roar and rushed to the ground, shaking it.

"Rytsas, ñuha gevie dyni (hello, my beautiful friend)," Dayraena said as Egarax approached. The dragon rumbled, greeting the woman. Dayraena stroked the hot scales and smiled happily, anticipating the flight.

"Sōves," the woman commanded as she found herself in the saddle and, Egarax accelerating, soared over the ground, rising higher and higher toward the sky. The red-gold sun flooded the clouds with its light, dyeing them pink. It was a beautiful picture. The cool wind beat in her face and played with her hair. Dayraena smiled happily, enjoying the fresh air, the beautiful weather, and the colorful views. When the Egarax rose above the clouds and stopped flying higher, Dayraena spread her arms out in different directions and laughed, feeling incredibly relieved and happy and... Freedom.

"Ziry iksos issare iā bōsa jēda pār nyke visit ao, ñuha gēlenka raqiros, se nyke pendagon īlon jorrāelagon naejot mazverdagon bē syt ojūdan jēda (It's been a while since I visited you, my silver friend, I think we should make up for lost time)" with these words Dayraena grabbed the reins again and braced herself against the saddle. Egarax let out a loud roar and sparks of white flame burst from its mouth. The dragon flapped its heavy wings a couple of times and took off as if he were falling. It was abrupt, dangerous, but so... Delightful, Dayraena couldn't contain a happy squeal. She strained the reins as Egarax approached the surface of the sea, and the dragon spread its enormous wings again, trailing them and its tail over the water. There was a roar from above. Dayraena glanced up, seeing the glistening amethyst scales. Vertax. Now he was, you might say, without a rider. Dayron would never ride a dragon again. And Dayraena was only too glad for that. She believed her husband was not worthy to fly this mighty beast. The huge lizard flew over her head, Dayreena watching it admiringly. Egarax rumbled and let out a strange squeak as if to acknowledge his friend, then headed off after Vertax. These dragons still remembered Old Valyria. Dayraena often wondered if they missed their homeland and wanted to return there. If Dayraena could understand the dragons, she would question them about everything they remembered about Valyria.

The sun had already set when Dayraena returned to her bedroom. Stinking of dragon, she longed for a bath. Her maid Elevette immediately complied with her mistress' request, and soon Dayraena was soaking in hot water. The night breeze came in through the open window and tickled her naked skin pleasantly. The logs crackled and scarlet tongues danced in the fireplace. Dayraena relaxed and didn't think about anything, giving herself up to the pleasant sensations.

Tomorrow morning her whole family will head to King's Landing to congratulate the princess on her engagement. Dayraena was anxiously waiting to embrace Rhaenyra and kiss her. She waited for them to be able to talk. Renaena wanted to hear about the events that had filled the princess' life for the past three months.

Dayraena couldn't be happy that she was now free to do whatever she wanted. Well, almost anything. Enthralled at her thoughts, Dayraena flinched when the door to her bedroom swung open. The woman pressed her knees to her chest and covered herself with her hair. Who was her nocturnal visitor?

Dayron, sitting in a chair, was carried into the room and placed next to the fireplace. Dayraena followed this with an impassive expression on her face. All pleasure immediately evaporated at the sight of her husband's floury face, which showed the weariness and shadow of the pain he was experiencing. The servants who had brought him here hurried out and left the couple alone.

"What brings you, my husband?" Dayraena asked, continuing to stare coldly at the man. His blue eyes fixed on the woman with a wicked look. Dayraena leaned back on the rim of the bathtub and brushed her hair away, exposing her neck, shoulders, and breasts. A sly, mocking smile appeared on her lips. She was well aware of her beauty and knew that Dayron hadn't touched anyone in a long time. Dayraena wanted to torture him, even if in such a strange way. She saw the lust splashing in his eyes and only mocked him.

A disgusting man.

"I wanted to let you know I'm not going to the princess's engagement party. And I won't let you go either. My wife shouldn't be alone in a castle full of men"

"And how will you make sure I'm not allowed to go to the feast?" Dayraena raised an eyebrow. She didn't believe that Dayron didn't want to let her go to the feast just because of the large gathering of males. There was something else here. He still wanted to feel in control of her. "I'm afraid you can't hold me. You can't even lift your sword, and if you go to my brother, he won't even listen to you. You're nothing, Dayron. You no longer have power over me or my family."

Dayraena could see the rage in his eyes. He clenched his hands into fists and slammed one into the handle of the chair. The woman climbed out of the bathroom and walked over to her cousin, standing right in front of him. Not at all embarrassed by her nakedness, Dayreena leaned over her husband, leaning against the arms of the chair.

"You no longer have power over me, dear husband. I am free of your tyranny, and you can never regain your power"

Dayron's hand twitched and clutched at the woman's throat, squeezing it. But Dayraena was not frightened. Instantly gathering her thoughts, she summoned the magic of the ancestors.

"Zālagon aōla!" the woman hissed, and Dayron jerked his hand away, feeling a burning sensation in his palm. "Ȳdra daor renigon nyke! (don't you dare touch me)"

Dayron stared at his wife in amazement. He had never thought she possessed such power, he had always thought the woman engaged in some innocent and unnecessary spells, and here she suddenly showed herself.

"Iksā daorun, Dayron. Ao sagon daor iā zaldrīzes, ao sagon sepār iā peldio (you are nothing, Dayron. You are not a dragon, but only a small snake)," Dayraena continued to say. A storm was rising inside. "Se peldio daor cõntro se Zaldrīzes (and a snake cannot control a dragon)"

The woman stepped away from the chair and walked to the screen to put on her nightie. Her breathing was ragged, the storm of anger, irritation, and hatred was unwilling to abate.

"Take him away!" Dayraena ordered, and the servants came into the room, carrying away Dayron, who froze as if thunderstruck, as if he realized something.

"It was you! You did this to me!" He exclaimed, and the last thing Dayron saw before the door slammed shut was Dayraena's smile, drenched in hatred.


The next morning, Lucerius, Dayra, Meireya, and Dayraena headed for King's Landing. Four dragons soared over the sea: Geraxes, Myriax, Egarax, and Endarion. Egarax was the largest of them all, but the slowest. His brethren flew ahead. The shadows of the lizards covered King's Landing and, for all, it marked the arrival of the Gelarions. Geraxes, Myriax, and Endarion landed at the entrance to the Dragon Pit, and Egarax, who was too large for it, carried his mistress to the great gate that served as the main entrance to the capital.

On the ground, a carriage was already waiting for Dayraena. Rhaenyra knew that Egarax would have to land outside the walls, so she ordered the carriage to that spot. As the carriage moved and drove into the city, Dayraena looked out the window to see what surrounded her. The woman had never walked around the Harbor, but she was curious about what ordinary people were doing. Perhaps now she could satisfy her interest.

The Red Keep greeted Dayraena with a chill and hum. Servants were scurrying back and forth, preparing the castle for the princess's engagement party. Dayraena looked up at the high ceilings. It was not the first time she had visited the castle, but each time she had marveled at its beauty and size. So much time and effort had gone into its creation...

A thin voice interrupted the woman from her contemplation. Dayraena turned around, expecting to see a little girl, but before her stood a grown woman. Admiration flashed in her dim eyes.

"Lady Dayraena, if you'll follow me, I'll escort you to your room" the woman bowed slightly. Dayraena nodded and followed the maid. She was given the same room where she had lived on previous occasions. A small portion of her belongings remained here. Thanking the maid, Dayraena closed the door and inhaled the scent of fruit that lingered in the bedroom. The servants should be arriving soon with their things, but wandering around the castle in a dragon-flight suit was indecent, so Dayraena pulled the leftover dresses from last time out of the trunk and threw them on the bed.

The woman was distracted by the creaking of a door.

"Princess..." whispered Dayraena and took a step toward the girl.

"You can call me by my name, we agreed on that" she smiled a little and rushed to Dayraena, looking into the woman's many-sided eyes that were filled with love and joy.

"Yes, I remember," Dayraena opened her arms, letting Rhaenyra embrace her. The girl pressed herself against Lady Gelarion and inhaled the native scent of wine and ancient books. "Skorkydoso glaesā Rhaenyra?"

"Mirre iksis sȳz (all is well)" Rhaenyra sighed and pressed herself even harder against the woman. "Iksan zūgagon mirrī angotan (but I am a little worried)"

"Ziry iksos sȳz (it's normal)" said Dayraena, soothingly stroking the girl on the back. They had both been waiting for this meeting for a very long time and now they were finally able to hug each other and give each other warmth.

"And how have you been?" Rhaenyra asked, pulling away and walking over to the table where there was a vase of fruit. She plucked a couple of grapes and popped them into her mouth. Dayraena continued to smile meekly, admiring the princess. She was beautiful, a true gem.

"I'm fine," Dayraena replied briefly, wondering if she should tell the princess what had happened. "I can tell you about my life later, if you want, but I'm more interested in yours. Why are you suddenly engaged to Laenor Velarion?"

    Rhaenyra sighed heavily, lowering her gaze.

"You know that I left King's Landing for a time, don't you?" the princess asked. Dayraena nodded. "I met potential suitors, and none of them were to my liking. Can you imagine, one was so old that he saw Queen Alysanne  still alive!" Rhaenyra grinned, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm certainly grateful to my father for letting me choose my husband, but in the end.... I still have to marry someone I will never love and who can never love me."

"What makes you think you can't love Laynor? I know Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlis, and they're decent people, and I think their children are like them," Dayraena said, moving closer to the princess and putting her hand on her shoulder to reassure her.

"That's not the point..." Rhaenyra sighed. Dayraena looked at her questioningly, waiting for her to continue. "Laenor has... He has a peculiar taste..." Lady Gelarion looked at the girl in surprise. Dayraena understood perfectly well what the princess was talking about.

"Then why are you marrying him?" wondered Dayraena.

"Because I have no other choice!" Rhaenyra exclaimed irritably, flailing her arms. "The only thing that makes me feel better is that Laenor and I made a pact"

"What kind of pact is that, I wonder?" a sly grin appeared on Dayraena's lips.

"He can do what he wants and sleep with whomever he wants, just like me," Rhaenyra told her, and she looked at Dayraena expectantly. The woman raised her eyebrows in surprise, but the sly smile was still on her lips.

"Who gave you the idea?" Dayraena inhaled, catching Rhaenyra's questioning gaze. "Come on, Nyra, I know you're smart, but someone obviously had to give you that idea."

   The princess bit her lip and looked away. Dayraena became even more curious. Who was the person who had made the young girl take such a bold step?

"Damon," Rhaenyra breathed out.

"Your uncle?"


There was silence in the room for a few seconds. Dayraena pondered what had happened. How could Daemon give such strange advice to his niece? Dayraena was perplexed, but at the same time, she was curious about the wicked prince. Apparently he wasn't called vicious for nothing... She was not familiar with Damon, she had only heard about him from Viserys and Rhaenyra and others. There were many rumors about him, and that only fueled Dayraena's interest in his person. She was curious to know what kind of man he was, what was he really like? This Daemon Targaryen, the Rogue Prince.

"Well... I don't exactly approve of your pact with Lanor, but it's your choice," Dayraena smiled, finally waking up from her thoughts. "And it's certainly better than marrying Jason or Tyland Lanister."

    Rhaenyra laughed.

"There was something else I wanted to say. I wish you would sit beside me at the feast."

"But, Rhaenyra, Viserys and Laenor sit beside you," Dayraena looked at the princess in bewilderment.

"I don't see what the problem is," the girl shrugged. "We'll put another chair between her father and me"

"But it's not right. And why am I telling you this? I have to sit at the same table with my family. You're a princess, you must understand that"

"There's nothing illegal about it."

"Can't I just sit at the same table as you, but at the end of it?"

"No! I want you next to me!"

"Rhaenyra..." Dayraena sighed heavily. She was well acquainted with the young girl's stubbornness. "You cannot do this. It's not right for your father or your future husband. I am the only one you will talk to all night!"

    The princess pursed her lips, seriously pondering Lady Gelarion's words.

"All right, I'll think about it, but you'll still sit at the same table with me," after these words Rainira turned away and headed for the door. Dayraena followed her with a glance and smiled. The girl's stubbornness amused the woman. At times like this, Rhaenyra was like a capricious child who wanted to be taken care of and have her every wish fulfilled. Dayraena grinned, pushing the thoughts away. She wanted to think about nothing and just enjoy the moment.

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