Amaranthine - Emily Prentiss

بواسطة KERV_C

55.7K 1.7K 618

Agent Roy is stubborn, but has many good reasons. She doesn't trust a lot of people and hides many secrets... المزيد

The interview
The hand
The interrogation
Meet the team
On the run
What is love, really?
A real psychopath
Under cover
A daydream
Death: Dying and killing
Perfume of sweat
The scent of flowers
I want the truth
Council with the con
Time flies


1.6K 56 22
بواسطة KERV_C

Both were silent. Staring at each other

Emily was surprised. She never thought Katherine might like her, much in fact fall in love with her. She wasn't sure this confession was real.

"Im sorry what?" She asked again, making sure. She was nervous, her heart palpitated in joy, but her mind tried to find a flaw.

Katherine took a deep breath. Maybe she had to rephrase her words.

"I like you and...but I'm not sure, I don't know what it means. Frankly, I'm not even sure if I'm just desperate to latch on to someone else. But ever since we've met,... I have this feeling inside my stomach that just...scares me"

Emily felt relief and joy to the news, but also understood. She had trouble trusting others, just like she used to

"Then stay, and we'll figure it out, together. You have your whole life ahead of you" Emily said as she came closer.

She bent down to take her hand. She looked down at the ring on her finger and though back to the wish she had when she put the ring on her finger and decided to grant her heart's desire.

She pulled Katherine forwards by her hand so that their faces came closer. Emily took no time to look in the depth of her eyes that she already knew their colour as she pushed herself towards her to kiss her.

Lips touched and tasted each other as both woman slowly and carefully kissed. Pulled towards her, Katherine sat up to meet with Emily.

The younger woman instinctively grasped on to the older women's hair by the roots, giving her a warning to make her slow-down from swallowing her. "Ah~" Emily savoured this moment.

She was going too fast, she was in a rush grasping on to anything Katherine threw her way

Katherine pushed Emily to the wall as she pleased herself hearing her moans. She made a trail of kisses down to her neck towards her ear as her hands travelled around her curves.

She cupped her high waist as she massaged her clothed breasts with her thumbs. "Katherine~" Emily whispered in the air, almost out of breath.

Emily's heart was about to explode. She couldn't hear anything besides the sound of her own heart beat, pulsating in her brain. It was finally happening for real, and Katherine was much more ambitious than she though.

She loved to be loved and relished and tasted by her, but she longed to touch her as well, feel her face in between her hands. Feeling her hands on her hair and on her young body.

But then, sweet kisses stopped and Emily's heart sank

As she opened her eyes to get a look at her lover, she found her eyes closed, almost sparkling in tears. It sank even further

"Katherine..." Emily whispered to hers.

Opening her eyes Katherine swallowed hard on her saliva before speaking. "I can't.... I'm just using you and I shouldn't..." the young woman let go of her temptations as she took a step back from the woman she tasted.

Like the first drop of blood, she was eager to drink more but only knew the fear of poison.

Looking down, Katherine explained herself  "This..... is impulsive, I'm just...taking out my frustration-"

Interrupted by a kiss, Emily tried to put as much passion as she could in it. She grasped on to her face and around her neck, inviting her to dig in deeper.

But Katherine refused as she pulled backwards.
"I can't" she whispered

Hearts beating, both obviously knew that they craved each other.

Emily glared at Katherine, their eyes were so close they almost touched. Looking at each other breathing and longing, Emily had enough of waiting and agreeing.

She may have skills to seduce male unsubs, but she sure had a hard time with real woman. She felt her cheeks grow red as she impulsively made her request.

With a most seductive stare, she aroused her opponent

"Just use me" she begged.

But Katherine had self-control.

She knew not to lose herself. Or to trust and eventually be left all alone.

But maybe after 5 years of protecting herself, she could try and let go but still kept doubt inside her
But for Emily, for a slice of heaven with her, even the smallest one possible, she would take the risk.

But not by using her, by trying to finally truly love her

"No" she whispered back to her as she placed her hand on her beautiful face. She gently caressed her cheek with her thumb as the other hand placed her hair back neatly behind her ear.

She took her into her arms and hugged her.

Emily was surprised but understood. The love she had for her was unconditional, that she knew. She wouldn't let go, as she would accept Katherine as she was and when she was ready. Both women hugged each other, smelling theirs perfumes in the other's hair.

Somehow, maybe the painful realization of her reality hit Emily. She could tell her a hundred times that she loved her, but she had wounds deeper than those simple words could heal.

Katherine would have to learn with time that someone truly loved her. Not only Emily but all the others.

None wanted to let go, but they had to, as Katherine whispered to her dear one words of encouragement.

"My heart's desire is not to use you Emily, but give me time, and time will help me love you"

Touched, Emily's warm heart was pierced. The joy and pain collided, creating simple tears her eyes refused to let go.

When you fall in love, you can't explain to yourself what you're going through, but when you do, when you truly do, you don't need to question it or explain it.

Love is a journey that can be silly or weird, but sometimes it leads us to through something painful

For what is love if it isn't worth taking risks?
Or making sacrifices?

Is it? Worth it?

They don't know yet


Katherine stayed alone as Emily went to her office waiting for the people to come in for the day. She had much to think about, but nothing as important as Katherine

But Katherine wasn't thinking about her, she was thinking about Elizabeth, concentrating on her lies and betrayal. If she wanted to love Emily, she would have to truly let go of Laura and hate Elizabeth.

This time, the whole team had gathered around her.

Agent Reid spoke up.
"Katherine, I know you think that maybe going to prison might fix something in the past, but I promise you it won't. We know you loved Laura and would do anything for her, and now is the time to do it. Say the truth, we find the unsub, you help catch her killer." Reid said with passion. They all wanted her on their side.

"Come on, we know you didn't do this" Morgan said.

"You don't think I have it in me?" She asked. Could they picture her killing someone?

Glances and stares bounced around the room.
They all saw how she reacted to seeing Elizabeth's photo. The horror on her face, the paralyzing worm she felt inside, shown through her eyes.

Of course, she couldn't have, she loved Laura.

"Of course not Katherine, you wouldn't hurt someone you love" JJ said as she put her hand on her friends.

That's true, she wouldn't.

But a part of her wished she could, give the pain she felt to another.

Emily placed her hand on hers and spoke calmly. She knew Katherine wouldn't leave, since she wouldnt leave her or them. She loved them, her colleagues, her friends, but now, she wanted to love Emily.

And Emily knew that now.

"Youve asked me before, if I wanted to know the truth when you spoke. This time, I also need it." She smiled at her with sparkles in her eyes

"Tell me the truth, love. What are you so afraid of?"

The room was silent. They all felt comfortable all together. But Katherine knew, that if she gave a truthful answer, it would scar what she had started with Emily, and maybe the others too.

"Im afraid of her" She said, looking in Emily's eyes. She saw her stare search deep inside her mind, trying to find what it meant.

And then, she knew.

Her eyes darker and with less happiness, she showed anguish. Katherine had never talked about Elizabeth like she was dead.

"What do you mean Katherine, who is her?" JJ asked as she looked at the others.

"She means Elizabeth" Spencer said as he looked at Emily's reaction. She had let go of her hand, even though she still wished to hold it. But she was a bit disappointed in her. If she knew she was alive, why lie? To be kept apart from each other.

"Out there somewhere, she's still alive" Katherine confirmed. She looked at the double-sided mirror, not knowing if the CSIS agents were still lurking.

"It feels just like 5 years ago, being lied to." She waited for a moment as she waited for Agent. Veck to storm in.

And he did.

The doors opened as he looked frustrated. "Everyone out" he ordered.

As the others refused to move a single hair to his request, his plan did not work.

"You know, you almost had me, but you shouldve stayed home. I know who you are, Agent. Veck, Sector Chief of the 7th CSIS team. I know all about them too, Agent. Dan, Agent. Mitch, Agent. Hare, Agent. Jones, Agent. Hills and Agent. Prester. Or did you get new recruits?" Katherine said as she critically stared at him.

He seemed stunned. Lost for words

"You know how I found out?" She asked him "You, you told me. With your eyes, your body, your whole being. I'm a profiler idiot, lies don't work on me anymore."

"HOW DARE YOU!" The man shouted

She shouted back " YES! I DARE!, like the way you dared to kill Laura!" She also spit. "Like the way you ripped her away from me just to be with her! ...And was it worth it? Apparently not since you seem still quite jealous of me" She said as bitterly as possible.

Everyone stared. Katherine had known that Agent. Veck had feelings for his Agent, for her Laura.

For she had seen the way he looked at her when she would stalk her from far away, years ago. She knew then, that he had suggested her death, to never be seen again, not only for the benefit of the case, but to have the one he loved by his side again.  And now, everyone else knew.

"You loved her, and if roles were oposite, I would've treathen you the minute I saw you" she proclaimed.

Looks of disgust were found. But mostly of rage. If only he hadn't loved her. Maybe she wouldn't have died and maybe left on peaceful terms.

"What exactly is going on!" Morgan asked as he walk up to the CSIS Agent also menacingly.  

Trying not to be angered by the truth behind her words Agent. Veck had no choice but to explain.

He cleared his throat "Hm, well,....a few weeks ago, the CSIS headquarters was hacked into. The reports and Intelligence taken represent ...delicate information. Under closer look, the first files to be forcefully taken were about Agent. Prester."

They all looked at her

"A signature was left, ... Violet"


"Why is your favorite color purple?" Laura asked her as she played with Katherine's hair.

Laid down by her side, blinded by the sunlight in her eyes she kept her eyes closed but always had a smile on her face.
"Because it reminds me on my favorite flowers; Violets. Some say it represents the resurection of life and everlasting love"


Garcia, who had been quiet, gasped. "You left a signature?!"

It was dumb to leave a signature, let alone when you hack a Federal Secret service.

But Emily knew the meaning which brought her much pain.

"You wanted to make contact.." she said as she looked at her. Katherine had wanted to leave a message.

But to the sight of her pain Katherine saw in her eyes, she couldnt lie and spoke her truth.

"The day we got bountys on our heads, I tried to look if her picture had been taken-"

'You asked if there had been lists for other countries"

"Yes. I tried my own digging, to make sure.  But as I got closer, I wanted to know more. What had been going on these past few years. I did, I hacked into the system." She looked at Emily with honesty.

"And then I thougth, If only I could talk to her, one last time."

She carefully picked her words. "I copied and stole important files to make an impact. I put that signature only because I knew that she would be the only one to know it was me. I had hoped she would come and find me, to talk, explain."

She looked at Agent. Veck " But now I see that she has no problem faking her death a second time to try and fool me. Breaking me in hopes to get something from me again, this time that ive stolen"

Elizabeth wasn't dead, the photos were stagged much like her first death in the plant shop. None of it was real, only a tool of manipulation.

Emily had no words, but had only hope. That now, Katherine really saw her for who she was, evil

"Well, ...Now that you know, were are the files?" Agent. Veck asked her. His chest puffed to seem confidant and solid but that couldnt fool the profilers in the room.

But Katherine wouldnt let him, like before, she was getting revenge but still had anger inside her.

"You know whats funny?" She let words slip from her lips, ones she immediately regretted, even though it was the truth. "If only she had come, to see me, I would've given it to her, but I won't share anything with you" She said.

Those words were truthfull but not painless for Emily. Showing her that Laura still grasped unto Katherine's soul so deeply

She only wished Katherine could be able to see the truth, the reality. But none can really hold love againts someone, for love is something everyone wishes to hold unto. 

"So that was your second goal?" She asked calmly even thought she knew the answer. Emily wished for her to be wrong.

"Yes, If Agent. Veck arrests me and brings me back, Its possible I could meet her again"

These words seemed to anger Agent. Veck

Obviously still jealous, he maybe wished she would disappear.

Only he knew what Agent. Prester had been like since her return and even after all those years, she was still not the same person he knew before. He didnt want to bring her back, but he had too, it was his duty.

"What's wrong? Are you mad it didnt work? That I know shes alive because of your own fault?" she said menacingly as his anger rises.

He slammed his hands on the desk to intimidate her, insecured about the way she could easily read him.

But she only put more into the fire

"What?! Still jealous?" She slammed her hands on the table as well

"Its not like she wants to see me! She didn't come! Or maybe she did and you forced her to fake her death again and stay behind!?" she said sarcasticly to annoy him futher into his jealousy.

But her anger stopped as she watched him react.

His face soften and went pale, the guilt he had was strong. For ordering her to stay behing and force her to fake her death again.

Anyone could see, in his eyes that she had told the truth.

Emily's heart was broken as she understood what this meant

Katherine was almost quiet.

"She wanted to see me?"

Emily knew.

After just being able to wrap her in her arms, she could easily we striped away from some woman she had never met but hated nonetheless.

A part of her feared that maybe they were similar and Katherine only fell for their ressemblance.

Would Katherine think that Elizabeth still loved her then?

Katherine was afraid of Elizabeth.

She was afraid that now, even after all this time, after all this pain, she would still forgive her.

Now knowing that maybe Laura was waiting for her arrival made her feel so much at once;  joy, fear, anguish, denial, stress, disgust, hope....

She looked at Emily in the eye to try and set her head straight but before saying anything she felt suddently sick as the lights around her seemed to get brighter.

Standing up, almost running towards the trash bin, she collapsed as she kneeled down to vomit something she hadn't even eaten.

The taste of poison.

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