My Treasure~

By Lj_Eclipse

177K 4.1K 2.3K

You were a normal 19 year old girl living life as you know it, not knowing what's really out there Your life... More

Chapter: 1
Chapter : 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter : 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter : 7
Chapter : 8
Chapter : 9
Chapter : 10
Chapter : 11
Chapter : 12
Chapter : 13- somewhat 🍋
Chapter : 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter : 16
Chapter: 17
Chapter : 18
Chapter: 19
Chapter : 20
Chapter: 21 🍋
Chapter: 22
Chaper : 23
Chapter: 24
Chapter: 25
Side skit
Chapter: 26
Chapter : 27
Chapter : 28
Chapter: 29
Chapter : 30
Chapter: 31
Chapter: 32
Fuck these tests
Chapter : 33
Chapter : 34
Chapter : 35
Chapter : 36
Chapter : 37
Chapter : 38
Chapter: 39
Chapter: 40
Chapter : 41
Chapter : 42
Chapter : 43
Chapter : 44
Chapter : 45
Chapter : 46
Chapter: 47
Chapter : 48
Chapter: 49
Chapter : 50
Chapter: 51
Chapter : 52
Chapter : 53
Chapter : 54
Chapter : 55
Chapter : 56 ( warning there is smut so skipping the chapter is fine )
Chapter: 57
Chapter : 58
Chapter: 59
Chapter : 60
Chapter : 61
Chapter : 62
Chapter: 63 🍋 ( you can skip this one too it won't affect the story )
Chapter : 64
Chapter : 65
Chapter : 66
Chapter : 67
Chapter : 68
Season 2 Chapter: 69
S2 Chapter : 70
S2 Chapter : 71
S2 Chapter : 72
S2 Chapter : 73
S2 Chapter: 75
S2 Chapter: 76 ( this is a lemon chapter )
100k Special
S2 Chapter : 77
S2 Chapte: 78
S2 Chapter : 79
S2 Chapter : 80
S2 Chapter : 81
S2 Chapter : 82
Update notice
S2 Chapter : 83
S2 Chapter : 84
S2 Chapter : 85
Update and QnA!
Quick announcement
QnA answers!
S2 Chapter : 86
S2 Chapter: 87
S2 Chapter : 88 ( Slight smut )
S2 Chapter : 89
S2 Chapter : 90
S2 Chapter : 91
S2 Chapter: 92
S2 Chapter : 93
S2 Chapter : 94
S2 Chapter : 95
S2 Chapter : 96
S2 Chapter: 97
S2 Chapter : 98
S2 Chapter : 99
S2 Chapter : 100
S2 Chapter : 101
S2 Chapter : 102
S2 Chapter : 103
S2 Chapter : 104
S2 Chapter : 105
S2 Chapter : 106

S2 Chapter : 74

271 12 2
By Lj_Eclipse

* ugh! Why can't I just talk to him!? It's not even that bad, hey Liu you kissed me last night because you were drunk and I had to carry you upstairs. On top of the straddling...and the touching *

" I have the worst headache possible that a person could have "

" That sounds painful " y/n said as she sat down on the couch

" Where's the other one? "

" Slender? He had things to do so I'm here "

" Oh great! "

" Who shit in your trix bowl? "

" He has a hangover " I spoke softly

" Wow, you're a lightweight! "

" Shut the fuck up! " Liu's eyes paned to me, not going to lie it made me jump

" What? "

" N-nothing! "

" You're awfully quiet today "

" I just don't have the knack for talking right now "

" Mhm yeah right, you're planning something "

" I'm not planning anything " I said defensively

" Sure whatever I don't have the strength to argue with you "

Looking back towards the sofa I noticed y/n staring at the both of us

" Is there something wrong y/n? "

" Nope, nothing~ " she replied winking at me

I couldn't focus for the rest of the day, how was I?

Normally I would handle this sort of thing by myself but I have no clue how. I know one person who does but I don't know if I can trust him

* Knock knock *

The door opened and I cringed on the inside

" Splendor? "

" Hi Offender....can I come in? "

" Uh sure "

Sitting on the couch I started to tell my brother what happened last night and how confused I was

" Hmm "

" What? "

" "

" Stop saying hm and say something! "

" I'm glad you stopped him. If he continued it probably would've ended bad, for you I guess. Well, do you like Liu? "

" I'm...not sure "

" Did you enjoy the kiss? "

" I- "

" Did you like the way his hand felt rubbing you- "


" What? I'm just asking "

" You don't have to be so detailed with it! "

" You're still embarrassed about this kind of stuff after years splendor? "

" Look you might be Offenderman the women lover and sexual deviant but I'm friendly and loving! This kind of thing ist my style. I literally am the living embodiment of a child's best friend! "

" Weather it's your thing or not you act like you've never been in a relationship? "

" Not with a guy! "

" Maybe you should, I mean Liu is a good guy "

" He is "

" And maybe he likes you "

" No, he doesn't like anyone "

" Are you sure? Try asking y/n. She's at your house anyway right? "

" How did you know that? "

" She texted me and slender told me prior to them going to your house. She might know something about it "

" Fine. I'll ask her "


* Somehow spending time with offender has gotten more tolerable *

" Hey "

" Oh hi guys "

Slender and y/n greeted me as I walked through the door. Liu wasn't anywhere to be seen

" Y/n I- "

" If you're looking for Liu he's outside in the back training " slender answered to the question looming in my mind. I subconsciously walked to the back swinging the door open to see Liu throwing knives at a tree

" Hey " I said trying to hid the nervousness in my voice

" Hey " his tone was cold

" How was your day- "

" Just stop. Did I do something? "

" What? "

" You've been acting strange all fucking day. I know I was drunk last night so what did I do? "

My hands stayed at my side as my response couldn't leave my mouth

" I swear to God splendor just say it! "

" I can't- "

Liu walked fastly towards me closing the distance between us

" Yes you can, you're choosing not to. Just fucking say it! "

" Please Liu, honestly. It wasn't that bad. Last night was just a mistake- "

" So then TELL ME!? "


Cicadas chirped around us. Silence almost deadly enough to make any person or monster go insane

" What... "

" You.....kissed me while sitting on my lap and your hand went under my shirt, a long with other things. I swear it- "

Before I could finished my rushed sentence Liu walked away yet I pulled his wrist stopping him

" Liu! We didn' didn't do anything else I carried you to your room and- "

" Let me go "

" Liu please- "


" Liu..."

" Don't ' Liu ' me! How many times has this happened! Tell me! "

" It's only happened this one time! Ever other time you passed out on the table or couch "

" Are you sure!? You even seemed nervous to tell me the truth! Meaning this must have happened before! "

" No! That's not why I was nervous! "

" Then tell me- why! "

" I- "

" I don't want excuses nor lies just tell me! "


all the heat from the words I spoke quickly rose to my face as Liu stared at me. We both didn't say anything until the sudden sound of the door swinging open startled us

" I made chicken Alfredo! "

Y/n's face spoke for itself so I responded to her confused face first

" I was just telling Liu that he should stop throwing knives at the tree so much. It's starting to damage the tree and I care for my backyard and wildlife "

" Oh, okay I guess. Well when you guys are done food is ready "

" Thank you y/n "

" No problem "

She went back inside but my attention was turned back to Liu as he yanked his wrist away from my hand. Pushing past me he went back inside

Even though I didn't do anything wrong I was still the one crying...

* I shouldn't have told him, what if he stops talking to me? He's my friend I can't- my friend.....he's my friend. Just my friend *

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