Shudders: Retribution

Por Lilas___

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[Tsundere and Yandere Demons x Reader] A world where demons and humans can live amongst each other. ... Más

Chapter 1 - The Awakening
Chapter 2 - The Savior
Chapter 3 - The Kill
Chapter 4 - The Trailer
Chapter 5 - The Fabric
Chapter 6 - The Geese
Chapter 7 - The Motel
Chapter 8 - The Trees
Chapter 9 - The Stable
Chapter 10 - The Stable pt. 2
Chapter 11 - The Partners
Chapter 12 - The Map
Chapter 13 - The Storm
Chapter 14 - The Skull
Chapter 15 - The Vines
Chapter 16 - The Shot
Chapter 17 - The Boy
Chapter 18 - The Beach
Chapter 19 - The Trio
Chapter 20 - The Guns
Chapter 21 - The Moment
Chapter 22 - The Stunt
Chapter 23 - The Alone
Chapter 24 - The Repeat
Chapter 25 - The Questioning
Chapter 26 - The Bittersweet
Chapter 27 - The Disturbance
Chapter 28 - The Confrontation
Chapter 29 - The Decision
Chapter 30 - The Ambush
Chapter 31 - The Realization
Chapter 32 - The Argument
Chapter 33 - The Help
Chapter 34 - The Gap
Chapter 35 - The Training
Chapter 36 - The Robbery
Chapter 38 - The Appreciation
Chapter 39 - The Dream
Chapter 40 - The Peace
Chapter 41 - The Note
Chapter 42 - The Broken Heart
Chapter 43 - The Hostage
Chapter 44 - The Oblivious
Chapter 45 - The Apology
Chapter 46 - The Cut
Chapter 47 - The Train Yard
Chapter 48 - The Mother
Chapter 49 - The Love
Chapter 50 - The Address
Chapter 51 - The Release
Chapter 52 - The Despondent
Chapter 53 - The Answer
Chapter 54 - The Interrogation
Chapter 55 - The Make Up
Chapter 56 - The Covetous
Chapter 57 - The Clash
Chapter 58 - The Room
Chapter 59 - The Hold
Chapter 60 - The Traitor
Chapter 61 - The Fate
Chapter 62 - The Party
Chapter 63 - The Peril
Chapter 64 - The Puppet
Chapter 65 - The Lovers
Chapter 66 - The End

Chapter 37 - The Sewers

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Por Lilas___

"Why don't we just throw it in the cage already?" Torres questioned the Head Keeper.

      But (O/N) denied it. "That's not our immediate resort."

"Mrs. Killwater, they robbed our people." Torres protested. "For all we know they could be just as violent as the Elitists."

"But they're not Elitists." (O/N) stated before she walked past the Head Keeper in training and over to the demon that was caught and bonded up.

      Torres groaned and followed after, not seeing B death glare at her the whole time. She was with (Y/N) at the truck as she was assigned to look after her. They both watched her mother work her charm of speaking calmly to the demon and asking questions rather than giving threats like her husband was. If anybody can get information out of a demon without resorting to her abilities, it was her.

     B turned to (Y/N) who looked a bit shaken up. "They didn't see you and Yama in the truck?"

      The demon girl shook her head. "I don't think they did. They siphoned the gas so quickly."

"One of them had to be a manipulator. And all those portals that took them away, there had to have been a spectral too." B muttered. "They got us good, I admit."

"You're going after them, right?" (Y/N) asked.

      Her friend nodded. "If my mom is going down there then so am I. You wanna come with? Or do you wanna be stuck with-"

      B gestured over to Yama who was at the sewer gate with other Capturers and managed to get the lid open with his abilities.

      Didn't really feel like he wanted her around anyway. Dejected, she nodded. "I'll go with you..."

      B could tell the constant distancing and pushing away the doctor has been doing to her friend was leading her back to that state (Y/N) was in before Yama even showed up. Where she barely smiled and constantly looked gloomy.

      One of these days, B was going to tell that jerk off for making her friend feel this way.

      As (O/N) was able to get some information out of the captured demon without using her abilities, she made her own deal with him. She'll confirm him and his group as long as they gave their gas back. Not being in the position for much negotiating, he accepted.

      With that, they were off to the sewers.

      Axel, Torres, and a few other Capturers stayed behind to guard the trucks. Yama did wanted to stay behind too but once he noticed (Y/N) was going with (O/N)'s daughter, he didn't feel right letting her go down there without him. No matter how much he wanted to keep his distance.

      B groaned when her boots hit muddy trash-filled water. "I hope this isn't shit."

      (Y/N) couldn't help her small chuckle. "I don't think plumbing works up here anymore."

"Well, it smells like shit." B continued to groan.


      Both girls turned to see (O/N) walking alongside them. She had an off expression as she looked around. "What did you see when you read his mind?"

"Um." B thought. "The sewers for one, and a few others. They're all huddled up down here."

"Did anyone stand out?" The mother asked once again.

     But her daughter shook her head. "They all wore the same cloaks that one has on. I couldn't really see them."

"Thanks, honey." The older woman concluded before moving to catch up with her husband and the other Capturers. Both girls watched her questioningly. So did Yama at the back of the group. He had a strange feeling about this.

     The captured demon, still in binds, led the group to wherever his people were. The sewers were like a maze, without him, they would've surely gotten lost.

     The place didn't really help B's claustrophobia either. The further they went it felt like the walls were growing smaller and narrower. To (Y/N), nothing much changed but she can see how unnerved her friend was becoming. To ease her nerves, she looped her arm with hers and reassured her that she was fine. B took a few deep breaths and quietly thanked her, glad that she asked her to tag along or else this would've been hell.

      Yama however wasn't as fond of the closeness. He didn't want to admit the small pinch of jealousy he was starting to feel and tried to push those feelings away as well.

      Eventually, the captured demon led them to a big rusted steel door that according to him was locked from the inside. They have to be let in.

      Jules along with three other Capturers and the demon went up to the door to make him knock for them.

       Once (O/N) saw the door, she visibly looked uncomfortable and turned around to walk back to Yama. B watched her nervous mother go and pull Yama to the side as she spoke to him. Whatever she said made him look shocked.

"What's going on..?" B whispered to herself, catching (Y/N)'s attention who followed her gaze.

      The older woman asked her friend something and waited for him to sigh and nod. Then together, they moved to the front of the group where her husband and the captured demon were.

       The demon did a specific knock on the steel door nervously due to two guns being pointed at him. They all stepped back and waited a bit until the door began to loudly creak open and all of the Capturers, including B, held their guns up.

      Once the door was open enough, the same red demon from before poked her head out and looked relieved to see the captured demon again. "Tomas, you alright?"

"They haven't killed me yet." He nervously smiled. "Can you give them the gas back so they can let me go?"

      The red demon held up a finger as she glared at the humans. "You people are lucky we aren't heartless. But how do I know you aren't either?"

"You don't trust us?" Jules questioned.

      She came out fully and leaned against the rusted door with her arms crossed and a suspicious look. "Considering we have to deal with those Elitists idiots, the demon pretenders, and of course you guys. No, I don't trust you."

"Salem..!" Tomas pleaded but she stayed firm.

      She stared into the Chief's eyes with an unwavering glare. "Give me my guy first, then we'll give you your dumb gas."

      Jules didn't agree. They could shut that huge door right afterward and they won't be able to get through. "Us first, then you."

"Jeez you're a stubborn one, aren't ya'?" She sneered.

       But suddenly the door began to open wider, forcing the red demon to stand up fully and move out of the way. The Capturers' guns rose higher at the door that creaked loudly open.

      Yama moved (O/N) behind him, not knowing how this was going to play out. He glanced back to check for his partner and felt relieved to see she was towards the back of the group still.

      Once the door was fully open, a large figure emerged that made each Capturer tense up. But especially (O/N) and Yama.

       Long white hair flowed out and fell against charcoal black skin that was older with age. Old clothes that were uncharacteristically neat for a demon covered a thin body and monster-like legs that held sharp claws. Almost similar to the long sharp black claws that adorned the demon's fingers. When they lifted their head from having to duck under the door, crystal white eyes contrasted against the dark and black horns that were sharp enough to stab an unfortunate soul.

      The demon was an older female and held such a sullen look on her face as her white eyes traveled across the humans holding guns up at her.

      But she lifted her arm and a dark portal appeared with black particles emitting from it. She reached in with her large hands and pulled out the three gas canisters used to steal the gas in one grip.

      Everyone was silent as the older demon dropped the cans in front of them.

"Give me my guy. Take your gas. And don't come back." Her voice was soft but deep. She didn't even try to sound threatening, she just sounded tired.

       Jules glanced at his Capturers and gestured for the canisters while he let Tomas go. The poor demon scampered to hide behind the taller one as relief flooded him.

       She looked down at both of them with the tired expression before turning around. "Don't do this again."

"But we needed that gas-" The red demon started but she was cut off.


     Silence filled the air. The dark demon stopped and glanced back at the one who called her name. Seeing an older human woman, she narrowed her eyes. "How do you know my name?"

      (O/N) stepped forward. "Edith, it's me! (O/N). I-"

      The dark demon slowly turned around as her eyes narrowed some more.

"I was with your son. Kaiden." (O/N) explained. "You gave me the journals. And you helped save me."

      Edith's memory began to jog up. The poor human girl her son dragged here?

      For the first time since the older demon came out, and the first in a long while for her people, a small smile broke across her face. "You lived?"

      Jules sent for some Capturers to take the gas back up to the surface with someone from the demon group to escort them. But he, his daughter, Yama, and (Y/N) along with the remaining Capturers stayed back so (O/N) can talk with the group's leader. Jules stuck close to her and so did Yama.

       The blond demon couldn't shake how much it felt like seeing a ghost. Or the fact that Ki had a mother. She looked exactly like him minus the spiked tail and nonthreatening air about her.

       (O/N) was fighting back tears as she told Edith the fate of her son. The injuries he sustained from the blast, getting roped into Zankoku's kingdom, then finally being put of his misery for good... It hurt to tell another mother that their child had to die, that he was too corrupt, too dangerous to let live any longer.

       Edith was silent as she listened. Her sullen expression never grew sadder, but inside she was hurting. The same pain she felt when her husband died.

      She took a deep breath to compose herself. She made her decision to disown him all those years ago. This was bound to happen.

"Did he... go peacefully?" She asked.

      (O/N) nodded and wiped her tears. "I made sure he did."

"As long as he wasn't in pain." She sighed.

       Salem, the red demon, comforted her leader and rubbed circles on her arm. They all knew it was a possibility that Ki could have been dead, but they weren't prepared to actually hear it.

"If it helps," Yama spoke up, earning the leader's attention. "I buried him up north where he died. But..."

"But?" Edith asked. "Can you tell me where he is? I want his remains with me."

      The doctor quickly nodded but he wasn't sure how to put the bad news. "I will. But..."

      (Y/N) was sitting on a large pipe attached to the sewer walls with B and as she listened to them talk, she started to realize.

      Ediths horns. She's been staring at them this whole time but didn't understand why they stood out to her. But then her eyes widened.

      Large black horns.

      The tampered grave of her son with his skull missing.

      The skull Zankora wore... with large black horns.

      It couldn't be...

"I buried him alongside my brother. Me and my..." Yama paused before gesturing over to (Y/N). "Partner. I took her with me to visit them. My brother's grave was fine but, your son's. Somebody dug it up."

      (O/N)'s eyes widened and she placed a hand over her aghast mouth.

"Who?" Was all Edith asked, her deep soft voice hardened a bit.

"We don't know." Yama answered. "All I know is his skeleton is all there. But his skull is missing."

      Everyone fell silent once again to await the mother's reaction, her eyes began to twitch and hands shake. Salem quickly held them in hers before turning back to Yama. "So they just took his skull and that's it?"

      Yama shrugged. "I don't know eithe-"

"It was Zankora."

      Everyone turned to the sudden voice. (Y/N) was sitting on the pipe with wide eyes and shaking limbs. It all makes sense. The missing skull, the Elitists, this poor mother.

"She's the leader of the Elitists. She wears a skull with the same horns as yours." (Y/N) pointed at the mother's horns in question and Edith lifted up her hand to feel them. "There's no mouth on it either. Just this hard plate. Did he-"

      A shocked expression plastered across Edith's face. Her knees felt weak as she needed Salem's support to help her stand. Even the red demon looked flabbergasted. Edith's horn, hard plate on the mouth.

"That's Kaiden..." She whispered. "Oh my god..."

"She's wearing my son..." Edith choked. "She's wearing my son like a damn costume?!"

       Edith had never sounded so angry before, it even surprised her people. Her fists were balled as she tried to contain her anger. But the mere thought of her son, the thought of Kaiden being used in such a way. It made her sick. It made her furious.

"Where are they?" She demanded. "Do you know where they are?"

       (O/N) crossed her arms. "In an asylum up north. We're gathering numbers to confront them but-"

"I'll be there." Edith didn't let the woman finish. "My people will be there."

      Salem looked back and forth between them before grabbing her leader's arm. "I want to get Kaiden back just as much as you do but you know how dangerous the Elitists are! You saw what they did on the east end of the city!"

"Wait-" Jules stepped up. "What happened there?"

      Salem growled. "What didn't they do? Strung up a bunch of decapitated bodies along the telephone wires, both demon and human. Then left messages in their blood about spreading some guy's will."

      (Y/N)'s breath hitched as B caught her before she could stumble. Yama noticed this and couldn't stop himself from going over to check on her. He bent down and noticed her trying to catch her breath, her hands shaking furiously, and the signs of a panic attack beginning to start.

       He gently grabbed her chin and made her focus on his eyes. "Look at me. Deep breaths."

      She whimpered and tried to listen. But all she could see were the fires again, the blood, Zankoku's will, everything. Now the images of headless bodies hanging on telephone lines were beginning to plague her thoughts too. Tears pricked her eyes as she dove into Yama's arms and held onto him tightly.

      He couldn't help but wrap his own arms around her as his fears began to grow more.

      His eyes met (O/N)'s who watched the demon girl with concern before turning back to Edith. "Salem's right. They're dangerous. They destroyed entire communities and found a way to turn humans into demons. It's what they did to her..."

      Edith's white eyes fell onto the distressed girl. Pitying her. She pitied everyone the Elitists came across. But knowing that they took her son's skull, it gives her a reason to finally get involved with them. She looked down at Salem, a serious look across her features. "We're going. I'm going to get my son back."

     Seeing that no matter what, she couldn't change her leader's mind, Salem nodded. "I'll start making plans. We'll get him back."

      The red demon glanced over to Yama next. "And you're telling us where his grave is. We'll collect the rest of him once we have his skull. That clear?"

      The doctor nodded. He didn't have a problem with it.

"So we can count on your help then?" Jules asked. "The more of us there are, the better our odds."

"As long as I get my son." Edith stated. "You can count on us."

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