Ultraman Xenos

By Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

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In the vast space, there's a planet called Earth. About seventeen years ago, monsters have start appearing on... More

Bio of Hiro & Xenos
Bio of Mamoru & Volance
Bio of Hiroshi & Ars
You Are Not Alone
Welcome to EDGE
Scorching Hot Weather
Behind the Mist
Monster of the Past
The Gentle Giant
What Human Can Become
Crystal of Baradhi
Two Demons Return
What Bring The Darkness
Inhereting the Darkness
The Monster Inside Of You
Accept Who You Are
You Choose Your Own Path
Rage of Tiger
The Ancient Ice Ruler
One Who Control Monsters

Released With Cost

104 5 7
By Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

Aratana Jidai make a deal with Dark Zagi in prison so he can gain power and use it to get his revenge over humanity. Few weeks ago, he turn himself into human Space Beast known as Beast The One, and escape from prison after destroying the facility and killed all the workers there. He and Zagi create a plan, and then waited until the right time comes when he lure EDGE and the Ultras out, weakening Xenos so Zagi can possess him and turn him into Dark Xenos. While they succeeded, they didn't expect someone would try to infertere with them.

(Dark World)

Inside the dark dimensional field, team EDGE with a coma state Hiro are watching an intense battle. While Ars and Volance are weakened, The One step back, Dark Xenos are battling with Mephisto, someone who he didn't expect to be alive. Dark Xenos and Mephisto rush ahead and clash their blades.

Dark Xenos: How can you be alive? I saw you perish with my own eyes!

Mephisto: I don't know... But as long as I'm alive, and stop you, then that is enough reason for me to live! That's all!

They continue to clash, before Dark Xenos kick Mephisto away, sending him skidding back.

Dark Xenos: Either way, our objective has been achieved. Jidai, we're pulling out of here.

The One: Hmph. As long as you're satistified.

Dark energy appear and open portal, before Dark Xenos and The One walk into the portal before it disappears. The Dark World then slowly disappearing, letting everyone trapped inside the field to go out. Ars fall to his knees and shout in frustrate, unable to take he couldn't save his younger twin.

(Time Skip)
(Drazen Base)

The team returned to the base after their failure. When they found Hiro, he is in coma state and barely show any sign of life.

(Medical Room)

The coma state Hiro is place in the medical room, and he currently resting in the bed. While Hiro is indeed "alive," his human body and true body get ripped off, like how soul is ripped off from a physical body. The team watch Hiro from the other side of the window as he was isolated in case if he is infected by the dark energy or the Beast Virus.

Okami: What the heck...? Why did Kamiki ended up being the victim...? He's just a kid...!

Asuna: He's one of us, so he know the risk.

Okami: How can you say that?! He's not even graduate from high school yet!

Asuna: Don't even think you're the only one who is angry right now. I'm as frustrated as you are.

Okami: *grit his teeth* ...

Sakuya: Space Beast, Beast Virus, Jidai make a deal with giant who possess Xenos... All of it connect the dots.

Harumiya: I'll take full responsibility of this failure. Did any of you inform this to Kamiki's family?

Sakuya: Not yet.

Harumiya: Make sure that they must not know until the right time comes.

Sakuya: But Captain, even if Member Kamiki is one of us, he's still underage because nineteen is the proper age to join EDGE. He able join in because of his devotion and speciality. He still purely under our protection.

Harumiya: I know!

The team slight suprise by their captain's outburst. But it can't be helped, because Hiro is the one lying on the bed and not him.

Harumiya: If I able to finish off Jidai, Member Kamiki won't be lying there right now.

Okami and Asuna look at Hiro at the other side for a while, before they excuse themselves and walk away.

Sakuya: Captain, I need to ask you something. The one who can only approve a recruitment aside WPA and EDGE HQ is you for Japan Branch. Why did you let Kamiki join even when you know he's underage? You could've just decline his recruitment.

Harumiya: ...

Sakuya: Captain?

Harumiya: Because Kamiki remind me how Jidai used to be. Filled with dreams and always think ahead. If we ignore his plead, I'm afraid that Kamiki might ended up just like Jidai.

Sakuya: You let him join just because of the past?

Harumiya: No. I let Kamiki join because I can see that he can achieve something that Jidai failed to do.

They continue to watch Hiro before they also left from there.


Hiroshi: Damn it! Damn it!

He keep punching a tree, and even when his hands ended up bleeding and hurt, they just healed back. Mamoru is holding him back, trying to calm him down.

Mamoru: Calm down, man! I know you're worried about Hiro, but hurting yourself isn't the answer!

Hiroshi: You don't understand how I felt! You're not the one who is losing his only family!

Mamoru: Like I said, this isn't the right way! You shouldn't treat yourself like this!

???: He's right.

Hiroshi stop struggling before he and Mamoru turn to the voice. Walking out from the woods, it shows Mephisto in the form of Mizorogi. Because Mephisto barely have much knowledge about this new world, Mephisto take Mizorogi's human form just in case.

Mizorogi: You shouldn't taking out all of your frustration right now. What you must think is how you should be able to save Xenos.

Hiroshi: Who the hell are you?

Mizorogi: Did Nexus never mention about me?

Hiroshi: And who is Nexus?

Mizorogi: You know so much about humanity's bad side and didn't even know your true origin.

Hiroshi: Huh?

Mamoru: *let go of Hiroshi* Are you really Mephisto? From what I heard, Mephisto is a dark giant who once wreck havoc in another universe, created by Dark Zagi himself.

Mizorogi: Yeah, it is true that he created me. But after he replace me, and I how I realize my mistake through Mizorogi, I choose to redeem myself. Now that I know Zagi is still alive, I can't overlook this. I'll give you a hand to save Xenos.

Hiroshi: *glare at Mizorogi* Why would I trust someone who created by the one who possess my brother?

Mizorogi: I don't expect you to believe me, but what I said is true. I want to save Xenos because I owe him a favor. And I want to make sure Zagi permanently gone. His mere presences is already consider a pure threat.

While feeling unconvinced by Mizorogi, Hiroshi have no choice but to agree if it for his brother's sake. Mamoru and Volance also agree for Mizorogi's assistance in saving Xenos from Zagi.

(Next Day)

People in the city are just doing what they do in their life. As the they just continue their normal life, dark energy suddenly formed above the city. The people slowly start to notice it.

"What's that?"

The dark energy formed a portal and Dark Xenos land on the ground, before standing up right. Seeing him, the people wonder why the Ultra is doing there, but they soon realize that the Ultra is not the same Xenos.

"Is that... Ultraman Xenos?"

"What's with that look?"

"He look so scary..."

Dark Xenos: Raaaaaaahhh!!

He turn to a building bring his hands down, crushing the building from up to down, breaking it apart. The people start running away in terror, seeing how Dark Xenos going on a rampage by destroy the buildings, even kicking the vehicles and everyone on the ground. The police arrive in the scene to help with the evacuation and couldn't believe what they seeing.

"No way..."

"Why is the Ultraman doing this?!"

"Run for it!"

Dark Xenos punch forward, shooting dark slash beam that destroying anything that it hits. As more destruction he cause, Dark Xenos laugh maniacally because he enjoying this. Two EDGE-Chester Alpha arrive in the scene, couldn't believe what they saw.

Okami: Xenos... No, that's the giant that possesses his body!

Asuna(Comms): Kusanagi, you need to calm down. We can't just go in like that.

Okami: Damn it!

He press the trigger out of instinct, shooting laser bullets at Dark Xenos. The bullets hit his back, making him turn around as the fighter fly past him.

Dark Xenos: So you're defying me? Good. Let me burn you to the ground!

He shoot dark slash beam at the fighter, hitting below to fighter and damage it.

Okami: Argh!

The fighter later crash to the ground.

Asuna: Kusanagi!

She press the trigger, firing laser bullets at Dark Xenos. But the possessed Ultra turn around and swing his left arm, deflecting the bullets away before he punch his right fist, shoot energy ball at the second fighter and hit it at the side wing.

Asuna: Urgh!

The fighter also crashed to the ground. Dark Xenos look around, seeing all the destruction he caused, and laugh loudly, loud enough for anyone from far distance hear his voice. When the portal appear, Dark Xenos turn around and enter the portal, before disappearing away. The people couldn't believe that their protector turn into a destroyer. Though they didn't notice he didn't become one willingly. And since that first attack, Dark Xenos continue his rampage across the country along side The One who wish for revenge over humanity.

Few Days Later...

Harumiya have informed to Hiro's family that he have been in coma state for a while. Tsukasa gets angry to department for not looking after Hiro, but Ougi calm her down, and said that he believe that Hiro is in good hands even in the situation like that.

(Public Hall)
(Press Conference)

A press conference was held as "Ultraman Xenos" has been wreck havoc for quite a while now. Harumiya and several other higher ups are questioned what would they do.

"Now that Ultraman Xenos have turn against us, what will you do?!"

"Will WPA, EDGE and ARMY will take this act as hostility?!"

"What will be done to those invaders who have keep attacking our cities?!"

Harumiya: *raise his hand* ...

*press went silent*

Harumiya: Like what I said in the past statement, Ultraman Xenos is not the enemy. He was possessed by an dark Ultraman, and being used.

"But how can you confirm this?! You haven't shown us any evidence to prove such theory!"

Harumiya: It was no theory. I was there and saw it with my own eyes.

"I've heard that one of your team member, Kamiki Hiro, was in coma state in that incident? Is it true?"

Harumiya: *in mind* How did they even get such information? It was never supposed to be disclosed.

???: Hey, hey, Harumiya. Don't tell me you let Aratana Jidai get away again?

Like usual, it just a mockery came from one of the ARMY side. The one who did is Commander Kurata, a middle aged man who led the Ground ARMY.

Kurata: I'm sure that's the cause, right? You hesitate and all of this happen. EDGE really like to play heroes, huh?

"Stop it, we are not here to bickered about the past incidents."

Most the WPA side will keep both sides calm.

"But isn't that right? After all, these two are former friends."

Harumiya: Then let me ask you this... If it was your former friend, will you shoot him down?

Kurata: Of course not! What kind of person would shoot his own friend?!

Harumiya: Then you should know what kind of choice I had to make during in such dire team.

Kurata: Aratana Jidai not even a human anymore! He's a monster! Would you just consider that he still your friend even when he turned into a monster?!

Harumiya: Of course.

Kurata: Wha--?!

Harumiya: If not because of his ideology, EDGE won't exist. He also the one who used to keep the ARMY in check so you won't go overboard.

Kurata: Overboard, you say?! Then how about EDGE?! You guys must have did the same thing just to protect those damn kaiju and alien! *turn to the WPA representatives* Am I right?!

"EDGE never has shown any evidence going out of the law. Don't tell me this is just because your political influence and how when you failed to destroy a Kaiju in the past when EDGE steps in?"

Kurata: Grrr...!

He sat back down, feeling angry that the WPA didn't support his cause.

(Time Skip)

Along side Harumiya is the team, minus Hiro who still in coma.

Sakuya: It seems it was hard for you, Captain.

Harumiya: It is.

Okami: I can't believe those press said all that after what we did! After what Xenos did with us!

Asuna: Even if we try, public opinion won't change that easy...

???: That's right.

All of them take out their EnerGun and quickly turn around, and suprise to see who standing before them. It is Ultraman Ars himself, in human size.

Ars: Yare yare... I can't believe Xenos really did believe people like you.

Okami: You're the red Ultraman!

Ars: I'm Arc, Ultraman Arc. Not like I want to introduce myself.

Asuna: Ultraman Ars?

Ars: As much as I hate this, I require your help.

Sakuya: Our help?

Ars: Xenos trust you the most. He is too soft toward human, but you at least those he can rely on.

Okami: Why you speak like you're looking down on us?

Ars: You think I have high regards about human? Because of you human, all of this starts.

Okami: What?

Ars: If that Aratana Jidai's ideology view as logic, he went become what he is now. Human cause pollution, extinction of species, overpopulation, all of it. I never view human as those who should be save in the first place. Human are nothing more than primitive and hostile creature, far lower than what you call a dominant species.

Okami: Why you...!!

Sakuya: Member Kusanagi, calm down. Don't let him rile you up.

Okami: But he--!

Ars: See? That's what human nature is. You fear things that you don't understand, and eliminate those even before you know what they are.

Harumiya: ...

Hearing those words, he remember that Jidai once said he befriend with an alien before who hiding behind society, but was killed out of fear when discovered, making him decide to create EDGE so all beings can be treated as equal and come to understandment. Harumiya put his gun away and step forward.

Okami: Captain?

Harumiya: I and my team will assist you to save Xenos.

Asuna: Eh?

Harumiya: But why are doing this?

Ars: Xenos love the humanity. He believe human can change. And if you do help me, I can bring your coma friend back to normal. You want him back on his feet again, don't you?

This take them by suprise.

Harumiya: You can do that?

Ars: Not really me, but Xenos can.

Harumiya: When will this take place?

Ars: Tomorrow. After all, Zagi haven't destroyed all of the cities in this country.

Harumiya: Zagi?

Ars: Dark Zagi. That's his name. *walk away* Xenos have high hopes for you.

Harumiya: Wait. Before that... What is Xenos to you?

This make Ars stops.

Harumiya: You seems to care so much for him. Even as going so far to ask for our help. Do Xenos mean anything anything to you?

Ars: Of course. *glance back* What kind of older twin just left his younger twin get possessed?

Harumiya: You're... siblings?

Ars: You should've realize that from the start.

He keep walking before teleporting away, and the rest of the team put away their guns.

Sakuya: Captain.

Harumiya: We're going with his plan.

Okami: Huh?! Are you serious, Captain?!

Asuna: Can you really trust what he said?

Harumiya: What other choice do we have? If they ask for help, then we must help them. Because we can save both Xenos and Kamiki at the same time.

Sakuya: But after what Arc said, will you still willingly to help him?

Harumiya: Arc didn't tell lies. His eyes told me so.

Sakuya: Then we must prepare for the joint mission with them.

Harumiya: That's right. *turn to Okami & Asuna* How about you two?

Okami: W-Well...

Asuna: If it is for Kamiki...

Okami/Asuna: ...I'll do it.

Harumiya: Then get ready. I want all of you to be ready by tomorrow!

Sakuya/Okami/Asuna: *salute* Yes, sir!

By Harumiya's command, they are preparing to be part of the mission that can save both Xenos and Hiro.

(Next Day)

At another city in the Tohoku region, dark energy emerge in the sky before dark portal open, before Dark Xenos jump out from the portal. Dark Xenos shout like a beast, before blasting fireballs all overlook the area, destroying and burning everything around. The people start running away from the area in terror.

Dark Xenos: Ahahahahah! That's right! Run! Cry! Be afraid! Fall into despair! All of those will make me stronger!!

He blasting more fireballs around, before get hit with laser bullets. Dark Xenos turn around and sees three EDGE-Chester Alpha.

Dark Xenos: So they've come again, huh? Fine. I shall burn your permanently now!

He let out a roar before shooting dark lighting toward the fighters, before the fighters dodge.

Harumiya: All fighters, make sure you distract Dark Zagi long enough until he appear!

Sakuya/Okami/Asuna(Comms): Yes, sir!

All three fighters shooting laser bullets and missiles at Dark Xenos, keep him in company. Despite all the attack didn't do much damage, Dark Xenos still felt very annoyed by it.

Dark Xenos: Such annoying bugs!

He keep blasting fireballs, but none of them hits and barely even able to reach them. After all the attack, another dark portal opens and reveal Jidai who transformed into Beast The One.

The One: Hayaaateeee!!

He charge beam throughout his body until his body, and shoot dark beam at the fighter Harumiya piloting, but he able to dodge in time.

Harumiya: Jidai has appear. I'll leave Zagi to you three!

Sakuya(Comms): Be careful, Captain.

Harumiya: Yeah.

The first EDGE-Chester Alpha fly back at The One, shooting a barrage of laser bullets onto the human beast. Team EDGE are currently fighting with there best against Dark Xenos and The One. While they are giving their best, several tanks shows on the ground and shooting at both enemy. The soldiers also trying to do their best in evacuating the people. Dark Xenos shoot dark lightning, as the fighters barely dodge it.

Okami: Damn it! Where are they?! Don't tell me they've ditch us!

Asuna: Kusanagi, we need to keep doing our best to keep them busy!

As they keep doing so, Dark Xenos and The One keep on their rampage. As this continue, all three Ultras in their human form or host each on top of a building rooftop. Mamoru raise his hand, showing the Voltex Brace. Hiroshi take out the Nero Evolver and take the crimson crystal. Mizorogi take a deep breath and put his right hand on his chest, as his eyes glow in bright light.


Mamoru: *raise the Voltex Brace* Volaaaaance!

Ultraman Volance!


Hiroshi: Shine in the dark, bright as blood. *raise the Nero Evolver* Ultraman Ars! 


Ultraman Ars - Crimson Delta!

Mizorogi shout as he engulf himself with light energy. All three Ultra enter their rise sequence, before appearing all together. Arc throw a flying kick into Dark Xenos, sending him back away.

Ars: Zagi!

Dark Xenos: Ugh... So you've come for me, my brother.

Ars: You're not my brother... Xenos is!

He create small blades and dash forward, and clash with Dark Xenos when he lash out his energy blade. When dark energy ball shot at Harumiya's fighter, Volance appear and deflect it away with his Ultra Lance. Volance spin his lance around before hit The One several times, sending it skidding away.

The One: Urgh! Why you...!

Volance: *point the lance forward* You're my opponent.

Mamoru: Our opponent.

Volance: Indeed.

He shout before rush toward The One. As Ars facing Dark Xenos, Mephisto rush toward him as he take out his Mephisto Claw. Ars sees Mephisto is coming toward them, before grabbing Dark Xenos and turn him toward Mephisto.

Arc: Now!

Dark Xenos: What are you--?!

Mephisto get close and punch forward, trying to stab through the claws into Dark Xenos' core, but it couldn't penetrate.

Dark Xenos: *chuckle* You think that can get through?

Mephisto: I never intend that.

The claws attracted and slam his palm onto Dark Xenos' chest.

Mephisto: Like how I can absorb light, I can also absorb darkness!

He start to absorb the darkness from Dark Xenos, trying to weaken him as much as he can so they can save Xenos.

Dark Xenos: Your actions are futile!

He keep struggling before he grab Ars, slamming him into Mephisto onto the ground before kick them away.

Dark Xenos: I won't let my new body get separate from me that easily.

Ars and Mephisto get back up, before they rush toward Dark Xenos followed by two EDGE-Chester Alphas to face him. Volance keep throwing hits at The One with his lance, as EDGE-Chester Alpha pilot by Harumiya shooting him.

The One: How annoying!

He ram Volance away before turn around and swing his left hand, hitting the lower side of the fighter. Harumiya quickly ejected from the fighter before it crash, and he slowly landed onto a building rooftop. Harumiya take out the PulseBlaster and aim at The One.

The One: What's wrong, Hayate? Can you shoot me again like before?

Harumiya: Of course.

He pull the trigger and shoot a couple of rounds, hitting The One in the head, making him roar in pain. Volance rush toward The One and swing his lance at him, sending him flying away and crash into a building.

Harumiya: I don't do the same mistake twice.

With the others, Dark Xenos brings his arms at his chest into a cross, and break them by extend his arms as energy surge throughout his body. He put his hands in "L" style and shoot dark beam, the Dark-Schtorm Zagi, toward the Ultras and fighters, causing an explosion. Ars and Mephisto trying to get up, while Okami, Asuna and Sakuya trying to land because they still in the air with parachute.

Dark Xenos: Now, to finish you truly.

He bring his right arm up, about to blast them dark lightning. But then he groaning in pain as light particles hitting him from the back, before glancing back and sees Volance use the Moonlight Purify.

Volance: If you are a being of darkness, then the healing light can harm you and bring Xenos back!

Dark Xenos: D-Damn...!

Ars: Now you're weaker!

He rush toward Dark Xenos and engulf in right hand with crimson energy, before landing a powerful hit into Dark Xenos into his core.

Dark Xenos: Argh!

Ars: Mephisto!

Mephisto: I know!

He slam his right palm onto Dark Xenos' core, and absorbing the dark energy to weakening Dark Xenos even more. As they keep it up, they can see some particles disappearing from his core and show Xenos' normal core.

Ars: Xenos! Come back!

As this keep up, after a while, Xenos start to come out from his dark version while his core remain red and blinking. The separation cause an explosion between the Ultras. Arc caught Xenos before he falls, while Dark Zagi, who remain in Dark Xenos' form, crash onto the ground.

Dark Zagi: Why you...!

Ars help Xenos gets up.

Xenos: N-Nii... san...

Ars: Don't worry, you're okay now. Hurry, go back to your human body.

Xenos: Y-Yes...

He shine in light before he disappear, as he teleported away back into his human body. As Zagi get back up, he look ahead and saw the Ultras who cornering him.

Dark Zagi: So you've succeeded, huh? Good for you.

Mephisto: Zagi, you have no place to escape anymore.

Dark Zagi: You think so?

Suddenly, a barrage of dark energy ball fall all around them from the sky, causing an explosion. Zagi jump away as he regroup back with The One, before he open a portal and they escaped from the area. When the smoke clears, the Ultras look around and sees that Zagi and The One have escaped. Either way, they did saved Xenos. But they didn't realize the side effect that was left in Xenos' body after the possession.

(Time Skip)

After the battle is over, the cleaning team are helping the city being restored. Not just there, but all to the cities that were attacked by Dark Xenos. Though the public still thinks Xenos is an enemy, didn't even think about when he was possessed.

(Drazen Base)

The team returned to base directly after they heard that Hiro has regain his consciousness.

(Medical Room)

When they reach the medical room, it shows Hiro is eating after he awaken from his coma.

Hiro: Oh, hey guys!

Okami/Asuna: Kamiki!

They glad to see their younger member is back to normal again. Though it just because Xenos just return to his human body.

Sakuya: You just woke up and eating already?

Hiro: *salute* Sorry, deputy captain. I felt like was just awake from a nightmare. And I'm really hungry.

Sakuya: Just eat as much as you want.

Harumiya: It seems Arc really keep his promise.

Hiro: *pretend to be clueless* Arc?

Harumiya: The red Ultraman.

Hiro: Oh, him!

Harumiya: Either way, the mission was a success. You and Ultraman Xenos are back. But Kamiki, you will still be on that bed for another few days for medical check-up, got it?

Hiro: Huh? Why?

Okami: Because the press keep making you the target to make Captain felt bad.

Hiro: Screw the press. They don't know what we do in the field and they talk like they're the expert.

Harumiya: Member Kamiki, you are our youngest member so you need to be look after. Let's go, we need to let him rest for now.

The team nod as they bid farewell to Hiro, leaving him alone in the medical room.

Hiro: *relief sigh* That was close... At least they didn't realize who I am... But what I want now is to eat!

He continue to eat his meal happily, feeling relief that all the bad things that happened to him is over. But he didn't realize that all of that was just a beginning. While Hiro keep his Nova Evolver and Xeno Crystal hidden, he didn't realize a fourth crystal have materealized.


(Dark Dimension)

This is the pocket dimension where Zagi and Jidai reside to keep them hidden away from anyone who tries to find them.

Jidai: I can't believe that our mission was a failure.

Dark Zagi: No, it was a success.

Jidai: What?

Dark Zagi: While it is moving quite fast...

???: ...What you've plan is moving the way you wanted, am I right?

They quickly turn around when heard that voice. Red magic circle like portal opens before a humanoid being appear with a foggy aura covering his body.

???: You guys are doing quite a fine performance. Let me assist you.

Jidai: Who are you?! How did you get in?!

???: I merely detect darkness presences, and find my way here.

Jidai: What?

Dark Zagi: Wait, Jidai. Stand down.

Jidai: Why?

Dark Zagi: It seems he's a darkness being just like us. *turn to the being* Why do you want to assist us?

???: In this universe, there's Ultra, am I right?

Jidai: So what?

???: My reason is simple. I just want to make a point... That light or darkness, good or evil, everything in existance are all one and the same. I want to teach those Ultraman about this.

To be continued...


"What? We're using another human?"

"Damn it... Beast keep appearing like this."

"Ugrh... What is this power...?!"

"Magnificent. A light that now shrouded by darkness."

Next time on Ultraman Xenos: "Inherited The Darkness."

"You're not alone, so don't give up."

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