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Autorstwa hcneyedxaiint

59 4 1

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i: last straw

26 2 1
Autorstwa hcneyedxaiint

"Prez, teach is calling you from the faculty" a classmate of yours peeked her head in the classroom, her eyes landing on you after taking a few seconds of trying to find you, you smiled at her nodding before pausing the song playing through your headphones. As you were about to walk away from your class a certain purple haired friend of yours stopped you.

"hey kuni! can't talk right now, teacher is calling me" you informed with a sheepish smile, "i know, i wanted to come with you" he said with his infamous scowl on his face, crossing his arms as he stand in front of you.

"you don't have to, you know, she's just probably calling for me regarding the test we just took" you explained, sitting at the edge of you desk. "more reasons for me to go, she might give you the test papers for you to take notes of the scores and hand it out, you know how she can be" he reasoned with a deeper frown on his face, you give it a little thought before nodding. "kay, come with me then, teach wouldn't mind"

"sara handle the class for a while, gonna go to the faculty room" you called out to the vice president of the class who's busy with her own notes but nodded at your order.

"do you have any plans on the weekend?" scara started the conversation, walking beside you, your shoulders gracing each other as you guys walk. silence was common for scara, however in your friendship it isn't really common than what people most likely think, with you by his side-- he can also become very talkative depending on what you guys are talking about.

"hm, i don't think so, why?"

"there's this movie I'd been wanting to watch, was hoping we could watch it together" he side eye at your reaction hoping his hints was obvious that he indeed is asking you out on a date.

"oh sweet! what's the movie about?" you asked, his eyes brighten up subtly, thinking it's going the way he wanted it to be, he just need to clear things up that this is not a platonic date.

"i hear it's a thriller and psychological movie"

"i love those movies!" you exclaimed, as you glance at him with brighten eyes, he knows that's why he offered it in the first place.

"so it's a date then?" scara asked


a friendly date" you added, his smile immediately drop, his mood turning sweet to sour real quick with just a few words of yours, dense you of course didn't see his sudden change of mood and continued on you way, knocking on the door of the only teacher's room with a small smile still in your place while your grumpy companion comically have a stormy cloud over his head to match his mood.

"y/n and scaramouche, good both of you are here, this test papers, I've graded them hand them to the class" your teacher ordered, you merely nodded stretching your arm out for her to place the test papers in your grasp but before any papers could even touch your skin, scara already grab all 32 set of papers from the teacher's hand.

scara nudge you to leave the room since you've been standing with your arms still out stretched, "oh before you leave, please tell itto to come here, we have something to talk about regarding his missing essay" she informed, before turning back to her computer and continuing on with her work, you nodded before quietly leaving the room.

"thanks" you muttered

"hmp, I'm your secretary after all"

"you mean the class' secretary" raising an eyebrow at him, but he only look away with a puff of his cheeks.

"i said what i said"


"archons, she's so dense!" the purple haired boy complained to his friend through the phone, but he only heard a raspy chuckle as a reply to his problem "well isnt that something new, you've been practically shoving your feelings to her face and you're now just admitting it" his friend, kazuha said, finding the predicament that his friend is in quite amusing.

"well, i thought her acting dense is her way of rejecting me but i doubt it now, i think no sane person can keep up this act for years and I on the other hand im on my fucking last straw" he gripped his bangs in frustration, slumping on his chair.

"just tell her straight up you like her, at this point you wouldn't make any progress at all"

"easier said than done, look, i don't wanna confess if im not sure on how she feels about me first" he reasoned, playing with the pen from his desk to keep his hand occupied.

"you're making excuses scara"

"no the hell im not"

"yea okay, pussy" kazuha laughed

"fuck you"

"say that to y/n-- anyways, how about getting help from the internet?" kazuha suggest, scaramouche raises his eyebrow at this in curiosity.

"internet? what kind of fucking drug did you take? why should i bet my love life on something as dumb as the internet"

"look, theres this website where like you can post any questions you want and some other people can answer it, It's basically a website that's made for a question and answer only system nothing more, maybe you should check it out, you might not know the answer you've been looking for would be in the internet" kazuha explained, scara frown at every words his friends utters thingking all of it was stupid, like who's in their right might would seek out the internet for an advice? for a relationship advice too nonetheless.

"that's stupid" he utters

"sure buddy, but if you're desperate you know what to do, Anyways need to go now" his friend bid farewell hanging up the call, leaving scara with his thoughts about the advice kazuha gave if that was even good enough to be called as one.

help from the internet? tsk like his that desperate and stupid enough to actually do it, yeah he'd never do something pathetic as that.

to be continued--

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