Just A Teaspoon Of Crazy

By Monatophobia

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In a shocking event where young Sakura Haruno dies at an early age, A soul whom has wondered the vast alterna... More

Chapter 1: Rebirth
Chapter 2: Awaken
Chapter 3: Meeting pineapple head
Chapter 4: Eyes
Chapter 5: Reality of Thoughts
Chapter 6: Troublesome
Chapter 7: Receding hairline
Chapter 8: Team 7
Chapter 9: Pass or Fail: Survival test
Chapter 10: Heliotrope
Chapter 11: Mission to Waves
Chapter 12: Protecting Tazuna
Chapter 13: Tree's and Training
Chapter 14: Stand on guard
Chapter 15: Loot and Boot
Chapter 16: I fight for myself
Chapter 17: The Terrible Twins
Chapter 18: The Chunin Exam Aproaches
Chapter 19: Turbulent Test
Chapter 20: Of Pages and Proctors
Chapter 22: Snake in the grass
Chapter 23: Three little sheep
Chapter 24: Boldness and Boredom
Chapter 25: Chained
Chapter 26: After Math
Chapter 27: Training For The Exams!
Chapter 28: Gotta Get Stronger!
Chapter 29: Last Day
Chapter 30: The Final Exam!

Chapter 21: Into the forest!

2.5K 126 24
By Monatophobia

(A/N: I try to incorporate small bits of Deadpools personality into Sakura!)

"Well, Well, Well, If it isn't the little future failure" Ino jeered with an ugly grimace twisting her face, I rolled my eyes and placed my hands on my hips. I winked cheekily at Shikamaru and Choji behind Ino, They both seemed exasperated with Ino's child-like behaviour.

"What's up billboard brow? I thought you would've been thrown out of the program by now, your big forehead paired with the fact that your civilian born should've gotten you tossed." She sneered, her pupiless azure blue eyes narrowed in anger and annoyance.

I blinked at the blonde girl and let a large cruel grin spread across my face. Ino's insults have already been used, meaning she doesn't get any points, The lower the points the less I care.

"Oh Ino, You are aware that in this forest everyone's an enemy, enemies don't hesitate to kill. I suggest you choose wisely who you belittle before being pushed into a death match." I smiled brightly at Ino as I patted her head and walked past her. The flickering of her chakra signature was truly delicious. I may have let a little killer intent seep through but I absolutely loved that look of fear on her face.

"That's right, Little Sakura-Chan isn't so helpless anymore. When they push, you push back. And you push back hard enough that they don't get back up." I muttered silently as I weaved through the small crowd and handed in my form, claiming a heaven scroll from the plain chunin.

I rushed towards Anko, who was slightly hidden near a stand, she fiddled with an earth scroll and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Wha'dya want" She grumbled.

"I'll take that earth scroll off of your hands, 2 weeks worth of Dango." I sent her an anya-like grin.

The woman raised both her eyebrows at this and a cocky smirk adorned her face.

"Do you think this is allowed pinky?"

"You never said it wasn't not allowed" I grinned as she took the earth scroll and thought it over in her head.

"3 weeks-"

"Deal" I snatched the scroll from her hands and shoved it into the seal on my chest, a place where no one should wonder, otherwise they would risk being sliced by poisoned ninja wire.

I smiled brightly at the woman and bounded off towards my teammates.



Our team was assigned to gate 12, Naruto was screaming about beating up opponents for no apparent reason. I stood silently, my hand wandering over to the black scroll on my right leg.

'Soon Kubi, you will be fed soon.' I giggled to myself, thoughts of taking poisons from the forest and loot from other genin made both me and Inner feel weak at the knee's.

The proctor in front of us turned around and began to fiddle with the lock on the gate, Anko's voice announced the start of the exam as the gates swung open.

We entered the forest of death together, not speeding up quite yet, Naruto yelled dramatically as if it was made for a montage.

"I will take the scroll, I am best suited to hold it, and most people underestimate me considering that I look fragile. I can hide the scroll within my skin" The bewildered looks they gave me made me smirk, I wasn't lying but I wasn't telling the truth. While I can't hide the scroll under my skin, A seal on my chest allowed me to seal things inside of it like a scroll.

"I agree, she does look weak, and if she can hide it well it's good enough. They would expect me to have the scroll since I am the strongest, and Naruto to have it because 'no one' would suspect it" Sasuke nodded with annoyance in his eyes.

'He must be pissy because we brought it up first' Inner cackled.

I took the heaven scroll and shoved it into the same seal I put on the earth scroll. They both gave me incredulous looks as the scroll disappeared.

"We need to get moving, We will take to the trees, it's quicker that way" I ran up the tree and started jumping from branch to branch. The boys followed after me quickly, I felt a chill run down my back and felt the presence of a lone chakra signature. Guttural screams ripped through the forest and shattered the silence. It was at that moment that Naruto's bladder decided it needed to be emptied.

"Excuse me a second, I really gotta.... Ya know!" Naruto ran towards a bush and decided to get to work on his fly.

"Go do that in the bush." I scrunched my nose and sent him off into the bush before turning to the raven-haired boy with a roll of my eyes. Soon enough the blonde boy was back, this time his chakra signature was different. The scratch on his cheek was completely gone and his weapons pouch was on his left leg.

"Ahh man that was a lot, I wrote my whole name!" I chuckled and walked towards the boy, slinging my left arm over his neck. My right hand quickly supplied a kunai from my pouch, I closed my eyes shut tight and with a swift movement I stabbed the imposter in the stomach, slicing their stomach open as I removed the blade.

"Hugk!" With a puff of smoke the beloved blond was replaced by a rain ninja with messy brown hair and an ugly beige rain suit. Sasuke's eyes widened marginally as the body slumped to the ground, I managed to screw my eyes open.

'Don't look, just take the respirator, There is no scroll on this guy' Inner comforted as she tucked the memories into a box. I moved mechanically, blinded by adrenaline and disbelief that I had killed yet another. I squatted down and took the respirator from his face, the feeling of the cold metal made me jolt.

'Inner, I didn't feel this way last time I killed those men..' Even my thoughts were shaking, I shivered as I pocketed the respirator.

'It piled up, this is a shinobi's way. You must dye your hands in blood if you want to survive. In this forest it's kill or be killed.' Inners words were grave and sharp, no room for conversation.

I stood up on shaky legs and closed my eyes, I clenched my jaw and fists, letting my guilt melt into the floor.

'Jakuniku Kyoshoku'

When I opened my eyes once more, I knew I had one more ghost trailing after me.

And it stung.

When we found our blonde teammate, He was bound by rope behind a log. He was struggling with cutting the ropes when Sasuke and I arrived. If he saw the now dry blood on my hands he didn't mention it, and I appreciated it.




"We can't just trust appearances, We need to come up with a way of knowing each of us is who we say we are." Sasuke spoke as we crouched on some high tree branches, the bird calls soothing my erratic thoughts ever so slightly. Naruto and I nodded in agreement with Sasuke's words.

"We need a password, Something only either of us would know. I will only tell you once so listen up children~" Sasuke scowled at my mocking tone but leaned forward nonetheless.

"The goggle gods will watch over us all, the rainbow stick story is not a tale tall" I spoke carefully in english, my tone as serious as I could muster as my eyes laughed joyously. Sasuke looked at me incredulously, his expression bordering between disbelief and exasperation. Naruto's face scrunched up in confusion, he blinked slowly with furrowed brows.

"Wait, what? How am I supposed to remember that? What language is that even?" The blonde exclaimed as he waved his arms around. Sasuke seemed intrigued, waiting for an answer as well but it never came.

Harsh wind blasted through the tree-tops at an unprecedented and unnatural speed, The force pushing Naruto off the branch. I jumped off the tree branch and ran down trees as quickly as I could manage. Once I was close enough I jumped off the tree and landed on the ground silently. My chakra suppressed as I sensed nearby signatures. It seemed that Naruto was not too far away and Sasuke was still up in the tree's with the snake.

'He can hold his own for a while, Orochi-Chan wouldn't injure his precious Sasu-Cakes.' I muttered with a pathetic giggle.

My steps sounded too loud against the ground, however my footsteps were soon drowned out by loud crashing and flailing of something large.

A snake the height of a damned skyscraper had swallowed the blonde, I was expecting it to be large but this.... This snake was giant.

I made quick work to unseal Kubikiribocho from the scroll I carried in a special pouch. The large executioner's blade gleaming dangerously as I held it tightly. I may have looked fragile but underneath the loose sleeves of my kimono style shirt were toned arms, built through hard work. I gripped the sword's hilt tightly as I rushed towards the giant snake, I jumped up and brought the sword down. Effectively slashing the snake's stomach open, A small group of orange wearing blondes poured out of the snake.




Orochimaru was swirling along the trunk of the tree, his body wrapping around like it was natural. I cringed in discomfort but forced myself to push it down. The seal on Kubikiribocho seemed to hold and even covered in snake guts the seal didn't corrode. Naruto sent a barrage of Kunai and Shuriken in front of the snake-man, stopping him momentarily.

"The Goggle gods watch over us all, the Rainbow Stick story is not a tale tall!" I spoke in english, proving myself the 'real thing'. Orochimaru turned his attention to me for a moment, eyes narrowing in interest. I felt a pang of fear and an impulse to hide wrack through my body, Even without genjutsu I felt it suffocate me.

"RUN, GET OUT OF HERE!" Sasuke yelled at us, fear present in his eyes as he shook ever so slightly.

"Okay, Okay, I don't know what's going on here but you've been messing with my friends and I don't like that so you better better slither off into your hole, snake lady, before I make a pair of shoes out of you!" Naruto exclaimed as he pointed to the snake-man. I pushed down my fear as much as I could muster and nodded, agreeing with his statement.

I felt weak as I watched from the sidelines as Naruto and Sasuke duked it out with the snake-man.

'We need a plan. We can't risk any injuries however. We will need to carry the two to the tower and then we will have to have the preliminaries if more candidates make it.'

I watched and waited, biding my time to send a calculated attack to the Sannin, However when Naruto ran up the branch towards the snake the fear in my gut erupted. The woman pulled up a black sleeve revealing a black winding tattoo, as soon as she wiped a streak of blood on the mark I knew what it was.

"NARUTO NO!" Sasuke screamed, I saw red as a giant snake summoned underneath the woman's feet. I reached for two kunai and rushed towards the Sannin, I tuned out Inner and focused on the grass ninja and jumped up, arms poised up to slash.

'Jakuniku Kyoshoku'

The Sannin turned to me in a flash, the snake-like eyes causing pangs of fear to run down my back, However I didn't dare falter from my position.

"What a tasty little meal you will make for him."

As soon as I got close enough I shunshined behind Orochimaru and dug my kunai into his back. The target puffed away into a cloud of smoke and I felt that gut wrenching feeling.

I felt a kick connect in the middle of my back, the force was enough to send me barreling into a nearby tree.

"Hugk.." I managed as I collided with the hard bark of the coniferous tree, the bark splintering where I landed. I winced as I struggled to move from the ground, the adrenaline was wearing off and I felt a sharp pain in my back. Loud noises were echoing in the forest, screams and yells, crunch and snap. I felt so weak at that moment, I felt the chakra of my teammate stutter before pulsating and exploding...?

I didn't wait to find out what it was, I pulled myself up to my feet and attempted to use my half-assed medic abilities to heal my back. The pain dulled slightly but it was enough that I could get up.

I rushed my way back towards the fight but I was too late.

Naruto was sent flying back, his malicious chakra receding and vanishing into thin air, Orochimaru had sealed him.

'That bastard'

I hid my chakra signature once again and shunshined behind the Sannin quietly as Sasuke tried to land punches and kicks on the long haired enemy. I took two kunai and once again slashed at the snake, my small smile of victory was placed with gritted teeth as the Sannin sent a snake at me.

I narrowly dodged the flying reptile and slashed it in half, narrowly evading the following shuriken.

Orochimaru sped around the area, moving swiftly and unpredictably, While Sasuke had Sharingan to keep up I was left tracking his signature.

The aforementioned Uchiha sent a fireball at the Sanin, The snake stood his ground in the flames. I got to work and started forming hand signs as quickly as I could muster. I was slightly impressed when the Ravenette boy breathed fire like a dragon. However the snake flew out from underneath the ground which sent Sasuke jumping back.

'Mr. Kami, watch how I used this bonus attack you granted me!' I giggled as I sent my hands out, large black whips coming out and wrapping around me like a protection suit.

"Donum Dei: Protective suit!" I beamed as I rushed into the fray, I shunshined farther up in the tree's and dropped down to the Sanin quietly, positioning my leg to deliver one hell of an axe kick.

The snake summoned a small snake that caught me off guard and shifted my position so I landed on a nearby branch. The giant branch snapped and cracked, splintering as it started to break off of the tree and fall into the dark abyss below.

'Damn these leg weights work better for heavier kicks!'

Orochimaru looked up and narrowed his eyes at me, slamming his hands down with a yell, releasing an attack that destroyed a tree and sent Sasuke running. I gritted my teeth and reached for the nearest vine. The protective suit dissipated and I felt the consequence of using the power in the form of a headache.

I was carried to a tree by the vine, I jumped off and attached myself using chakra. Sasuke then jumped down from his branch, taking the snake with him. He flipped Orochimaru over and clenched his legs against the Sanin's torso.

He was using Lee's attack.

The Sanin landed with a bewildered expression. I giggled at the look on his face as his head hit the ground. Cracks splintered across the area where Orochimaru landed, his hands twitching before falling limp at his sides.

'That snake is probably seeing stars HAH!' Inner barked a loud laugh which echoed off the walls of my mind.

Sasuke jumped back, leaving the snake's body stiff and standing up on its head, his legs too fell down. Leaving an odd crumpled body of the snake Sanin, I knew that lowly Genin would never be able to defeat a Sanin and didn't feel very surprised when the body melted into mud.

A barrage of Kunai rained down on Sasuke and I barely dodged the barrage of Shuriken that were sent my way. The Ravenette boy jumped off of the tree branch and used ninja wire to propel himself down safely. However, when I was punched in the face and beaten harshly by Orochimaru, Sasuke hit the ground with a 'thud, seemingly defeated.

Suddenly three little explosives went off behind the Sanin, pushing him forward and giving Sasuke the chance to use ninja wire to trap the snake and blasting him with fire.

I winced at the loud screams that escaped the snake and rushed towards Sasuke and patted his shoulder.

"We're not done yet bud!" I let a cheshire grin spread across my face as the Sanin snapped the wire and brought his hands together. The skin of his face peels off to reveal pale white skin and purple eyeshadow.

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