By RiyaGitiphat08

29 6 9

Violence Love Sad Story More

Chapter 2


13 2 1
By RiyaGitiphat08


Apo Nattawin Kittisawad
20 yrs.old
Father: Nadech Kugimiya Kittisawad
Mother: Yaya Sperbund Kittisawad
Siblings: Masu & Mario Kittisawad

Bible Wichapas Theerapanyakul
C.E.O and owner of one of the biggest Hotel & Restaurant
26 yrs.old
FATHER: Mark Prin Theerapanyakul
Mother: Kimberly Woltemart Theerapanyakul
Brother: JEFF SATUR Theerapanyakul

Mile Phakphum Romsaithong
(Modern)King Of Chiangmai
28 yrs.old
Father: Nine Naphat Romsaithong
Mother: Baifren Pimchanok Romsaithong
Brother: Build Jakapan Romsaithong

Apo is a jolly charming person
He's beauty and handsome face is unreal all of the folks in the town is fond of him they love Apo
Apo is one of a vendor in a market
He know Bible since his senior high Bible is his 2nd love
And second BF

Bible: Hi! Baby how's your day? He give a peck on apo's lips

Apo:Hey! There's a lot of people here
Im tired a lot of people came here thank God all our vegetable and fruits are sold out

By the way you want to come to me to the palace?

Bible: I Can't babe I have to go back to the hotel I have to personally welcome our V.I.P Clients but I can drop you there babe
By the way babe I told you Dad and you
(Apo Dad) don't have to work your future husband is a multi billionaire

Apo: Babe please understand it's your wealth and I have to provide for myself and to my family

Bible; Ok babe I understand but once we get married I don't want you to work ok

Apo: Ok let's go I'm sure Father is waiting for this food made by mother of course

Bible: Ok We're here say hi to father for me take care on your way home and don't forget to call me now give me a kiss

Apo: Ok enough of kissing let me go now
My father is pissed now drive safely Bye Love you...

Bible: I Love You Too

Guard: Your father is in the garden

Nadech Apo's Father is working in a palace as a gardener

Mile: How Dare you disobey my order
He slap the lady maid

Apo saw it and got scared

Mile saw apo shocked face and he's shock as well cause it's his frist time to see a beautiful person and he's a boy

Mile: Who are you Pretty? Are you the new worker here?

Apo: No your Majesty I'm here to bring food to my father

Mile: What's your father's name?
Apo: Nadech Sir

Nadech: Your Majesty please don't punish my son I know you told us you don't want an outsider in your palace he's just here to bring me food  please sire punish me I promise this will be the last time you will see my son in your Palace

Apo run and hug his father with his teary eyes Apo also begged mile

Apo: Please your Majesty I didn't know that I'm not allowed to go here please I'm begging you sire show mercy on us

Mile : He took apo's hand and said stand up your not suppose to kneel in front of me ok you too Nadech
Relax I'm not going to punish you and apo you are always welcome here you can go home now

Apo & Nadech : Thank You your Majesty

Mile: We will see each other soon Pretty I'm gonna make you my Queen he told it in his head

Apo: Woah Father I got scared I thought we will get punish

Father: I'm sorry Son I forgot to tell you that we are not supposed to bring an outsider inside the palace and because of that I almost risk your life I put you in danger I will never forgive myself I'm sure your mother too and ur siblings

Apo: Well I guess this will be the last time I'm going in that palace I will never step my foot in there His Majesty is so Scary  by the way bible say hi to you
He told me that once we get married you don't have to work

Nadech: Married? He didn't even ask for my permission
Apo: Pa I thought you accept him for me
Nadech: I'm just kidding Son I know he makes you happy and I'm glad about that I like him for you cause I can see that he's a good person and he will take good care of you I love you son and I want all the best for you and your siblings your mother and I will do anything for you guys
Apo: We Love you too dad always

Apo: Hey Bib what makes you call in the middle of the night?
Bible: Well I'm sorry to disturb your sleep love but I got worried you didn't even call me

Apo: Sorry love I'm so exhausted today and my bed is inviting me to sleep (He makes a sound 💤💤💤 )

Bible: ( Laugh) alright love you go back to bed I just call to say I love you and to remind you our 4 yrs. Of being together

Apo: Shoot I almost forgot I'm sorry love don't worry I have a surprise to you tomorrow good night love see you tomorrow I love you too..

Mile: Woah Angel I can't get you out of my head I want to mark you and make you mine I will make sure that I'm the only man you'll ever love I won't let anyone stole you from me you belong to me Beautiful Angel can't wait to have you in my arms...

Nadech: Your Majesty you call for me did I do something wrong? Did I make mistake in your  garden?
Mile: NO I Absolutely love what you've done to my favorite garden
Anyway the reason I call for you is to ask why I didn't see apo today?

Nadech: Uhm Sire he has a date today  and he won't be coming here again cause he and his fiancee is gonna be busy for their up coming wedding

Mile: Fiancee? You can go now
Nadech: I'll take my leave now sire

Mile is fuming with anger 🤬 he throw and break All the things that surrounded him
It can't be no way I'm not  gonna let a nobody marry my apo he's only mine from the moment I saw him I wanted him I mark him as the queen of siangmai I will give anything that he wanted I will spoil him
I'm going to kidnapped you the one you should marry is me only me wait for me my Queen your king will come and take you away from that ugly fiancee of yours

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