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By archivebooks

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what if you become the newest model of Quadrant and get closer with your favorite formula 1 driver, Lando Nor... More



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By archivebooks

Kate's pov

We are some hours later when we all sit the fire place, talking and laughing a little bit about everything meanwhile we eat a lot of marshmallows.

"Oh men this is life." Ria says when she close her eyes and enjoy the sun on her face.

"This is life?, Ria the party girl who gets a lot of drunk too said that?, guys we need to record this!" Lando replies with a big laugh and some seconds later he got water over him from Ria.

"Hahahahaha omg you muppet, that's what you get if you mess with miss Ria." I say with a big laugh but I stop laughing when takes his t-shirt off and he stands next to half naked.

"Men now I have to stand here half naked, thank you Ria!" he says when he crosses his arms around each other  and he kinda looks angry.

"That's what you get when you mess with her men, does somebody has an extra shirt?" Max asks directly after it before we got some problems between Lando and Ria and lucky enough I have an extra t-shirt in my bag.

"Wait, I think I get something extra." I say to everybody with a little red face because Lando of course and after some seconds I found it already and give it shy to Lando.

"Gosh, thank you so much Kate." Lando replies back with a smile.

"No problem at all, get always one extra because you never know when you need one." I giggle back when Lando sits down again next to me and I feel my cheecks turning red again more and more and when I look to Ria, I see already a big smirk on her face.

"I never enjoyed a day like this one, i'm so happy we do this together!" I hear Max saying and everybody totally agrees with him.

"Yeah I got a lot of fun too but I felt weird to not see my family." I reply back when I look to the ground because I knew I woul be normally with my family today, but my sister couldn’t come so we plan it later this year.

"Don't worry, normally I always see my parents too but they are very sick at the moment so I end up sucking with muppet Lando here." Max says back as a joke and Lando needs to roll his eyes when everybody laughs because Max' reaction.

"Without me you didn't got chocolade mate." replies back and some of us needs to laugh now too because Lando's reaction.

"By the way, do you sleep at Lando's place too tonight?" Ria asks again with a smirk on her face some seconds later when everybody is making again their own marshmallows.

"Yeah, I will see my parents over 2 days again because I have a photoshoot then very close to my house so I will be there back again, we can watch together to the raceweekend of Lando in Baku if you want?" I say back to Ria with a big smile on my face.

"Oh yes, good idea! Would you also mind if I come watch the f2 race too?, i'm also getting more and more interested into it!" is Ria's answer and I nod enthusiastic my head, also because I know i'm not the only watching f2 here in this group.

"Absolute a good idea, I watch also f2 so we can watch together for sure Ria."

"Great great, so enthusiastic we going go watch it together for the first time!, let's hope a good driver will win then." Ria says hyped after she putted a marshmallow into her mouth.

"Watch what?" Lando asks curious to both of us when he hears us giggle a little bit.

"Oh just some cute boys when we will party with us 2, parties are a good place to look out for new boys." Ria replies back and when I look back to Lando I see him looking to the ground and I feel my heart is broken the way he is sitting there and I guess on a way he is something like jealous.

"Ah hmmm allright, have fun with doing that." he replies and he goes away after some seconds, but I run after him.

"LANDO WAIT!!!" I scream to him and lucky enough after some seconds he stops and turn around.

"Don't you need go back to Ria and plan your parties meanwhile looking to the boys?" Lando asks back and I feel a little bit attacked the way how he asked it.

"No, she was just absolute joking you know, I don't need to look to cute boys now, I have incredible friends like you and Max and Niran and also I never found much luck about love in my life." I say back to him but I can't look into his eyes so I look next to me when the sun starts to goes down.

"She was?" Lando asks back with his soft voice and some seconds later I feel his hands pushing my head a little bit up so I look directly into his beautiful eyes once again.

"Yeah she was Lando, I don't a guy in my life, only when I know a 100% it can work between us even i'm incredible busy." I reply shy back because Lando's arms are now around my waist and he comes closer and closer again to me.

"Would I still make a chance?"

"For what?"

"To be that guy you guess it will work 100% out with being more then just friends?" he asks right before he put some hair around my ears.

"I-." I can just say because i'm still absolute lost into his eyes.

"Well I take that as a yes then my lady." he replies back and his eyes still looks right into my mine.

"Beter we are gone now before we do something stupid." we hear at the background and I see Lando being in shock.

"MAX GOSH, GO AWAY MEN!!!" he screams after some seconds and because I was in shock, I step back from Lando so we have 1 meter distance between us both.

"EY MY GIRLFRIEND WAS HERE ALSO AND YOU DON'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THAT BRO?" Max screams back but when he wants to show us she was also there, nobody is standing next to him anymore.

"Men that's typical." he just says and he leaves us both again around some beautiful flowers in the garden.

"Thanks again for today Lando, I really had a lot of fun." I say to him when Max left our place again.

"You're absolute welcome, I can see you're tired so we beter go sleeping again right?" Lando says back and I just nod because it was really a long day.

"Allright let's go back to my place then." he requests and we go together back to everybody else.

"Guys, we both feeling tired so we are going again back to my place. Ria and Niran, you guys have the key so you can go into my appartement too?" Lando says to everybody and we see some faces having a smirk again on their face but I ignore it.

"No problem dude, we have the key!" Niran replies back with a big smile.

"See you guys tomorrow then."

"Bye bye Lando, bye bye Kate!!" everybody says when we step into Lando's car and they all wave us out.

"You sit comfortable?" Lando asks to me when I sit next to him in his car.

"Don't worry papaya, i'm all good here." I giggle back and I look outside the window seeing the sun goes more and more down.

"Allright then i'm happy too, it's just important for me you feel good and safe into my care." Lando replies back with a little smile on his face when he looks at me and almost touch my hands with his own hands.

"Sorry that I'm so tired early papaya." I reply after some minutes when we are almost at Lando's place.

"Don't worry, I can't have long days too sometimes so you aren't alone." Lando says back with a little laugh after his words so I smile also.


"Aaaaaah finally almost in my bed." I hear Lando saying when we are back in his appartement and we put our shoes off.

"Bet you missed your bed didn't you?" I giggle back.

"Oh you have no idea at all men." Lando laughs back.

"Will you go first or?"

"First for what?" Lando asks confused back when we are in his kitchen.

"Do use the bathroom of course you idiot." I laugh back.

"Ah of course hahahaha, you can go. I will put my pyjama on in my bedroom."

"You mean just put all your clothes off until you are just into your boxershort." I laugh back.

"Hey don't laugh or I don't have anything on when you lay next to me!"

"Well you can suck then with Niran into your bedroom, no problem for me." I reply back.

"Nah you can sleep then with Ria who absolute make a lot of sounds when she sleeps sunshine." Lando winks back.

"Oh gosh, just don't you dare to put nothing on okay?" I say back rolling my eyes and head into the bathroom and put my new pyjama on.

"Well hello there sexy lady." Lando winks to me when i'm back at his bedroom and I need to roll with my eyes right before I go lay next to him.

"You don't look bad by yourself papaya." I wink back but in a shy way.

"Gosh you are so adorable, you're like Charles who tries to wink but always fails." Lando laughs back and I see his halfnaked body agian.

"Haha funny papaya, it's just hot here so that's why I get a red face." I say fast back and I want to lay myself down so my back is Lando's view but he puts already his arms around my waist again.

"I would like to see your face more then your back sunshine." he says into my ear and I get it more and more warm and red again.

"Okay okay you win." I reply and when I turn around I try to not show my face because it's absolute akward.

"That's more like it sunshine." he says soft back and he put my hair again around my ears before we cuddle up again.

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