Totes Mitglieder (Rammstein F...

By ReblolAustin

198 6 0


Chapter 1- Daddy's Little Angel

198 6 0
By ReblolAustin

CLANK! The lemon scented soap bar smashed to smitherines with the impact of the tiled floor, painful gasps following soon after. Plunge after plunge, my hand wriggled deeper into his tight stomach and moved up to his neck. Crimson blood purled from his tainted lips as the butcher knife in my meager, livid hand slithered deeper into his throat.. The cut over flowed with blood and cascaded down the side of his leg, only to make the beginning of the murder on the floor: a puddle of shimmering blood.

The tiny droplets from the shower head plummeted to the tiled floor while the main source still ran above us. Father smiled sinfully at the sight of me commiting such an unforgivable crime. His ice blue eyes glowed with triumph, followed by a tiny enjoyable giggle. My fathers jet black hair layed tenderly upon his head, perfectly outlining the start of his sharp jawbone. After I had finished my blood spree, I handed the knife back to my father who nodded his head and cleaned the sharp blade with a cloth, ever so slowly, like cleansing a new born baby.

My vitcim's wet corpse was now contaminated with an endless torture of pain and frozen shivers. His legs trembled, quickly giving way to the relentless weight of his water speckled cadever. Now he was falling, falling...gone. As I bent over to see his motionless face, the whites in his eyes had erased rapidly from the steam in the bathroom, which now cloaked us in a ghostly, white shroud of protection and invisibility.

"Good girl. Now, why don't we go to the sweet shop and buy some sweets for your sweet, clean work, hmm?" Father softly caressed my cheek and rose to outstretch his firm hand. My skin flushed red at the sudden feeling of embarrasment over whelming me; why would I act like this if there is no one to be embarrassed about ? Suddenly, I remembered something and glanced up to his chisilled face, my platinum blonde and coal black strands of hair descending as I did so.

"Father..." I mumbled.
"Ah yes. You may, my little, sweet angel."
I wanted to keep my hand in his forever, but the chances of that were very slim as they were always busy in Death's place. Taking my hand away from his, I gradually curled them to form a cup shape and dugg my hands into the shallow pool of blood. Then, I did the unthinkable, of what any human being could do. I brought my hands to my ebony coloured lips and devoured the blood, only a little bit trickling down my chin. Sipping the liquid more briskly -only to receive my sweets a little faster- I wiped my mouth with my sleeve, vanishing any obvious or visible evidence. Just thinking about those luscious blood pops made my mouth drool with desperate desire. I quickly collected my manners and quietly said farewell. "Goodbye, Christoph Doom Schneider." I whispered, silently but loud enough for a butterfly to hear.

"Come now, my child." Father's shadow appeared in front of me, his soothing voice sounding behind me. Rising up again, I grasped hold of my fathers hand, leading him away from the scene. I looked back. Then, I looked again. I swore I saw something eminating out of the shower head: something drenched in black, something identical to my appearence. Only, she levitated above the blood smothered tiles. Her crystal white eyes peirced through me like daggers, as if she were sending me torment and hatred, but I would not be underestimated like that again. Not like I was by my infamous mother: the selfish cow that she was. She meant nothing to me, but I guess that just shows how much of a daughter I am to her.

I didn't care as to what she was-let alone who she was- just as long as we go to the sweet shop to get my blood pops. My very own, specialized blood pops.These were the ones I recently remember eating: Lucy lemon (she devilered my insanity). Raspberry Roderick (he made me develop my blood lust). Blare blueberry ( she drained away my sanity). Last, but not least, watermelon Wednesday (she never gave up on my dillusions). But anyhow, abruptly changing the subject, whose blood would I get today, I wonder? Hopefully it will be a cherry Christoph blood pop. The thought of it just makes me giggle with pleasure inside.

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