liar-Jason Dilaurentis

By varbariz

2.1K 30 1

Pretty little liars Ava Noelle Bennet the hot blue eyed brunette in her friend group, a high school mean girl... More

01-they found her Avie
02-the Jenna thing
03-to kill a mocking girl
04-can you hear me now?
05-reality bites me
06- there's no place like homecoming
07-the homecoming hangover
08-please,do talk about me when I'm gone
09-the perfect strom
10-keep your friends close
11-Moments later
12-salt meets wound
13-know your frenemies


261 3 0
By varbariz

Such a great liar

Rosewood, Pennsylvania 2009

"Jason, I have to go"  I mention, holding back the moan from the back of my throat.

"Do you want to go, Aves?"He asked, looking into my eyes. How I wanted to tell him the truth but I couldn't. I can't because we promised no feelings attached and I broke the only rule.

"You know what I want. But I promised the girls I would be there tonight." Jason rolls his eyes at me. I don't want to fight with him tonight, we been fighting everyday for the past week, and i just wanted one pacific night.

"Yeah,of course you have plans with them Ava." He says, his voice it's almost dissapointed with me, but what did he expect? They are my best friends.

"I don't understand Jason. They are my friends it's obvious i made plans with them."I respond, staring at him, waiting for his reaction. Instead all he does is grabbing me from his lap and placing me in bed while he exhales and walks to his window.

"What is it Jason?" I ask, still sat on the bed.

"Why do you have to leave and ruin every good moment we have ?" Did he really say that? How could he ?

"I'm sorry Jason,  but I am not the person that ruins our good moments. I have told you we have this night planned for months. You are the one that always ruins our moments whenever you are wasted or high, which you always are." I didn't know I wanted to scream this to him till this moment, but the look on his face made me regret it as soon as i finished.

"Ava don't start with that shit now." Once again he exhales and turns his back to me. 

"Why not?" I ask, getting up from my sit and walking to his direction" I mean you know it's the truth. We never go out, we stay always in your room or in your car. I mean can't we go-" 

"What? Out like a couple?" He asks,cuting me of, saying exactly what I was thinking.

"Yeah." I breath, getting on step closer to him.

"We are not a fucking couple Ava, I have told you that." And there it was, the Jason that I knew. Heartless, cold and distante. 

"Yeah, you are right, we are not a couple" I say, and I can see diferent look forming in his face, almost as if he wasn't expecting me to agree "That's why im leaving, I have plans for tonight. Good night Jason" I say turning and walking towards the bedroom door.

"Wait Ava, let's not end the day like this." He says aproaching me, one hand holds my waist while the other rests on y cheek. God I am a sucker for this man " Can you come over later?" He asks, looking down at me with the most sweet and caring smile. He already knows what I am gonna say, it's not even fair.

"I will." Fuck me, I make terrible decisions.

Walking down the stairs of the Dilaurentis household I think about how this was a bad idea since day one. I mean, fucking around with your best friends older brother it's just a terrible idea, but a very tempeting one, especially if the older brother looks like Jason. Tall, dirty blonde medium long hair, and large backs, with a shy yet mistirious smile, Jason was quite literally everything that I wanted but couldn't have. But i was never one to follow the rules,so why would I follow them now?!

However, I couldn't stop thinking about Ali. We have been best friends since we were born our parents are best friends so they made their kids also become best friends. First was my older brother and Jason, it was a weird friendship, while they were kids they were actually best friends, but once they turned 16 they pretty much stopped talking, the only preted in front of our parents, like on every sunday lunch we do, but besides that I don't really think they speak to each other. Ali and I are completly diferent though, we really are best friends, more than that actually, we are sisters. We might keep secrets from the other girls but between us, there are none. Well, now there is, she has no idea about me and Jason, and it has to continued that way, otherwise I don't think she would speak to me ever again, not even on sunday lunches.

"What you doing here?" I turn around to see who is asking, it's late at night and the weather it's chilly, worst night to do a sleepover at the Hastings barn.

"I went inside to garb my jacket" I say mention to the piece of clothing I am holding closer to my body. 

"Right" Alison nods. Luckly I was already at the Hastings backyard. I smile towards her and continue my way towards the barn.

"Wanna scare the other girls?" I hear her asking. I can't help the little smile that forms in the corner of my mouth. "I do".

Inside the barn was already the four other girls, Aria, Spencer, Hannah and Emily, waiting for the two best friends to arrive. Ava and Alison hided behind some trees in pots while they waited for the perfect moment to scare the other four friends.

Ali, that was the most devilish turned of the music playing walking in the dark inside the barn and coming right back to where I was.

"Woah what happened?"Asked Hannah, once the music stoped.

"It must be the storm" I heard Spencer relying.

"Something is out there."Aria says

As if one cue Ali looks at me nodding her head and the barn door opens. A sounder crahs is heard and we both jump and scream in order to scare the girls, that in fact jumped and sceamed in our faces.

"So not funny Ali" Spencer says as we all walk inside the barn.

"Oh come one Spence it was a little funny" I say, kissing her temple as a joke.

"We thought it was hilarious girls." Ali says, walking towards the couches.

"Ali have you download the new Beyounce?" Asked Hannah.

Hannah, what can I say about Hannah. Probably the most genuine person here, she hasn't had the easiest life, and honestly being friends with Ali doesn't make it anymore easier.Hannah has an incredible fashion eye, I have seen it many times, in the draws she makes, or even when we are all together putting clothes on, she always picks up the best outfits. She nerver wears them though, confidence it's not in the vocabullary and once again being friends with Ali doesn't help at all. She is definitely my ride or die.

" Not yet." I hear Ali answering. I'm sat in one of the singular couches , legs extended over the arm of the sofa, the most comfortable way to be. And as much as I want to participate of the conversation my phone, in my back pocket doesn't stop vibrating with notifications.

"I'm loving her new video" Emily says, with a sweet smile on her face.

"Maybe a little too much Em" Ali comments, I was about to change the topic when once again my phone vibrates.

"God Ava, who's messaging you non stop?" Teased Spencer.

I knew who it was, he always does this after a fight, but I could't tell them, they wouldn't understand.Jason is away older than us, they would just jugde me, and I can do that myself, I don't need anyone else to judge me.

My J

Sorry baby, didn't meant to ruin our night :(

I wish I was kissing you right now

Come over as soon as possible, I miss you Aves

I know it's fucked up liking this messages, but for a second they feel real, almost as if we were more than what we actually are. I try to hide the small smile that trys to form in the corner of my lip, luckly I managed to hide it by clearing my throat.

"Is it someone we know?"Aria asks this time.

Aria is that we like to call the artsy girl, no she does not or paint's but she does have a unic style. However she does sing, not very often but evry now and then we manage to hear her sing and its beautifull. Now she has pink straps on her hair, see artsy I guess.Her clothes are also a lot more darker than anyone else's, but don't let that fool you she's the sweetest.

"Oh come on guys we all know that Avie is more into 'mature guys' am I right Ava?" Alison says making quotation marks on mature guys. Why would she do that, she does she know? No, she can't have figured it out, I was very careful.

"It's nothing girls." I reply before someone else says something dumb " I guess I lernead from the expericied one" I say, looking in Ali's eyes. She was quick to laugh it out almost as if she never heard me.

"Your turn" Aria grabs the cup from Alison's hands and takes a big sip of the liquor inside.

"Careful Aria. Take too much and you will be telling us all your secrets." Spencer says, making us all giggle, well all of us expect one.

"Friends share secrets that's what keep us close" I can't help but look at her, she is right. Specially best friends, I can't keep this from her anymore. It's weird but it feels like her words were meant to me, oh if you knew Ali not even you would think I was such a great liar.

"Drink up".

I didn't sleep. My mind was a million an hour I needed to go see him. So I got up without making any noise I picked my jacket from the ground and walked out of the Hastings barn over to the Dilaurentis house. Hoping none was seeing me, but you know what they say about hope it breeds eternal misery!

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