Sector B

Від caktwrites4u

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Decha is a genius high-ranking general, called back to Austell from The Outside by the council. Theodore Chen... Більше

The Watty's


184 27 5
Від caktwrites4u

"You look hideous..." Amir stated. "I've never seen you look so pitiful. I never expected to see you look so controlled."

Decha rolled his eyes. Then he looked at Jax, who was standing next to Amir and dressed in formal attire. Traditional Astellian clothes which were a long robe or coat tied and fitted around his waist with a golden pin clipped on the area of his left chest.

The golden pin was a pretty big deal. "Congratulations, by the way, Council Member Strout." Decha nodded at him in approval.

Jax smiled shyly and lowered his head. Amir chuckled and slapped his hand on Jax's shoulder. "This kid has been acting like a puppy all day. Everyone's treating him like royalty."

"How is N926 getting used to your new role?" 

"Abby? She's uh... enjoying it a little too much. I think she likes the attention. She brags to everyone now."

"That's shameful. That's a reason why I don't see myself settling down so soon. You both look worn out." Amir scoffed. "I'll enjoy my bachelor life for as long as I can."

"I dunno about that, Amir," Jax smirked. "I saw you by the border chatting it up with a shopkeeper. A bracket woman at that..."

"I wasn't—" Amir's face went red and he huffed. "I was helping her load her things onto a pod. You didn't see anything."


"I mean it kid, shut it," Amir growled, and Decha chortled at the two. It was good to see the two become closer while Decha was recovering. Amir had to handle the paperwork at the Agency and find more evidence to keep Windsor locked away. Jax had to prepare for his trial and aid the council to close the case.

The two must've had to work together without him at some point.

"I haven't heard that laugh in a while," Jax pointed to Decha and stepped forward. "You see it, Amir? He's smiling."

Decha stopped chortling and his expression rested back into its usual position. Cold and distant. Jax moved his eyes from Decha and glanced at Rory, who was still peacefully asleep. "There's still no signs of response?"

"No..." Decha rubbed his face. His eyes were baggy, and he was much quieter than usual. He knew that in a few days, he'd have to go. For the first time, he was contemplating whether he should deny the request.

It was possible, but it could mean risking the safety of the Sectors. Aers and Portoland's alliance took Decha months to finally help establish. He didn't want anything bad to affect the Sectors, as they barely had time to recover from the bombs.

If he did leave, he knew he wouldn't be able to see Rory for a while. As much as he cared about her, he knew that denying his work was just not the right thing to do.

He thought about it for a while.

"You still think she's gonna wake up before you head back Outside?" Amir inquired, his tone was dark and serious.

"She probably won't," Decha responded softly.

"Mrs. Chen says her health is good. She's improving physically. Isn't that enough to encourage you to move on?"

"I made a promise to her..." Decha swirled his thumb around the back of Rory's hand. "I told her I'd be here when she wakes up."

Amir and Jax looked at each other awkwardly. Since when was Decha ever this sentimental?

"Loyalty is a great trait to have, but it can also be your greatest downfall." Amir spoke, "We learned that when we were cadets."

"I remember,"

"I know we don't always agree with each other, Decha. But you're my good friend, my best man..." Amir came closer to the bed and patted Decha on the shoulder. "I'm going to always be honest with you... This isn't something you should be considering. Your life is to the Sectors always, before everything else. That was the vow we made. If we don't protect the Sectors, then we can't protect the ones we love."

"I know that,"

"You know it, huh? Then stop sulking. Celebrate. You're going back to do what you love. And the best part is, Rory will get better. It's not like you won't ever see her again."

Decha was already aware of all the things Amir was saying. But maybe because Rory had become a weakness for him is why he wasn't too excited. This rambling klutz stole his heart, and he didn't want to admit it.

Jax decided to end Decha's silence by stepping in. "Decha, is there anything you want us to do to help you feel reassured? Don't try to hold everything in and act tough. You can ask us for help."

Vulnerability. The very trait Decha hated the most. But now seemed like a good time to express his thoughts, because he didn't have much of a choice.

"I want to buy an apartment..." Decha mumbled.

"I'm sorry, what?" Amir snickered. "You want to buy an apartment when you're about to LEAVE? What do you need an apartment for? You live in a grand estate!"

"Not for me... for her." Decha nodded at Rory. "Somewhere near the border, maybe a place with a penthouse view."

"Pretty expensive taste, huh?" Jax smiled. "I'll try my best to find a decent place downtown, but she'll have to be registered as a resident here."

"I'll take care of that." Decha hummed. "She still has to finish her studies at Grandell."

"Oh, right, the school is opening back up again soon." Amir snorted.

"Amir, I know how you'll respond, but don't be alarmed. If she wakes up when I've already left, could you take care of Rory?"

"WHAT—" Amir started, but he stopped when Decha narrowed his eyebrows at him. Amir clenched his jaw and looked at Rory. Why would Decha ask him to look after her? He wasn't a babysitter. And Rory was capable of taking care of herself.

Not to mention, he and Rory didn't exactly have the best relationship. He'd only seen her a few times. He never had any full conversation with her. Why didn't Decha ask Jax?

"But... Jax can—"

"N9899 is part of the Council now. I asked you because it wouldn't be a burden." Decha kept his eyes on Rory and continued to speak. "It wouldn't be right of me to ask him to keep an eye on her when he's working in his new position."

"But, Rory... I don't... she doesn't... I know nothing about her. And I don't know how she'll react or—"

"Amir, I'm asking you to do me this favor as a friend," Decha murmured. "Keep me updated about her condition. And if you don't know what to do, just ask her. You're probably better at reading her than I can."

"Don't worry," Jax smiled. "If Amir is at a loss, I'll act as a backup plan."

Decha smiled at the two and stood up. Then he extended his hand out to Amir, who shook it wholeheartedly and proudly. "When do you leave?"

"The day after tomorrow." Decha reached for Jax next. Instead of a handshake, Jax pulled Decha in for an embrace. He went stiff and tapped Jax's shoulder in an awkward response.

"We're gonna miss you, N96..." Jax pulled him closer.

"I'll only be gone for 6 months..." Decha laughed.

"That's 6 months too long." Amir snorted. "I'll miss you too, bud. Don't do anything too crazy while you're out there."

"I'm sure my mother will say the same thing."

"She better." Amir widened his grin.

The three men all continued their playful taunts and chats for the rest of the night. The two days left for Decha to be in Sector A passed by very quickly. As expected, Rory still didn't wake up.

But before the shuttle came to retrieve him, Decha decided not to leave Rory without a proper farewell. He bought her a potted klovoc flower and left it on the nightstand next to the bed. And then he brushed his lips against her cheek.

When Jessica saw it, she couldn't believe her eyes. She realized that the two had been hiding everything from her, just from Decha's simple action. She saw love in his eyes. She had to search for it because it was normal for Decha to have a stern face all the time. But she found it.

"You sneaky kid," Jessica teased. "What was that all about?"

Decha ignored his mother's inquiry and embraced Avon one last time.

"If I had known you were like this to Rory, I would've—"

"Mom," Decha groaned, hinting to her that she was embarrassing him.

"What? I'm just saying I could've helped."

"Your previous attempts never worked," Decha snorted, calling her out for the stunt she pulled when Rory dressed in Astellian formal attire. "We don't need your help. In all honesty, I don't want you to be so involved. I know what I'm doing." Decha pulled his mother in for a hug.

Jessica didn't like hearing what he said, but the embrace was a huge comfort to her as she finally took in the fact that her son was leaving. It was too soon and she worried about Rory's reaction when she did wake up.

Jessica wrapped her arms around Decha tightly and nuzzled her face into his shoulder.

"Don't start crying again," Decha chuckled.

"Despite the circumstance, your coming back to Astell made me realize that I missed having you here. And after that surgery, I'm not so sure about you returning."

"Hey, the Doctors said I was okay. I passed the health exam so I could return to my station." Decha tried to reassure her.

"I know. I'm just worried. Be careful, okay?" Jessica caressed his cheek.

Decha grinned and nodded before pulling away.

"Don't forget to write to us," Jessica mumbled.

"I won't," Decha responded softly.

The sound of heavy whirring distracted the two. A shuttle landed in the street in front of their house. The doors slid open and formed a stairway, then a man dressed in a black uniform and goggles stepped out.

He was the pilot. He saluted to Decha and gestured for him to enter.

Decha brushed Avon's hair, earning a soft giggle from the child. "I'll miss you Decha!" Avon cheered.

"I'll miss you too, Von," Decha replied. "Take care of Rory for me, kay? Make sure she doesn't feel alone."

"Okay!" Avon nodded. He was doing so much better interacting with his environment because of VATE. Rory's invention was a miracle working wonders. Decha looked at his mother and younger brother one last time before finally turning his back and sauntering toward the shuttle.

A felt a part of his heart ache. He was extremely disappointed that Rory wasn't awake to send him off. But he knew she'd come through eventually. Everyone was going to update him about her condition. Decha stepped up and took a seat before strapping himself in.

The pilot followed before closing the door. The last thing Decha saw was his mother crying.

Jessica wiped her tears as the air shuttle began to start whirring and lifting off the ground. At that moment, a nurse ran out of the house and grasped onto her arm. She was breathing very hard and her words came out jumbled.

"Ma'am! Rory! She's awake!"

"What?" Jessica gasped. She was too shocked to process the words.

"Rory! Her eyes are open. I went to go and change her IV pack and she was looking at me and blinking!"

"Oh heavens!" Jessica turned back around to the shuttle. "Decha!" She shouted and waved her arms, but it was already too late. The shuttle had already begun flying in the opposite direction.


(8 months later...)

"Here's to our honorary Valedictorian of Grandell University, Rory Clarke." Dean Risor's voice boomed across the entire stadium. As Rory walked the large stage to receive her degree, a thunder of cheers and clapping erupted from the crowd.

There weren't only Astellians in the audience. There were a large number of representatives from the Brackets, as well as the Governor of Sector B invited to witness the occasion.

Rory felt a shiver down her spine. She could barely believe all of what was accomplished during so much passing time. Rory was the first Bracketer ever to be Valedictorian of Grandell, as well as receiving a prestigious degree in her field of study.

The loud applause made her anxious. She watched every step she took toward the Dean, fearing that she would trip and fall.

She constantly wondered what would happen if she collapsed. Her legs were shaking so much that it stirred her fear even more. What if her legs buckled and caved out? What if her words came out all out of order? Would she be able to handle the humiliation?

Rory reached for the small booklet that was extended out to her and took it. Dean Risor brought Rory close and they posed for a photo.

"Congratulations, Miss Clarke." Risor tapped Rory's shoulder gently and squeezed slightly to ease her nerves. "May you continue succeeding. You deserved your reward."

"Thank you," Rory smiled at him. Risor gestured to the end of the stage where she was supposed to go, and Rory followed his direction. When Rory got off the stage she headed back to her seat and waited for the ceremony to end.

She saw Amir standing near one of the exits and waved at him. He nodded in return.

After Rory woke up from her coma, Amir and she surprisingly got along well. Amir was very stoic and serious, like Decha, but he was easier to warm up to. Rory had to go through intensive physical therapy just to get back to her routine.

Amir gave of himself and helped her every step of the way. It didn't take long for Rory to spiral downhill into nothing but a bad mood after she learned Decha had left. But Amir had stepped up to offer comfort.

His delivery wasn't always the best, but at least he tried. Rory deeply appreciated his efforts.

Most of the other graduating students surrounding her stood, and it brought her out of her thoughts. They were Astellian. They all began their National chant loudly. But when the time came for Rory to begin Sector B's anthem, only she and 2 other students stood up in the massive crowd.

They had to speak much louder than the other students to be heard. Rory raised her voice to match the tone of the other students. As she recited, she felt her stomach fluttering. So many butterflies stuck within were distracting her. But she didn't let it affect her much.

She finished their National chant successfully, and the ceremony ended. Rory grabbed her things and walked toward Amir, but she was stopped by Haley, one of the students who used to mock her at the beginning of the school year.

Rory panicked and froze when her arm was grabbed. Instead of the usual mean scowl Haley displayed, she grinned at Rory and tapped the back of her hand gently.

"Congratulations," Haley fluttered her eyes innocently.

"Um... thank you?" Rory bit her lip nervously.

"I know we usually never speak to each other. But don't worry, I'm not here to play around with you." Haley looked over her shoulder and hesitated with her next words. "I was going through a lot of unfortunate situations back then. And I misjudged you before. So I wanna apologize for my past actions. Hopefully, we can move on and forget it all happened."

Rory felt that the apology wasn't genuine enough. But she realized she couldn't ask much more from Haley. "Um..."

"A group of us are having a little get-together afterward. Do you wanna join us?"

"Uh... well... I don't wanna impose."

"No worries! You'll be the main event! Come on, it'll be fun. Our last day being on campus is one to celebrate!" Haley gripped her wrist and dragged Rory forward, but the two were quickly stopped by Amir.

"I don't want to ruin the party, but unfortunately Rory won't join you." Amir pried Haley's hands off of her and smiled wide. His expression was so fake, as his bitter tone gave off a warning.

When Haley realized it was a General that halted her from going anywhere, she backed away immediately. The black uniform was very intimidating. The average Astellian knew not to mess with Generals of any battle type.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Haley giggled nervously.

"Amir, I was just about to—"

"You can't. You have some other plans. Plans that we really should be getting to." Amir refused for her sake.

"I do?"

"Yes," Amir seethed, annoyed by Rory's obliviousness. "So, thanks for the offer, but no thanks. We'll be going now. Enjoy the rest of your day and congrats!" Amir gently nudged Rory forward and away from the crowd.

He could sense the danger from a mile away. He knew the traditions of Grandell graduates. He and Decha partook of the festivities, and it wasn't pleasant. Although Decha was an early graduate, and very smart for his age, he fell into the trap of wild parties.

When they graduated from Grandell, Decha drank so much that Amir lost him. He couldn't find his younger friend for at least 24 hours. Decha was a wild drunk and went completely off the radar for a full day.

He didn't want to go through any issues with Rory, especially after her kidney transplant. She wouldn't be drinking if he could help it. The last thing he wanted was for Decha to appear in front of him in a blaze of fury because he let Rory hang with the wrong crowd.

"Amir," Rory squeaked when she was shoved inside his pod. He quickly hopped in and the door shut automatically behind him. "I don't have any plans."

"Actually, you do," Amir answered monotonously.

"What? Since when?"

"Since right before the ceremony. Also, even if you didn't have plans, I wouldn't let you wander off with those scum anyway." Amir huffed, "Astellian traditions for graduation aren't exactly something you're able to handle."

"How do you know?"

"Trust me on this one," Amir responded firmly. "You're not going with them."

Rory crossed her arms and pouted. "I assume the plan is to take me straight home?"


"I don't get it. I'm a permanent resident now. So why can't I travel by myself? There's no curfew I have to abide by anymore."

"You're pretty popular now," Amir snorted. "You don't realize it."

"Popular?" Rory raised a brow.

"Now that you're working with the Agency, everyone wants to get some time with the Bracketer who made headlines for helping N96 save Astell," Amir explained.

Rory made headlines for constructing battle equipment to keep track of and finish Windsor's horrible visions for the Sectors. When she got to the point where she could start walking again, Jax took over Kilos and reasoned with Theodore to offer Rory a job to help craft weapons and tools legally for Generals.

Her weapons were safer than the equipment they used before, and they had much more resilient armor because of her intellect.

"But it's not my fault I made headlines," Rory groaned. She was right. It wasn't her fault. It was Decha's. While she was in slumber, he had spread the word about her talent and gift in his speeches. She was angry that he had the nerve to up and disappear like it was nothing. "Why do I have to suffer for it?"

"Suffer?" Amir laughed.

"I just wanna enjoy myself for once. Without you watching me all the time. I just turned 25 for heaven's sake." Rory complained.

"Only 25? You're such a child," Amir cooed at her as if she were a baby. She was younger than him by 7-8 years.

"Don't make me build a robot to best you in battle, old man." Rory hissed. "Seriously, even if you HAVE to keep an eye on me, why can't we just do something together? I haven't been to midtown yet. I heard their restaurants are pretty good! Let's head up there for some fun!"

"Not today," Amir sighed.

"Ugh," Rory slouched in her seat. As they passed many buildings and the pod merged onto a road that headed right back to her apartment, she began to think of how much Amir was reminding her of Decha.

Everything happened so fast. When she found out he had left, she was nearly heartbroken. The only things that helped her cope were Amir's persistence and finally being able to see her father again.

While going through physical therapy, Theodore allowed her and her father to reunite. It was an act she'd never thought Director Chen was capable of doing. Unfortunately, he was sent back to Sector B and placed under house arrest. When she found out that he did have some involvement in working with Professor Windsor, she sobbed for hours.

It's not all bad though. Whenever she can, she makes time to visit her father. The last time she heard, he was doing very well. The apartment they lived in at the time was paid for by Decha himself. She was bitter that he left before she could even express how grateful she was.

And not only that, she couldn't get into contact with him. It seemed everyone else was able to get a radio transmission or a letter from him except her. She wrote many letters to him but there was no response.

At first, she wondered if he wanted nothing to do with her anymore. Maybe he was regretting giving her his kidney. But if that was the case, why was Amir still hanging around?

She felt frustrated that she couldn't even get an update on how his health was. She wanted to know if he was okay or not.

"I'll be right back," Amir stated, and Rory blinked at him in surprise. She didn't even realize the pod stopped in front of a small pastry shop.

"Are you grabbing a quick snack?"

"Do you want anything?" Amir looked at the sign of the store and back to her with a faint smile.

"Something chocolate, please!"

Amir nodded and left. Silence filled the pod as Rory waited patiently for him to return. She grabbed her phone and decided to play on it in the meantime.

While in the midst of playing a game on her phone, she got a text from Jessica Chen. There was an image of her and Avon smiling for the camera above an encouraging passage of text to congratulate her. The two were on a vacation at Coral Glide and couldn't make it to the ceremony.

The text said they had plenty of gifts stored for her when they came back. She smiled at the message and sent a voice note back. "Thank you guys so much. When you guys are back, we should plan something. Maybe we can go to the snow resort up at Flake Summit."

The message was sent and Jessica responded with another text. 'Already booking tickets for the resort. Keep your calendar free for this date.' Rory laughed and added the time to her schedule.

Then she texted her about Decha, asking whether she received any information from him. She wanted to know if Jessica knew when he was supposed to come back. She missed him terribly, and she wasn't sure whether she was angry or disappointed at him for not even trying to get in contact with her.

Jessica responded with a question, "He still hasn't contacted you yet? I know he's been stationed for extra time because the assignment is more difficult than expected."

"No. He hasn't." Rory sighed while texting back.

While waiting for Jessica's reply, the pod doors opened and Amir hopped back in with a box full of mini cupcakes with letters spelled out on the icing saying 'Congrats Grad!' Some were Vanilla and some were chocolate.

Rory put her phone aside and her eyes lit up. "You bought me a cake?" Rory smiled at him.

"Something like that." Amir dismissed humbly. He brushed his hair out of his face and handed the box to her. Then he looked away and crossed his arms. "You deserve it, I guess."

Amir still wasn't used to Rory's behavior. He wasn't aware that by protecting Rory, she'd knock down all the barriers he placed between him and her. He considered her as a friend. He never thought he'd ever become close with a Bracketer. She was pure at heart. Not even he could resist that.

Rory could sense his change of mood and decided to remain quiet until the end of the ride.


A double update ? Hmm...

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