The Caseys, 2023: Family Life...

By OneChicagobyA

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Sequel to "The Caseys: Family Life - Part 1" After a stint in Los Angeles, everybody agreed that their life w... More

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Last Night was Incredible
Bad Dreams, Part One
Bad Dreams, Part Two
Breakfast in Bed, as Requested
Post-Breakfast Comfort Cuddles
How are Things? Not Good.
Daddy Likes...This Lingerie
Daddy Likes...Holding you in his Arms
Christmas Plans 2019, Part One
Christmas Plans 2019, Part Two
Nap Time, Business Time
Lunch Time Cuddles
Comfort Cuddles
Comforting Cuddles, and Questions
Comforting Cuddles (in a Hot Bath)
Adopting Jackson David Casey?
DREAM: The Caseys Celebrate Five Years (with Jackson) - Part One
DREAM: The Caseys Celebrate Five Years (with Jackson) - Part Two
Stella + Surrogacy = Jackson
Quick Family Time
Quality Time at the Beach, Part 1A
Quality Time at the Beach, Part 1B
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Quality Time at the Beach, Part 2B: Will & Natalie on the Beach
Quality Time at the Beach, Part 3
Taking it Easy ahead of Family Dinner (1A)
Taking it Easy ahead of Family Dinner (1B)
Taking it Easy ahead of Family Dinner: Cuddling
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Casey Family Blog: December 6, 2019
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: I Had to Take Andy Out
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Lingerie
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Three Red Roses, Part One
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Three Red Roses, Part Two
The First ELLA Products
The First ELLA Photoshoot, Part 1
The First ELLA Photoshoot, Part 2: Jane & Rafael
The First ELLA Photoshoot, Part 2: Mario & Bella
Post-Photoshoot Worries, Part One
Post-Photoshoot Worries, Part Two
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Cuddling (1)
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Cuddling (2)
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years, Part Four
Your Comfort is More Important than Sexy Lingerie
(Leaving for) an Anniversary Walk to Remember
An Anniversary Walk to Remember
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 1A
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 1B
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 2A
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 2B
Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 2C
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years at the Beach
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years with a Surprise
Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Appetizers, Part 1
Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Appetizers, Part 2
Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Meal, Part 1
Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Meal, Part 2
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Post-Supper Skinny Dip
The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Overwhelmed
I Missed the Signs...that I'm Hurting You
You Need to Tell Me...If I'm Hurting You
Matt & Gabby's Anniversary Night of Romance, Part 1
Matt and Gabby's Anniversary Night of Romance, Part 2
We Needed That
Halstead New Year's Eve Plans 2019-2020, Part 1
Halstead New Year's Eve Plans 2019-2020, Part 2
Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen, Part One
Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen, Part Two
You're My One and Only...Forever
It's Still Hard
Four All We Need
GABBY DREAM: One Year Later
Grilled Cheeses and Cuddles
The Sound of Music, Part 1
The Sound of Music, Part 2
Catching Up
No! Dad, Stop!
Talking About It
Cozy Cuddles and Conversations (1)
Cozy Cuddles and Conversations (2)
Change of Plans: Let's Have Fun in Bed (or Not)
Change of Plans: Let's Go Have Family Time
Let the Family Time, Not Office Time Begin
The Start of Family Time
Pre-Supper Family Time
Family Night: Including the Severides
Family Night...Or Not
The Only Family We Need
Nighttime Cuddles
Nighttime Intimacy
Fuckin' Sexy - Part 1
Fuckin' Sexy - Part 2
Halstead: Breakfast in Bed
Halstead: Time with Friends
Contracts and E-mails
Family Time in Bed
Nothing Like It...But a Bit Too Much
Morning Phone Calls and E-mails
Pre-Meeting Sexy Time, Part 1
Pre-Meeting Sexy Time, Part 2
Pre-Meeting Sexy Time, Part 3
Here, Let Me Help
Holy Hot Mama!
That Call Must've Been Hard, Part One
That Call Must've Been Hard, Part Two
Let Work Begin, Part One
Let Work Begin, Part Two
Getting Settled with Rafael and Gabby
Confrontation...and Labor?

The Effect (of the Partial-Miscarriage) on Your PTSD

29 1 0
By OneChicagobyA

Hi Readers: Before we begin this chapter, I want to let you know that I added some more content for you guys into the previous chapter. So, I hope you guys take a chance to read it before you read this one; the first of my new chapters for today. I hope that you guys like yesterdays' chapters and are ready for some new chapters, so let's just get started with those chapters. Thanks for reading.

But before we begin: I want to let you guys know that, after over one hundred and fifty chapters; I think it's time for me to start covering some other people. More specifically, I want to start adding some staff to the mix. I hope that's okay with you guys and are ready to see just how creative I am when it comes to the storylines that I can create for you guys. Hope you like the chapters.

That was something that was most definitely on Gabby's mind at the moment, but she was unsure over how this was going to effect Matt's PTSD; and whether this was going to have an impact on the PTSD related to her having had to give birth to the twins early, because she doesn't know yet whether she even has to give birth. Natalie wasn't able to give them any information on that, or at least she thinks. The truth is, the entire even that they just had on the hospital was a blur; and that was because it was a traumatic event, reminiscent of what they had to experience the first time they lost a child. And it couldn't be a coincidence that a Doctor Halstead was the one that gave them the news. But still, there is just so much that they need to talk about right now; and Gabby is just glad that they have some time to talk about this right now. And that's exactly what they're in the midst of doing right now, which is everything that they need to do; they need to talk about this, and they need to figure out just how they're going to help each other through it.

Because as much as Gabby is sad about this and is dealing with the traumatic even that they're currently going through; that doesn't mean that Gabby stops being a wife to Matt, which includes making sure that she supports him through his journey with his PTSD. But at least she doesn't have to do it alone, because she has a bunch of help from their friends and family; and Andy too, because he truly is a big help. But Gabby is just really hoping that this question that she just asked Matt didn't hurt him too much or make him think about it too much; and that's why Gabby truly believes that they need to talk about this, so that she can be the wife that Matt needs right now. He needs her to be the supportive wife he needs to have by his side, as they deal with his PTSD together, which is something that she promises to do already. She will always promise to take care of the man she loves more than anything, and that includes her talking to him about this right now; she just hopes that Matt starts to open up to her, as he's yet to do just that.

He's still being quiet, and she can't help but wonder whether she pushed too much; and whether that was the reason why he was still being quiet, rather than talking to her. But still, she did want to talk to her loving husband about this, because she wants to make sure that they talk about this. They need to talk about this, and Matt needs to open up to her; so, she decided to sit up and turn to face the man she loves. That way, she can make sure that he knows that this conversation that they're having isn't going away. Rather, it's just getting started, and they're going to be having this conversation whether he wants to have it or not; she just hopes that she doesn't have to force him to have the conversation, because that's not something that she wants to do. So, she decided to move her hand to his neck and then stroked his cheek. That was, until he got a text message. Taking a breath, Matt moved his hand to the back of her head and then kissed her forehead softly. "I may have texted my sister." Gabby agreed. "Go ahead, see what she said." Matt agreed.

Reaching over to grab his phone, Matt smiled. "I thought you turned it off though?" Matt bit his lip. "More like put it on emergency, family only mode. I know that we need to keep it on just in case." Gabby agreed with Matt, well aware that was the case. After which, he went to read the couple text messages that he just got. From all of the most important people (family wise) in their lives.


Camila: Antonio just told his kids, warning you guys. Boys are good, napping. Love you XO.
Antonio: Sorry, I had to tell the kids so that they are sensitive when it comes to texting. XO.
Eva: My dad just told me what happened, I'm so sorry. Praying for you. Send tia G my love. XO Eva.
Diego: My dad just told me, feel better you guys. Diego.
Mom: Matt, I am so sorry about this. I am on my way to Hawaii to help. XO
Violet: I just got a text from Eva. I am so sorry uncle Matt XO.
Christie: I just heard from Mom and Violet, I'm so sorry. Love you and Gabby. XO
Jay: Antonio told us, me and Alex send our love. XO

Herrmann: Got a text with the news. Remember the video I sent in 2015? Watch it again. Cindy and I send our love.
Cruz: Shit, I am so sorry Captain. Send Gabby me and Chloe's love. And don't worry about the Bachelor Party.
Boden: Matt, me and Donna are heartbroken by this news. We're thinking of you and sending our love.
Mouch: I just heard the news from Herrmann and Boden, and I am so sorry. Love form me and Trudy.
Violet M: Hey guys, Boden just texted us. Love from me and Evan.


That's when Matt went to set his phone down on his chapter once again so that he can wrap his arm around Gabby and just hold her close, while also relaying the messages that they just got in their texts. "Okay, I am going to promise you first that was not work." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case as she cuddled up to him and laid her head down on his heart once again; after which, Matt put his hand on her arm (as well as her back). Turning his head, Matt then proceeded to kiss her forehead softly as they both held each other close. After all, that was exactly what she needed right now and just hold her close. "I know that Matt because I just know what that was. It was people sending their regards." Matt agreed as he ran his hand up and down her back again, while also kissing her forehead softly. "Antonio told Eva and Diego, and Eva is praying for us and send her love to us. And then Diego sent his regards and told us to feel better." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, glad that was the case.

"I swear, they are so sweet." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before bending down to kiss the top of her head once again. "My mom said sorry, and that she's coming here to Hawaii so that she can help with the boys." Gabby nodded. "I'm sure that my mom will appreciate that, and it means that they can rotate when it comes to who's taking care of the boys." Matt agreed. "Camila actually gave me and update on the boys, after warning me that Antonio told Eva and Diego." Looking up at Matt as he said that, Gabby nodded. "And how are Matteo and Noah?" Matt smiled. "They're taking a nap and are okay." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Our niece Violet sent me a text, and she said that Eva texted her; and she send me her regards, and her love. And then she told my sister, and my mom did too; she sends her love to the both of us, as well as some hugs and kisses." Gabby laughed a bit as she heard Matt say that. "Sorry, I shouldn't be laughing right now." Matt shook his head. "No, it's okay."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, glad that was something that he was okay with. "Antonio also told Jay and he and Alex send their love." Gabby agreed with Matt (again), well aware that her brother was going to do that. "And I'm sure that somebody told Kelly, because he ended up texting the firehouse." Gabby agreed with Matt, before stroking his chest. "I actually texted Stella and told her that I'm not going to do anything related to ELLA for a bit; so, she could've sent a text too." Matt agreed with Gabby, well aware that was the case. "Cruz sends his love from him and Chloe and said to not worry about the Bachelor Party that I was thinking about either going to in Chicago; or maybe hosting for him here in Hawaii, not sure yet." Gabby agreed with Matt. "You aren't going anywhere now." Matt shook his head as he heard Gabby say that, well aware that was the case. "Boden also sends his apologies, and his love from both him and Donna." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was something that Boden would do.

"He's like our second dad, so that makes sense." Matt agreed with Gabby, as that most definitely was the case. "Herrmann said that he and Cindy are thinking of us and suggested that we watch that video that he sent to us the first time that we lost a baby." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, liking that idea. "I like that idea." Matt nodded, as he turned his head and just smiled due to the fact that he knew that this is what they need to do; they need to watch that video, and just continue to hold each other close. "Mouch also sends his love from him, and Trudy, Herrmann and Boden told him about our news; so that's how they found out." Gabby nodded. "And last, but not least, we also got some love from Violet and Evan; the paramedic Violet, of course." Gabby laughed a bit as she heard Matt say that, well aware of who he was walking about; he wasn't talking about his niece, because he already said what she sent to them. Rather, he was talking about their fellow first responders. "Baby, I know that you were talking about them."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Good. But I was just making sure that we're on the same page." Gabby smiled, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I am well aware that's the case." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before feeling him turn his head and kiss her forehead once again; at the same time, he stroked her back and just held her close. Moving his hand to her arm, Matt smiled due to the fact that he was extremely comfortable with the woman he loves. But at the same time, he does need to relax and just hold the woman he loves in his arms; and that's exactly what he wants to do right now, he wants to hold Gabby in his arms as he makes sure that she's okay. "So, are you ready to keep talking about this?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether she was ready to keep talking about this, as she's more than ready to keep talking about their original conversation; and that was what the effect of this miscarriage will have on his PTSD, which does include the previous loss of a baby.


Now that they were done talking about the text messages that they just received from their friends, Matt and Gabby were now ready to do something else; and that was get back to the conversation that they were having before they read the text messages, and that's something that they really do need to talk about. They need to talk about the effect that this loss is going to have on Matt, and his PTSD; because that's something that's really worrying for Gabby, and it's why that they need to talk about it. They need to talk about it, because it's (indirectly) affecting their twins; and that was due to the fact that stress has bad effect on babies, which is scientifically proven. "Okay, so we need to get back to this; and I really want you to open up to me Matt, and now just worry about not telling me the truth." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case; after which, he turned his head and bent down to kiss the top of her head. That way, they can make sure that they're on the same page. "So, are you going to talk to me now?"

Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether he was going to talk to her now, because that most definitely is exactly what he's going to do; he's going to talk to Gabby about how he's doing and give her all of the answers that she wants to have when it comes to his PTSD.... because he knows that she's worried about him, which is something that she has every right to do. And that's the real reason why Matt will never be against her worrying about it, even when she's pregnant; because he knows that he can't really stop it, because it's what Gabby will always do when it comes to her husband. Due to the relationship that they have with each other (they're married), they can understand each other in a way that nobody else can; and that's reinforced by the fact that they go through a lot of things together, and they share the same experiences. Most notably, they both share the miscarriages that they've had to deal with; as well as the problems that have come from their miscarriages, including the fights that they've had in the past.

And that's something that was on Matt's mind right now because he just thought about it; so, he decided to bring it up. He decided to bring up the fact that he wants to make sure that they stick together, and that they don't let this push them apart; because they need to stick together, and they need to be open with each other. Turning his head, Matt looked down at his beautiful wife and smiled at her. "Before we begin, I want to make sure that we're in agreement about something." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before moving her hand to his chest; after which, she looked up into his eyes so that she could make sure that she was really listening to the man she loves. "I want to make sure that this brings us closer to each other, and it makes us bond more. I don't want this to push us apart, nor do I want it to do something that can lead us to having fights; because I don't want you to push me away." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know that baby, and I promise that we're going to stick together."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, glad that was the case; after which, he bent down and proceeded to kiss her softly. Taking things nice and slow with the man she loves, Gabby just smiled due to the fact that this really is everything that she wants to do with Matt right now. She wants to take things nice and slow with the most loving man in her world, whom she loves more than anything in the entire world; and that's something that Matt most definitely knows, because he feels the same way about Gabby. Gabby is the love of his life, and he's always going to be here for her. "I love you Gabby." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that was the case. "I know that baby, and I promise that I'm here for you; and I'll always be here for you." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. I mean, what man (with PTSD) doesn't know that his wife isn't going to be there for him, especially when that's exactly what she's done since they got diagnosed with PTSD?

"I know that, and I appreciate that; and I also appreciate the fact that you aren't scared of it, because that is something that I've always been worried about." Gabby shook her head as she heard Matt say that, as that most definitely isn't something that he needs to do; and that was due to the vows that they took with each other, twice now. "Baby, you have no reason to worry about that. Matt, you are my husband; and I vowed to love you until death do us part, which is something that I will always promise to do." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before turning her head so that he can kiss her forehead softly. After all, that was exactly what they both want right now; they want him to pepper her with love, through a bunch of kisses. And since that's what Matt's in the midst of doing, then Gabby is very happy. Looking up at the most loving man in the entire world, Gabby smirked as she leaned up and then proceeded to kiss him softly. Taking things nice and slow with Gabby, Matt smirked due to the fact that this is exactly what he wants.

"I love you so much, and I am so glad that you're taking this time alone with me right now; because I most definitely do need some time alone with you." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case; especially when it comes to why they need to spend time with each other, which is due to the fact that they're mourning a bit right now. "Baby, we're in the midst of morning right now...and that's the real reason why we're alone right now." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I know that; and I'm just so comfortable, with you holding me in bed." Matt smiled as he said that, running his hand up and down her back. "I know what you mean." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that, before cuddling up to him some more; after which, Matt proceeded to grab the covers and tugged them up some more. After which, he wrapped his arm around her back and turned his head; kissing her forehead softly, Matt smiled due to the fact that this is everything that they both want today.

They both want to hold each other close, and they just want to spend some time with each other as they grieve the lost of their latest child. "Listen, if you want to take a nap; I'll understand." Looking up at Matt as he said that, Gabby agreed and just smiled as she leaned in and kissed him softly. "Are you going to work if I fall asleep?" Matt sighed as Gabby asked him that because he wasn't sure. "I was actually thinking about maybe setting up some plans for the week and give some people some assignments so that I don't need to be on my computer this week; but I actually think I might just stay here, because it's where you need me." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before laying her head down and just cuddling up to the man of her dreams. After which, she bent down and proceeded to kiss his chest softly; after all, that was exactly what she needs to do. She needs to hold her husband close to her. "Can you stay here? I would really like it if you held me close as I take a nap." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, ready to do just that for her.

"I can do that for you, so I'll stay right here." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling as that was exactly what she wanted to hear. "I have to say that I really like the sound of that, which is why I am not going to let you go." Gabby then proceeded to grab the covers and tugged them up on top of the both of them, because that's what she needs to do so that she can keep her loving husband close to her; and that's exactly what she needs to feel, she needs to feel the man she loves run his hand up and down her back. And let's just say that really calmed Gabby down as they cuddled up to each other, and that was something that was really nice; especially when they hold each other close, just like they are right now. And that's what they need to do. They just need to hold each other close, and they need to make sure that they just take it easy with each other. I mean, what's better than the two of them just holding each other in bed? "Plus, I think we both know that I'm not the only one that needs to take a nap right now." Matt smiled at her.

"I think it would be good if you took a nap Matt, because we might not be able to get enough sleep tonight; because we both know that's what you need to do. You need to rest, and you just need to take a nap; you need to relax, and you need to take a nap. So, please do." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before smiling as he turned her head and then kissed her forehead softly. And let's just say that was exactly what Gabby wanted, a nice kiss on her forehead; because he most definitely loves to kiss his beautiful wife on the head, as it's another way that they get to pepper some kisses on each other's forehead. "I love you Gabby, and I hope you know that this is the last thing that I ever wanted for us." Pushing herself up off Matt's chest, Gabby looked at him. "Hey, where did that come from baby?" Matt shrugged, while Gabby slipped up his chest; putting her hands on the top of his chest, Gabby smiled as she bent down and kissed him softly. At the same time, Matt moved his hand to the side of her face this afternoon.

"Baby, just take a breath and relax; because I want you to calm down and not worry about that, because that's the last think that you need to think about. This isn't your fault, and you are not to tell me that ever again; is that understood?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as he most definitely does understand what his wife is trying to tell him, which was due to the fact that he doesn't want to make her mad. And he knows that he'll most definitely do just that if he continues to apologize to her. "Okay, well I am just glad that you're going to calm down right now." Gabby agreed with Matt as she said that, as that most definitely was exactly what she was going to do; she was going to cuddle up to the man she loves, and just take a nap right now. So, that was exactly what she did; she cuddled up to Matt, before falling asleep on his just (which is exactly what they both wanted her to do today). Just take it easy and take a nap.

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