The Devil name is Prada

Par IsabellaYin

255 15 1

My name is Prada Hamilton, yes like the fashion brand name you probably never heard of or couldn't afford. I... Plus

President Prada
Hiker Stalker

A Friend!

34 3 0
Par IsabellaYin

Prada's POV

"Principal Marjorie! Principal Marjorie!". I called the principal while running a little behind her. For a woman her age, she's walking so fast or maybe she did that because she's trying so hard to avoid me. Luckily I used to do track, without problem I overrun and block her from walking further. "Principal Marjorie!". I tried to put my best smile in front of her.

"Pradaaaa..". The way she calls my name by stretching the end of it, I know she doesn't really like to see me. Well, I don't care. Principal Marjorie and I have always been you might call a love and hate situation between us. Sometime we can work together for the better of the school, but most of the time she just really seemed fed up by my high demands. The fact that I'm the daughter of one of the major share holder made her intimidated by my presence.

"Principal Marjorie!". I looked her up and down, oh my god the shoes she had, it was hideous! But I have to hold my criticism for now, if I want to get away with the petition. "You look so great today!"

She gave me a dry laugh. "What is it Ms Hamilton? I know you want something from me."

I shrugged, let's just not beat around the bush then. "I'm aware that you rejected the proposal or petition that my vice, Vivian gave you the other day about Casual Friday"

"Oh that's,-"

"And I can admit, that we're not that prepare when we given you the first proposal. So, me and the other three members of the student council, excluding the vice president, have made another proposal for you". I handed her the file that she just need to sign.

She sighed, while staring at me then the file tiredly. "If I rejected the first proposal, what make you think there will be any difference?"

"Well because..". I helped her to open the file. "Now,we used 100 gsm pink scented paper and change the font to be Brush Script MT"

"It's so bright.."

"Oh thank you, although the glitters came in last"

"That's not a compliment". I tilted my head in confuse. "I cannot even read this". She handed me back the paper.


"Ms Hamilton, even if you put gold letters on this,wearing uniform is still an absolute rule of Marjorie that cannot be change"

"But why?! It's only for Friday!"

"Let me rephrase, wearing uniform EVERYDAY is an absolute rule that cannot be change since Marjorie built."

"Oh come on!". I stomped my feet to the floors as she rolled her eyes at me."I mean, please principal Marjorie, you are like ..the 2nd generation who inherited this school.."

"4th actually"

"Why can't you just ..make a few changes?"

"I changed the toilet paper, that's the last thing I can do for you."

She was about to leave when I blocked her way again. "Well then, I stand here as the daughter of Sarah and Alexandra Hamilton!"

She gave me a small chuckle. "You don't think it's going to work on me, right?"

I shrugged hesitantly. "I-It works...FOR the first generation who opened the IPO of Marjorie Holding". I said confidently but soon regret it when she gave me a grim stare.

"Now what does that mean young lady?". I think I offended her.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry principal Marjorie! I just want you to consider this petition!"

She took a pause before shaking her head. "No!". She tried to walk away again.

"But principal!"


"Arrgghh!". I threw the file in annoyed after principal Marjorie getting away from me. Alright I gave up, for now. Later, I will really make principal Marjorie approve this petition so I can show Vivian that I can do better than her as the president of the student council.

I tried to search again for the file on the floor, but I noticed someone's ugly converse were standing near it before I could react, a delicate hand picked it. Oh my god, did I just compliment this person?.

"Is this yours?". I looked up and found the garage girl, Ellie handed me the paper. I snatched it away from her quickly. "Casual Friday,huh? I heard that from Vivian."

"I'm the first one who come up with the idea! Vivian just being useless for not getting Marjorie's approval!"

She nodded, pursing her lips a little. Why did I find that cute? "I see, do you get her approval then?"

I paused awkwardly before saying. "I'm still on the process"

"Ahh I see.."

"You wouldn't get it, you used to wear casual clothes to school as oppose to uniform."

Ellie let out a small smile after I gave her an attitude. "Well, actually I like my clothes better. This just not my color."

"Oh then,". I suddenly scoot closer to her, smiling nicely. "Can you sign this? Who knows, maybe principal Marjorie will approve if she saw your name on it".She still a little bit smell like motor lubricant, but It seemed I have getting used to her sense. I found it so masculine to be honest.

"Wow it's so bright!". She commented as soon as she opened the proposal.

"It's pink, scented and glittering". I said giddily. She started to read it while I wait for her

"Nah.." I looked in surprised when she gave me the paper back without signing it. "I'm not interested in this sort of stuff."

"What? But why? You said you don't like our uniform earlier!"

Ellie nodded. "I do, but I don't think there will be any difference even if there's my name on it". She started to walk away but without thinking I grab her hand with mine.

"But Ellie!". We both froze while looking at our intertwined hands. I let her out in quick after that, putting my cocky attitude once again. "Okay, you're right. You're not that important in here anyway"

She then gave me a last smile before saying. "Well then, good luck Prada"


I stared at nothing in particular while my friends busy picking the outfit at Henry's that we will wear in the party. There are so many things coming in my mind right now, but the one occupied me the most was my interaction with Ellie at the school earlier this day. Can I say that, she looks different than the rest of the people I encountered with? I mean no matter how many times I may insult and offend her, she only gave me a smile. Never once I sensed a dislike, annoyance,hate or anger from her green eyes. I don't know if she just dense or have a thick patience, but I kinda found it sweet.

Oh my god! Did I just admit that I attracted to her? No,no it can't be. She's not my type. Although I can say that she got a great body and look hot with that crop top the other day at the garage, but I can't like a person who smell like motor lubricant...

I whined internally, but I have admitted that I kind of like her smell too!

"Prada! Prada!". I looked up to my friends while I'm still gripping onto my hair. They stared at me with concern, they probably have been calling me for few times now. "What happened? Are you okay?". Maddie asked.

"You've been out of your mind since we got here" GiGi pointed.

I leaned back to the couch, forcing a smile. "No, I'm okay. I was just..thinking about the proposal of Casual Friday". I lied of course, I can't let them know that I was interested in the new girl too.

GiGi turned to sit beside me then hug me from the side. "Oh come on, don't push your self too hard about it President Prada. I know you can get her approval". I hugged GiGi back.

Maddie nodded. "Uhum,this is not the first time she rejected the proposal you come up with. In the end of the day, she will sign it I'm sure"

"Yes, we believe in you". Tammy Lynn said then we all turned into a group hug.

"You guys, thank you so much. Without your help and support I don't know if I can do it". We parted from the hug, before I suddenly gave one of them a glare. "But Tammy Lynn, your idea of Brush script MT was backfired! No one can really read that!"

Tammy Lynn gave me an awkward smile. "Sorry.."

"Anyway,let's just put our mind on the party tonight". I called Henry then soon he comes while carrying a paper bag.

"Here's the dress you called horrible last time" Henry said sarcastically as I grabbed it from him.

"I changed my mind. Can't a girl change her mind?!". He gave me a weak shrug. "Alright guys, let's go to my home quickly. We still need to decorate my place and hide my little sister!". You don't think I have a sibling right? Unfortunately, I have a twelve years old sister who always want to know about my business and poking into my fun. In order to prevent her ruining my party, I need to hide her. When I said hiding her, I'm not going to put her with grandparents or nanny, but rather I will lock her in her bedroom or maybe the wine cellar. Don't worry though, I'll give her snacks and board games.

My friends and i were laughing and having small conversations on the way to the parking lot when I caught someone's familiar copper red hair from the distance. Is that Ellie?. She was dressing up a little bit with a khaki bomber jacket and plain white t shirt underneath it, but I'm sure that ugly converse was hers. She wasn't alone though, she was standing in front of a brunette while talking and smiling at her.

Is she Ellie's girlfriend? Well, it's not my business anyway. Why do I care?!


FUCK IT! I'm curious! I need to really make sure whether she's Ellie's girlfriend or not!

"Guys..i think, I forgot my car key at Henry's. You all can go first to the parking lot"

"We can wait for you here."

Sometimes they really hard to get rid of. "No,I'm fine. It wouldn't take long."




When my friends finally gone, I turned back my attention towards the two. I put on my Chanel glass and straightened my Dolce & Gabbana floral print dress before walking towards them. Intentionally, I bumped shoulders with Ellie's, as predicted it got her attention.

I turned dramatically, acting with surprise. "Can't you not stand in the,- Oh Ellie..."

"Prada?" She frowned at me as I took off my glass.

"Ellie...never thought you're a type to hang out in this kind of place". The girl with her gave me a weird look while Ellie letting out a chuckle.

"Not really, I'm here to meet up with a friend". She pointed towards the brunette.

"Oh...a friend..". FRIEND!

"Yes, this is Diane. Diane, this is Prada my...a schoolmate from Marjorie"

"Oh..Hi". This Diane girl greeted me, but I just gave her a hum and slight nod.

"So, you went for shopping?". Ellie asked noticing the paper bag on my arms.

"Yes, I was about to BUY the entire store but since this is the end of the season, nothing look good anymore. So, I only ended up with this 1,000 dollars dress..". My mama ever said that mentioning your financial situation to a rival will make them feel weak. I can see a slight change in Diane's expression after that.

"Wow, that's awesome..". Ellie smiled

"Well, this is for my party that I will have tonight. By the way, everyone at school are invited including the nerds and loners. Even though I'm popular , but I do not believe in the caste system. You can come too if you want". I intentionally emphasized that she should go alone.

"She doesn't like party!" Diane interrupted crossing her arms cockily like she knew Ellie so much. I turned to Ellie again for confirmation.

"She's right, I don't really like party. Thanks for the invite by the way"

I held my breath, trying to show that I'm not disappointed by her rejection. "Alright, whatever. Have fun you and.. Diana here". I turned then strut away from them. It's weird but, something telling me that they are not just friends.

"It's Diane.."

"Bye Prada"


Ellie's POV

"What in the devil name is she?". I heard Diane murmuring behind.

"Well, the devil name is Prada"I chuckled watching as Prada leave us, I turned towards Diane again only to meet her weird look at me. "What?"

Diane shook her head in disbelief. "She just so rude, especially to you. Why didn't you say something?"

"It just Prada being Prada. She acted like that to all people". I admit, she kind of get into my nerves at the very first time I met her, but after few interactions I just found her funny sometime.

"Look like you already know her so well~~". We both started to walk towards the café.

"She came to fix her car a couple of times". We took a seat after ordering our coffee.

"So, how are you doing in Marjorie? I bet you met a lot like that Prada girl"

I chuckled. "Well yeah,most of them are wealthy so it's no surprise"

"Have you made some friends?"

I shrugged. "I made few acquaintances"

"What about...someone who sparks your interest?". Diane asked once again while taking a sip of her coffee.

I chuckled. "You mean?"

"You know what I mean.."

I leaned my back onto the chair. "Nah, I told you. I want to be single for a while". Diane only reacted to my statement with a hum. "What about you?"

"The same..". She started to play with her straw. "I kinda..waiting for someone to take me back anyway"

I know exactly who she means by that. I fiddled with my fingers, I can't look her on the eyes as I speak. "Diane, we talked about this. It's a mutual decision.."

She got silent for a second. "Yeah I know, I'm just kidding anyway". She gave me a dry chuckle. To be honest, I still have feeling for her but I don't know, I feel like we better off be friends. "But, if you finally date someone again. Please, let me know"

I smiled softly, finally looking back to her eyes. "Sure.."

"Just not someone like that Prada girl please!"


"What is that?" Joe asked turning from his magazine to the the shopping bags on my hands as soon as I got back inside the house.

"Oh this". I put the bags on the dining table. "Is just..some snacks I bought from the store for the customers to eat while they're in waitin'.". I lifted my brows in confuse when I saw Joe smirking at me. "What?"

"You never really care about this thing until a new customer mentioned it"

I know exactly who he's talking about. "No, it's..sometime customers want to wait while their car being fixes...and it could take a...long time. That's all". I said, but I don't think he was convinced by my statement.


I rolled my eyes then head to my room. "Oh by the way, where's Jimmy?". I asked in the middle of stairs.

"He went out to buy some supplies". I nodded, then continue to climb the stairs. Faintly, I can hear Joe snickering. I sighed, why does everyone think I'm attracted to Prada? I get it, she's beautiful but picturing me with Prada, is just impossible.

I tossed my jacket and plopped my body onto the bed as I checked on my phone. I opened a message from Vivian, we have exchanged number, since she's kinda my tour guide around school. Vivian sent me a screenshot of an Instagram post that look like a party invitation and then underneath she wrote.

'Let's go to party tonight!'

This must be Prada's party she mentioned earlier at the mall. To be honest, I feel intrigued but I still don't like party.

'Sorry, I can't go. I don't like party.' I replied Vivian.

I opened the Instagram post once again, I chuckled seeing the bold pink letters that I believe Prada's pretty basic design. I noticed Prada's Instagram username at the corner, somehow I feel curious of what kind of things she posted on it. I typed her username then soon enough I found many selfies on her public account. She got many followers too, no wonder it's public, pretty different from mine. I scrolled down her posts slowly, there are pictures of her on vacation abroad, on the beach with she got a great body,and then some picture with her friends and a platinum blonde girl. I think I see her before, isn't this the captain of basketball team? I forgot her name. The caption underneath was 'WITH MY BABY!'. Oh so, they are dating huh? Well, they are on the same league and look good for each other anyway.

I swallowed a little, what can I expect?

I continued scrolled down her posts further without realizing that a small smile crept on my lips along the way. I stopped at one picture that caught my attention the most. The other pictures were good, but this one I kinda... like it?. It was a close up picture of her with sun light at the background, her blonde hair fell down loosely and she doesn't wear too much make up, almost natural. I don't know why, but I can't stop my thumb from tracing her face.


"FUCK!" I cursed loudly as my phone fell from my grip. "JIMMY!". I glared at him for startling me like that and oh god, did I just like Prada's picture from 24 weeks ago?! She'll know that I stalked her account!

"Why are you acting like that?". Jimmy asked innocently, he then caught the picture on my phone. "Who's that?"

I grabbed and cover my phone in quick. "Nobody!". He will tease me more if he knew it was Prada. "Why are you coming like that?"

"There's a strange girl looking for you in the car outside". He pointed.

"Strange girl? Who?". He shrugged, that make me curious. I go down to see the strange girl he was talking about. "Vivian?". That wide grin is really her. "What are you doing here? How did you know my address?". I asked suspiciously as I approached her car.

"That's not important! Come on bitch, hop in! We'll going to Prada's party!"

"What? I told you I don't like party"

"Nonsense! Come on, help me! I need to come to this party!"

"Why? I thought you don't like Prada"

"Make your enemy closer! I need to know every little things Prada does to find that weak point to overthrow her position as the student council president!". She gave me a pleading smile. "Please Ellie, help me this once. I promise it wouldn't be long and I will send you back home. Beside, there's free drinks too!"

I sighed, I know it will be useless to keep saying no to her. "Fine, let me go grab my jacket first". I told Joe that I will go with my friend for a while. He said yes and asked me not to come home too late. I got back to Vivian, and soon we drove to Prada's home. I don't know if it's a good idea, I just hope I don't regret it.

To be continued

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