Songs - One direction/ Larry...

By Andreeabotnari14

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I write song about Larry Stylinson and One Direction More

Shining Clouds

"Concealed Chemistry"

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By Andreeabotnari14

Verse 1:
There's a boy with ocean eyes
And a smile that could light up the skies
He's got a way of moving that's so unique
It's like he's dancing just to hear you speak

And I know that he's got someone by his side
Someone who's there to hold him tight
But every time I see them, I can't help but feel
That there's something more they're trying to conceal

Verse 2:
Then there's another boy with a voice so sweet
And a heart that's always on his sleeve
He's got a way of singing that makes you believe
In a love that's pure and true and never leaves

And I know that he's got someone by his side
Someone who's there to hold him tight
But every time I see them, I can't help but feel
That there's something more they're trying to conceal

Maybe it's just wishful thinking
Maybe I'm just reading into things
But there's a chemistry between them
That's got me wondering

And I know that he's got someone by his side
Someone who's there to hold him tight
But every time I see them, I can't help but feel
That there's something more they're trying to conceal

So I'll keep watching from afar
And keep dreaming of a love like theirs
Maybe one day they'll come clean
And show the world what they really mean.

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