Team FLME: Volume 10


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The Grand Finale to the Series begins now. All characters from RWBY are own by Rooster Teeth. All RWBY OCs w... Еще

Refugee Crisis
A Fleet of Monkeys and Rats
Civil War
March of Five Armies
Shadow's Fall
RBIE's Rise
The Final Straw
Twins of Darkness
The Long Goodbye

The End

20 1 0

After the opening, a pair of boots are seen running down the street of downtown Mistral. The man brushes past a few people, pushing them to the side and trying to dart down an alleyway. A woman on a rooftop has a sniper aimed down at him as a man in orange gives chase. As the first man arrives at a dead end, he draws a gun and fires up. A crowd that formed quickly runs away in fear. The woman up top rolls her head and leaps down.

The man has his back to the alley, shaking as he aims down his pistol.

Thug: Come on...come out here you four eared freak!

The thug steps back and bumps into someone. He gulps and slowly turns around to see an older Ember Ignis standing behind him.

Ember: Boo.

The thug attempts to turn around but he is knocked to the ground with a swift chop to the chest and a sweep of the leg. Ember punches him in the face and lets the thug's body drop to the ground. The woman from earlier lands and it is revealed to be an older May Fumi.

May: I had a shot lined up.

Ember: It was too crowded. We couldn't afford that. Besides, you got the last guy.

May: (Sighs) I know, I know.

The two of them laughed slightly and Ember cuffed the thug. May opens up her scroll and enters the Ignis PI database. She opens up the thug's file and it reads "ORSON TAVISH" along side a series of crimes such as kidnapping, stalking and intimidation. She smiles and presses a "MISSION COMPLETE" tag and glances over to Ember. He picks the unconscious Orson up and smirks at her.

Ember: Another job well done I'd say.

May: Seconded that. Let's get back to the precinct. I'm tried. Been a long day.

Ember: I mean, when you go to a club midday, of course it is going to be boring as hell.

May: Not what I meant. I just want to get home and get packed. I'm worried about Wolfgang.

Ember: What for? It's a 1 week trip to see the others. We've been doing this for years now. Relax, Sweetie.

May: I know I know.

Ember: Look, let's just get home. I'm cooking tonight.

May: Right.

May and Ember smile at one another and quickly kiss each other on the lips.

Ember: Love you.

May: Love you too. Oh, and I want to get home to see the launch.

Ember: Oh crap! That's today?!

May: Yeah!

Ember: Yeah, we gotta book it! Come on!

Ember begins to speedwalk down the road. May rolls her eyes and takes out her huntress license to flash to a few onlookers as they see Ember run down the street. She rolls her eyes and follows behind her husband.


The inside of an open office is seen with large glass windows behind a desk. On the desk is a picture of Lime Burns, framed, as is a huntress license. Leia's License.

Leia Burns, now 35 years old struts past the windows. She rubs her chin a little as she stares out across Vale. Opposite her tower is a massive rocket with a satellite attached to it. She takes a deep breath and walks back around her desk. Standing in the same room are a few advisors from Atlas, Vale and even a 36 year old Eadwulf Fenrir. He folds his arms, smiling a little as Leia paces back and forth around her office. A few of the other representatives and officials look at her.

Eadwulf: Leia.

Leia stops and looks over at Eadwulf. Her head turns back to the others.

Leia: Sorry everyone.

Leia laughs a little and walks over to Eadwulf, tugging on his sleeve.

Leia: (Whispering) Please do not try to call me out in front of everyone like that. You know how nervous some of these guys already are.

Eadwulf: So dont be nervous yourself. Give them the confidence booster.

Leia takes a deep breath and glances back to the rocket. She looks at a timer and sees it is 30 minutes until launch. Another deep breath and she sits down at her desk.

Leia: Fifteen years. Three failed attempts.

Eadwulf: But each one getting us closer.

Leia smiled a little and looked up to Eadwulf. He smiled down at her. She turned back around and saw Beacon tower in the far off distance. A new CCT tower fully built.

Leia: Soon...we'll be free.

Leia's smile only grows as she turns back to talk with her partners and with Eadwulf.


Inside the deserts of Vacuo, Chief Anialwch walks along a small path at a nearby bazaar, setup for the tribe. He exits the camp and smiles a little, rubbing his beard that is now white. His hair now gone as he is bald. Along the outskirts of this little stop stands Llew Glas. She turns back to her chief before returning her gaze out to the horizon. As she looks, she sees a ship coming in close to the stop. She turns to Anialwch and smiles a bit.

Llew: Stay with the defenses. And keep the guardsmen on watch.

Anialwch: Llew..we know. Go.

Llew smiles a bit and nods. She walks up to the ship as it lands. It is a Manta. And from the side door steps Ing Pugno. He is in full Atlesian Armor, decked in green coloring. He smiles and offers his hand to Llew. She takes it and steps on board the ship.

Ing: Nice to see you again.

Llew: Same to you. You've gotten taller.

Ing: Really?

Llew: I would notice. You were the shortest of us all Ing.

Ing: Just going to rub that one in...thanks Llew. It's not like I've known you for almost 20 years now. Sheesh.

The bay doors close and the ship takes off towards Vale.


Back inside Leia's office, she taps her finger along the desk. She sees a few calls coming in and she smiles. Answering them, they reveal to be direct lines to Haven and Atlas Academies. On screen arrives Elsa Inverno and Bazaar Hiltzaile.

Elsa: Miss Burns.

Leia: General. Headmaster.

Bazaar: Greetings. I take it the Vale council is-

Leia: Watching the news feed.

Elsa: Has Isaac or Roz reached out?

Eadwulf: Nothing yet. But knowing those two, they would be watching. Ing and Llew are on their ways over. They wont be able to catch it here with us. But they will watch it.

Leia: I know. We got about 20 minutes to launch.

Bazaar: And Frederic?

Leia: Finishing up work. Bell should ring any moment now.

Eadwulf: About damn time.

Leia smiles and rotates her seat to look out towards the island of Patch.


Inside a school, Signal Academy, students sit in their seats. Some are writing down notes, others just look bored. A man, their teacher, walks past them all up front, reading from a small book. The man is an older Frederic Scorch. Beard, lines under his eyes and his hair cut back to no longer be the mullet from his 20s.

Fred: Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Goddess, We seek it thus, and take to the sky, Ripples form on the water's surface, The wandering soul knows no rest.

Fred closes the book and sets it down on his desk. He leans against it and smile at his class.

Fred: So, as previously stated, the poet, playwright and philosopher Katabasis Castus considered himself a minor prophet back 600 years ago predicting the end of the world would start with a powerful goddess returning to Remnant. But we also know that through some form of analysis, many others have deduced different meanings depending upon the area.

Fred glances around the room. One student raises his hand.

Fred: Silver?

Silver: Well, many saw it during the rise of Vale as a call for political revolution. Even though the Vytal Empire was dissolved around 10,000 years ago remnants still exist like some political thought and battlefield tactics.

Fred: And what does the Vytal Empire have to do with Vale's uprising?

Silver: Just like Erebus, the kingdom started out as a lower class revolution. And because of the military independence that was Vale, it allowed its influence to grow to the towns and villages, radicalize them and start the conquest.

Fred smiles and snaps his fingers.

Fred: That is one such theory, yes. And the most prominent.

Silver smiles a bit at Fred and he gives a nod. A few calls come in from the PA system, dismissing the class.

Fred: Alright then everyone. Have a lovely weekend. Do not forget, all because the school year is coming down to an end that does not mean you are allowed to slack off!

A few groans went off as the students walked out of the classroom. A few waved to Fred, wishing him a good day.

Silver: See you later Dr. Scorch.

Fred: Have a good one, Silver. Say hi to your dad for me!

Silver: Will do!

Silver ran out of the classroom with his friends. As he did, he ran past a girl and blushed light as she looked back. She walked into Fred's room and stood in the doorway. Fred glanced over to her.

Fred: You're here early.

Amber: Sorry, Dad. Do you want me to leave with my friends?

Fred: I would prefer, Amber Scorch, that you wouldn't use my class and bathroom trips as an excuse to text your cousins.

Amber folder her arms behind her back and gave an awkward chuckle. Fred rolled his eyes a little and packed up the last few things on his desk. He glanced over and watched as Amber also packed up her binders and bag a little.

Fred: Speaking of, where is your brother?

Amber: I dont know. Do you think Stark and I know exactly what the other is doing at all times?

Fred turned and raised an eyebrow, looking her dead in the eyes. Amber gulped a little.

Amber: He's just getting out of English...probably.

Fred: Oh so help me...if that boy skips again I am going to lose it.

Amber: What if...hear me just didnt?

Fred looked back at his daughter with the same sort of scowl. She gave a nervous laugh and folded her arms behind her back.

Amber: It's not our fault! Mom raised us to be rebels!

Fred: (Sighs) I know...I know. Sadly...

As Fred got the last of his things, a boy, roughly the same age as Amber, slid into the doorway. He smiled as he wore a white version of Fred's old red jacket. He gives off some finger guns and smiles at Fred.

Stark: Hey how's it going?

Fred turned back to his son and folded his arms. He tapped his boot to the ground. Stark released a little gulp of nervousness.

Stark: What's up, Dad?

Fred: You skipped your last class again, didnt you?

Stark: Why did you tell him?!

Amber: I didnt tell him!

Fred: Enough you two. I have a PhD, you think I'm not THAT observant. Now come on. Your aunt is launching her rocket in less than 20 minutes and I do NOT want to miss lift off.

Amber grabbed her bag and began to make her way out the door. Just as Stark was about to follow her, Fred appeared before him, blowing away some papers once he stepped around. Stark gulped again and gave an awkward chuckle.

Fred: You and me...and your mother are going to have a serious conversation about this when we get home. Do I make myself clear?

Stark: Yes, Dad...

Fred patted Stark on the shoulder and stepped to the side. The two of them began to walk down the hallway of Signal Academy together.

Fred: How did you do on Gabe's test?

Stark: Ancient Empires? Easy.

Fred: Show me?

Stark held up the test and allowed Fred to take it. He patted Stark on the back and laughed a little to himself.

Fred: That's my boy.


Back inside her office, Leia watches from her seat as the final few countdown moments begin. She folded her arms over one another as she stared out to the rocket. Behind her, she could hear the countdown slowly ticking down. All around Remnant, people were watching the launch including Weiss Schnee, and the other members of RWBY and the close friends of FLME and VILE.

The rockets begin to flare up and it ascends into the sky. Leia stands up, watching the rocket take off from the ground of Vale up into the sky. Glowing energy propels the rocket forward and up, remnants of the staff of creation.

Leia: Come on baby, come on.

The rocket continues to soar on up. The front half of the rocket breaks away and launches itself faster and faster up into orbit. Finally, the satellite comes off and gets up higher and higher. Finally, it stops and situates itself in orbit.

The room and mission control are in stunned silence as they see the satellite float in the empty void of space. Leia turns to the council members in her office or on call. She nods and they nod back. The CCT network goes offline at the order of the world leaders. Leia grabs her scroll and finds Elsa' contact. She presses call.

Elsa: Hello?

Leia: It works!

Leia screams as the CCT network is overtaken by the satellite for a few moments. The towers come back online as Leia is celebrating. Cheers erupt all around Remnant as Leia Burns has finally broken out of the planet's atmosphere and orbit. The power of the staff is currently maintaining the orbit of the satellite. Leia, meanwhile, continues to jump up and down in her office with Eadwulf at her side.

With no hesitation either, she grabs Eadwulf's collar and kisses him on the lips.

Leia: Oh baby we are geniuses!

Leia laughs and hugs him tightly. Eadwulf, still stunned, blushes a bit and hugs her back with a wide smile.

On the drive back home, Fred crosses over a bridge and rolls down his window. He glances outside with his kids as he sees the rocket take off. Stark is in stunned silence as Amber seems a bit awestruck by the moment.

Amber: So...when do we get to go up?

Fred: When she perfects everything. Also, you two arent going up.

Stark: Watch me!

Fred chuckled a bit as he continued to drive on home with the twins. Pulling into a decently sized home along Patch's countryside, the kids get out and go on up to the house. Fred waves hello to his neighbors as he also walks inside. A black lab runs up and lays down beside Fred. He kneels down and pets the dog.

Fred: Hey Jesse. How's it going boy?

Fred walks past the dog and into the main living space of the house. Laying on the couch is a 35 year old Violet Eclairage. She smiles and waves to him.

Violet: How was today?

Fred: Same old same old. Amber's friends one uping her in my class again.

Violet: Not everyone is a genius, Hot Shot.

Fred: Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

Violet giggles a little as Fred kneels behind the couch. The two of them kiss each other softly on the lips until he separates. He walks over to a hallway and steps inside to reveal a nice office space. He drops his bag down and glances over to a few photos on his desk. Old baby pictures, licenses, times with his close friends and family...his wedding picture to Violet. Fred smiles widely before he walks back into the living room.

Violet: I was able to watch the launch live.

Fred: Well, that's good. I was barely able to see the lift off due to work.

Violet: You could have taken the day.

Fred: I know. But I also wanted to get a paycheck for today, thank you very much.

Violet: Fair enough. Money is always a good thing. Even if it isn't much.

Fred: Teacher's salaries, am I right.

Violet: Good thing I still run missions for this family.

Fred: Geez. Thanks for making me feel like crap.

Violet: Oh come on.

Violet got up and kneeled down on the sofa. She cupped Fred's cheeks and smiled lovingly at him. He smiled a bit back at her and she leaned in and kissed his lips once more. A blush formed on their faces as they did.

Violet: Speaking of...I did get us packed.

Fred: Awesome. They should be landing soon anyway. Then it is just spend the night and we take off.

Violet: I take it you're excited.

Fred: It's a historical dig. Plus...when was the last time we were at a temple? Ten years ago?

Violet: It was before we had the kids.

Fred: Then almost 14 years ago.

The two of them laughed a little. Just as they did, there was a knock on the door. Fred gave Violet some side-eye and smiled. Fred opened the door and on the other side was Ember and May. They each smiled up at Fred.

Ember: Hey.

Fred: Hey.

Fred smiled back at them. Just as Ember was about to step up for a hug, Amber and Stark darted around Fred.

Stark and Amber: Uncle Ember! Aunt May!

Ember: Sup you rapscallions!

Stark leapt from the front steps into Ember's arms and hugged him. Amber did the same with May. Fred rolled his eyes and leaned against the doorframe.

Ember: Alright. Well, this is the sole reason I'm here. Totally not to see my brother at all.

Fred: Geez. Thanks Ember.

Ember: What do you want from me? I'm the cool uncle.

Fred: No you're not. Isaac is.

Ember: I...can't deny that.

Violet walked out and smiled at the two as well.

Violet: Always nice to see you two. Kids, let them in already.

Fred: And one of you has a class to make up and reading to do.

May: Making them work for it. Nicely done, Fred.

Amber: Why do you side with him?!

May: Because I side with good education.

Amber rolled her eyes and walked back inside the house, pouting slightly. Fred shrugged and looked back to his family. Eventually, more members of the teams would arrive. Llew and Ing, and then finally Leia and Eadwulf.

A car would drive away with Amber and Stark inside. The man owning the car is an older Nero Eclairage. He hugs his older sister tightly and then hugs Fred as well. He waves the group off and drives his niece and nephew off to his home in Vale to take care of them for the week. The eight members of Teams FLME and VILE continue to hang out for a little while until the roar of an engine is heard outside.

They all smile and get up. Outside is a bullhead with Isaac in the cockpit. He gives a nod and a smirk, waving to them all.

Eadwulf: Well, it's about time.

Llew: The first Guardian Temple.

Ing: Elsa is going to freak about this.

Violet: Well, what are we waiting for you idiots?

Violet smiles and grabs her bag and walks on up onto the ship. She is quickly joined by her team. The members of Team FLME take some things slow as they approach. Ember puts his scroll away and smiles.

Ember: Wolfgang's in bed.

May: Good. I would hope your parents can enforce his bedtime.

Ember: Dont you think you're going a little too far there. The kid is 12 now.

May: This will be his last year. Well, until school starts up again.

Ember chuckled a little as he and May walked onto the ship.

Fred: So, you finally made that chemistry set for Opal?

Leia: Yeah. I figured it was about time. She has her mother's intelligence.

Fred: Yeah. She also has Eadwulf's strength. She nearly knocked out Robin while in training last week.

Leia: I know. I heard. I'm her mother.

Fred: Yeah well...what can I say. Every day is a new adventure.

Fred and Leia smile at one another. The two of them get onboard the ship as the doors close. The ship ascends and takes off to the north, towards Vytal. As the ship flies past the grave of Summer Rose, there is a single sword stabbed in the ground behind it. The sword of Abraham Scorch.

The ship continues to fly off towards the north as the sun sets on another adventure.

Scene fades to black.


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