God I Hate This Job - William...


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!! Art By: @fiorellapiedo !! You're an engineer, fresh out of college. In need of a job you get one at the ne... More

What Could Go Wrong? [Re-Written]
Everything Goes Wrong [Re-Written]
Bonnie's Crush [Re-Written]
Similarities Between The Old and The New
After Hours
New Guy [Re-Written]
Friends with The New Guy
After Hours... Again
The Moment We've All Been Waiting For!
The Last Thing You'd Want To Find Out
The Normal Before The Weird
Why Don't They Just Ask?


956 42 20

Hey guys how are you! Sorry this took me months to update this, I uhh died. Yep! I'm ghost writing this. And my ghost fingers can only press one key for week how sad. So sad I cried. Where were you when C0NNECTIONTERMINATED die. YOU was at house eating dorito when phone ring. "C0NNECTIONTERMINATED is kil" "no". /copypasta Yeah that's fucking canon now people. No but in all seriousness thank you for putting up with the pile of cow shit that is my updating schedule. I love you guys and all your nice comments. I see your comments ladies and they make me smile. Just know I'm stalking and I'm lurking when you least expect it. /quo

Anyways take Will fluff


The next morning your alarm went off at its usual time. You awoke feeling unrested. Your mind was still filled with thoughts like it was the night prior. You groaned and threw your legs over the side of your bed, grabbing your phone and turning the annoying alarm off. You let out a long breath, slumping over as you ran a hand over your face. After a few minutes of trying to calm your mind you stood, stumbling over to your closet as your eyes became more used to the darkness of your room. You looked through your closet, grabbing your clean pair of work clothes. You pulled on your button up shirt and slipped some socks on before putting on your jeans. You pocketed your phone and earbuds before stumbling into the bathroom. You flicked on the lights, immediately recoiling and closing your eyes as you walked in front of your mirror. You squint your eyes, trying to get used to the bright light as you quickly made your hair look presentable. Today was the day. You felt anxious. So, so very anxious. But you had to know, you wouldn't know what to do with yourself if you didn't. The man you liked, a murderer? You felt your heart squeeze at the thought that the man wasn't truly who you thought he was. Then again, you had never talked to him much before this, watching from afar with a lovestruck affection. Maybe it was a bit parasocial, in retrospect. You sighed as you grabbed your keys, wallet and phone, heading out of your apartment building. You were a bit early, but it was better than worrying a dent in your floor with the amount of pacing you'd be doing. Instead you put that energy into walking to work through the crisp morning air. The weather helped ease your mind some, helping you relax as you stopped to take in the sounds of birds chirping and the wind blowing through your hair.

You were still anxious, though, the pleasant weather only helped so much. Soon enough you were back in that familiar building with black and white checkered floors and bright birthday banners hung up from the ceiling everywhere. The smell of stale pizza hit your nose and for a second you felt like a child again walking into Freddy's to see the band and try and steal chips from one of the vending machines with a quarter you had wrapped tape around. Things were different now, sure, but they were still so similar to how they were so many years ago. You waved at Toy Chica and Bonnie who were sitting at the stage as they usually were in the mornings, skipping your morning conversation with them to instead track down the man of your affection who may also be a serial killer. A part of the reason you didn't talk to them was that, well, you were admittedly a bit mad. They spoke to you before like they new the answer to all your questions and yet offered no answers. You trusted them, though, and so you did as they asked. You walked down the near-liminal hallway to William's office, rapping your knuckles against the sturdy wooden door. You waited anxiously for the man to call you into the room, fiddling with the edges of your sleeve when he finally did so. You turned the knob slowly, slipping into the room quietly.

"Oh, hello [Name]!" William smiled, the expression making your stomach turn in a way that it certainly should not for a man who is an accused wife beater. You frowned, William's expression falling into one of concern as he realized that you hadn't come to him to have a friendly chat about something. "Are you alright? Do you need to go home?" He asked, standing from his desk and quickly approaching you. He placed his hands on your shoulders so tenderly and you had to re-remind yourself of the things that he may have done or had a hand in. You also started to regret coming to him in the first place. Was it right to barge in and ask so many personal questions? Would you upset him by invading his privacy in such a way? You forced yourself to speak before you could think about it any longer and felt the words tumble out of your mouth without fully hearing yourself speak as your heartbeat thudded in your ears. William's expression softened more, before hardening into one of stoicism as he guided you to a seat and sat beside you rather than at the other side of his desk. He grasped your hand in his, lost in thought just as you were. No going back now, you internally sighed.

"I shouldn't be surprised." William began with a breathy chuckle that was devoid of any humor. "My past does come back to haunt me often." He murmured more quietly staring off into a corner with a somber expression, seemingly fixating on something you couldn't see. He turned to look at you, making care not to make direct eye contact as he knew it would only serve to make you more anxious. "You don't have to believe me when I say this, but know I never hurt those children. They didn't deserve what happened to them and I have sent my condolences to the family." William stated, his voice filled with emotion that had you regretting ever bringing this up. "As for the domestic abuse I... I have grown adoration for you, and you deserve the truth. I've done things I regret. I hurt my son, and my wife. Every day I am filled with the regret that I am undoubtedly the one who brought about my wife and daughter's demise." William's eyes glazed over with tears, his grip on your hand tightening ever so slightly.

"I want nothing more than to go back in time and fix it. Grief is no excuse for my actions. You don't have to forgive me if you don't want to, I know I don't forgive myself." William cleared his throat. "And please don't blame Michael. He was a child. He didn't want to hurt Evan. he didn't know. Accidents happen." William pleaded. "He regrets it every day just like I regret ever laying a hand on him. So while I tell you that you can choose whether you forgive me, I ask you, beg you even, to forgive Michael. He meant no harm." A few tears fell from William's eyes, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at you, now, looking like a broken husk of a man. Something he had never let on before. You never would have assumed he would be so emotional like this, but it made sense. You reached up to wipe a tear from his cheek.

"I forgive you. Both of you. But if I ever hear something like this again I won't be so kind." You swallowed hard, smiling at him sadly. He sighed, seemingly relieved at your acceptance of his apology for his previous actions. He leaned into your hand, eyes fluttering closed.

"And for that I am more grateful than words can explain." He muttered, moving his hand up from your own and up to grasp lightly at your upper arm. "Please don't tell Michael about this. He-" You cut the man off.

"I know. He gets angry. The others told me." You finished for him. You wanted to say something else, to comfort the man or express some unknown emotion that you didn't know how to put into words. He seemed satisfied though, content in your company. Maybe he liked you back, a part of your mind wondered as you watched the older man slowly calm down to a more approachable emotional state. You found yourself staring at him, inspecting each and every detail on his face now that you got the chance to. The only word your brain could supply that could describe the man was beautiful. With his long lashes and tear-streaked cheeks he looked beautiful. You found yourself falling harder, impossibly. Suddenly those eyes opened, meeting your eyes with dark brown ones that were dark and magnetic.

"You know, the animatronics are very alive." William said softly. "Sometimes I think it's more than their AI." He muttered in a joking tone as though he didn't believe the words coming from his own mouth.

"Maybe it is something more." You chuckled. "Who knows?"


This is short and I'm sorry but it's 7:29AM and I have not slept. If you see mistakes, please tell me! If you want me to update again within the next year, leave a comment because those are honest to god the only things keeping me updating this going on two year old mess of a fic <33 Also I was feeling generous so you're welcome for the very gratuitous and sudden William fluff (he's a very broken man who needs a kiss and a hug tbh)

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