Transforming Nightmares (TFP...

By avocados_frommexico3

240 3 0

Mono had enough with the time loops. Ever since the first time he got betrayed left a huge scar on his age re... More

Channel II: New Screen, New Journey
Channel III: Normal Day?

Channel I: Shattered Loop

93 1 0
By avocados_frommexico3

Mono's pov

this is the eight hundred, fifty-eighth time loop that I have to go through again. but today, I'm going to change this. i can't suffer. atleast, not again. Me and the yellow raincoat bastard ran in the old bedroom. as usual, i hid under the bed since I have a brain. Six went to their usual poor hiding spot. the Thin Man went inside. things went smoothly as usual, faking my sadness and anger against Thin Man.

The usual run went on. taking off my paper bag, defeating Thin Man, 'saving' six from being a monster further more. But right after I 'saved' Six, I got up quickly, ignoring the headache and ran. taking the lead of running, Six following me behind. When the bridge fell, it brought me with it. Damn it karma. I saw Six at the other side, probably shocked but as expected Six didn't bother yelling out for me.

inside the first TV Mono got out from..

I opened my eyes, seeing tons of channels. I quickly try to find a channel that I can get out from this hell. Knowing that the same channel is sucking me in very fast. I found a dessert and quickly grabbed on. Pulling myself in the channel. After a lot of pulling, I got in the channel. But before i can celebrate, I blacked out.

(old me didn't bother doing credits so uh- inspired by changed channels au I found in youtube! -months later Author Yachii)

??? pov

I went off patrolling with Jack and then saw an old TV that is the same as from base. What is this doing in the outskirts of Nevada? Before we can react, a small human was thrown from the TV. "..You saw that right AC?" Jack asked. "yeah, saw that alright" I told Jack. He got off of me and went over to the human. I began getting concerned since this child looks insanely pale for a normal human to be in.

"The kid seems to be unconscious. Mind bringing me and the kid to my house? I'll call June once we get there." "On it" i answered Jack. He manage to put to put the kid in a safe position before driving to his house. 

At Jack's House..

We manage to get there in time since June's car was just parked. Jack carried the unconscious kid. I got my holoform on just in case. "I'll see you tomorrow Arcee, just need to check if the kid's alive" Jack told me. "Alright, I'll pick you up at the same time?" I asked. He nodded and said goodbye while carrying the small kid.

I then drive back to base. preparing for any scouting missions that i might have. When I entered the base though. the TV was on and static was in the screen.  Ratchet is trying to turn it off with a panic for some reason. "what happen in here?" I asked. "for some reason the TV turned on even if its not plugged in!" Ratchet said with frustration.

I then look at the TV. I squinted at it and saw a silhouette of a tall, skinny man with a hat. after a while Ratchet managed to turn it off. "when did this happen Ratchet?" I asked. clearly confused. "for some reason the TV turned on with a static. I though it was just a little prank from Raf and Miko. But after a while the TV isn't off yet. That's where i realized the TV wasn't plugged in and that those two were at their own houses." Ratchet explained with a sigh.

"could it be the 'cons?" "most likely not. They can't even interfere our signal blockers here in base for that" Ratchet answered. If this isn't the work of the 'cons, then who?

"Speaking of 'cons, where did the others go?" I asked Ratchet once again. "They went on an energon mission." He answered. I nodded and went to my room. Maybe a nice recharge can help my processor with the sudden events. I lay on my berth and went to recharge.

(FIRST CHAPTER DONE! I might make more chapters in drafts but hopefully this would do for the time being. hope you love and enjoyed this and see you on the next update. BYE BYE!)

-Author Yachii

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