Rolling Eyes Fall.

By letsdoit244q

5.3K 125 26

Y/n half human and half yokai gets gifted the weapon of mass destruction Ddraig. Completely changing his life... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7

chapter 3

524 19 7
By letsdoit244q

Y/n now walking down the bustling streets of New Meridian. Awed to himself on how big the city actually was.

Y/n:(Thoughts: I never took into account how big this place is...At least the air smells clean....Now where to begin... Maybe we could try searching for some information or something. But where?
Maybe somewhere shady or -.)

Ddraig: I can hear your thoughts, you know.

Ddraig said abrupty causing Y/n to jump in surprise.

Y/n:(Thoughts: You can?...Sorry about that. I just like to think to myself sometimes....but what should we do? Where do we even start? We got the place, but where can we find the info we need?)

Ddraig: Maybe you could ask around? Though that would probably be unwise considering how uptight everyone is with the subject here....... But you can try a pub and ask someone there!

Y/n:(Thoughts: A pub, huh?....Do I look old enough to pass off as an adult?)

Ddraig: Kid, when I first saw you, I thought you were in your 20's...I don't think they would dare believe you're 17.

Y/n:(Thoughts:...Alright, I'm going to ignore that one. But....why a pub?)

Ddraig: Well, I've always seen these little scenes play out on this magical box. Where the people inside would trade information in a pub or bar, then start shooting each other for some reason.

Y/n hearing this gains a look of surprise.

Y/n:(Thoughts: You've watched detective movies?)

Ddraig: Movies? What are these "movies"?

Y/n:(Thoughts: Well, they're just feature-length films people watch to entertain themselves. Usually, come in a disk or tape.)

Ddraig: Tapes?? Disk??? How long was I even gone for?

Y/n:(Thoughts: I don't know. What was the last major event you remember.)

Ddraig: Pretty sure a guy who went by King George The IV died or something.....

Y/n:(Thoughts: Damn......You really are old.)

Ddraig: Hey, hold your tongue! I'll have you know that dragons age way more differently than you humans do! I'm still in my prime!

Y/n:(Thoughts: That's just what any old geezer would say. Besides, who the hell's been supplying you with movies?....Hopefully good ones.)

Ddraig: I'm afraid I dont have the slightest idea on who.

Ddraig replied as the scent of burning cigarettes, and liquor became more potent.

Y/n: (Thoughts: Looks like we're getting close. I could smell the place from a mile away.)

Ddraig: We are?......I can't really smell since I'm... you know.

Y/n:(Thought: Don't worry, we are......By the way, how did you even end up like this? Something happened to your original body?)

Ddraig: Something did happen to my original body, in fact. You see, back when I was free, I was one of the two heavenly dragons. I was feard and respected. But during the time of a great war going on between the Angels,Devils, and Fallen Angles. I was caught in between the crossfire along with an advisary of mine who he and I were currently locked in a battle. With our fight abruptly interrupted and might I add rudely, we attacked their leaders, and they reacted by......uniting together with the power of friendship to destroy both our bodies and remake us into scared gears.

Y/n: (Thoughts: Damn must've been really painful....You must still feel pretty pissed about it.)

Ddraig: Eh! After you've lived as long as me, kid, you don't find any worth living in resentment. Besides, believe it or not, I took a liking to my new lifestyle.

The dragon confessed surprising the young man. What could be so good about being imprisoned in a glove?

Y/n: (Thoughts: Well, what whatever makes you happy, I guess......By the way, you've said you had an adversary before. Mind telling me who it is?)

Ddraig: He was an old rival of mine. Somone who could not be affected by my hellish flames. Another heavenly dragon that went by the name of Abl-. Hey, look, we're here.

Y/n Snaps away from his thoughts to find himself next to their desired location.

Y/n: Well, would you look at that we are.

Y/n mutteres before entering, feeling his eyes quickly water from all the clouded smoke in the room.

Ddraig: Ask the bartender they always seem to know a lot.

Y/n:( Thoughts: You know the movies you've watched aren't real, right?)

Ddraig: Oh, just do it!

With a roll of his eyes, Y/n ventures towards the bar passing by the stares of the other customers who were either drinking or smoking or doing both. Ignoring them, Y/n finds the bartender cleaning a shot glass with a cloth.

Y/n: There's our guy.

Y/n whispered before taking a seat on one of the stools. Catching the attention of the old man who only glanced his way for a second before going back to cleaning the glass.

Bartender: Aren't you a little too young to be coming in here, kid? Just because you got a fancy suit on it don't mean you're a grown-up.

The bartender said in a gruff voice. All the while, Y/n only kept a stoic look on his face as he curses towards Ddraig for being wrong.

Y/n: I'm not here to drink. I just want a little info, is all.

Hearing this, the old man stops cleaning for a second before gaining a look of annoyance.

Bartender: (sighs) You serious?....You've been watching way too many noir movies if you actually believe I have insight over every little thing that happens in this cesspool of a kingdom.

Y/n: Well......Do you?

Bartender:(Deeply sighs) Yeah, I do.....watcha want to know about anyway?

Y/n gets closer whispers.

Y/n: I want some info on the Skullgirl.

The bartender hearing this gains a look of surprise before quickly turning into one of suspicion.

Bartender: Now, what would a kid like you possibly ever want to do with that information?...Something tells me you ain't from around here.

Y/n: I wouldn't be asking if I was. Do you know anything about her? I'll take whatever I can get.

Y/n asks the bartender who mearly looks away, standing in deep thought before setting the shot glass on the counter.

Bartender: You know....the Skullgirl actually attacked the Medici headquarters not too long ago. But she probably injured herself and had to run away. If you want to know more about her, then you'll have to investigate her ties to the Medici Mafia...I didn't tell you any of this, got it?

Y/n:(Nods) Thank you very much.

Y/n thanked before getting up. Now leaving the joint, a large and bulky figure is seen sitting at one of the corner tables trailing him with their eyes.


Y/n now knowing some pretty important information mutters to himself while walking the streets again. This time aiming for the center of the city.

Y/n: Alright, so it seems like they're both tied together somehow...She's doesn't like them, that's for sure.

Ddraig: Perhaps she could have been wronged by them somehow. It's safe to say she's using the heart to get her vengeance.

Y/n: It does make sense....But how the hell did she stumble across that thing?

Y/n questions entering the city's center. There, he decides to buy a newspaper.

Y/n: Paper says that she hasn't been spotted for a few days....probably from that injury she sustained. Princess Parasoul also urges citizens to keep caution while the Black Egrets are still on the search. (Closes newspaper) Makes sense why the princess is involved. It is her Kingdom, after all.

Ddraig: The downside to that is you'll have to watch where you step for now on without getting any attention drawn to yourself.

Y/n:(sighs) Just great........But also how the hell am I supposed to find Filia and Carol in a big place such as this?!

Ddraig: Hmm, tell did those two disappear?

Y/n:....After the trip to the yokai realm with my family. Filia's house was attacked. Two bodies were discovered, but one of them missing. I think she survived and was kidnapped. While for Carol... she just disappeared without a trace, but it's strange that she was pernounced missing the same week when Filia was taken. I think she tried helping her or something.

Ddraig: Hmm, I see......(sighs) I apologize, partner, while I know how important they are to you. I don't think we can get any closer to finding them with the current information we're running off of. I believe it to be more efficient if we focus on the Skullgirl first.

Y/n:(Sighs)...I guess that's a good point. Where to now?

Ddraig: Might I suggest the library? We could find some more information there.

Y/n: Libary?.....(Shrugs) Might as well.

Now, in the library, we find Y/n in the history section. Surfing through the rows of books.

Y/n: You think they'd censor anything in their history books?

Ddraig: Doubt it since it is a part of their history.

Ddraig responded as Y/n took out a book labeled "Foundations of Canolopy." Opening it his starts going through the pages.

Y/n: Damn look at this. There's been three before. One of which even being the queen herself. They also seem to have experimented on people in these "Anti Skullgirls Labs." Lab 0 seems like a big highlight out all of them.....maybe this could be a lead......

Ddraig: A bit of a stretch, considering those labs were decommissioned years ago.

Y/n: I know, but it's just all that we can get right now. Better than nothing, am I right?

Ddraig: I suppose so, but where would we even begin to look?

Y/n: That I don't know. But I'll find where it is somehow.

Y/n said, putting the book back before deciding to take his leave. But right behind him sitting in a table, the same stranger from before was there listening in on him while reading a comically large book.


We find Y/n walking through an alley with his hand in his pockets, hoping to find a cheap place to stay in. When suddenly -

???: Hey, kid, you mind me having a quick word with you?

Hearing the new voice from behind Y/n turns to find a large figure there in the shadows.

Y/n: You talking to me?

???:(shrugs) Well, I don't see anybody else here....You know you've been digging your nose into some pretty dangerous stuff, right?

Y/n: Believe me, I know. But what's it to you?

Y/n responded while crossing his arms, being wary of the strangers intentions.

???: Listen, I don't want no trouble. I just want to know what's your business is with finding out the where abouts of the Skullgirl.

Y/n: My business is mine to know, and nobody else's.

Y/n responded flatly, causing the strange person to chuckle softly to himself.

???: Tough guy, huh? While I would respect a person's privacy, I can't help but to worry about someone trying to uncover Lab 0. So let me put it this way.....go, home kid, you don't know what you're getting yourself into.

Ddraig: Careful Y/n, this guy seems like trouble.

The red dragon spoke in Y/n's mind as the teenager stood his ground.

Y/n: Sorry, but I can't, and if you want me to stop, then you'll have to make me.

Y/n responded as the man in front of him began to move forward..

???: Give me one good reason why you would risk your life for a damn artifact.

The stanger asked as Y/n brought his fist up before answering.

Y/n: My two friends, that's my reason why! They're linked to the Skull Heart somehow, and I want to find them! And I ain't letting anybody get in my way!

Y/n shouts while the stranger stops in his tracks, his demeanor quickly softening.

???:(sighs) It's always a friend...Look, kid, I understand what you're going through, but trust me when I say you don't want any part in this. There's nothing but misery on the road up ahead.

Y/n: I don't care what I have to go through. I'm going to find my friends Filia and Carol no matter what.

The figure suddenly freezes at one of the names mentioned.

???:(Thoughts: Carol? Could he mean?...No it could be a simple coincidence... but at the same time.) Hey mind if I ask you another question?

Y/n: As long as it gets you to leave me alone, then sure.

???: When did these girls go missing?

The man asked leaving Y/n to almost falter in his stance.

Y/n:A-...About 3 months ago.

???:(sighs) I knew it.....poor kid.

Y/n: Knew what?

Y/n questioned as the man merely stares at him with a grim look.

???: Listen....I may know where one of your friends might be... but you're not gonna like it.

Y/n: I..I can handle it. Just tell me where she is.

???:....Meet me here tomorrow, and we'll talk....I have to head off somewhere right now.


Y/n agrees while the stranger nods before taking his leave, only to then turn around to face the teenager again.

???: Names Big Band, by the way.


Big Band: Well Y/n I'll see you here in the morning. Don't keep me waiting.

And with that, Big Band disappeared into the setting sun.

Y/n:.....What his deal in all of this?

Ddraig: I can't say for certain... but my best bet is that he is an associate with one of the labs. Considering his main worry was you uncovering Lab 0. Though I thought the labs were decommissioned years pior.

Y/n: That's a good point....Hopefully they're okay, Ddraig.

Ddraig: There is only one way to find out, partner.

Y/n only gave a quick nod before heading out.

Y/n: Hopefully, the apartments here are good enough to stay in for a few days.

Ddraig: Better than nothing, I say....I'm not too keen on the idea of sleeping on the sidewalk.

Ddraig said as Y/n chuckled. With the sun now fully set, Y/n looks around the colorful city, its vibrant lights illuminating the teenagers face with each building he passes along.

Y/n: Hey Ddraig......What's my future like now? Since I'm the new Red Dragon Emperor and everything.

Y/n asked, hands in his pockets as he ventures further into the colorful city.

Ddraig: Lots of brawls, that's for sure. Not to mention that there will be supernatural beings out there that'll want you's inevitable now.


Ddraig: (sighs)....Listen, I know you've been pushed into this, but this is the path you need to take. Rather than reject it,...embrace it. You're strong
Y/n you'll do fine.

Y/n: I'll....I'll do what I can. (sighs) I just don't know how I'll explain any of this to my parents.....

Ddraig: You're gonna tell them?

Y/n: They deserve to know the truth, Ddraig. I've already lied to them to come here. They don't deserve anything less.

Ddraig: Oh, don't drag yourself through the dirt kid. Focus on one problem at a time. For instance, getting something to eat. Because it sounds like I'm sharing a cave with another dragon.

Y/n:(Slight blush) I guess I've been neglecting my stomach for a about that cafe over there?

Ddraig: Sure......I mean I won't be able to eat anything but I'll enjoy the sight of delicious food right there infront front of me......not being able to eat any of it at all......


With that sentiment, Y/n ventures towards the cafe. Entering, he finds only three occupants there one of them being a girl who glances his way for a second.
before going back to her drink.

Ddraig: Quit staring Y/n you'll look like a pervert if you don't.

Y/n:(thoughts: I-I wasn't! What?! Are you talking from experience?!)

Ddraig: Well, I had one user that - never mind.

(Lez from the future: Don't worry guys he ain't talking about please don't execute me.)

Y/n: Yeah that's what I thought.

Y/n mutters while taking a seat on a stool. As the girl from before glanced his way again, wondering to herself.

???:(Thoughts: He looks....oddly familiar...)

Coming back to Y/n, he begins looking through the menu before ordering.

Y/n: Yeah, can I get a smile burger and an order of fries, please?

Ddraig: A-And a chocolate shake!!!

Y/n:(thoughts: You can't eat, remember!)

Ddraig: Let me have this!!!

Y/n:(deeply sighs) And a chocolate shake......

Ddraig: Haha! Victory!

The waitress nods while writing down
Y/n's order.

Waitress: Alright! It'll be out in a few, sir.

The waitress said before heading over to the kitchen. Y/n only sighs before resting his head on his hand.

Y/n:(Thoughts: Sure, smells good, huh?)

Ddraig: Jerk!

Y/n:(Thoughts: S-Sorry Ddraig...forgot about the whole....not being able to eat thing.....)
After a couple of minutes of waiting, Y/n smiles, finding his meal now in front of him.

Y/n:(mutters) Hopefully, I don't stain the suit.

Ddraig: Why did you even wear a suit to begin with?

Y/n:(Thoughts: I thought I would look out of place if I didn't....Besides, the people here dress like they just barely got out of the Great Depression.)

Ddraig: I guess you're right...hopefully they don't mistaken you for Mafia.

Y/n:(Thoughts: I don't look that menacing.)

Y/n grumbles as he picks up his burger. Bringing it up to his mouth to take a bite, he stopped as he noticed one of the customers began to grope the girl who sat a few stools over.

Thug: Hey, how's about I buy you a real drink, sister?

The man said with the girl looking pretty uncomfortable at the man's gesture. That and the guy coping a feel looked like twice her age....scratch that maybe thrice.

Thug: What? Nothing to say? (Chuckles) My charm even surprises me sometimes!~ Now how about we-

Y/n: Read the room man she ain't interested.

Y/n said, catching the man's attention. Annoyed and irritated, he peers over to the teenager.

Thug: I don't think I heard you right, punk.....would you care to repeat that?

Y/n then stood up.

Y/n: I said that she ain't interested in what you're offering, man. How's about you show the lady some respect?

The man clearly not caring about anything the teenager said only gets up. Before walking over and wrapping an arm around Y/n's shoulder before whispering in his ear.

Thug: You look new I'll fill you in on who I am.....names Riccardo. I'm part of a little ground you might now as The Medici' if I where you and wouldn't want to appear in the news tomorrow as a floating corpse in the riverbank. I'd suggest you run off home back to your mommy.

Hearing the organization, the man's from. Y/n could do nothing but clench his fist as he glared over to the grinning Mafia member.

Y/n:A Medici, huh?...Then I guess I have no problem with doing -

Ddraig: Y/n don't -

But it was too late as Y/n rammed his fist into the thug stomach before quickly grabbing him by his hair, then slamming his face into the counter harshly. The thugs body goes limp as he slumps onto the floor, completely knocked him unconscious. Y/n only stares toward the downed man before catching a big breath of air. Now, looking around the restaurant, he finds everyones attention locked on him. The room now being completey silent.

Y/n: Oh.....sorry you had to see that....

Y/n mutters before perring over towards the girl whose red eyes are seen locked on him. Finding the young man now looking toward her, she blushes before looking away. Y/n only sighs before waving for the waitress.

Y/n: Can I get my order to go?

Y/n now seen trying to venture far away from the cafe is currently being chewed out by Ddraig.

Ddraig: What was that!? Now the Mafia is going to be on your tail now! If you mess with one of them, then you mess with all of them!!!

Y/n:(scoffs) Like I care. Send whoever they want. I'll kick their asses.  Besides, I couldn't just sit back and do nothing!

Ddraig: Tch! You really are a.....Red Drgon Emperor.....dammit.

Y/n: The hell does that even mean?

Y/n questions before hearing the sound of someone running up from behind him. On high alert, he turns around with his fists raised only to find out it was the girl he helped.

Y/n: Oh.....(lowers fists) it's you.

???:(heavily panting)'s walk really fast, you know that, right?

Y/n: I do? Sorry about that.....I guess I was just worried about getting away as far as possible. But putting that to the side. Do you need something?

Y/n asked while the girl regains her breath and blushes.

???: I just wanted to thank you for helping me back was really kind of you.

Y/n: Oh!

Y/n said awkwardly, leaving Ddraig to snicker in the boy's mind.

???:(giggles nervously) Y-Yeah! So that's all I wanted to now.

Obviously embarrassed from the awkward encounter, the girl takes her leave before Y/n shouts out to her.

Y/n: Hold on! I didn't catch your name!

The girl turns around and shouts back.

Filia: It's Filia!

Hearing this, Y/n eyes widened as he tried calling out for her, but it was hopeless as she was already long gone.

Y/n: Ddraig, did you hear that?...You think she could be -

Ddraig: Hold your horses Y/n! It could be a different person entirely..
.besides, isn't Filia a blonde?

Y/n: Y-Yeah, but.....her presence felt really familiar....

Ddraig:(mutters) Two presences if you count that parasite on her....

Y/n: What was that?

Ddraig: Oh, nothing you need to worry about. Now come on, let's find an inn. You need to rest up for the meeting with Big Band tomorrow.

Y/n nods in agreement as he continues his walk while thinking to himself.

Y/n:(Thoughts: I'm close.....I just know it.)

Ddraig: I still can hear you.

Y/n:(groans) Let me monolouge in peace, man!

Ddraig: Hahahaha!!!

Y/n: Hey, don't you dare start laughing, you old dragon!!! I swear if I was in there, I would -

Y/n begins to rant as Ddraig continues his fit of laughter. With the teens body now beginning to dissappear into the vibrant city.

(Future Lez: Fuck I didn't expect revamping old chapters would be so time consuming.)

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