I'm not a hero


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By JustBored21 James and Lily have been put into a coma, Adrian Potter is the boy-who-lived, Dumbledore raise... More

Everything going to plan
Flying lessons and duel with Draco
The man
proxies, punching Malfoy and two girls
Meeting parents, misinterpretation
Fight and Quidditch
Cloak, battle of minds, yellow eyes
Chapter 10
End of first year
Start of second year
Lockhart, Quidditch and the cat
Duelling club, Polyjuice
first meetings, telling Daphne, Ginny
Lockhart, end of second year
Snuffles, three-way fight
Train, training and Buckbeak
Boggart, reveal
Interrogation, Kreatcher
Family time, brother talk
Start of fourth year, goblet of fire,
Fights, Yule ball, flying
27:Second task, family day, third task
A few reveals, order meetings

Fight, transformation

2.8K 61 28

Dumbledore couldn't believe it. He was watching what was happening. Voldemort was alive! That proved he was right, he knew that he would come back. As the conversation continued, Dumbledore continually descended into disbelief and shock.

Adrian wasn't the boy-who-lived! He had spent all this time on the wrong boy! He should've been grooming Harry to be his successor and not Adrian! All those years and plans were wasted!

That red eyed man seemed to know Harry Potter, he seems confident in his ability to escape. Potter must be skilled if it's believed that he can escape the dark lord of all people. What had Mr Potter done to make that red eyed man believe that he is the most dangerous person there?

Harry performed the killing curse at the age of four?! How?! That shouldn't be possible, no four year old would know how to perform the killing curse or have the necessary emotions or intentions required to do it! This looked bad! Having the boy-who-lived, the symbol of the light, capable of performing a killing curse!

He killed muggles as well?! Muggle hunting?! This was ridiculously bad! He couldn't have the boy-who-lived hunt muggles! He needed to be light! Dumbledore needed to find a way to bring him to the light! He would have a lot of work to do if he wanted to get Mr Potter under his control.

"James, that's ridiculous!" Lily spoke to her husband "Harry would never go muggle hunting!"

"I know, I don't believe it either" James replied "there's got to be more to it than that"

"So Tom" Harry said as if he was having a regular conversation "how are you doing these days?"

"Do not call me that" Voldemort replied

"Call you what? Tom?" Harry said, pretending not to know "Why? It's your name, is it not Thomas?"

"You will show me respect" Voldemort aimed his wand at Harry

"Do you think that I don't respect you?" Harry asked, causing Voldemort to pause "You'd be wrong, I do respect you. I respect you a lot"

"Do you?" Voldemort asked

"Yes, with just a few hundred men you were able to bring an entire country to its knees" Harry replied "and it's clear to anyone with a brain that you're a powerful wizard. If you kill me tonight then I can take some pride in the fact that it took Voldemort to finish me off"

"Hmm, perhaps you have some intelligence after all" Voldemort replied

"I respect you, I just don't like you" Harry responded "I respect your abilities but I do not respect who you are"

"Is that right?" An amused Voldemort asked "Tell me then Potter? What am I?"

"You are the half-blood son of a muggle and a squib" Harry said, making Voldemorts eyes widened "you are the man who swore vengeance as a boy against all those muggles who had hurt you, you are the man who swore vengeance as a child against all the purebloods who looked down on you because of your blood status. You are the pathetic man who ruins lives to make up for what you've suffered and you are the man who will die with my foot on your neck"

"Crucio!" Voldemort fired the spell at Harry, Harry screamed and thrashed for a few seconds before Voldemort released the spell. Voldemort turned around and took a few paces when he stopped at the sound of laughter, he turned around to see Harry Potter laughing.

"Wow" Harry said between heavy breaths "is that the best you got Voldemort?" Adrian, the death eaters and the people watching through the mirrors all looked at Harry like he was crazy "I expected better from you Tom"

"Careful Potter, you will regret your words" Voldemort warned

"I regret a great many things in my life, standing up to you is not one of them"

"Regrets? Like muggle hunting?"

"Muggle hunting?" Harry raised an eyebrow "Who told you that I hunted muggles?"

"It was Red" Adrian spoke

"Ah" Harry looked at Voldemort "your son was wrong" Many jaws dropped at Harry's reveal, Voldemort had a son? "What I did wasn't muggle hunting, it was surviving , it was necessary"

"Harry?" Adrian said

"Adrian, I'll explain everything later" Harry said to his brother "I promise, for now, just keep quiet and enjoy me beating up the worst dark lord that Britain has ever seen"

"I grow tired of this" Voldemort said as he aimed his wand at Harry

"As do I" Harry responded "let's get this over with, I want to at least kill Pettigrew before I escape. "

"How do you plan that?" Voldemort snorted "You're trapped here"

"True, but this trap has a great big mistake, an incredibly stupid and obvious mistake"

"Which is?"

"There's one thing you never put in a trap, no matter how sure you are of it working, you never ever put it in a trap. If you're smart, if you value you're continuing existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow then there is one thing you never ever put in a trap"

"What's that?"

"Me" Harry grinned

Harry opened his hands and blasted the gravestone using wandless magic. The gravestone that Harry was tied to exploded, covering him in dust and smoke. Voldemort fired a killing curse into the dust, but it was clear that he missed when Harry rolled out of it and jumped away from Voldemort to gain some distance between them.

Voldemort fired another killing curse, Harry ducked under it then aimed his hand at Wormtail. Harry's wand flew from Pettigrew's pocket into his hand, he then blocked Voldemorts bone breaker.

"Wandless magic?" Voldemort asked, clearly impressed

"Yep, I'm full of surprises" Harry nodded as he fired an eye gouging curse at Voldemort who blocked it

"That was a dark curse"

"You think I care?" Harry said as he dodged Voldemorts cutting curse, and retaliated with two cutting curses of his own and a bone breaker.

Voldemort blocked the first one, ducked the second one and swatted away the third. He fired another killing curse at Harry, who rolled out of the way and disarmed a death eater who he saw drawing his wand.

"Stop" Voldemort ordered his death eaters "do not interfere, this is between us"

Voldemort fired a cruciatus curse, followed with a binding curse and another torture curse. Harry rolled out of the way, and fired a cutting curse at Voldemorts neck, he then aimed his wand at Voldemort and a small arrow shot straight at Voldemorts face.

Voldemort blocked the first spell and caught the arrow with his free hand, he tossed it in the air and changed it into a snake.

"Kill him!" Voldemort ordered the snake, the snake charged towards the snake

"Stop!" Harry ordered the snake in parsletounge, Voldemort and everyone else froze

"A parsletounge?!" Voldemort shouted in rage "Impossible!"

"Attack him!" Harry ordered the snake and it charged at Voldemort

"No, stop!" Voldemort hissed "I am your master! Attack him!"

"I am not your enemy!" Harry spoke in parsletounge "Attack him!"

"I am your master!"

"I'm better looking!"

"What does that have to do with anything?!" Voldemort asked in English

"It'd be a crime to bury perfection such as myself" Harry smirked "you on the other hand"

"Kill him!" Voldemort hissed

"I will let you eat that guy" Harry pointed at Peter as he spoke in parsletounge "if you attack the creepy, pale red eyed idiot!"

The snake seemed to have made up its mind as it charged after Voldemort, Voldemort quickly managed to get rid of the snake and looked up, he quickly dodged the killing curse that was thrown his way.

Harry followed up with a cruciatus curse and another killing curse, Voldemort dodged the first then conjured a block of marble to stop the second. Voldemort banished the marble at Harry, but just as he did an arrow struck him in the foot.

Harry quickly waved his wand and the marble changed shape into a sword, Harry grabbed the sword with his free hand, he tossed it back at Voldemort who had just removed the arrow, Voldemort caught the sword with his hand while he used his other hand to heal his foot.

Harry extended his free hand, a sword materialised into his hand. Not just any sword, the sword of Godric Gryffindor himself.

"Impossible!" Voldemort shouted

"You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means" Harry grinned, knowing that the reference would go way over Voldemort's head but he made it anyway.

"Good lord! Is that the sword of Godric Gryffindor?!" Ludo Bagman shouted "I can't believe it, a Slytherin possesses the sword of Gryffindor!"

"Inconceivable!" Dumbledore exclaimed.

How did Harry Potter get the sword of Gryffindor?! He was a Slytherin! That reminds Dumbledore, he should probably look into getting Harry to go to Gryffindor, he just couldn't have the boy-who-lived stay in the house of dark wizards.

He was very worried at the moment, Harry was using dark curses and had revealed his parsletounge ability. Dumbledore would have to remember to get him to stop using dark magic as well, this was going to be a lot of tough work.

"He's amazing!" Lily whispered to James, she couldn't keep the awe out of her voice despite the unbelievable sense of fear and terror she felt for her son.

"He's fantastic!"

"Did you three know he was a parsletounge?" Remus asked James, Lily and Sirius

"No" They shook their heads

"Like it matters!" Lily said "Have the aurors found them yet?!"

"Lily" McGonagall came up to the group "The aurors are working on locating them, they are close"

"Tell them to hurry up before I set my wife on them!" James said, and Lily did look like she was about to rip someone apart if she didn't get her children back soon.

"Don't worry" Daphne's voice caused both parents to look at her "Harry will be fine"

"Aren't you worried about him?!" James demanded

"Of course I am!" Daphne snapped "I'm bloody terrified he'll get hurt! But he'll come back! I know he will!"

"What makes you think that?" Lily asked hopefully

"Because Harry told me about his past" Daphne answered "I can't tell you it so don't ask. It's up to Harry to tell you, let's just say that you have to be an exceptionally strong person to do what Harry has done."

"About the muggle hunting" James started

"He didn't hunt muggles" Daphne cut him off "yes he hurt and killed muggles but it wasn't because they were muggles and it wasn't for the fun of it"

"Then why?" Lily asked

"Like I said, it's up to Harry to tell you"

Back in the fight, Harry was slashing at Voldemort repeatedly, his sword broke the marble one that Voldemort had with ease. Voldemort was forced to go on the defence as he used his wand to form shields that Harry kept destroying with the sword.

Voldemort tried to hit Harry with a cutting curse but was cut off by Harry cutting him across his left cheek, Harry spun around and elbowed Voldemort where his nose should be and the dark lord staggered back. Harry took aim and threw his sword, at Adrian.

The sword flew through the air and landed next to Adrian, cutting some of his ropes as it did. Adrian understood what Harry was telling him and quickly began using the sharp blade to start freeing himself.

Harry and Voldemort continued to engage in throwing spells at each other, this continued for several minutes. The death eaters and all watching were in shock, this fourteen year old boy was keeping up with the most feared wizard in Britain. Harry had just dodged a yellow acid spell and threw a blue spell at Voldemort, Voldemort blocked it and responded by shooting a metal spike at Harry.

Harry caught it, spinning around as he did, before throwing it back at Voldemort. Voldemort blocked it and shot another spike, Harry ducked then fired two spikes, followed by a stunner and a snake.

Voldemort swatted away the two spikes and blocked the stunner when the snake landed near his feet, he was about to vanish the snake when he quickly brought his wand up to protect his throat from a cutting curse. The snake sunk it's fangs into Voldemorts right foot, causing the dark lord to yelp out in pain.

"Crucio!" Harry fired the torture curse and it struck Voldemort in the chest "Serpensortia! Crucio! Serpensortia! Flippendo! Crucio! Expelliarmus!"

Another snake appeared and just managed to bite Voldemort in his other foot when Voldemort was hit by the torture curse again and a third snake followed and bit Voldemort in the wrist of his wand arm. Harry's flippendo had caused Voldemort to flip backwards and land on his back which caused the snakes to tighten their grip.

The torture curse hit him once more before his wand shot out of his hand and flew into the hands of Harry Potter.

"Let him go" Harry said in parsletounge, the snakes obeyed and released Voldemort "oi Tom" Harry said in English "nice wand, mines a bit bigger but we can chalk that up to the fact that it's cold tonight"

"Potter" Voldemort growled as he got up to his feet, ignoring the pain with a lot of effort "Give me back my wand!"

"This wand?" Harry said innocently as he placed his own wand back in its holster, he held Voldemorts wand in his hands "Hmm, yew with a phoenix core, very interesting" Harry examined the wand

"Give me my wand back Potter!" Voldemort shouted, mentally thanking his horcruxes, he'd be dead without them. Curse his son for being right! Spoilt, arrogant brat!

"Honestly Voldemort, this wand with those robes" Harry said jokingly "that is a fashion disaster"


"And look at you, you're so pale, you seriously need to get out in the sun more. And those red eyes, they're so last year. They're a super villain cliché, I expected better from you"

"Last chance Potter!"

"Oops" Harry said as he snapped the wand in half, many of the death eaters and audience gasped, snapping someone's wand was the height of insult and he had just done it to Voldemort of all people "clumsy me, I apologise Thomas, how about I give you seven galleons to buy a new wand?"

"Potter!" Voldemort roared

Harry charged at him, he tossed the broken wand pieces at Voldemorts head, Voldemort dodged and shot his arm out, hoping to hit Potter with a wandless killing curse. Harry dodged and pushed Voldemorts arm to the side before he unleashed a fury of punches, striking Voldemort in the face and ribs.

Voldemort tried to use his other hand to hit Potter with the killing curse but Harry was too fast, he quickly moved around and pushed that arm out of the way and restarted his attack on Voldemorts body and head.

With a strong right hook from Harry, Voldemort stumbled back, Harry aimed his hands at Voldemort and hit him with a wandless banishing charm. Voldemort flew back and landed on his back, he had just rolled to his feet when Harry side flipped through the air and kicked him in the chest.

Harry grabbed Voldemort by his bottom row of teeth, and pulled down, causing intense pain in Voldemorts gums and jaw. Harry had pulled Voldemort to his knees, signifying his superiority over the dark lord.

Harry let go of Voldemort and followed up with a hard right, then a left, then a right and then another left. He grabbed Voldemorts head with both hands and kneed him twice in the face, Harry let go with his right hand whilst using his left hand to keep Voldemorts head in place.

Harry punched him in the face repeatedly, Voldemorts blood shot out from his mouth and the slit's where his nose should be. Blood dropped onto Harry's hand but he didn't stop, his speed increased. He punched harder and faster, he was going to get as many punches in as possible.

With a sudden burst of energy, Voldemort pushed Harry's left hand off of him, he tried to fire another killing curse with his hands. Harry dodged just in time as the curse flew a centimetre from his leg, he flipped over Voldemort and landed behind him.

Harry struck Voldemort across the face, Voldemort didn't have the energy for another wandless killing curse, the snake venom was catching up to him. Luckily he still had enough left for a few spells, so he had to make them count.

He fired a banishing curse at Harry, fortunately for him it struck true and Harry flew backwards. The dark lord watched as the real boy-who-lived crashed through a gravestone and landed on his back. The dust flew into the air, as did the dust and Harry Potter was out of Voldemort's sight..

Adrian, who had just gotten free of the ropes saw his brother fly back and land somewhere in the dark of the night, he couldn't see his brother in all the darkness.

"Hi little bro" A voice said from behind him as a figure jumped over him and ran at Voldemort, it took Adrian a second to realise that he person was Harry!

'How did he get behind me?!' Adrian wondered

Voldemort had summoned a wand from one of his death eaters, it was a unicorn wand but it would do for now.

"Hi Tom!" A voice shouted

Voldemort turned when he was tackled to the ground by Harry who started punching him repeatedly in the face, everyone was wondering how Harry had appeared behind him but chose to forget that at the moment due to the fact that he was currently punching the world's most feared dark lord in the face!

Harry punched, spat at, elbowed and head-butted Voldemort repeatedly. He had no problem fighting dirty, especially against the snake-human hybrid that was responsible for putting his parents in comas. Voldemort was growing tired as the pain increased, he didn't understand it, he was not on the physical level of a mere human, he was above yet this fourteen year old boy was hurting him. His punches should feel like nothing, yet Voldemort felt every harsh and unforgiving meeting between his skin and Harry Potters knuckles.

"You're not as good as you used to be Tom" Harry said in-between punching "maybe old age is catching up to you"

Voldemort stored up some power as Harry went to town on his face, he screamed and shot both of his arms out. A magical pulse fired from his body and Harry Potter flew up into the air, Voldemort had just gotten to his feet when he heard a crash behind him.

He looked but was surprised when he found a small dent in the ground but no Potter.

"Potter!" Voldemort screamed, willing himself not to fall from the pain "Enough of this!" Voldemort aimed his wand at Adrian and fired a killing curse.

Adrian reacted quickly and used Gryffindor's sword to block it, Voldemort was about to fire another when a cutting curse struck his wrist and his hand dropped to the ground. He didn't even have a chance to scream in pain before a small dart hit him in the other hand.

He and his death eaters, scanned around, trying to find Potter when Voldemort was knocked on to his back. The death eaters turned to see Harry deliver a swift kick in-between Voldemorts legs, Voldemort shot up to a sitting position when he was kicked back down by a kick to the face.

Harry pulled his leg up before slamming his foot down on Voldemorts face, Voldemorts head imprinted into the ground while his body shivered one time before becoming still.

"Damage his body more" Harry said to the snakes that he had summoned, they slithered over and sank their teeth into Voldemorts arms and legs

"Potter!" A voice called Harry turned to see Pettigrew holding Adrian with his wand pointed at Adrian's neck.

"Stand down or your brother gets it" Another death eater shouted as he and the other death eaters pointed their wands at Adrian.

"Harry, don't do it!" Adrian shouted

"Sorry little brother" Harry slowly removed his foot from Voldemorts face "but family first. I really am sorry if I've disappointed you"


"But I've come to like you and I have to get you home alive, our family would miss you. Plus who is Rachel going to snog if you're not there?"

Harry slowly walked up to the death eaters, Pettigrew stayed still along with Adrian while the rest circled around Harry.

"Scared Potter?" One taunted

"You don't even begin to frighten me" Harry replied, unfazed

"Is that so?" One death eater said as he fired a cutting curse which clipped Harry's cheek, Harry didn't react to it

"Oh, a tough man" Another one said as he did the same to Harry's other cheek

"Let's have some fun" A voice that sounded suspiciously like Lucius Malfoy's said before blasting Harry in the right foot with a bone breaker.

Harry yelped in pain but didn't get much time to react before he was hit with a torture curse from two people at once. He was in utter agony but he didn't fall, he remained standing through pure willpower.

"Did that hurt?" Lucius taunted as he fired a cutting curse, Harry clutched his right side which was now bleeding thanks to the cutting curse.

"Barely tickled" Harry said defiantly "I wonder if that's what your wife feels like when you fail to satisfy her in bed"

"Crucio" Lucius fired the spell at Harry again "that ought to teach you some manners"

"I ought to teach you some tips on disguising yourself Malfoy" Harry shot back "your mask is useless when you're stupid girly hair gives you away"

"How dare you?!" Malfoy roared as the other death eaters chuckled, Malfoy fired a bone breaker at each of Harry's hand. Thunder clapped in the sky as the death eaters laughed, rain poured as they circled their victim.

"Is that it?" Harry mocked Malfoy, despite the intense pain "All talk and no walk. You just couldn't deliver could you Malfoy? I feel sorry for you poor wife, maybe one day she'll get lucky and can upgrade from you to a real man"

"Crucio!" Malfoy shouted and Harry screamed out in pain

"Touched a nerve, I think" A death eater commented before firing another cutting curse at Harry, this one striking him in the back.

"It's time to finish up" Malfoy said "Avada Kedavra!"

The green killing curse struck Harry, dead centre in the chest, Harry fell backwards and landed on the floor. His eyes closed, as his head impacted on the ground. The rain sped up and the thunder became louder as the death eaters laughed.

"Look!" One death eater exclaimed "Our lord is moving!" They all rushed over to the moving body of Voldemort and vanished the snakes. Pettigrew didn't run like the rest, he pulled the limp body of Adrian who was staring at his brother in shock and disbelief.

"NO!" Lily screamed as tears began flooding through her eyes "HARRY! NO! MY SON! HARRY! HARRY WAKE UP! HARRY!" James didn't say anything to comfort his wife, he couldn't say anything, he couldn't think. His wet eyes focused on the screen as he saw his son's lifeless body resting on the floor as it was being assaulted by rain drops.

Rose sobbed into her hands while Sirius and Remus were struck speechless, as were many in the crowd, including Dumbledore.

Dumbledore couldn't believe it, Harry was holding his own and would likely have killed Voldemort if not for the horcruxes. Damn it! He lost the boy-who-lived! At least the horcrux should be destroyed now, he might be able to go through with his original plan and have Adrian be the one to defeat Tom, assuming Adrian survives.

Daphne shook her head and wiped the tears from her eyes, she didn't believe it, she wouldn't believe it. Harry was not dead! A person doesn't go through the things he goes through just to die like that! He would come back, she knew he would come back!

The death eaters all rushed to their master and helped him up to his feet, he was still missing his hand and now he had lost most of his teeth. While the death eaters examined Voldemort, Peter dragged Adrian who's eyes were still fixed on his brothers body.

"This is such a horrible sight" Ludo said softly into his microphone "ladies and gentlemen…we…we may have just lost the boy-who-lived. I…I can't….words can't describe what we're feeling now. I…I can only hope that…what?! Wait a minute! What's happening?!" Everyone looked at the mirrors and saw Harry.

The cut's on Harry's body began healing, the rain washed over his skin and clothes, his bones began repairing themselves from inside his body. The speed of the rain increased, the thunder was louder, the lighting was brighter.

His eyes snapped open!

Instead of being their usual bright green, they were yellow, a tamed yellow colour. His skin began changing, his skin was slowly being replaced with green scales. His jaw widened, his teeth changed into rows of sharp and pointy teeth.

Lightning began dancing around his body, his hair shifted in colour from black to blonde to white to yellow to red before settling on black.

"No way" Ginny whispered to herself as she sat in the crowd, flashbacks to the chamber and her green skinned, yellow eyed saviour came into her mind. "It was Harry" She breathed out in realisation.

A realisation that Dumbledore quickly had as well, Harry was the man in the chamber and that man was also Consequence. Meaning Harry was consequence!

"What's happening to him?!" Lily screamed

"He's changing" Remus said

"But he's not a werewolf and he's…green and…"

"No, he's not a werewolf, that looks more similar to an animagus transformation to me" Sirius replied, trying to sound more calm than he actually was.

"Oh Harry" James whispered to himself

"I wonder" Peter whispered into Adrian's ear, oblivious to Harry transforming behind him "perhaps the dark lord will reward me by gifting me your mother, she always was a pretty one"

"PETTIGREW!" A deep, booming, raging voice echoed throughout the graveyard.

A bolt of lightning shot down from the sky, it torpedoed towards Harry. The lightning blast struck his body, the winds began changing, they became more violent. The tension in the air was thick, and all eyes turned to Harry.

The wind pushed Harry's body up to his feet, making him look like a puppet on strings. The death eaters jumped back at the sight of Harry, his sharp teeth along with his yellow eyes and green skin made him a terrifying sight. Especially with the lightning that was running up and down his body.

"H…Harry?!" Adrian blurted out in disbelief, relieved to see his brother was alive but that was replaced with shock and surprise when he finally registered how his brother looked.

"I'm going to kill you Pettigrew!" Harry growled, his yellow eyes were no longer tame. They were bright with energy.

Adrian recognised that voice at the same time he recognised that face, voice was the voice of Consequence, that face was what Consequence looked like when he saved Ginny. Harry was Consequence!

"N…now Harry" Peter stammered "yo…your parents wouldn't want me killed. You…you're dad, your dad would spare me…he would show me mercy!"


With another growl, Harry swung his right arm upwards, the winds took that as their signal to act and blew Peter right into the air. Harry swung his left arm to the right and the winds pushed Adrian so he landed on Harry's right.

Harry tucked his elbows into his sides and pulled his arms back, just as Peter landed behind him, Harry pushed both of his arms forward and lightning flew from his hands and at the death eaters.

Adrian watched with amazement as Harry shot lightning, actual lightning, at the death eaters. He couldn't lie, he was absolutely terrified. Harry was Consequence, Harry currently looked like a half man and half snake combo and Harry was shooting lightning at Voldemort and his followers!

"I was not ready for today" Adrian said, more to himself. Harry stopped the lightning, he had hit Voldemort and killed two death eaters while the others had jumped out of the crossfire. Adrian saw that one of them had managed to get around Harry, and fired a killing curse. "Harry watch out!" Adrian screamed.

Though his scream was unnecessary, Harry raised a hand and blocked the curse with it, before shock could settle in on the death eater, Harry flicked his wrist and a small brown needle like object shot from his wrist and struck the death eater in-between the neck.

Adrian's disbelief increased even more at seeing his brother block a killing curse with his hand, he had no doubt now that Harry was the real boy-who-lived.

Pettigrew aimed his wand at Harry's back, lightning shot from Harry's legs and struck Peter's hand, knocking the wand out of his hand. Harry spun with lightning speed (ignore the pun) and fired another one of his needles at Peter's hand.

Peter yelped and tried to crawl backwards when Harry threw another which hit him in the arm, he followed up with two more which hit him in the shoulder.

"Harry please!" Pettigrew began pleading but was cut off when Harry fired two more which hit him in the forehead and three that hit him in his neck, effectively ending Peter Pettigrew.

Harry's ear twitched, he ducked to avoid a killing curse, he swung his right arm and Adrian flew towards Harry. Harry caught Adrian with his left hand, he flicked his right wrist and his wand jumped out of his holster and into his palm.

Harry summoned the tri-wizard cup, the cup flew towards them at the same time as the multiple killing curses. Adrian reached out and caught the cup, and the two brothers were portkeyed away.

Adrian and Harry landed right by the entrance to the maze, Harry dropped Adrian who fell to his feet.

The crowd gasped at the sight of Harry, Harry reared his head back and let out an ear shattering, deathly roar before collapsing to his knees.

His skin began changing, it reverted back to how it originally looked. His eyes turned green and he no longer had a jaw that looked like it would be used to bite heads off. Adrian watched as Harry reverted back to his usual handsome self, and he couldn't help the question that came out of his mouth, even though he knew the answer.

"You're Consequence, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry" Harry let out a big breath

"Don't be" Adrian surprised the crowd when he leaned over and hugged his brother. Harry was shocked, his brother never hugged him, and it was the last thing he was expecting after what happened.

"You…you're not afraid of me?" Harry pulled back and looked at his brother with disbelief

"You saved my life" Adrian said "I was scared of Consequence because he might want to hurt me, but you wouldn't do that!"

"Harry!" Lily screamed as she wrapped Harry in the mother of all hugs

"Mum?!" Harry blurted out in surprise

"We saw everything, the mirrors had followed you" She cried into his shoulders "we saw the whole thing" Harry jumped back like he was slapped

"You…you saw what we said?" He asked with a fearful expression "You…you saw me?" He pointed at his face

"Yes!" Lily pulled him back into a hug "And I still love you! Don't you dare try to convince yourself otherwise young man!"

"I know" Harry smiled "I knew the mirrors were there, I just…was afraid of what you would think"

"You are always going to be my baby boy! Even if you turn into a terrifying green rage monster, you're going to be having a talk with me later about that"

"Ah Harry!" James said as he, Sirius and Remus joined in on the hug.

"We love you Harry!" Lily said as tears dripped down Harry's face

"Thank you" He whispered, just loud enough for everyone to hear

"Harry!" A different voice screamed and everyone let go in time for Daphne to pull Harry into a massive hug "I was so worried!" She cried into his shoulder "I was so scared for you!"

"I'm sorry Daph…" Harry started when Rose hugged him from the side with surprising strength for the little girl.

"I love you Harry" Rose said, louder than she would usually speak.

"She's not the only one" Daphne kissed him on the cheek

"Thanks" Harry said quietly, he then turned to Daph "the teeth are back to normal if you want to snog" He joked

"Harry" She laughed and pecked him on the lips "come on, you need to rest"

"Mr Potter" Dumbledore walked over "are you alright?"

"I was until you came over" Harry replied

"Perhaps you'd like to retire to the hospital wing" Dumbledore ignored his comment "you've been through a horrifying experience"

"Yes, you're right" Harry said dryly "never make me go in that maze again, that was a gardener's worst nightmare, the bushes weren't even and they were filthy and dusty"

"Mr Potter" Dumbledore ignored his joke "I would like to have a conversation with you in private and…"

"I don't really care" Harry interrupted "now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to go now"

"What do you mean?"

"Give it a sec" Harry said as Fudge rushed over with two aurors and a dementor

"Seize that boy!" Fudge ordered "For using unforgivables and killing! Take him away!" Fudge spoke loudly, hoping his actions would get him good publicity. He couldn't believe Voldemort had returned, he couldn't deny it with this many people watching. He needed to find a way to make sure the people didn't want to get rid of him, arresting Harry Potter would get him attention and keep him liked by the people. He was half right.

"BOO!" The majority of the crowd screamed

"He just stopped Voldemort you asshat!" One person screamed

"You're arresting him for defending himself?!" Another shouted

"He's a bloody hero!"

"How dare you?!"

"You worthless sack of crap!"

"Can't believe my parents voted for you!"

"Are you stupid?!"

"He's the boy-who-lived!"

"He could kill us all! Why are you trying to piss him off?!"

"You ugly arse!"

"I bet your mum's ashamed of you!"

"That hat is horrible!"

"Screw you Fudge! Dairy is better!"

"And green is not your colour!"

"Fuck the ministry!"

"I'd say fuck you but nobody other than that pink toad at the ministry would do it!"





"Clot pole"

"Cabbage head"

"Turnip head!"

"Big head"

"Are you taking the piss?!"

"Your poor wife!"

"Just retire you filthy arse!"

"Are you on drugs?!"

"Where's the drugs?!"

"If I had you and you-know-who in a room and a crossbow with two arrows in my hand then I'd shoot you twice!"

"People like you are why people like me have headaches!"

"You are a new level of idiot!"

"I still don't like you!"

"Smart move minister" Sirius commented "take him away after he broke rules to save himself and his brother, funnily enough he is also the godson of an innocent man who has been framed spent years in Azkaban."

"Quiet Black!" Fudge barked, he didn't want to admit that Black was right and he was too far into this to get out "He is also a muggle hunter and had previously used the unforgivables"

"You can't charge me on either of those" Harry said

"Why not?!" Fudge demanded

"Because they happened outside of this country and I was given pardons for my acts against muggles and using the unforgivables from the governing officials of the countries where those acts took place."

"What nonsense is that?!"

"Well, unforgivables aren't really that unforgivable in America" Harry shrugged "speaking of which, Daphne, do you forgive me for using those spells?"

"Yes I do" She nodded

"You can't charge me with unforgivables, she forgave me, so they're forgivables if anything"

"Take him away!" Fudge growled, having had enough of listening to Harry

"Fine" Harry said as the aurors arrested "I want a quick and small trial"

"You can't make demands of me!"

"Poor service" Harry shook his head slowly before turning to his parents and friends "I want Andromeda to be my lawyer, floo her today and tell her to get her perfectly shaped butt to the ministry. Don't worry Daph, your butt is still my favourite"

"Thank you" She laughed, he did just survive Voldemort so she was going to let him have that one

"I think is should accompany you" Dumbledore said to Harry "and I am more than willing to represent you Mr Potter"

"I mean all the possible offense Dumbledore" Harry replied "but you're an old and wrinkly headmaster who I dislike while she's an attractive, likeable and intelligent lawyer, I'm pretty sure I'd prefer her"

"You do realise that because of your grandma she is somewhat related to you" Sirius said

"Hey, incest is win-cest" Harry joked, enjoying the look he was getting from everyone. Daphne slapped him on the back of the head "Ow, too far?"

"Too far, and not funny"

"Don't worry Daph, you'll always be my favourite" He kissed her on the forehead

"Forgiven" she kissed him back

"I'll accompany you" Alastor Moody said as he arrived, the real Alastor Moody who had actually started working as the defence against the dark arts teacher after Barty Crouch junior was captured.

Moody would not hesitate to admit that Harry Potter was his best student, heck the boy had more smarts than half the aurors he trained.

"That is unnecessary" Fudge began

"Unnecessary?" Moody cut him off "That boy is my best student, if not for him I would currently be in a trunk and held captive by a death eater and he was the one who fought Voldemort on his own while looking out for his brother. I think he at least deserves to have someone make sure that everything is done properly"

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"You need better leashes, you're last one was loose, I'm assuming that's how that dementor was free enough to kiss Crouch junior " Moody said and Harry got the pleasure of watching the minister cycle through red to purple "come on boys" Moody said and the aurors followed him, taking Harry with them.

Fudge stood still for a moment before the verbal abuse from the crowd snapped him out of his trance and he followed after them.

The next day Adrian arrived in the great hall for dinner with Rachel by his side, he had spent the previous night and most of the day in the hospital wing under the insistence of Madam Pomfrey who wanted to be absolutely sure he was fine. A bit overboard in his opinion, seeing as Harry was the one who had gotten hurt but he was too tired at the time to complain.

Adrian was given a letter from some first year on the way to the hall which told him to meet his parents in the headmaster's office after dinner. Speaking of the headmaster, he couldn't help but notice how Dumbledore had ignored him and hadn't even came to visit him. He guessed that he just isn't worthy of the headmasters attention anymore, seeing as he wasn't the boy-who-loved anymore. Harry was right, as always.

"Hey" Adrian and Rachel found themselves face to face with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, they stood in front of them.

"Yes?" Adrian asked

"Well?" Hermione crossed her arms and tapped her feet impatiently

"Well what? Did you get new earrings or something?"

"I'm waiting for our apology" Hermione said as if it should be obvious

"Apology for what?"

"We were right" Ron said triumphantly "we told you that snake was evil and he proved it"

"How? By saving my life?" Adrian replied

"Adrian, he used to hunt muggles!" Hermione reminded him

"Maybe he did, but I don't think it's as simple as that." Adrian responded "Harry saved my life so I'm going to at least give him a chance to explain"

"But he's a monster!" Ron replied "You've seen him! He's bloody got snake skin and yellow eyes and…"

"And I owe him, he's also my brother" Adrian cut him off "I don't think he's evil and I'm going to talk to him and find out what happened in his past"


"Honestly, just give it a rest" Rachel interrupted "he just gets out of the hospital wing after his brother saves him from Voldemort and his death eaters and you two are immediately calling him evil. What's wrong with you?!"

"What's it to you?!"

"I'm his girlfriend" Rachel reminded the pair "and it's my job to keep my boyfriend sane"

"Why are you even with him anymore? He's not the boy-who-lived" Ron pointed out

"I didn't get with him because he's the boy-who-lived" Rachel replied angrily "unlike you I have some respect for myself, come on Adrian" She grabbed Adrian's arm and pushed past the pair, the two walked up the Gryffindor table before sitting down.

"Thanks" Adrian whispered

"Don't worry about it" She replied

"Adrian" Ginny sat next to him "do you know anything about Harry? Do you know if he'll come back?"

"No, why?" Adrian responded

"I wanted to thank him for the chamber incident" Ginny answered honestly

"Oh yeah, he saved your life didn't he?"

"Yeah, unlike you he didn't call me dark at the time"

"Oh" Adrian grimaced "Ginny, I am really sorry for how I used to act back then and I…"

"It's alright" Ginny cut him off "you said you've changed and I believe you, the old you would've shouted to high heaven after finding out someone else is the boy-who-lived"

"Yeah, well Harry fixed me up real good" Adrian smiled

"Alright Potter?" A voice drawled, the three groaned as Adrian stood up to see the smug face of Malfoy standing with Crabbe and Goyle. "How does it feel Potter? Knowing your brother isn't here to save you?"

"Like I need him for you" Adrian replied "if my brother can handle Voldemort and death eaters then I can definitely handle a blonde pounce like you"

"You think you scare me Potter?" Malfoy sneered, not realising that Crabbe and Goyle had started slowly moving away.

"You think you or your dad scare me? He's probably going to prison" Adrian replied, just before his eyes widened

"Just like your brother" Malfoy shot back "my father will be out, as for your brother, he'll probably rot there. The dementors will drive him insane"

"You assume I was sane to begin with" A voice whispered behind Malfoy, he turned around and jumped back in shock when he saw Harry standing in front of him.

"Harry!" Adrian rushed past Malfoy who ran in the opposite direction and hugged Harry, by this point in time a lot of people in the hall had noticed that Harry was back and they began talking.

"What is he doing back?"

"Aw, that's so cute"

"Damn, it's him"

"I thought he went to Azkaban"

"I missed you too little brother" Harry ruffled his hair

"What are you doing here?" Adrian asked excitedly "I thought you were in Azkaban and…"

"Please, like Azkaban could hold me" Harry scoffed "but I actually had my trial and I was released"

"What really?!"

"About half an hour ago actually" Harry smiled


"Bit of a long story" Harry replied "mum and everyone, including Rose are waiting in Dumbledore's office. So eat your lunch, kiss your girlfriend goodbye then come with me, we're going home for the rest of the year"

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, mum and the other teachers think we deserve an early year"

"Harry" Ginny had walked around the table and stood in front of Harry, once she got near she punched him in the stomach "Ow" She gasped as she hurt her hand "what are you made of?"

"The more appropriate question is why did you just punch me?"

"It was supposed to be payback for lying to me" Ginny explained

"I just battled death eaters and Voldemort, ain't that enough?"

"True" Ginny sighed before pulling Harry into a hug "thank you for saving my life"

"You're welcome" Harry patted her on the back and she let go

"Oi, snake, get away from my sister!" Ron yelled as he rushed over

"Ron, what's your problem?!" Ginny shouted

"He's a dark wizard!"

"He saved my life! I'm hugging him to say thank you! It's not like I plan to do anything with him, he has a girlfriend! Unless Daphne's up for a three way relationship?" Ginny added that last part to Harry

"I…uh…will have to check up with her on that" Harry blushed slightly, Adrian swore he heard another girl ask if that was an actual option

"Ginny, he's evil! He hunts muggles and he's a monster and…"

"I'm still better looking than you" Harry interrupted, he turned to Adrian "now, I'm going to go enjoy a goodbye snog with Daphne, spend some time with your girlfriend then come to Dumbledore's office"

"Alright Harry" Adrian nodded

"By the way" Harry said to Rachel "thank you for taking care of the idiot"

"You're welcome" She replied, ignoring Adrian's objections to being called an idiot "by the way…you do know that I'm a muggleborn right?"

"Good for you" Harry patted her on the head "now if you'll excuse me I have a broom closet to inspect"

"I'm not done with you yet!" Ron said, his face as red as his hair

"Ron, he beat Voldemort and killed death eaters, what chance do you have against him?" Ginny asked, trying to get Ron to see sense more for Harry's sake than his. She didn't want him to go to Azkaban because her stupid brother had no sense of survival.

Ron looked conflicted between his rage and anger against Harry and his fear of injury and death, so to help speed up the process Harry turned his eyes yellow. Ron stepped back slightly, before storming off, pretending not to be scared.

"Bloody idiot" Harry turned his eyes back to green, he looked to Ginny "how does something like you come out of the same place as something like him?"

"Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones" Ginny shrugged

"Well, you live with him, so not that lucky" Harry patted her on the head "I'm off now, see you in a few minutes. Adrian, don't worry about your stuff. A house elf will get it" Harry walked right out of the hall, waving as he did.

Adrian sat down and joyfully ate his dinner, once he was done he gave his girlfriend a big goodbye kiss. Said his goodbyes to Ginny and made his way to Dumbledore's office.

Adrian entered the office to find his family waiting for him along with Snape, McGonagall and Dumbledore. Adrian was instantly pulled into a hug by the Potters and his two uncles.

"Where's Harry?" Adrian asked

"He's still not here yet" Remus answered

"Sorry everyone" Harry entered the room with messier clothes and hair than usual "my girlfriend was very enthusiastic in her goodbye and we lost track of time"

"I bet you did" James grinned as the family, Adrian included, now pulled Harry into a hug.

"Well" Harry turned to the professors "see you all next year"

"Goodbye Mr Potter" McGonagall said "I want to congratulate you on winning this tournament"

"I too want to congratulate" Snape spoke next "you performed brilliantly in the tasks, you've made Slytherin and Hogwarts look better than ever before"

"You're welcome" Harry replied

"Mr Potter" Dumbledore said

"Oh Merlin" Harry groaned

"I believe we need to have a little chat about…"

"Yeah sure, how about tomorrow?" Harry cut him off "No wait I'm busy tomorrow, the day after? No, I'm busy then? Next week? Nah. Next month nah? I know, let's continue this conversation never" Harry grabbed some floo powder and flamed away before Dumbledore could respond

"What he said" James smiled and the whole family flooed away, Adrian was last, he grabbed his floo powder and stepped in

"Adrian" Dumbledore said "I was wondering if…"

"You know what sir, I'd love to chat but we're I am really tired, how about another time?" Adrian grinned before flooing away.

Dumbledore sat in complete shock….did they just refuse to talk to him?!

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