nincompoop | alhaitham

By catconnoisseur

3.5K 273 143

── alhaitham this relationship is indeed helping with my research. and here he thought the admins were right... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter four

chapter three

643 58 26
By catconnoisseur



happy second day, boyfriend! sadly, i can't meet you any time today because i am sooooo busy with a few plates. but if you need anything, you can just message me oke?

i'll try keeping you updated as much as i could! i hope you do the same too!


alhaitham is very new to relationships. and having a very intimate and affectionate first, coming into his life like a sudden wrecking ball, wasn't really helping.

either way, he's not dumb not to understand what y/n wanted him to do.

alhaitham raised his phone and snapped a picture of the book he's reading at the library.


round butt boyfriend
hi. i'm currently reading at the library. good luck with your plates
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ooohhh nice taste. i'm at the draw room doing a historical building plate! currently having a break with my classmates!
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i'd killlll to have a burger, but maybe later

friends say hi!
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round butt boyfriend
architectural plates still amazes me. your art looks perfect

round butt boyfriend
boyfriend says hello 👋


it's not perfect if you'd take a closer look. but thank you for the compliment! i appreciate it especially with my self deprivation of acknowledgement :>>

round butt boyfriend
i'd blame your brother for that. by the way, he left the faucet running in the sink. the next time i see him, i'll strangle him.

i'll strangle him for you if i ever see him too!!

round butt boyfriend
i love the enthusiasm, but don't force yourself. even i won't feel comfortable meeting an asshole of a brother

awww ali… 🥺

round butt boyfriend
who's ali

that's my nickname for you, silly!

round butt boyfriend
oh. i thought you found another guy ahahaha

i don't think anyone in the world has a rounder butt than you do!!!

round butt boyfriend
should that reassure me?


she's not replying. the professor must be there. alhaitham thought before he continued reading his book.

the peace was therapeutic. alhaitham always deem himself busy just to get a grasp of these physical books.

great. alhaitham frowned at the sight of cyno.

when cyno caught him frowning at him, alhaitham acted like nothing as he brought his eyes back to his book. annoyed, cyno approached alhaitham with tighnari trying to stop him.

cyno threw his palm on the desk, yet, alhaitham showed no reaction and kept reading.

"was that supposed to faze me?" alhaitham asked.

"break up with y/n."

"y/n said i have a round ass." alhaitham said and raised his look at cyno. "i guess she hasn't seen your face yet?"


"quiet in the library, austere. i do not plan to pick a fight with my woman's best friend." alhaitham said and continued reading.

"why are you doing this? to torment me?"

"what's between us has nothing to do with my relationship with y/n." alhaitham said and closed his book. "you saw it yourself, cyno. she randomly grabbed my hand, judged me by my ass, told me to be his boyfriend, and i agreed right on spot without even laying my eyes on you."

cyno clicked his tongue. "well, now that you know that she's a very close friend, leave her alone."

"unfortunately for you, it is too late. you're just a very close friend, cyno." alhaitham stood up, towering cyno with his height and build.

"and i'm the boyfriend. with a round ass, additionally."

alhaitham left the library with a little smirk on his face and a fuming mad cyno.

you want alhaitham to be honest? why the hell is he really doing this? why is he being a good boyfriend to y/n? why is he agreeing to this fake engagement?

why is he trying so hard not to break up with her?

the answer is very simple.

it really is just because of research and experimentation.

it may be biased research because he's the one testing it himself, but he is a curious being. he wanted to see if it really might affect his life the way the admins always tell him.

the effect of romantic relationship on undergraduate students’ academic performance! alhaitham exclaimed in his mind while pushing his eyeglasses by the side.

he already had the full consent of y/n. all she needs to do is to sign his letter of consent and he can proceed with the experimentation.

okay, maybe he already started the experimentation when he became in a relationship with her. but still.

"a physical evidence is always more reliable." alhaitham mumbled.

alhaitham went to the quad and just sat on one of the benches to read. when his alarm started ringing, he went to his next class.

round butt boyfriend
at class
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"pfft." y/n held her mouth.

she was already getting tired and sleepy while doing her plate. but thanks to alhaitham's picture of him, looking at the camera with a straight face, a peace sign, and the professor teaching behind him, y/n was alive again.

he's so freaking funny! y/n thought while typing on her phone.


i'm almost done! but i might skip lunch today 😿
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it was weird. y/n kept telling alhaitham that he's cute. and he likes it. he wants more from her.

and what does she mean no lunch?

round butt boyfriend
and why are you skipping lunch?

doki doki 💓 i can hear you asking me that

i made a commitment! i'll only leave the drawing room after i finish the whole plate! and i'm not eating anything today but burger!

i'll treat myself later. wanna tag along? 😼

round butt boyfriend
i'll see if i have time

tag along! 🤬 tag! along! tag aloooong!! 🤬🤬

round butt boyfriend
is it really necessary?

no 😽 i just wanna know what it feels like to throw a tantrum in front of your boyfriend

it's fine! i'll get the borgirs later

round butt boyfriend
i'll see what i can do

"is that your boyfriend?" a classmate of y/n asked. "i-is it true that yusuf is your boyfriend? we all thought he would never have a lover!"

y/n laughed a little. "we all thought of that at some point."

"hmm. what can i do?"

there are a lot of couples on campus. but those two are probably the most rooted couple. their dynamic and chemistry is just good!


"aww man…" y/n mumbled when she felt her stomach grumbling.

"see? we told you not to drink another cup of coffee before lunch."

y/n just chuckled. "i'm almost finished anyway! i'll grab lunch after this."

but everyone paused from what they're doing when someone suddenly knocked at the door.

"excuse me…" aether said, behind the door.

what is he doing here? y/n thought.

"we're here for callahan?"


"actually, not me." aether said before pushing alhaitham in. "thank you!" he quickly added before leaving the poor alhaitam alone.

"uh… sorry. to suddenly come without short notice."

"it's alright." y/n's classmates answered.

"huh?" alhaitham turned to them. "i was talking to y/n…"

"o-oh… our bad."

"what are you doing here?" y/n asked while looking up at him with a 🥺 face.

"i brought you food. i thought you might be hungry." alhaitham said and handed y/n the paper bag. "you said you're not gonna leave until you're finish, right? well, now that i already brought the food, you can still eat without leaving."

"oh my god, ali…" y/n mumbled and peeked at the paper bag.

"gasp?! burger?!"

"i didn't know what kind of burger you wanted, but i met aether at the restaurant. i asked him what you order and where your drawing room is."

"oh my god, you didn't have to… thank you so much!" y/n beamed while jumping.

"calm down. how can you have a lot of energy despite being hungry?"

"have you eaten? come, stay away from the tables, we might dirty the plates." y/n pulled alhaitham to the side and asked him to sit down beside her.

"i haven't eaten yet. i plan on eating with you." alhaitham said and glanced at the class. "after all, we did plan to go public now, did we not?"

but y/n was too busy taking out the burgers happily.

"w-why does this one have veggies?"

"they're mine. let's eat together."

"oh, okay!"

the two couple ate together with the jealous vermins watching them. alhaitham would be honest, he had fun eating with y/n. she just munches so cute.

no wonder a lot of men and even women like her.

"what time will you be done?" alhaitham asked.

"i'm almost finished! maybe… hmm… 2 pm?"

"i don't have classes until 3 pm. do you mind if i stay here?" alhaitham asked again and wiped the sauce on y/n's lips.

he then brought the thumb in his mouth, making not just y/n red, but also the people that were watching.

"a-ali, you…" y/n shook her head fast. "i mean… you could stay, i wouldn't mind. but the professor…"

"worry not about the professor, i'll take care of him."

"you're not actually as busy as i expected you to be." y/n mumbled. alhaitham just hummed and ruffled y/n hair.

"you should start doing your plates so you can finish soon. then you could bring me to my department like it's your turn. you do want to visit the psych department, no?"

y/n's eyes immediately twinkled. "of course i want to! i'll finish this one quickly!"

y/n continued her plates with alhaitham watching her from behind. to be honest, y/n didn't feel shy nor pressured in doing work while he's there. in fact, she wanted to do better to make him proud!

or maybe she just wants to brag that she is an architecture genius despite being called stupid by cyno.


"wow. i'm really impressed, y/n." alhaitham said while staring at her work, his fingers on his chin.

"you did great. i'm so proud of you."

"of course, i did! you weren't expecting me to slack off just because you're here, were you?" y/n asked while narrowing her eyes at alhaitham.

alhaitham laughed a little. "be careful, honey. i might mess this plate of yours if you ever get me pissed~"

"gah—! you!"

so cute… the rest thought, staring in jealousy and admiration.


"i'm happy i get to bring you to your department." y/n said to alhaitham. "it's my first time here in the psych dep. it's surprisingly quiet."

"how do you do your homeworks? do you just think?"

"how do they teach you? how do you do your groupings?"

"does your project only consist of only thinking?"

"do you wanna be a doctor of crazy people or do you also just have fun hearing people suffer?"

"above all the questions you asked, that's the only one i liked." alhaitham said after he placed his index finger on y/n's lips to stop her from speaking any longer.

"and to answer your question, i do have fun hearing people suffering." alhaitham whispered with a grin.

y/n's face turned red— blue— red— blue— i don't know.

"oho? why are you red? or blue? what—"

"i-i actually know someone from the psych!" y/n beamed. "rukkhadevata buer!"

"buer?" alhaitham asked. "how did you know her?

"alastair, a friend of my cousin aether, babysits nahida. nahida is buer's younger sister." y/n explained.

alhaitham just nodded before he faced the other side with a vine boom face. maybe kaveh was right. he is the only person who hates buer.

who doesn't even hate buer?

sir… you're the only one who hates rukkhadevata buer.

buer… long story short, she's alhaitam's academic nemesis. his enemy at campus. the one who hinders with him being the best.

anyways… he's not that bothered with buer and vice versa. in fact, it's everyone who's bothered with the two's friendly competition.

"we're quite close. we usually have small talks whenever i come with alastair and aether to babysit. you know, we talk about school happenings and life and stuff…"

"like a counselor."

"y-yeah…" y/n conceded with a tear.

alhaitham chuckled. "well, now you won't need buer to talk to you about anything. you have me now. i can also be your psychiatrist for free."

"you might end up breaking up with me once you find out how mentally insane i actually am. so i'll still keep meeting rukkhadevata." y/n half-joked.

alhaitham just huffed lightly. "whatever suits you."

i guess i am the jealous type.

"this is me." alhaitham said. "do you have classes?" he asked and peeked at his phone.

y/n peeked at his phone as well. "wow… you're really serious about me."

it was her schedule on alhaitham's wallpaper, right above his.

"are you?" alhaitham asked.

y/n grinned and opened her phone as well. there's alhaitham's schedule right above hers too.

"couple goals." y/n squealed.

alhaitham chuckled. "so you don't have classes."

"yep. i'm supposed to use this time to finish my other plates but meh i feel too lazy now."

"do you want to attend my class? you can just sit beside me. don't disturb me though."

"can i really?"

"you haven't tried staying on a different class?"

"i did attend cyno's dactyloscopy lecture before, but i just slept throughout the hours. would that be alright?"

"yes. i'll take care of you so don't worry."

alhaitham opened th door and let y/n first. the professor wasn't still there so alhaitham gently took y/n's hand and guided her to where he usually sits during lecture.

everyone's eyes almost got out of their eyesockets when they saw the two. so the rumors are true!

alhaitham and y/n really are in a relationship!

"be careful with your step." alhaitham mumbled while guiding y/n and holding her hands.

when the two of them sat down, y/n watched how alhaitam took his laptop and his book out of his bag.

alhaitham glanced at her, their eyes catching each other.

"don't be bored." alhaitham said and gave his ipad.

y/n took it with a flustered face. "... i'm not a kid."

alhaitham just chuckled.

y/n placed the ipad on the table and opened the camera.

"smile." y/n whispered.

with a peace sign, y/n took a picture. alhaitam was just looking at the camera.

"hey, i said smile!" she whispered and poked alhaitam's cheek.

alhaitham grunted a little before showing a small smile.

he immediately glanced at the students when he heard them go 'oohh' in a low voice. it got them to shut their mouths.

"yay. we look so cute."

"change my wallpaper with that picture. i look good there."

"wait, really?"

"yeah. do you not look good there? you wanna take another picture?"


y/n stared at alhaitham with furrowed eyebrows and confused face but alhaitham just stared back with a 'what?'.

alhaitham gently pulled y/n's arm to him before whispering in her ear.

"i saw one of my friends' phone. her wallpaper is a picture of her and her girlfriend. we might as well do that too."

oh my god… everyone thought with a blush while staring at the two. no they couldn't hear them, but the sexual tension was so high. at least for everyone but the two.

y/n was flustered and it took her a few minutes before she could move on. to be honest, she feels like alhaitham is putting more effort in this relationship rather than she does.

so she's gonna try her best!

while the professor is running late, y/n kept taking candid pictures of alhaitham and even some selfies with him and his lecture-mates without him looking.

as the extrovert she is, y/n also talked and hung out with the other students while they were waiting.

alhaitham can't believe how friendly she actually is.

the professor came in and immediately started the lecture. but a few minutes later, she noticed a new face listening to her.

"oh my, is that miss callahan?"

"hi!" y/n enthusiastically greeted.

"my goodness! i didn't know you're interested in social psychology!" she beamed and laughed with the students. "what are you doing here?"

"hanging out! you're teaching is so good by the way!"

"oh you flatterer! oh well, let's carry on again… mr. yusuf! may you remind us of the study of this influential behavior?"

"she's talking about this lecture itself, social psychology." alhaitham said to y/n before he stood up. "social psychology  is the study of how individual or group behavior is influenced by the presence and behavior of others. by the word social itself, it is the study of your mind as well as your behavior with other people."

the professor grinned. "i'm sorry if i feel like poking into the youngsters' business but... are you two in a relationship, ms. callahan and mr. yusuf?"

"i'm sorry, okay?! i just wanna know!" the professor defended herself as the class laughs.

"we are." alhaitham just straight up said and didn't beat around the bush.

"hah!" the professor exclaimed like she just hit the jackpot, making everyone laugh.

y/n tried pulling alhaitham back down, but he didn't budge. because the professor hasn't asked him to sit back down yet.

"okay, sit down."

"y-you—! do you really—?!"

"shh. listen in class."

y/n just threw a short fit and leaned back angrily. alhaitham chuckled and just placed his hand on y/n's hip, squeezing it a little for comfort.

he felt her flinch, so he immediately took back his hand.

"sorry. that was unconscientious. you could hit me."

"n-no… it's good."


"put it back."


"what? it's comforting."

alhaitham sighed with a smile before placing his hand back on y/n's hip.

in the end, y/n became too comfortable in class that she fell asleep. alhaitham too was comfortable in having her there that it made studying a little bit better than before.

okay, he's got to admit. it did made studying a lot better.

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