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By zahrakamran_

14.5K 329 39

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770 26 7
By zahrakamran_

"And she's done it! Sorry, Gryffindor, but Slytherin has won after all! Hey! That rhymed-" Professor McGonagall, her patience waning with each joke, swiftly snatched the microphone away, bringing an end to the announcer's antics.

"Finally, some respite," McGonagall remarked with a sigh, casting a knowing glance at the Mikaelsons before leading them towards the Headmaster's office.

As they approached, the grandeur of the surroundings did not go unnoticed by the Mikaelsons, especially the magnificent fountain with an angel playing a flute, which caught their attention.

"Greetings, Lobelia!" Professor McGonagall greeted the guardian of the Queen's office with a cordial nod.

"Good day, Professor! Which office would you like to visit today?" Lobelia inquired, her curiosity piqued by the arrival of the Mikaelsons.

"The Queen's will do just fine, thank you," McGonagall responded, ushering the Mikaelsons into the chamber gate.

"Password?" Lobelia asked, her tone indicating the importance of the security protocol.

"Mors crudelis hera, sed inevitabilis," McGonagall replied, her voice steady as she recited the password with practised ease.

The eldest Mikaelson's reaction to the password was noticeable, his sudden movement catching the attention of his brothers. Elijah Mikaelson, the paragon of composure among them, displayed a subtle shift in demeanour, his usually stoic expression betraying a flicker of surprise.

The fountain, gracefully moved aside, revealing a hidden hallway adorned with ivory and gold, leading to a grand gate.

As they entered the room beyond, the Mikaelsons were greeted with a sight that surpassed their expectation.

Dumbledore's old office was no longer there, replaced by a magnificent sight. Modest braziers, surrounding each of the fourteen basalt columns, illuminated every corner of the room. The jewelled runes on the curved ceiling danced in the flickering light, while marble icons and statues gazed down at the marble floor of this luxurious hall. In the middle of this room stood Estrella and the Headmaster.

"That will be all, thank you, Professor," Grindelwald said to McGonagall.

"Lord Mikaelson, I hope you've had a splendid day. I must ask though, what are your reasons for advocating Hope Mikaelson's acceptance as a student at Hogwarts?" Grindelwald inquired, breaking his silence.

It was Hayley Marshall who stepped forward, her voice confident and resolute. "Hope is a quick learner; she grasps concepts easily. She has learned to master her witch side-"

Estrella, her demeanour cool and collected, interrupted, her piercing gaze fixed on Hayley. "What about her two other sides, the vampire and the werewolf?"

The Mikaelsons regarded her with surprise as she spoke for the first time since their arrival. This time, Klaus Mikaelson, sensing the tension, interjected smoothly, seeking to allay Estrella's concerns. "Hope still has to embrace her werewolf and vampire sides."

Grindelwald, perceptive as ever, intervened diplomatically, seeking to defuse the brewing tension. "Very well, Hope Mikaelson shall join Hogwarts as of tomorrow."

Before the Mikaelsons could take their leave, Estrella, her tone authoritative, posed a pointed question. "Mr. Mikaelson, may I inquire if there will be another Mikaelson joining us in the future years?"

The Mikaelsons, visibly unsettled, exchanged wary glances. The eldest Mikaelson, responded evenly and politely. "No, Your Highness. Hope is the only heir of the Mikaelsons."

I was the heir, dear uncle...

Estrella's facade remained unchanged, though a flicker of emotion passed through her eyes. Yet, choosing to maintain her silence, she nodded, allowing the weight of the moment to hang in the air.

Just as the tension threatened to escalate, the office gates swung open, revealing Hermione Granger. "Pardon me, Headmaster. I was called to the uh- office? Sorry, am I interrupting something?" Miss Granger's voice, with its touch of uncertainty, served as a welcomed diversion from the charged atmosphere.

"Not at all, Please show the Mikaelsons around Hogwarts," He turned towards the Mikaelsons, "Heir Mikaelson's Sorting Ceremony will take place as of tomorrow, Miss Granger will accompany you to your accommodations for the night." Kol Mikaelson turned towards Estrella, "Have we met before?" Estrella looked at him, taken aback by the question, "No I'm afraid not, If we did I would know."

As they left, Grindelwald turned to Estrella, "Estr-"

"I need not be bothered," Estrella stood up, cutting his sentence short and left the office. Grindelwald sighed and went back to doing his work.

Estrella walked through the halls, anger coursing through her veins, as she stumbled upon a strange rustling in an empty classroom. 'Strange..' she thought. Estrella opened the door, the muscles in her jaw tensing and her body becoming stoic.

"Heir Riddle and Heir Lestrange, next time you want to shag use the broom closets," The two jumped in shock as they made out the figure standing behind them. "People would think you're simply up to something," She said monotonously, slamming the door as she left.

Estrella entered her bed chamber greeting her mentors' portraits. "Good Afternoon." She said politely and sat on her bed. "Why the long face," asked Salazar Slytherin, he hated his favourite and only child being upset. "It's been a long day, Sal." Even though the day had already begun, Estrella's face showed drowsiness. "You could always make a blood clone, my child relieve all the tension off of you," Rowena Ravenclaw sensed her daughter's distress. "No, I just need to get out of Hogwarts for a day, that's where most of my problems reside. I'll go give Hogsmeade a visit" Estrella left as the founders shared a concerned look.

Estrella had just left Tomes and Scrolls, with a bunch of dark magic and blood magic books when she noticed a crowd of children outside. "Go on! We dare you!" Estrella made her way towards them, her brows knitting together, "What's going on here?" She asked, before anyone could answer her question she felt two tiny figures clutch onto her legs. Estrella bent down to look at the two twin boys, who seemed to be 4 to 5 years old. "Are you alright? Are they bothering you?" She asked softly, not wanting to scare them away. The two nodded, their eyes red and watery.

"Where are your parents?" She asked. The two shook their head looking down. A young girl recognised Estrella and said, "They are orphans, Your Majesty, everyone's forcing them to go to the Shrieking Shack." Estrella looked down the two her heart shattering at their state. "Do you two have a name?" They looked at her and shook their head again. "Would it be alright, if you were to live with me?" The two looked up in excitement and nodded and she smiled back. Estrella discreetly took a passage back to Hogwarts with the twins.

When she entered her bed chamber, she made sure that the two were sat directly in front of the fireplace. "Are you two hungry? It looks like you haven't eaten for weeks," She raised a hand to their foreheads. The two nodded as the founders observed the two, smiling at each of them, "And who are these fine young men?" Salazar asked. "I found them being bullied at Hogsmeade. They're orphans and have nowhere else to go so I decided to take them in." She then walked over to the two and gave them blankets. "Well, what are their names?" Helena Hufflepuff asked with a bright smile, finishing up her knitting. "They don't have any. They were abandoned as babies." Estrella then looks at them deciding their names, "How do you like, Orion?" She pointed at the older twin, "And Astro, short for Astrophel," She pointed at the youngest one. The two thought for a quiet minute before nodding quickly with bright smiles on their face.

The ground started shaking suddenly making the twins leap for Estrella who held them looking around in confusion. 

As Estrella and the twins stand in her former bedroom, a sense of awe washes over them as they witness a remarkable transformation. The room begins to shift and expand as if responding to the very essence of Hogwarts itself.

The walls of Estrella's old bedroom seem to recede, revealing a breathtaking expanse of white marble that stretches far beyond what the eye can see. The ceiling soars to incredible heights, and the grandeur of the space unfolds before them like an enchanted dream. The portraits of the four Founders of Hogwarts also undergo a wondrous change. 

The portraits of Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin move gracefully and dynamically within the hall. They descend from their elevated positions on the walls and take their places at a grand circular table as if forming a council.

The hall itself seems to expand endlessly, with arched doorways leading to chambers and corridors yet to be explored. Crystal chandeliers hang in splendid profusion, casting a warm, inviting glow that bathes the hall in a celestial radiance.

"Woah..." The two boys said in amazement. Estrella looked at them with the same sense of excitement, she looks over and hurries to envelope the founders in warm hug which they reciprocate. "How is this even possible?" She says, her eyes widen. "Well-"

The door to the chamber opened as Gellert Grindelwald strutted in, his eyes bulging. He observed the Founders as they laughed at his reaction along with Estrella. "...Someone better explain."

"We can do that later. May I call you Grandpa?" Astro cheekily remarks. Grindelwald looked at him as if someone had declared Dumbledore and him had an affair. Salazar cackled "Great! Now all we need is Merlin!"

As Queen Estrella and her two young sons stand in her former bedroom, they are surrounded by divine magic. Little do they know, this event is proof of their previously shared history.

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