Five Years After

By beth_rosee

385 8 2

Ethan and Braylee were best friends since second grade. They stuck together through thick and thin through th... More

author's note
one - after five years
two ~ after needing a distraction
three - after they became wingmen
four ~ after a group of guys showed up
five ~ after it was too late to back out
six ~ after seeing him again
seven - after it became different
eight ~ after i've been living in the past
nine - after we were good
ten ~ after talking to her
eleven ~ after i was finally okay with it
twelve - after she told me what dahlia likes
thirteen ~ after i was really over it
fourteen - after she was my best friend
fifteen ~ after his family fell apart
sixteen - after i voted against her
seventeen ~ after a game of truth or dare
eighteen - after a date
nineteen ~ after a day at the beach
twenty - after she didn't believe me
twenty-one ~ after they were separate
twenty-two - after she got sick
twenty-four - after she opened up to me
twenty-five ~ after being confident failed
twenty-six - after they got into an argument
twenty-seven ~ after he said he'll try
twenty-eight - after everything tonight
twenty-nine ~ after meeting my idol
thirty - after she ate the pancakes
thirty-one ~ after i gave him excuses
thirty-two - after everything felt different
thirty-three ~ after i agreed to his request
thirty-four - after i couldn't even do it for a night
thirty-five ~ after he said he loved me
thirty-six ~ after i confronted one of my problems
thirty-seven - after my last question
thirty-eight ~ after her suspicions
thirty-nine ~ after being just friends
forty - after the almost kiss
forty-one ~ after arriving at the house
forty-two - after i brought her back to the mountains
forty-three - after i was with bray
forty-four ~ after the bet
forty-five ~ after nothing went right
forty-six - after another girl
forty-seven ~ after meeting his dad
forty-eight - after her trap
forty-nine ~ after talking with him
author's note

twenty-three ~ after his parents wanted to meet me

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By beth_rosee

~ braylee valarao ~

"Braylee," I heard someone call from behind me. "Wait up!"

I turned in the crowded halls, smiling as I saw Willa come up to me, her auburn hair tied in a braid as her small figure tried to find its way around the busy halls.

"Hey," I smiled at her as we headed out the double doors of the school.

Willa was one of the girls from my bigger group of friends that developed throughout our high school years. We were really close once, but I feel like that friendship definitely faded. We still talk, but it's not the same anymore.

"That calc exam was a killer, huh?" she asked me, an exhausted laugh slipping through her lips.

"Totally," I lied. I studied hard for it, and I'm pretty good at calc. None of it was too hard for me. Since Willa is even brighter than me, I was willing to take a guess that she was only saying it to start a conversation. "I'm just glad exams are over."

"Same here," she grinned. "Dang, the school year is half over. Just a few more months and we'll be at graduation."

A wave of panic washed over me, but I covered it with a smile. "Yep."

"So do you know which college you will be going to?" she asked me. "Wait, what's your major again?"

Oh God.

"I applied for a few, but nothing is for sure yet. I'm not even really sure which one I want to go to," I answered, referring to her first question. I wasn't going to tell her about the second question. "You?"

"Oh, uh, I got early acceptance in November," she said, looking away. She's never been the kind to enjoy bragging. She keeps most of her achievements to herself because she doesn't want to make anyone feel bad about being less. "To Cornell, actually."

"Really?" I smiled. "Wow, good job. That's where you've been wanting to go, right?"

"Yeah," she beamed at me. "Thanks, Braylee."

I tried to keep my smile, even as my worries about college flooded through my mind.

"So as a celebration, we all decided to go out," she said, pointing towards a group of our friends as we arrived out in the parking lot. They were all crowded in our usual spot, conversing amongst themselves. "You gonna come?"

I spotted Dahlia with them, who waved at me. I remember her inviting me somewhere with them, I just wasn't paying attention.

"I can't actually. I have plans with someone else."

"Oh, is there a guy?" Her eyes shone with curiosity, a grin sticking to her face. "Tell."

My mind went to Rhys' green eyes and the texts that said he is taking me out, and to wait for him at the school.

"Yes," I beamed.


"Not yet," I told her. "And you don't know him. He goes to another school."

They were calling our names, but Willa waved them off. "Is he cute?"

I chuckled. "Yeah, he is."

They called her again, and she sighed. "I need to go, but can we hang out sometime? I never see you anymore."

"I know." I thought about all the times we hung out last year. "How about we go shopping again for old times sake? Probably after Christmas."

She smiled. "That sounds great, actually." They called her again, and she started heading away. "I'll text you?"

I nodded, and she joined the group that was surrounding Dahlia's car. When Dahlia saw me, she smiled, mouthing, "have fun". I laughed, mouthing back, "you too".

Rhys texted me that he was still on his way, so I assumed I still had some time. When a familiar motorcycle caught my eye, instead of staying where I was, I practically gravitated toward it, greeting the girl with the dark brown curls and highlights, whose eyes were glued to her phone. She still wore her classic leather jacket and combat boots that she wears everywhere. As always, she naturally radiated her confidence and her "don't mess with me" vibe.


She looked to see me, a smile crossing her face. "Hey, long time no see."

"I actually see you all the time when your motorcycle wakes up the whole neighborhood."

She lives down the street from me. It made hanging out with her much easier back in middle school, but now we only talk once in a while. I'd still consider her one of my best friends, though. She knows parts of me that nobody at this school knows about me, not even Dahlia.

"What are you up to?" I asked her.

"I'm just waiting for Em," she told me.

Emily, or Em, is her "friend". Who doesn't really act like her friend.

"Angie!" I heard her voice from behind me and moved out of the way. Her layered bright blonde hair with colorful streaks blew in the wind as she jumped into Angie's arms, kissing her passionately.

That happens. Often. But they're "just friends".

Honestly, I really liked Emily before. I wanted Angie and her to end up together, but that was until they actually tried dating and Emily cheated on her. Like, two weeks later. I'm not sure how the breakup went down, but it probably ended well if they can still be... friends? Fuck buddies? Not really sure at this point.

Whatever hope I had that they would be happy together died the moment I-- and a whole group of people-- saw Emily kissing some other girl at a party. I want Angie to be happy, and I honestly don't think Emily is the way to go anymore, but it's none of my business. Angie seems okay with whatever their arrangement is right now, and I shouldn't interfere.

"Oh, hey Braylee," she greeted me once she got her hands off Angie. "Didn't see you there."

I grimaced slightly, but I hid it. "Nice to see you, Emily."

Her smile faltered. She doesn't like being called Emily the same way I didn't like to be called Braylee for a long time. I use it to my advantage.

"I should get going," I said.

"Oh, do you need a ride?" Angie asked hopefully.

My eyebrows stitched together, confused, but she gave me a look telling me not to ask. She knows I hate riding on her motorcycle because it scares me. And I assumed that she wanted to give Emily a ride.

"Um, I have a ride actually."


"It's this guy I've been hanging out with," I told her. "He was actually the host of the party I invited you to."

"The blond guy you were talking to?" she laughed slightly. "The hot one?"

"Yeah," I giggled. "That one."

I could feel the tension rising with Emily's jealous stares alternating between us, so I was about to utter some excuse to get out of there, but Angie's eyes were pleading with me not to leave. I'm not sure why.

"Hey guys," a friendly voice came up to us, his dimpled smile being covered in faded freckles with his brown hair shining in the sunlight.

"Hey, Carter," I smiled at him.

Carter is the kind of guy who is perfect in every way. Smart, kind, and cute. He's a package deal. I wanted someone as perfect as him to fall for me for the longest time. So much that I have been chasing this guy on and off since my breakup with Max. He hasn't shown any interest in me. He's made it perfectly clear he doesn't like me like that on many occasions.

I have Rhys now, so that shouldn't matter that much anymore. Although, I have said that after every boyfriend I had before.

The thing about Carter is that I detrimentally fantasized about him, thinking that I was so unlovable because I couldn't get him. But I came to realize that he's unattainable. No girl has gotten a hold of him yet, and I shouldn't have assumed that I could have been the first.

"What's up?" Emily asked him.

"So I'm having a party the day before Christmas Eve," he told us. "I'm inviting everyone."

"Oh, cool," Angie said. "What time does it start?"

"Around eight at night probably. I don't know, whenever people start showing up," he explained lightly. "See you guys there?"

"I can come," I shrugged.

"Sure," Angie said.

"I'll come then too," Emily said immediately after Angie.

I looked away from the awkward look Angie had afterward.

"I should go now," Carter waved. "Bye."

"Rhys should be here soon," I said as Carter left.

"Wait, Brayl--"

"That's fine," Emily cut in. "Angie, take me home?"

I looked over at Angie's reluctant eyes, before she nodded at Emily, saying, "Sure."

I don't know what's going on, but it clearly has something to do with Emily.

I waved goodbye to Angie, and she mirrored my action. It wasn't too long after hearing her motorcycle rev away until Rhys' Tesla showed up.

"Damn," I whispered under my breath as I got in. "I'm suddenly very aware that I've never been in your car before."

He chuckled as we drove off to wherever we were going. "It's not mine," he told me. "This is my dad's."

"You don't have your own car?" I asked him.

"No, I do," he said. "Just... this one's special."

"I can see."

"Yeah," he laughed, taking my hand and lacing our fingers together. "So are you."

I held back the urge to snort at his claim. Not only was it not true, but it was so cheesy too.

"So, where are you taking me?" I asked, drumming my fingers on my knee in anticipation.

"Actually, that's up to you this time."


"Well, I chose to take you out on my boat and then I found out you got seasick, so I was guessing that maybe I should just let you choose this time."


I'm bad at this. Decisions. I'm actually really terrible at making decisions. Especially when it comes to dates. The best date idea I've had so far was eating fast food at night just talking about anything, regardless if you think it's important or not.

But that's just taking a page out of Ethan's "what I like to do when I'm bored" list.

"How about we just get to know each other?" I suggested. "Let's just get some food and talk."

"Okay," he said. "What restaurant?"

I looked out the car window, watching the different buildings pass by me. "There's a Burger King near here."

His face scrunched up in either disgust or confusion. Maybe both. "Burger King?"

I laughed. "What? You don't like Burger King?"

"I actually haven't been there in years," he admitted. "But no. I don't remember liking it one bit."

I smiled gently. "I don't really like it there either, but their fries are really good."

He shook his head with a grin, pulling into the parking lot.

As I got out of the car, something about it made me laugh. "I didn't think I'd see the day I'd be getting out of a Tesla and going into Burger King, but I guess there's a first for everything."

"This is a first for me too," he said. He eyed the place carefully, not looking keen on the idea of walking in, but took my hand and headed in with me anyway.

I ordered chicken fingers, chicken fries, and two large fries for both of us. I wasn't sure if he'd actually eat it, but it was cheap. Not that it would matter to him.

We sat at a table and began playing a game of twenty questions, but it slowly morphed into actual conversations about ourselves and stories I haven't shared in a while. It was refreshing to be with someone new.

At one point, I ended up teasing him about being some rich kid who never steps foot into places like Burger King. He couldn't deny it, we both knew that, but he ended up glancing over at the cashier, realizing that the guy was examining us weirdly. We decided to head out, and I felt a lot closer to him walking out than I did walking in.

He was taking me back to my house when his hand squeezed mine tighter over the console. "I need to tell you something."


"So-- oh God, how do I say this? So, um, my parents found out I was seeing someone and now they want to meet you."

Parents. I don't think I've ever gotten that far into a relationship to meet their family. It was only Max, my first boyfriend, but he was different.

"You don't have to agree to it if you don't want to," he told me, pulling up to the curb by my house. "Hell, I probably wouldn't agree to it if I were you. I haven't even asked you to be my girlfriend yet, not that I wasn't planning to, and--"

"You were going to ask me to be your girlfriend?"

His eyes widened as he looked at me but then looked away as he began to ramble on. "I mean, well, yeah. But later though. You know, we've only been out a couple of times and-- wait, would you have even said yes?"

This was the first time I've ever seen Rhys Keene flustered. It was kind of adorable.

I cupped his cheek with one of my hands as I leaned up to kiss him. It shut him up as he began to kiss me back.

When we were running out of breath, he pressed his forehead against mine, so I could clearly see the green eyes that were piercing through me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he whispered against my lips, hopeful.


He kissed me again but backed away soon after. "Braylee, my parents can get really judgmental of the people I date. Maybe it's not such a good idea to meet them."

I pecked his lips, looking into his eyes. "No, Rhys, I want to."

That was enough for him to deepen our kiss, making me smile against his lips.

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