*Pogue for Life* Outer Banks...

By Countrysweetheart39

249 9 0

Joanna Mills made a life-or-death choice and chose to stay with her ex-boyfriend Rafe Cameron instead of jump... More

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The Diary
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Happy Anniversary
Tapping the Rudder
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The Bells

37 1 0
By Countrysweetheart39

Jo wakes up to Kie leaning over her poking her in the face.

"What do you want?" Jo groans in annoyance.

"Come on, we need to talk in private." Kie whispers as she pulls on Jo's arm.

She groans and sits up.

She spots Rafe still sleeping on the floor with a pillow.

She feels slightly bad for him.

She hasn't slept without him in about a month and it feels strange.

But it feels like she is starting to think clearly.

Kie drags her into the bathroom.

She shuts and locks the door behind them.

Kie grabs the hand that has the diamond on it.

"What the hell is this?" Kie asks about the ring.

Jo sighs in exhaustion.

"I know. It came as a shock to me too. I thought I was never gonna see any of you guys again. And the longer I was there, it just kinda made sense and I fell back in love with him." Jo tells her.

Kie has a brief look of understanding on her face.

"How is he?" Jo asks hesitantly, not able to say his name.

"He misses you, every day. We all did." Kie tells her.

"I'm sorry. I saw him pointing that rifle at the boat and my head went with the first thing, and that was to give myself to him. I didn't regret it, not until I seen you." Jo admits to Kie.

"We need to find a way to get out of here. Clearly he wants Denmark Tanny's diary. If we can convince him to let us go, we can find our way back to the guys." Kie suggests.

"Yea, but he's not just gonna let us go just like that. And I mean what about Rafe? We can't just leave him here." Jo says.

"I need to know if you're with me. I mean really with me." Kie states.

"You know I am." Jo tells her.

"Then trust me. We're gonna have to ditch Rafe." Kie tells her and she looks hesitant.

"Things are different now Kie, I can't just up and ditch Rafe."

She holds up her left hand to remind her.

"Besides, we may need him on our side if we have to fight our way out of here." Jo reasons.

"Okay, okay. But we have to talk to Singh alone." Kie states.

"Alright, you get their attention and I'll hold Rafe off the best I can." Jo tells her.

They automatically do their pogue handshake.

Jo freezes afterward and feels tears in her eyes.

"I can't believe I thought I would never do that again."

Kie pulls Jo into a hug.

"I need you to focus. Save the tears for our friends." Kie firmly tells her.

"You're right. Let's do this."

Kie opens the bathroom door and Rafe sits up.

"I thought you left." he speaks to Jo.

Kie storms over to the window and bangs on it to get a guard's attention.

"Get Mr. Singh. We need to speak to him."

Kie speaks through the window.

Rafe instantly stands up.

"What are you doing? Shut up. Shut up."

Rafe goes to storm over to Kie, but Jo blocks his path.

She places her hands on his chest and pushes him back.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" he demands to know.

"Like I owe you an explanation." Kie glares at him.

She storms past them to get to the door.

"Why is it every time you're with your pogue friends you always choose them over me huh? I am so sick of this shit Joanna!" Rafe raises his voice at her.

Kie starts banging on the door to get attention.

"Listen to me, Kie and I need to talk to Singh, okay? This doesn't involve you." Jo tells him.

Rafe hardens his face.

"I knew you were lying about the diary. You two know where it is." he accuses with a look of betrayal.

"This is between me and Kie. It has nothing to do with you. I just need you to trust me." Jo states.

"No! No! Everything you do is my business. The day you chose to come with me and put my ring on your finger is the day you gave up that right to just push me aside."

He steps back to see both of the girls.

"Think about this for a second and look around you. I'm the closest thing to a friend you have Kie. You better start realizing that." he tells them.

Kie just glares at him.

The door unlocks and opens revealing one of the guards.

"Jo and I need to talk to Mr. Singh, it's important." Kie tells him.

The guard looks and can tell they've all been arguing.


He moves out of the way so Kie and Jo can walk past him.

Rafe clinches his jaw in anger.


Buzz is putting bags in the car as another jeep passes him.

He knows that it is Singh's men looking for the kids.

He is looking at his phone and sees that he has a text from Cynthia.

He knows that he is spending way too much time here, but he needs to find his daughter.

He quickly runs back to the small shack that John lives in.

He spots Carla and John on the back deck.

"I need to go back." he states.

"What do you mean? I thought we were looking for the kids?" John asks caught off guard.

"I know. I wish I didnt have to go back. But I've been gone too long and people are questioning. My wife is pissed off. She just found out I was paying Ward's debts. I need to get back home." Buzz tells them.

John scoffs.

"Its always something else with you! You were never as dedicated as me!" John argues.

"Because I have a family and a career. I couldn't just chase after treasure whenever the hell I wanted! I was there for you when you needed me. I made sure Ward got what was coming to him for what he did! So don't you dare say I wasn't dedicated!"

Carla slowly grabs her crutches and stands up.

"Boys that's enough! I didn't reunite you so you can fight over everything. Buzz I will arrange for you to go back stateside, but our deal isn't over. I am still helping you look for your children. So I suggest you quit arguing like teenagers and help each other." Carla lectures the men.

The church bells go off and the men look at each other.

"Do you hear that?" John asks.

"The bells. Yea. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Buzz questions.

"Hell yeah, buddy. This isn't over yet." John declares.


The guard leads Jo and Kie down the steps to the study where Singh is waiting for them.

"You were right, we lied. We do know about the diary." Kie tells him.

"We don't have the original. But we can get you a copy of it." Jo finishes trying to act unafraid.

Singh chuckles.

"I am relieved to hear that you two have decided to tell me the truth." Singh tells them.

"Can I offer you ladies something to eat?"

He signals for his maid.

"No. We're fine." Kie says quickly.

"Relax. Nothing is going to happen to now. You have decided to corporate with me, and you are my guests. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." Singh says to them.

"I understand, and we're appreciative of that. But we really just wanna get you what you want as quickly as possible so we can leave and be reunited with our friends." Jo tells him as politely as possible.

"I know where it is. But we have to go alone" Kie suggests.

Singh chuckles again.

"How would I know that you'd come back? I need some collateral." Singh gives them a pointed look.

"Rafe is here. Keep him." Kie quickly spits out.

Jo snaps her head in Kie's direction with a small glare.

Singh picks up on the small exchange and stands up from his seat.

"I don't think your partner would agree with leaving her fiancé as collateral." Singh states.

"Look, I know where the diary is. I promise you I can get it for you." Kie states.

"I built this fortune myself from nothing. Do you know how that happened, Miss Carrera, Miss Mills? Hmm? I can assure you, it was not by being a fool." he steps closer to them.

Jo quickly puts herself in front of Kie protectively.

"Don't waste my time girls. The diary holds the key to the ultimate conquest, and that my young friends, is my destiny. You either one of you need to tell me where it is or I'm gonna-"

His phone starts buzzing.

He quickly takes a step back from the girls and Jo releases a breath that she was holding.

She looks down to see her hands shaking.

Her eyes are wide as she glances at Kie. Singh starts laughing.

"It appears we just got a text from our friend Jimmy Portis. From beyond the grave apparently." Jo gives him a look of confusion.

"I don't know who that is." Jo quickly tells him.

"No, you wouldn't, but your friend here does. He's the man who you watched me shoot and kill, Miss Mills." Jo takes a quick intake of breath.

"It seems that Mr. Portis has captured your friends."

He holds up his phone to show a picture of John B and Sarah. Jo's eyes widen.

Singh walks off and Kie and Jo follow behind him.

"Wait! Please!" Jo quickly begs.

"Get the girls back upstairs." Singh commands.

"Please dont hurt them!"

"Please! Please! Don't hurt our friends!"

The girls get pulled back up the stairs.

"That depends on your corporation from here on out. I will be speaking with you girls again real soon." Singh shouts to them.


Rafe is pacing the room in worry about Jo when the door opens and Jo and Kie get shoved back inside.

Jo looks upset and about to cry.

Rafe quickly rushes over to her.

He grabs her face in his hands.

"What happened? Did he hurt you?" he asks frantically.

Jo shakes her head.

"Okay, one of you has to talk to me." he demands.

"Do I have to remind you of everything you've done? You killed Peterkin. Do you even remember that? Not to mention everything you've put Sarah through, Jo through!" Kie sneers at him.

Rafe clenches his jaw and steps away from Jo to tower over Kie.

"What happened with Peterkin, I was protecting my father. I did what I had to, so don't." He spits sounding upset.

Kie looks at him with disgust.

He fidgets and Jo knows that he's in his head again.

Jo steps closer to him and reaches out to him.


She tries to get his attention.

He sits down on the window seat and stares at Kie.

"I'm as much a victim as she is." Kie glares at him.

"No? Think about it. Okay? What did I get out of shooting Peterkin, huh? Nothing. I had nothing against her. I mean II liked her."

Jo has tears in her eyes listening to him sound so broken.

"You think I wanted to make that choice, huh? Now I have to live with this guilt in my head for the rest of my life. I am never gonna be the same person that I once was. But what I did was supposed to be a gift to my father, and I got screwed because of it, okay? So don't get that look when I say I'm a victim, alright? I am!"

Rafe gets loud making Kie jump.

"I can't stomach that look to be on your face Joanna. It kills me." he tells her softly.

"Rafe please." Jo tries again.

"I will admit though, what I did to Sarah, what I tried to do. I'll admit that was wrong. So you don't have to remind me because it's something else that I have to live with every day."

He starts breathing heavy and pacing the floor.

Jo lifts her hands and grabs him.

"Hey, hey. Calm down you're alright." Jo whispers to him.

Kie watches how Jo handles Rafe with a mix of disgust and awe.

Rafe pushes away from her anyway.

"She was family. I never should have touched her, you know. I just lose control in moments like that, and I don't know what happens."

Kie softens her glare slightly.

"I'm trying, okay? I'm trying to be better. Because Jo deserves it."

He turns to face Jo and grabs her hands.

"Because I know what I did was wrong. I know bringing you with me without your permission was wrong and I shouldn't have done it." he pauses.

"But I don't care that I did, because we love each other. And I'm a selfish person who wants to keep you to myself. I knew you wouldn't chose me. I dont blame you. But I'm selfish and I took you anyway."

Jo's eyes widen as he stares in her eyes.

"I took you because I couldn't stand the thought of you not picking me first. And I knew you wouldn't without a little push." he tells her.

A tear falls down her face.

He pulls away from her and faces Kie again.

"But none of that matters, all I'm saying is that I'm not entirely the bad guy you think I am Kiara. But even if I was, even if I was just like, bad Rafe Cameron or something, you got no choice. You may not want to trust me, but Jo does. And trust that I would never intentionally put her in harm's way, okay? I'm the best shot you got right now." Rafe tells her.

Jo hears truck doors.

She goes to the window.

"Oh no." she gasps.

"What's going on?" Rafe asks going over to the window.

"They're going after John B and your sister." Kie informs him.

"That sucks for them. But that's good for us." Rafe states.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jo asks.

"We are all gonna have to work together so we can get out of here and get back to the boat." he tells her.

Jo and Kie share a glance with each other.


Jo throws a glass vase at the door.

"Don't touch her Rafe!" Jo shouts.

"I'm tired of your shit, Kie!" Rafe yells.

Jo throws another vase.

"Stop, Rafe! You're killing her! Help!" Jo continues to shout.

She quickly rushes to hide in the bathroom on the other side of Rafe.

He nods his head at her.

She quickly shakes her head back.

Kie is sitting in the bathtub with her foot sticking out.

They hear the man slowly walk into the room.

Jo hears him step closer to the bathroom.

When she sees his shadow, she swings her arm out and elbows the guard harshly in the face.

Rafe comes out from behind the door and slams the gun out of his hands.

Rafe punches the man knocking him back.

Jo grabs the lamp and slams it over his back, knocking him to the ground.

"Stay down." Rafe growls.

Jo grabs the wires from the lamp.

"Big mistake." The guard threatens.

Jo holds the man down as Rafe ties his arms behind his back.

Kie grabs the gun and points it at him.

Rafe smiles at Jo.

"Good job, baby. Just like I taught you." he speaks in awe.

"That was totally badass and sexy." he flirts.

"Now is not the time, we gotta go." Kie lectures.

"Come on."

Rafe opens the door and looks out.

When he doesn't see anybody, he grabs Jo's hand and pulls her down the hallway towards the steps.

Kie follows behind them.

They run down the steps and stop at the doorway of the foyer.

"Rafe, Rafe, Rafe." Kie whispers to get his attention.

"What?" he hisses out.

"Let me get the phone." Kie says.

"Fine. Give me the gun."

They quickly exchange.

"Alright, you guys ready?" he asks.

He peeks out the door, and sees guards standing outside.

"Shit! Okay, we gotta find another way out. This way."

Rafe sneaks past towards another door.

Jo watches as Kie takes a picture of the El Dorado painting with the phone.

"Nice thinking." Jo whispers to her.

"Come on, I found another way out." Rafe whispers to them.

He leads them to a side door.

He opens the door and grabs Jo's hand.

"Come on."

He looks out and avoids the guards.

They look over the railing.

"Okay, what now?" Kie asks.

Jo sees the hay truck.

"I have an idea. We need to get on that truck." Jo tells them.

They watch as it starts up.

They take off running through the yard to get on that truck.

Kie manages to jump up first.

Rafe grabs on and reaches for Jo's hand.

They notice a man sitting in the back.

He stands up to attack.

Rafe lunges for the man.


Jo holds the man down as Rafe punches him.

The man kicks Jo away from him.

Rafe then kicks him in the face.

"No! Don't!"

Rafe throws the man over the side and he falls over the side of the road.

Kie looks at him with fear.

Rafe is out of breath as he drops down to check on Jo.

"Are you okay?" he asks her checking her over.

"I'm fine." she assures him.

"We gotta hide under this tarp." Kie says.

They get under the tarp.

Jo lays her head on Rafe's chest as she holds onto Kie's hand.

They listen as the truck stops at the check point.

They hear men walk around the truck.

Jo pushes herself further into Rafe's chest and tenses up.

His grip tightens around her body.

The truck finally start moving and they finally lift the tarp off of them and sit up.

"Whoo! I can't believe we actually made it." Rafe laughs.

"We'll ride on here til we get to town and get to the boat."

Rafe tells them as he notices that Kie and Jo haven't let go of each other.


Once they make it to town, Rafe leads them toward where the boat is docked.

They run down the ramp to get to the boat.

Kie jumps on.

Jo stop when she realizes that Rafe isn't following them.

She turns around to see what the holdup is.

"What are you doing? We have to go." Jo pulls on his hand.

"I'm not coming with you." he tells her softly.

She gives him a dumbfounded look.

"What do you mean? Of course you're coming."

She tries to pull him, but he doesn't budge.

She finally stares and she sees tears in his eyes.

"I love you Joanna. You have always been the one person that I can turn to for anything. You have always been there for me when I needed you." he says to her.

"What? What are you saying? We have to go!"

He gives her a sad smile.

"But I'm not that person for you."

She finally stops moving and just stands there.

"I know that I made a selfish decision to take you from your home. And for that I'm sorry. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want it to start with regret and resentment." he tells her in a broken voice.

"I don't have any resentment towards you Rafe." she says to him.

"Maybe not now, but there was. You need to go to your friends. You'll always hate yourself if you don't go. And I love you too much to see that happen." he sadly says to her.

"Go with Kiara and save your friends." he says.

"What about you?" she asks him.

"I'll just take another boat back to Guadeloupe." he tells her.

She lets out a breath and wraps her arms around him.

"Thank you." she whispers in his ear.

She pulls away slightly and connects their lips in a short and sweet kiss.

"This is the Rafe Cameron that I fell in love with all those years ago."

They stare in each other's eyes briefly.

"Come on! We gotta go!" Kie shouts from the helm.

"Go before I change my mind and keep you." he jokes.

"I don't know what to say." she tells him.

He gives her a halfhearted smile.

"Just promise to come back to me." he whispers.

She takes a sharp breath.

"Thank you."

She turns and runs to get on the boat.

"Is Rafe coming?" Kie asks.

Jo shakes her head.

"No. He's not." she responds.

She feels a pain in her chest at leaving Rafe, but she knows she needs her friends more.

Jo climbs up the helm to be with Kie.

Jo grabs a small gold chain and grabs her ring and slides it on the chain.

She quickly fastens it around her neck.

"Can you do me a solid and not mention this to the guys?" Jo asks hesitantly.

Kie gives her a disapproving look and sighs.

"You have to tell them. But I won't be that person. Your secret is safe with me." Kie answers.

"Thank you." Jo says.

"So, I texted that number with a pin of our location. They're gonna meet us." Kie informs Jo.


Jo changes her clothes as Kie pulls into the port.

She tucks the chain in her shirt and heads up to the deck.

"I'm gonna go change. Keep a look out." Kie says to her.

Jo nods her head.

"I have clothes in the blue bag you can wear." she tells her.

She watches Kie go down to the cabins.

Jo looks up and her heart stops.

A person with his back to her looks very familiar.

The person turns around and she feels so many butterflies in her stomach.

She is staring right at JJ.

He stares in shock and love as he lowers the hat he's wearing.


She smiles widely.

"Did you miss me?" she laughs.

"Jo? I can't believe it!"

She jumps down from the boat as he runs to her.

He picks her up as her arms wrap around his neck.

"Oh my God! I can't believe you're here right now!" he mumbles into her neck.

"I didn't think I would ever see you again."

Jo has tears in her eyes.

"Yea, well, I'm here now. Everything is fine. You're safe now." he tells her happily.

"I've missed you so much."

He pulls away and leans in to connect his lips with hers.

She kisses him back and wraps her arms around his neck.


"No freaking way!"

"Holy shit, Jo!"

"Look at you crazy girl!" Cleo exclaims.


"Holy shit!"

Everyone takes their turn in hugging Jo and Kie.

Jo finally feels complete again at being back with her friends.

"So what the hell happened? How did you get this boat?" John B and Sarah ask.

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you." Kie states.

Jo and Kie lead their friends onto the boat.

"Okay, I have just a couple of questions."

JJ starts as he checks out the boat.

"Shoot." Jo responds to him.

"A Lagoon 620 with twin 150 Volvos. You understand we can go anywhere with this thing, right?" JJ sounds ecstatic.

"Yea? Where do you wanna go first?" Jo asks.

JJ gives her a serious look as he climbs onto the boat.

"Did Rafe hurt you at all? I swear to God, if he did." Jo grabs his face.

She shakes her head.

"He didn't hurt me. I promise." she tells him sincerely.

"So like, what were you even doing there? And what did he Singh want with you guys?" Pope asks them.

"You're not gonna believe this. He wanted Denmark's diary." Kie informs them.



"I don't know. But he said that it leads to a treasure that's a lot bigger than the Merchant." Kie answers.

"You're saying there's a bigger treasure?" JJ asks.

"Yea apparently." Jo answers.

JJ wraps his arms around Jo again.

"Then sign me up." he exclaims.

John B rushes past them suddenly.

"John B where you going?" Pope shouts at him.

"I'll be back!" He shouts back to them.

"John B, we gotta go!" Kie shouts.

Jo climbs up to the helm.

"Sarah? Where is he going?" Jo questions her.

"That church I think." Sarah points towards a church.

"He said something about bells."

Jo listens as the bells ring again.

They seem familiar to her, but she can't remember from where.


They continue to wait for John B to show back up.

"Where the hell is he?" Pope questions.

"He said he would be back by now!" Sarah exclaims.

Just then a bunch of trucks show up to the dock.

"Oh shit!" Kie shouts.

"That's Singh's men." Cleo informs them.

"What do we do?" Jo sees JJ cock a gun.

"We take a stand. That's what we gotta do. That's our only option." JJ states.

"Are you out of your mind!?" Jo lectures.

"Joanna, we are not splitting up again! I can't handle it!" JJ shouts back at her.

"You didn't see what we seen! They killed Portis! We can't stay here!" Kie argues.

"We're not leaving John B!" JJ argues.

"No Pogue left behind!" Pope stands being JJ.

"They're getting closer!" Cleo warns them.

Sarah starts to drive the boat.

"We're not leaving John B behind!" JJ shouts.

Pope tries to hold him back.

"We don't have a choice anymore!" Kie shouts.

"Get down!" Cleo shouts as guns start shooting at them.

JJ pulls Jo down and he climbs on top of her to cover her.

They get further away on the boat.

"Oh no! What did we do?"

They all feel guilty for leaving John B behind.

"Damn it!"

JJ slams his fist on the deck.

"I'm sorry John B." Sarah mumbles.

Jo pulls her into a hug.

She was reunited with her friends, just to lose one of them.

Her heart breaks again.

She locks eyes with JJ who is staring at her with sadness.

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