The mind electric (Ghostface...

Autorstwa ForgottenFandomFics

65.9K 2.6K 818

๐™ต๐š›๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š”๐š’๐šœ๐š‘ ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐š๐š’๐šœ๐š–๐šŠ๐š•, ๐š‘๐š˜๐š•๐š•๐š˜๐š  ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐š‹๐š•๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š”. ๐™ธ ๐šŒ๐š˜๐šž๐š•๐š ๐š๐š˜ ๐š˜๐š—, ๐š‹๐šž๐š ๐š•๐šŽ๐š... Wiฤ™cej



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Autorstwa ForgottenFandomFics

I got so many Barbie and Ken shit like what's above saved up, be prepared.

True to his word, Stuart nonchalantly followed you into all of your classes like he belonged there.  Hiding in plain sight.  You had to hand it to him, it was pretty smart.  William was quite clever.  You were surprised that no one was pointing out Stuart sitting in class with you.  The scarring on his face was quite... recognizable.  Shouldn't your professors remember a student with such... pronounced features?

But, you got extremely lucky.  Stuart decided he needed to use the bathroom.  So you had a window of opportunity.  And of course, you took it, running off to try and find Dewey once more.

Once Stuart disappeared from your line of vision, you took off sprinting in the opposite direction, looking for the Woodsboro cop, or anyone you had told about the visit at the party last night.

And you almost immediately ran into someone.  Actually, let me specify; you smacked right into Randy's chest.

"What the- (y/n)?  Are you okay?  I don't think I've ever seen you run like that," he stated.

"Please help, he's here," you begged softly.

"What?  Who's here, are you okay?  Tell me what's going on," Randy demanded.

"Can't stay, he's here-"

"Come with me," Randy instructed.  "You're gonna be fine.  Come on."

You would've been glad that he wasn't commenting on the fact that you were speaking when it was just him around.  But he had noticed it.  That's why he freaked out a little himself.  You had claimed to see a killer who had gone missing in a public area, and now you were so spooked you not only acknowledged his existence, but you spoke to him.  Something was very wrong.

He led you to the Film Hall, right to one of the classrooms in the middle of the building.  One of the ones with no windows, and no way in except for the single door.  It was the perfect hiding spot for your purposes.

"So, tell me, what the hell is going on," Randy said.

"Stuart... he's been following me around all day," you replied quietly.

"Wait, wait, wait.  Hold up, Stu has been shadowing you?  And no one noticed?!"

You just shook your head.

"Jesus Christ... oh shit!"

"What, what's wrong," you quickly asked, highly concerned.

"I'm gonna die," he told you.

"You're not gonna die Randal.  Calm down."

"No!  It's the rules!  I'm a geek, geeks always die!  I lost my virginity, only virgins survive!  And it was to fucking Sarah-"

"I don't need to know about your sex life," you quickly shouted, plugging your ears in fear.

Randy just glared at you.  When you finally freed your ears, he continued.

"I was talking to Dewey about suspects earlier.  He doubts it's Billy or Stu, based on how they were stabbed n' shit.  Apparently they're not fitting with some of the patterns from Woodsboro," Randy informed you.

"I saw Stuart.  He's been following me all fucking day," you stated.

"And I'm not saying I don't believe you!  I'm just saying that we have the originals crawling around somewhere, and now there's a copycat on the loose too.  And I'm doomed to die.  In short, we're fucked."

"Where's Deputy Riley staying," you questioned.

"Oh, he's staying in the motel down the street from the diner," Randy answered.  "Anyways, Stu's been following you around?"

"Yes.  Where's Sid?"

"She's with Derek.  He walks her to all her classes, does the knight in shining armor act.  And we can't trust Mickey or Hallie to-"

"Why can't we trust Hallie," you interrogated.

"Please, no one's that nice.  And a psych major to be your personal therapist free of charge?  Too good to be true.  And Gale's an asshole."

"Why are we talking about who's suspicious and not?"

"Buddy system, remember?  It was your idea.  How about I stay with you?  Maybe it'll discourage Stu from doing anything," Randy suggested.

You thought it over for a moment.  Some dude that you didn't really like was suggesting you spend the entire day together.  And honestly... it was a good idea.  Safety in numbers, and all that.

"Alright," you agreed.

The two of you made a plan to meet each other after every class, and Randy would escort you everywhere.  And the two of you would constantly be checking in with Sidney and Derek to make sure that they were okay.

You managed to make it through the rest of the school day without seeing Stuart, or William.  And once classes ended for the day, Randy decided that he was going to stay with you at your apartment for the night.  So now you were standing in the kitchen, starting your favorite song from Sidney's record, with Randy in the living room looking like he was ready for a middle school sleepover.  A grown ass man had showed up to your home wearing bunny pajama pants and a 'Black Christmas' shirt.  It was truly a sight to behold.

Before Randy could start to settle in or you could show him where the bathroom was, the phone started ringing.  You motioned for him to be quiet, and answered the noisy machine.

"(y/n)..." the creepy male voice whined.  "Why'd you leave me... I just wanted a hug..."

"Is this seriously a killer," Randy whispered.

You nodded with a shrug, and turned your attention back to the phone.

"(y/n)... tell Billy to let me get a tattoo," Stuart complained.

You could hear Billy arguing with him, but his distance from Stuart's phone and the voice changer distorted his words just enough that you couldn't make out what he was saying.  But the anger was apparent.  Randy was just staring at you, bewildered.  A scary voice now associated with a scary movie, being used by a killer who had attacked you both a year prior, was whining to you like a kid.

"Stuart, did you have another drink," you asked quietly.

"NO!!  Maybe..."

Oh.  This suddenly made sense now.

"HE FUCKING DRANK ALL THE GOD DAMN BEER IN THE SPAN OF ONE DAY," you heard William shout from across whatever room they were in, the voice changer screwing with his voice as well.  "AND HE'S AN EMOTIONAL DRINKER!!  I'M FUCKING STUCK WITH THIS!!"

"Piss off dick!"

"What the fuck," Randy mumbled.

Once more, you just shrugged.  You didn't have any answers for this.  You were kinda lost on what to do or say.

"(y/n)... I want that tat really bad..." Stuart whined.  "It'll match all my new mini-stabs!"

"Mini-stabs," Randy asked, still whispering.

"He got some piercings while drunk this morning," you whispered back, assuming that's what he meant (seriously, what else could a mini-stab be).

You heard the two killers bickering, then all the sudden, Stuart shouted something highly unnerving.


You looked at Randy, petrified.  Stuart had watched you sleep?  Had William joined in?  How many times had they watched you?!  Randy seemed just as freaked out by this revelation.  The two originals not only knew where your phone number, but they knew where you lived?!  And what had even brought that out for Stuart to just say that in a conversation?

Before either of them could continue, you hung up the phone, and turned off the record player.

"Let's go to Deputy Riley's," you suggested, speaking at a normal volume for the first time in front of Randy.


And with that, you packed up some of your shit, Randy grabbed his, and the two of you were on your way to the motel.  Thankfully, it wasn't a cheap one where people went for quick hookups.  The owners actually put in effort to keep it nice.

And you knew they always had vacancies, so it would be easy to get a room with two beds.  Like hell the two of you were splitting up after hearing that, and knowing the copycat was out there, possibly doing something just as creepy.

A/n: don't know why I found the Santa thing funny, but I did.

Also, I have recently found out I can sing Somewhere Over the Rainbow from 'The Wizard of Oz' in pig latin.  I can now fuck with an entire theater club.  Hooray, I guess.

Czytaj Dalej

To Teลผ Polubisz

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