Claimed by The Moon (previous...

By rlbrowne

65.4K 2.6K 350

Book 1 - Moon series Part 1 of a Duet. This is book 1 of the Alpha series, but this book was so long that I s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 | PHASE TWO: Healer
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Extra POV - Sienna
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Part 2 of the Duet: Beta Enzo

Chapter 3

2.1K 114 4
By rlbrowne


"Help please! My boyfriend was shot! We need Dr. Hall, please!" - The girl dragging the man asks for my Dad personally as my Dad races towards them.

Three others nurses rush towards the pair as I stare at the girl who's eyes continue to flicker as she watches me as well before snapping out of her trance and shoving the nurses back from the man in her arms.

"Please, ma'am, let's get him into this over room over here," One nurses pleads, gesturing towards an empty room. "Dr. Sturgeon is available."

"No!" The girl growls - she actually growled! "I only want Dr. Hall!"

My Dad then says something to the nurses that were pleading with the girl and they quickly back off as he grabs the guy's bleeding shoulder and tosses him over his shoulder, gesturing the woman towards one of the hallways that led to his back office.

"Romello," I blink, hearing my Dad's voice. "Follow me, son, now."

Immediately complying, I snap out of whatever that was and quickly catch up to my Dad and the other two people - or wolves.

Stopping outside of my Dad's office, he looks at me and nods. "Mello, grab the keys from my back pocket and open the door, quickly, please."

"Y-yes sir." I stumble through my words as I dig in his pocket and grab the keys, feeling the girl's eyes on me the whole time, I try to ignore her as I open the office door.

My hands were shaking so bad as I watch my Dad gently set the guy down on the black leather couch here in his office.

"Romello, open the black filing cabinet under my desk and get the black box out of there, please." Dad instructs again, putting pressure on the guy's wound as the girl takes a seat on the couch next to the guy.

Doing as I was told, I go behind my Dad's desk and I open the filing cabinet, hesitating when I see the black box but I grab it and push past my nerves to bring it to my Dad.

"Open it, please." He says, keeping pressure on the guy's wound as the guy hisses from the pain and when he does, his mouth falls open and my eyes widen when I see his canines.

To which Dad nods, "He's a werewolf."

Seeming stunned for a second, I nod again because that's about all I could do right now.

"Romello, I need you to come and put pressure on the wound," Dad groans as he shuffles past me to grab the black box, moving back to see that I was doing my job wrong due to my nerves.

"Here, like this," Dad whispers, grabbing my hands and guiding them. "Right there, a little more pressure," He says pressing my hands down harder on the guy's shoulder. "Hold pressure right there, perfect son."

Then Dad turns to look at the girl. "Miss?"

"Sienna," She answers and Dad nods while I'm still stuck on stupid with the fact that I'm in the presence of two other werewolves and I'm having my first experience with a gunshot wound of this caliber.

"What's your mate's name?" Dad asks and my attention shoots to the girl.

Mate? - So that wasn't something that Dad just made up? That's a real thing? How the heck can the Moon force two people to love each other? That just doesn't seem normal.

"His name is Bryce." Sienna replies and Dad sighs, looking down at the man.

"Bryce, I want you to take some deep breaths for me, ok," Dad nods. "This is going to hurt like hell." He says as Bryce does as he's told and then screams out in pain as Dad plunges the surgical tweezers into his shoulder.

The girl hisses too as if she was in pain as well and I flinch at the sight of her canines elongating and when Dad plunges deeper into the wound, Sienna drops her head on Bryce's chest, whimpering.

"It's ok, love," Bryce groans, rubbing her head. "It's going to be over soon."

Staying quiet but observing the interaction in front of me, I try to offer some support as I rub Sienna's back, Bryce growling at the action and I quickly pull my hand away - not understanding why he got so offended by it, but whatever.

I wouldn't be doing that again.

It only took Dad a few minutes of digging to finally sigh a breath of relief as he begins to pull something out of Bryce's shoulder, holding it up to get a better look at it.

"Silver bullet laced with wolfsbane." Dad whispers, his expression that of shock and fear as he looks around the room.

Both Sienna and Bryce looking at the bullet with the same shocked and feared expression that my Dad held as I was trying to figure out what was so bad about either one of the chemicals.

Dad told me about silver and wolfsbane and what they can do to wolves but I've never actually experienced the pain that can happen due to being exposed to either one of them - although judging by the looks on their faces, I didn't want to know.

Going into the bathroom attached to his office, Dad washes the bullet off and then carefully places it in the same black box that he asked me to get from his filing cabinet - making me wonder why he would keep it.

That wasn't what caught my attention though, it was the sight of Bryce's shoulder wound, slowly closing, healing - amazingly.

I hadn't personally seen a wound this scary or this massive - actually heal on it's own or begin to so to watch his skin slowly pull back together in front of my eyes, I was in awe.

"Romello," Startling when I hear my Dad's voice, I blink a few times, realizing that I was staring at the wolf still laid on the couch.

"Yes?" I ask, turning to look at my Dad.

"I've been paged, so I have to go check on a car crash victim that's being rushed in, so can you clean all of this up for me?" He asks, gesturing around at the mess in his office.

Leaving me without a choice, I nod and then watch as he leaves his office in a hurry, closing the door behind him.

I sigh a breath of nervousness and frustration that my Dad would leave me with two wolves - actual wolves that I had never met before and expect me to remain calm about the whole situation.

I've never been around any other wolves except my Dad and even with him, I've only actually seen his wolf or witness his abilities a handful of times because I always avoided the matters of our kind.

Everything that I've read in my Dad's history books about werewolves terrified the living daylights out of me, making me feel like this part of me was death on legs.

I hated everything about being so different - a wolf living in a human world and yet I didn't want to go around my own kind to learn more because what good could actually come of that?

"Ahem," Startling again when I hear someone clear their throat, my eyes widen as I take a step back from the couch to see Bryce and Sienna watching me.

Ignoring their gazes, I turn around and start cleaning up the mess in my Dad's office, trying my best to keep my head down, hope that they didn't bother me and just leave already.

"So you're a wolf." The guy, Bryce says, pulling my attention back to him as I pull on a pair of gloves and throw some of the bloody gauze away. "Living with humans, why?"

Was I actually supposed to answer that? How the heck was I supposed to answer that? Hey yeah, I'm a wolf and I love with humans by choice - not but yeah.

What the freak. . .

"Your name is Romello?" I hear the girl, Sienna ask and I nod, staying silent as I continue to clean up. "Are you Dr. Hall's biological son? We heard him call you his son."

Again - how the heck was I supposed to answer that? Like yeah duh, I'm his biological son, he's my Dad, do we not hold a resemblance?

"No, you don't," Sienna replies and my eyes widen as my hand stops, my action of scrubbing the blood off the desk - completely coming to a screeching halt.

Aww shoot - Had I said that out loud?

I could see why someone would question my relationship to my Dad but he's the only Dad that I've ever known so he has to be my biological Dad.

Even though the power of man is like 6'7, chocolate skinned, has black hair and deep almond colored eyes while I'm clearly pale as a ghost, 6'2 and I have light brown hair with green eyes.

But to be fair, my mom is as pale as I am and has blue eyes so I just figured that my DNA scrambled between them and I came out with an appearance somewhere in the middle.

"Yeah, he's my Dad." I reply simply because that was the only thing that made sense to me.

"Can you feel a familial bond?" Bryce asks and I force my eyes up from the desk to meet his, confusion plastered behind my gaze and he sighs. "Sorry if that was too personal, you two don't smell related."

"Ok." I nod slowly, not knowing what else to say before I go back to scrubbing the blood from the desk.

Finishing up there, I grab the cleaning spray and start spraying the floor where some blood stained the hardwoods.

"Are you apart of a pack around here?" Bryce asks and I shake my head in response.

"No," I say quietly. "It's just me, my Dad and my mom and she's human, so no," I shake my head. "We're not apart of a wolf pack."

"Have you ever considered joining one?" Sienna questions and again I shake my head.

"No," I look up from where I was cleaning the floor. "Why do you ask?"

She shrugs. "No reason, just that your aura is really powerful, like Alpha blood and I know that Alpha Titus is looking for new recruits to be apart of the Tri Squad and I'm sure that he, Alpha Kash and Alpha Reid could use another Alpha blood member on the Squad."

Staring at her, I blink unable to process words as her own take root. My aura was strong like an Alpha's?

That's just fantastic - I definitely didn't want to be grouped into those brutes. The things that I've read about Alphas weren't exactly things that you jump for joy to be apart of.

"The Tri Squad is a group of the strongest warriors between the three packs in our area," Bryce speaks up. "I'm apart of the Squad, we help to patrol the areas between all three neighboring packs and defend the areas from any threats."

"What kind of threats?" I ask, growing a little curious as one thing that I actually liked doing besides being a Doctor, was training with my Dad.

Sparing was an amazing release for me, a way to get rid of all the tension that's built throughout the day, something that I've gotten into since getting my wolf and something that I take very seriously as a way to control my urges.

Dad says the longer a wolf goes without shifting, the angrier - the more out of control they can become because shifting is an important part of being a wolf and with Shiro's hesitancy to shift, I've had to find different ways to control my urges so that I don't tear down the entire hospital or rip my family apart.

"Any and everything that you can think of that would pose a threat to a wolf pack." Bryce answers, his eyes briefly flickering to his wolf, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"Oh ok," I nod, not able to picture anything that could or would attack an entire wolf pack. "Do you like fighting?"

"Hell yeah," Bryce laughs. "It's a great way to release for wolves, especially males as we reach sexual maturity."

"What about you?" Sienna asks, scooting towards the edge of the black leather couch, "Do you like fighting, Romello?"

"Mell," I correct her, gently as I preferred my nickname to my whole name before nodding. "Yes, I do, it's actually my favorite thing to do with my Dad after work."

"Well that settles it than," Bryce shrugs happily, getting off the couch and approaching me.

So I stand up and swallow, a little intimidated by his size as his height made me seem like a shrimpy.

"I'm going to give you my number, bro," He smiles brightly, digging in his pocket and pulling a cellphone out. "You can text or call me anytime and we will let Alpha Titus know that we found a potential recruit for the Squad."

After that, he shoves his phone into my hand, giving me no choice in denying the proposal so I type my cellphone number into his phone along with my name and than hand it back to him.

"Alpha is going to like this," Bryce chuckles as Sienna comes up behind him and wraps her arms around his waist and kisses his bicep that I now noticed had a branding of some kind, wrapped around it.

"It's my Nightshade pack branding," Bryce explains, noticing my observation. "All wolves in the Tri Squad get one to represent their pack and blood rank."

"Blood rank?" I ask, curiosity peaking again.

"Yeah, it means what rank your bloodline holds. Like I'm Gamma blood," Bryce explains then looks at Sienna. "And my mate is Beta blood."

"Just like you're Alpha blood." Sienna nods and I do as well, still unsure if that's actually true.

"Do you like your marking?" I ask, pointing to the thing wrapped around his arm and Bryce nods.

"Branding," He corrects. "And yes, I love it, my branding signifies my importance to my pack and to the Tri Squad."

"And he loves his mark too." Sienna flutters her eyelashes at him before kissing his neck, causing the large wolf to shiver.

The action catching my attention for some time as I then noticed the marks that laid on the skin of the crook of their necks.

Bryce smiles, again noticing me studying the bite marks on his neck. My Mom and Dad have markings like that as Dad says mates bite each other as a way to connect and tie their souls - claiming each other in a primal, instinctual way that only other shifters could understand.

Something that still seemed weird as all heck to me even though I'm a shifter.

"Yeah, I do love my mark," Bryce says, kissing Sienna's forehead before looking back at me. "We should probably getting going, our Alpha is probably wondering where we are but use that number bro, call or text me anytime seriously."

"Ok," I nod, agreeing a lot faster than I thought that I would but for some reason, I felt so comfortable around the wolves in my presence now.

Some kind of tugging feeling in my stomach telling me to embrace their presences and allow it to wash over me, calming all that seemed to storm inside of me.

It felt good, to be around other wolves - I never actually thought that it would.

Waving goodbye as they leave my Dad's office, I groan as the tugging feeling increased the further they got from where I was standing.

Sighing heavily as I realized that I needed some kind of medicine to stop the pain, I turn around to head towards my Dad's medicine cabinet before noticing the office was still in shambles as I hadn't finished cleaning it like my Dad asked.

My shoulder slump and I curse myself.

Fudging pop tarts - I hate cleaning.


CHAPTER 3 - what an adorable interaction between Romello, Sienna and Bryce!

Thoughts on this one???
Predictions? Fears? Hopes?

Updates - coming as fast as I can format them from my email.

Don't forget to comment if you felt the urge and vote if you enjoyed this one!


Thanks so much for reading,
Until next chapter,
Byeeeeee Bestiesssssss!!

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