Fred Weasley x reader - A un...

נכתב על ידי Freds_George_Draco

182 7 0

Fred Weasley x Reader. Takes place after the battle of Hogwarts after [Y/N] gets hurt, Fred questions everyt... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

28 1 0
נכתב על ידי Freds_George_Draco

Reader POV

I had spent the morning taking different tests, potions and Anthony had tried some spells on me. We had navigated the parts of my memory that I still had left, since I hadn't lost every memory. This was very rare and Anthony told me I could live a normal life. He was very optimistic. But I wasn't so optimistic. Okay I know my name and I remember practical parts, like how to use spells, brew a potion, tie my shoes. Normal everyday things but besides that it was all blank.

"So who was your headmaster?" Anthony asked me, referring to my former school, Hogwarts. I tried to search my mind to find any memory of the headmaster, but nothing. I let out a frustrated sigh. "I have no idea," I said annoyed. Anthony wrote down my answer on a piece of parchment. "Okay, what is Felix Felicis?" Anthony asked me. Before I could even think the words had started to form in my mouth, and I began to speak.

"Felix Felicis, also known as Liquid Luck, is a that makes the drinker lucky for a period of time, during which everything they attempt would be successful. It turned an ordinary day into an extraordinary one. It is very difficult to make, disastrous if made wrong, and requires six months to brew before it is ready to be consumed." I said. Fred leaned in towards me. "Show off, even now when we are not in class, still showing off," he said sarcastically, this made me laugh and playfully hit him. "Stop it," I answered blushing slightly. "Excellent," Anthony said, looking down at his parchment. "What house were you sorted into at school?" he asked me. Again, nothing, everything was blank. "I don't know," I answered. "Think, is there anything you can remember about the house you belonged to?" he asked me. I thought for a moment. I could see images of a big fireplace, a marooned sofa, and armchairs in the same dark color. Books on the table and a dark skinned girl sitting next to me. "Was it red?" I asked unsure. Anthony looked at Fred who beamed. "Yes, you were in Gryffindor, only the best house," he said proudly. "I would disagree," said Anthony. "Ravenclaw is by far the best option," he answered. I had no idea what they were talking about. But my head had started to hurt again. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my breathing, while my hands embraced my head, trying to take the pain away. "Let's stop for now, have a rest and I will be back and we can continue later," Anthony said standing up. I opened my eyes. "[Y/N], you are doing great, this is really great progress," he said, smiling softly at me. I nodded trying to smile back. "I will send in Amanda with a potion for the pain," he said before leaving. Fred took my hand in his and brought it to his lips, they felt soft against my skin. He looked up meeting my gaze and I started to blush, looking away from him. A knock on the door soon followed by a woman entering with a potion in hand. "I'm glad to see you awake," she beamed at me. "I have your potion from healer Anthony, " she said before handing me the potion. "Thank you," I said, dropping Fred's hand so I could take the potion. "No need to thank me, my dear, it's my job," she smiled. "If you need anything I'm at the front desk," she said before turning around and leaving.

I sniffed the potion which almost made me gag at the awful smell, this made Fred laugh. "You are not supposed to smell them, they never smell good," he laughed. "Just gotta chuck it down," he said. I frowned at him. "I'm not drinking that," I said in disgust. "Yes you are," Fred said. "It's payback time, for all those times you have forced me to drink the awful potions Madame Pomfrey gave me after my countless injuries at school," he said back at me. Knowing this peaked my interest. "Can you tell me about it?" I asked him, hopeful to know more about my time at school. "If you drink your potion, I'll tell you anything you want," he answered. I rolled my eyes at him. "Fine," I said, taking the potion in a single swing. It tasted awful. "Ughh, that was disgusting," I answered. "Here," Fred said, handing me what looked like a sweet. I put it in my mouth and soon sighed in relief. "What is this?" I asked, loving the sweet. "It's a new product me and George are developing, it turns awful tasting things like the potion you just had, into flavors that are enjoyable," he said beaming. "Wow, that's really impressive," I said looking at him. "I know, I'm very impressive," he said, smirking. I let out a laugh. "Now tell me," I said to him. "What do you want to know?" he asked me. "About school, what classes did I like, my friends, what did I do in my spare time?" I asked, sitting up on the bed beaming down at him on the armchair.

"Well you had many friends, but your best friend is Angelina. You met on the train on the way to school in your first year and had been inseparable ever since. But we had a little friend group and that was you and me. Then George, my twin brother, Angelina, Alicia and Lee. We hung out most of the time, we were in the same year and you shared a room with Angelina and Alicia," he began. "Are any of them dark skinned?" I asked unsure. Remembering the girl I had remembered earlier in the room with the sofa and fireplace. "Yes, Angelina, your best friend," Fred said, surprised. "Really?" I asked him, hopeful. He nodded. "Do you remember anything else about her?" I shook my head in response. "Well that's okay, do you want me to continue?" he asked me. "Yes, please," I answered. "Well favorite subject in school was care of magical creatures and potions, I could never understand how you would like potions with Snape, but you loved it. Even if Snape made it harder for us Gryffindors than any other house, really," he said. "Who is Snape and why did he make it harder for us?" I asked curiously. "Snape was our potions professor and head of Slytherin House," he said, seeing my confused face he added. "Slytherin is another schoolhouse, Gryffindore and Slytherin are rivals. Don't know if that was why he didn't like us, but he would always give us detentions and fail us, but would treat Slytherins like they could do no wrong," he said and I nodded. "Did you have a favorite class?" I asked him, he let out a small laugh. "No, not really, I liked flying and playing Quidditch and pranking teachers and students," he said. "What is Quidditch?" I asked, Fred's face lit up as he began to tell me the rules and how you played on brooms. His face lit up when he started explaining and I couldn't help but feel myself be drawn towards him. He looked so beautiful, so passionate about his love for the sport. I could see what had attracted me towards him. "So, that's it really," he finished. "Did you understand?" he asked me, I looked down at my hands blushing, I had been too busy looking at him to pay attention to what he had said. I just muttered a quiet "Mmm," before asking him to tell me more about Hogwarts and he did.

He told me stories of our time at school, told me about the pranks he and George used to pull, how I would scold him after he had done a particular 'mean' prank on some first years. How he could always find me in the library or in the common room on the good sofa reading. We talked about school up till Amanda came in with lunch on a tray. She told me that Anthony wanted me to try and get out of bed today, even if it was just sitting up on the sofa or armchair for a while. I nodded, thinking this will be easy. But in reality it was far from it. When Amanda had left I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and began to stand up, only to lose my balance. I would have fallen to the ground if it hadn't been for Freds quick reflexes, catching me before I could touch the ground below. "Thank you," I said weakly. He brought me over to the sofa and sat me down before quickly sitting next to me. "Are you alright, my love?" he asked me. I felt light headed but nodded weakly. He wrapped an arm around me and brought out his wand muttering a spell summoning the trays of food to him. We quickly began to eat, I hadn't realized how hungry I was until this very moment. "Fred, can I ask you something?" I said before taking a small bite of food. "Always, and you don't have to ask me if you can ask a question, just ask me, love," he said in between bites. "I know you said that we are married, but is it okay if for now, we can just be friends?" I asked, I saw the look of heartbreak on his face and quickly added. "It's just that I am so overwhelmed and I don't know what to do. I feel so confused and need time to process everything that has happened, I feel like I'm disappointing you by not being the woman you married," I said. "Don't ever say that, you are not disappointing me. I am here because the woman I married is right here in front of me, the only person I have ever truly loved. So don't ever say that.." he paused before continuing, "If you need me to be your friend then I will be your friend, until you tell me otherwise," he said smiling at me, trying to cover up the fact that he was hurt, but it was written all over his face. I had broken him, by asking that from him. "Can I have a hug?" I asked him, not because I needed one, but because I could sense he did, he nodded and brought me in for a long tight hug. I didn't let go until he did, that was several minutes later. When he broke the hug I could tell that he had been crying, I brought my hands up to dry his tears and he leaned in to my touch. "I'm sorry, I don't want to break your heart," I said softly. "It's okay," he answered quietly. "No it's not," I said, feeling pity for the man in front of me. "[Y/N], don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, I am a grown man I can take care of myself," he said looking at me. I felt ashamed, here he was feeling heartbroken and he was comforting me, he was too good, too nice. "Please don't" I said sadly. "How about we just drop it?" he asked, leaning away from my touch. I nodded, feeling guilty. We continued eating the rest of our food in silence.

"So are you ready to continue with the questions?" Anthony's voice came from the door, I felt beyond relieved that he had saved us from this awkward lunch. "Yes, I'm ready," I answered, taking one last bite of my food. "Great," Anthony said, walking over to the coffee table and muttering a spell under his breath and a quill, ink and parchment had appeared out of thinair. He muttered another spell and he moved the armchair to stand behind him, and he sat down. "When did you start at Hogwarts?" he asked me, I tried to focus my mind but it was blank. "No idea," I answered. "Okay," he said, writing down the answer. "So what age is it?" I asked him. "Eleven," he answered. "Your favorite subject in School?" he asked, I looked down to my hands as I answered "Potions and care of magical creatures," I couldn't bring myself to look at Fred. "Excellent, where did you have potions classes?" he asked me. Blank again. "No idea," I said.

This went on for about an hour, question after question. Fred mostly stayed quiet, he would answer when neither I or Anthony knew the right answer.

"I think that's all my questions for now, you are doing really well, most patients suffering from a powerful obliviate curse lose all memories and go mad," he said. I didn't know how to answer that so I just nodded. "How about you go for a little walk around the wing? Good for you to leave the room a bit," he said smiling towards me. I just simply nodded. "Don't think that's a great idea," Fred said, "She could barely get out of bed and walk to the sofa, I had to help her," he added. "Okay, I will bring in a healer to help, does that sound good?" He smiled at me. I nodded, feeling embarrassed. "Great," he said before leaving. I tried to hide the embarrassment appearing on my face from Fred, by turning my head. "Don't feel embarrassed, it's understandable given what you've been through," he said reassuringly. I nodded, I could feel his hand caress mine for the slightest moment, before it had disappeared. "Sorry, forgot," he muttered. I looked at him. "No, it's okay, I don't mind it. It's sweet," I said simply, his fingers dancing over the back of my hand until they snaked around mine in a loving embrace, I smiled up at him.

"Hello, I'm healer August, Anthony told me you needed some help with walking," he said. "Yes, I turned around and looked at him. I felt chills creep down my body, he did not look like a nice man. "Looks like Flich," Fred muttered beside me. "Who's that?," I asked him just below a whisper. "Hogwarts caretaker, the one we always pranked," he answered. "Did you say anything, dear?" he asked in an unpleasant way. "No," I said, giving him a fake smile. Turning to face Fred, giving him a desperate look that screamed help me. Fred smiled at me. "Why don't you tell me what to do and I'll do it, you see my wife doesn't like strange old men touching her," he said the last part only loud enough for me to hear. I let out a laugh. "Certainly," he answered, annoyed. He started giving Fred instructions and he followed them carefully. We walked around the hall, and after about fifteen minutes walking I was more confident, almost walking on my own. Fred had me laughing the entire time, telling me jokes, most of them about healer August.

When we had returned to the room, I layed down on the bed and Fred layed down on the sofa. "So, are you always this funny?" I asked him, staring up at the ceiling, still laughing from the story he had just told. "But of course I am, never met anyone more fun," he said and I couldn't stop laughing again. "Fred?" I asked him. "Mmm," he answered. "Do you think I could meet her? Angela? Was that her name?" I asked him, trying to remember. "Angelina, but you always call her Angie, and yes she would love to meet you. I could owl her now, if you want?" He said. "No no, maybe tomorrow? I don't want to hang out with anyone else today," I said, "Beside you," I quickly added. The awkward tension that had been our lunch had disappeared and in its place a friendship had started to form, and I loved talking to him. He made it all feel so normal, somehow. Given that he is my husband this didn't surprise me, but I really appreciated that he had taken a step back, relieving me from the pressure of being someone I don't know. "Good to know," he said and I could tell that he had a big smile on his face. 

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