True Love

By sarahsaya

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True Love
Chapter 1 - Meeting
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Mr Jung
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

163 5 0
By sarahsaya

Jong Hyun's POV:

The girl I had seen on our last concert? She was ...
I knew it could not last as long.

Sandara's POV:

But ... who was she?

Shin Hye's POV:

What was she doing here, she?

Jung Shin's POV:

Again her?! She never let go.

Min Hyuk's POV:

She will again stick us.

Yong Hwa's POV:

Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. No!

... Yong Hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

And it was again! ...
She adjusted her bag and approached us, perched on her high heels.

Yong Hwa: Hi, Seo Hyun.

I had not even finished pronouncing her name she had already taken my in her arms.
Me? I did not move, her arms falling down my body, surprised - and frustrated, too - it is there.

Seo Hyun: I missed you! You did not receive my messages?

Yes and they were all deleted before being read ...
But I did not answer her, and looked towards the other.
Shin Hye and Jong Hyun looked at me with an amused eyes, doing nothing to help me, and Jung Shin was in the phone and Min Hyuk went away. Sandara only looked at us, not knowing what was happening.
I gave him a pleading look, hoping she would understand what I wish to say out loud at that moment.
That is to say: "Sandara, just get me out of her control, like if-you-if-you-please, please!"

She understand me (probably air in front of my desperate ...) as it approached us.

Sandara: Hi, if you knew how I am a fan of you! she exclaimed, pretending to be very happy.
Seo Hyun: Ah, yes? asked her away from Joe, suddenly interested.
Sandara: Yes, uh ... I love your last tube!
Seo Hyun: Which one? I have two, you know.

Sandara then gave me a sidelong glance, not knowing what to say.

It was my turn.

Yong Hwa: She loves "Run Devil Run".

Seo Hyun turned back to Sandara, who gave her a shy smile in return.
Then his eyes fell behind when Sandara. Jong Hyun and Shin Hye advanced towards us.

Seo Hyun: Hi, Jong Hyun! she shouted at him.

She then turned to Shin Hye who watched with suspicion silent.

Seo Hyun: Nice, I'm Seo Jo Hyun ... but that you already know. she guessed by rejecting one of her brown strand of hair back.
Shin Hye: And I'm Park Shin Hye ... but that, I already know!

Following this remark, Jong Hyun gave a smile, trying not to laugh at the remark of Shin Hye and the indignant Seo Hyun. Sandara looked alternately at Seo Hyun and Shin Hye, surely expecting a nasty reply from Seo Hyun. But this did nothing. No, instead, it is even closer to me ...
Thank you, Shin Hye. Really ...

Shin Hye's POV:

But who was she?
"I'm Seo Hyun Jo, but you know that already." Blah blah blah and blah blah blah ...
Okay, I do not really know her.

Apart from that? Apart from that, everyone looked at me. It is my observation that bothered? Well, they will get used. I was a pretty nice girl (yes, it's true), but when they think that they are the queen of the world, I was not nodding gently.
Oh, no! It never, not even in your dreams!

Shin Hye: Well, what?

But nobody had time to answer my question: Jung Shin had to hang up and joined us.
He spoke.

Jung Shin: Well, I gotta go. I will join Mr Jung Han River, to help prepare our way to the concert tomorrow.
Yong Hwa: What concert? he asked with surprise.
Jong Hyun: The future, he noted. We will be the 4th of July and we'll sing some songs from our last album to celebrate this day, at a charity concert. We'll go together with our jet. There will be other stars, but the paparazzi and journalists are not allowed to be there.
Yong Hwa: But ... Since when do you know?
Jong Hyun: Since this morning. Sandara has informed us, and Shin Hye had to tell you.

He then turned his head quickly toward me, frowning.

Shin Hye: Neeeeeeeee? I said with a smile, crossing his arms.
Yong Hwa: Why you do me not you say?
Shin Hye: I do not know ... I replied, shrugging his shoulders with an air of innocence, maybe my bad temper and I did not want.
Jung Shin: Well, I would not stop this new argument, far from my mind, but I'll go. See you tomorrow!

We said goodbye to all Jung Shin, and he went to prepare his business.

Seo Hyun: And I could come, too? I might even sing one of my songs!

We turned to Seo Hyun, who was waiting for a response. Well, she was still there, it? ...
Then I heard footsteps behind me, and Won Hong came to my height.

Won Hong: Yes, and why not your entire album while you're at it?!
Seo Hyun: Well, you're here, you. she shouted, noticing the presence of the boy.

In my opinion they do not like. In my opinion ...

Won Hong: I live here, where do you want me to be. Oh, the ... he retorted, raising his eyes to heaven. And you're not even invited so I do not see why you sing this concert!
Seo Hyun: But you what age to say things like that? 12 years?
Hong Won: Well ... Yes.

Broken! But is that I began to really appreciate me, that boy.
Seo Hyun, starting to get impatient, put her hands on her hips and turned to Yong Hwa, and looking insistently. Front looks happy and I Won Hong, Jong Hyun and while Sandara is restrained laughter.

Seo Hyun: So, can I come?.

She was obviously waiting for an answer, but nobody wanted to give her.

Jong Hyun: You can not hear anything?
Yong Hwa: No, why?
Jong Hyun: But if a ... phone, he continued by launching Yong Hwa a look pushy. Yes here, there is a ringing phone. I'll answer!
Yong Hwa: Oh, yeah. I'm with you.

He then crossed our eyes, gullible. We were not fooled either!

Yong Hwa: Well yes, maybe it is for me. A plus!

Won Hong joined his brother in power, arguing that a new episode of "Spongebob" would begin. That left the three of us.

Shin Hye: Well, I gotta go, I will prepare my stuff for tomorrow. Sandara?
Sandara: I am with you! A later. she snapped at Seo Hyun.

Seo Hyun therefore found herself alone, stuck in the middle of the garden. While she was here for just twenty minutes.


The next evening. . .

20h 35 / Han River

Shin Hye's POV:

The CN BLUE were at this very moment on stage and interpret their new song, Hey You. That was the last they sang that night.
Sandara, Won Hong and I were in the wings. Mr and Mrs Jung were there too, a little later.
Seo Hyun - who had managed to find an invitation at the last minute ... - Sat on the big sofa in the back of the room, still upset that the dropped yesterday.

My gaze turned toward the stage, looking in turn at the 4 members who gave everything they had on stage. Then, more noise.
So focused on the melody, the rhythm, the lyrics, I had not even realized that the song was finished.
I turned my head to the audience, which was hardly moving more. Then a thunder of applause, while CN Blue said goodbye and thanked the audience.
They then left the scene, Their Bodyguard handed them each a towel to mop their face. Jong Hyun, Jung Shin and Yong Hwa spent their men's team guitars together.
Yong Hwa rubbed his neck with a towel.
He smiled surprising my gaze on him. I did not even realize that I stared at ... I turned quickly my look, laying my eyes on ... a bottle of water at the bottom part.
But the smile vanished from Yong Hwa as quickly as it had arrived when Seo Hyun rushed to him and took him in her arms.

Seo Hyun: You were great! Especially you, Yong Hwa!

Yong Hwa said nothing.
No, but I do not believe it! What shopping c * l. How long would he bear again? I would not over a week.
It was just two days she was there and she hit me on my nerves already ...

Shin Hye: Okay, and if we go eat something?- I was proposing-. There is a biiig buffet.
Jung Shin: Yes, I'm starving!
Min Hyuk: It's clear! Outbid it.
Yong Hwa: I come with you!
Seo Hyun: Me too, but I will not eat.

Everyone turned towards her.

Seo Hyun: I have to watch my line ...
Shin Hye: But that's not true, -I said raising my eyes to heaven-. I have to watch my line ... -I imitated the whispering-. And what, again!
Jong Hyun: Yes, go ahead, -I joined in a few minutes.-
Sandara: see you soon!

We went to the buffet all. Won Hong holding my hand ... Seo Hyun taking the hand of Yong Hwa!


A few minutes later, I was about to bite into my slice of pizza when a head appeared before me. It was Yong Hwa. Sure ... Who else?
Without a word, Won Hong Jong Hyun rejoined, Min Hyuk, Jung Shin and Sandara who were together, were a little further.

Yong Hwa: Be careful, if you start like that, you end up with five pounds at the end of the summer.

Oh, no! Not my weight. I hated that we talk about it.

Shin Hye: Let me go, will you?! And joins your Barbie doll. she may be lost if it is away from you.
Yong Hwa: But you have a strong character, you! he remarked with a laugh.
Shin Hye: You hadn't yet understood? Leave me alone! I do what I want. That is to say, a pizza, I decided. I eat all I want, too. And then ... it did not seem to bother them much, my "forms".- I was reporting glancing round the room-.

Yong Hwa's POV:

Next look Shin Hye, I peered around the room, around Shin Hye and me ... And I saw that, indeed, several boys in the room stared at her. And probably for a long time.
But they look elsewhere, those! I thought, without being able to stop myself. Actually no, I do not care. I cons-balance ...

Shin Hye placed her free hand on her hip, looking me straight in the eyes.
I was going to reply, when my mother came to our height.

Shin Hye's POV:

Ms. Jung :So everything goes well?
Shin Hye: Yes, everything is fine, thank you.

I threw a glance at Yong Hwa brief, discreet but heavy innuendo, then I smile politely to Ms. Jung.

Shin Hye: Well, I'll join the others, I preach them. See you later!
Ms. Jung: later!

So I went to the other, before hearing the answer Yong Hwa. But when I was close to others, I turned to still meet his gaze. Then, in order to taunt him, just for a little fun, I bit into my slice of pizza, smiled and looked away.

When I finished my slice of pizza, I could not help casting a glance in the direction of Yong Hwa. It was not with his mother, but with a blonde girl. An actress, I think.
He spoke occasionally making grand gestures, while the girl in front of him, looked at him, smiling. She admired importantly, not listening to what he just said.
But it did not seem to bother him. He was surely appreciate the contrary ...
I turned Jong Hyun, raising his eyes to heaven.

Shin Hye: says he is always like that? I wanted to know designating Joe.
Jong Hyun: How "like that"?
Shin Hye: Bah ...

I showed it again. He had approached the girl, and they talked while laughing.
I looked Jong Hyun and Jung Shin. They always seemed not to have understood what I meant.

Shin Hye: Like this, you know.

I took a break nonchalant, trying to imitate Yong Hwa.

Shin Hye: "I am Jung Yong Hwa, and I'm pretty good. Oh, but what am I saying, I'm too nice, yes!"

Jung Shin and Jong Hyun looked at me surprised, somewhat mocking smile on his lips.

Shin Hye: Oh, I'm not really a good actress, but you know what. He knows all the girls at his feet, then he benefits. Much.
Jung Shin: He enjoys a bit, it's true. But he did it for fun, he was only 20 years old.
Shin Hye: Jong Hyun is 19. And it is much more serious than his hyung, I was completing.
Jong Hyun: It has always been like that, even before being famous.

He caught my gaze dubiously, then continued:

Jong Hyun: It was very strange for all of us when we first heard our song on the radio. When we heard people screaming our names to our first concerts, also confessed he with a little dreamy smile on her lips. But we live with it now. This is not so bad, and we did not complain. But we can not know if we celebrity go to your head, or not ...
ShinHye: I think it has already started for him ... I preach showing Yong Hwa finger behind me.
Jong Hyun Yong Hwa likes to laugh, he continued, but we want to show all four at the world that can be celebrated while keeping your feet on the ground. We realize our dream, so we try to live day to day, not thinking about the rest and just be us.
Shin Hye: Yes, and I think it's very good! I admitted casting a glance at Joe.


But where did I get? What was I doing here?
It was not for me, it. All these people with clothes more than a million dollards these hairstyles stars, and all the conversations that I did not even understand half the words.

<< - Did you go to the VIP evening Angela yesterday?
- No, I had a massage with Mr Kim professional. >>

<< - You will not believe what I tell you!
- Go on, tell me.
- My drive platinum!
- This is great! I will soon release an album, and ... >>

<< - You are free tomorrow?
- No, I have to go to custom make a dress for the upcoming Music Award.
- And I have to go in the studio recording my next tube.
- Me, I'm free. And if they went to Roberto? You know this new five-star restaurant which recently opened ... >>

Discussions were coming from all sides, and trying somehow to lend an ear to try to understand a conversation. Wasted.
All that really was not for me!

I approached the buffet and one small piochais entries that appeared before me. Then I joined Jung Shin, Jong Hyun and Shin Hye Won Hong and who came to join them.
I stood still a bit away, and looked around me. I watched all these people, who were no doubt be all the stars ... But I did not even know the name, or not even recognize a head. Nobody was really saying something.

And then, before coming to this concert, I was just brushing your hair, nothing else. And my clothes and my makeup simple discreet, I was a little spot in the scenery ...
My God, I should be almost transparent!

Jong Hyun's POV:

Without really help myself, I looked Sandara. This girl intrigued me.
She watched everything that was going on around her, without talking. It looked like ... in another world. Another planet. It seemed so far away, so it was right there next to us!
The host of the evening then spoke to me out of my thoughts.

Moderator: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a surprise guest! I present to you ... SNSD Seo Hyun!

And yes, in addition to having found a way to get invited, she would also sing. Two songs.
Following this presentation, we all watched a short time and we turned to the stage, while Shin Hye sketched a smile.

Shin Hye: But that we already know!

Won Hong gave a big smile and clapped hands with Shin Hye. We rigolâmes quietly, and looked again Seo Hyun, who took the microphone in his hand and rose to his mouth.

Seo Hyun: Hi everyone! she greeted the audience. I would like to dedicated this song to the first person I would greatly ... Recognize it.

The first notes are then made to hear, and she began to sing. It was "Kissing You". In one motion, we turned all to Yong Hwa, who was talking with a friend, until Seo Hyun starts to sing.

He looked at us briefly, then walked toward us, lowering eyes for a moment, both embarrassed and enraged. Especially exasperated. In fact, he had the same look that he wore when Shin Hye launched one of his remarks to the ... Jung Yong Hwa.
But it is true that he was getting a little tired of always having my back.
She was left alone for some time, and now I discovered our concert ...

Seo Hyun's song ended a few minutes later and applause were heard.

Seo Hyun: I now sing this song for my fans, she announced. She likes this song a lot ... So, this Sandara is for you!

We turned then to all Sandara. Seo Hyun who looked surprised, opening his eyes slightly.
Yong Hwa and then she laughed.
What made us laugh, we, of course. First discreetly. Then laughter we took, we could not in prevented. We laughed so hard that all the eyes of the people in this room landed on us.
Seo Hyun and could not start the song.

Sandara's POV:

Me? A fan of Seo Hyun? I had never heard of it until yesterday. Finally, if I already have heard about it, heard one of his songs. Certainly. Once, perhaps? ...
Poor thing, she looked at us, not knowing what was happening.
If she knew! ...

. . .

It was now 9:15 p.m.. We were all together - Seo Hyun joined us - in a corner of the room to talk when the host's voice echoed through the speakers. So we turned all head to the scene.

Moderator: I ask you to welcome the end of the concert, the big, the beautiful and talented ...
Seo Hyun: Why did he not say that to me, too?! she barked, crossing his arms, irritated.
Hong Won: Oh, she starts ... he complained quietly.
Moderator: ... Park Bom! he finished.

Park Bom?! The name vaguely told me something ...
The presenter stepped back to make way for a young girl with long brown hair and a big smile on her lips. Applause and cheers rang out in the room then.
If I had seen. Surely in a magazine or other.

Seo Hyun: And why I have not had much applause it?! she cursed again.
Won Hong: But it's not true! ... he grumbled.
Park Bom: Hi, everyone! I hope you have a nice evening, she continued. Now I'll sing a song from my first album. I hope you enjoy it.

She then turned his head in our direction, and cast a glance boys.

Sandara: You know her well?
Shin Hye: They made some concert together. (This is not true I did not put so ...)
The four boys looked at her then, questioning eyes.

Shin Hye: Well, what? she asked, shrugging his shoulders. I read the magazines for a friend in math class when I was bored. That is to say all the time, in fact, confessed after she pretends to think.
Min Hyuk: Oh, okay.
Yong Hwa: You see, you are interested in us.

Shin Hye gave him a dark look then.

Yong Hwa: A little, he corrected, smiling.

Then we listened Park Bom sing. His song was cool, the melody was dancing, I liked it a lot.

Bom: "Geudae naegeman jalhaejwoyo
Hangsang naegeman useojwoyo

I Said ooh jiltuhage haji mayo
Ooh jipchakhage haji mayo

Ajik nan sarangi duryeowoyo
Ireon naege mideumeul jwobwayo

I Said ooh jiltuhage haji mayo
Ooh jipchakhage haji mayo

I LOVE YOU (I love you ~)
I LOVE YOU (I love you ~) "

At the end of the song, she thanked the audience and joined backstage.
A few seconds later, she appeared in front of us and jumped into the arms of boys.

Bom: Hi guys!
Won Hong: Boooooom! he exclaimed while he took her in his arms.
Bom: Oh, I missed you!
CN BLUE: Me too, Bom Bommie!
Bom: Even this nickname? she asked, laughing. Otherwise, it's okay, you know?
Jong Hyun: Good, and you?
Bom: Great!

She then turned to me and Shin Hye, smiling.

Bom: Magic, girls. You are nannies of Hong Won , isn't it?
Shin Hye: Hi! Yes, we will keep Hong Won this summer.
Sandara: Magic. Your song is great.
Bom: Thank you.

She then noticed the presence of Seo Hyun.

Bom: Hi, Seo Hyun. she said in a neutral tone.
Seo Hyun: Hi, she said, approaching nearer Yong Hwa, taking him by the arm.

Bom turned to Yong Hwa, and gave him a sorry smile, to which he replied with a shrug. They didn't seem to appreciate .

22h 52 / Hotel (Han River)

Jong Hyun's POV:

We were all now going up the stairs to reach our room.
Mr and Mrs Jung Won Hong had already joined their room. Bom had joined his family. And Seo Hyun was already in his room, "needing sleep to be in good shape tomorrow" ...

Shin Hye then stopped at the door of his room and pushed the key into the lock.

Shin Hye: Good ... The evening was cool. Forward to the next!
Jong Hyun: It's true. It was great, I rajoutais smiling.
Yong Hwa: And then ... he began, a charming smile pasted on his face. You were beautiful tonight!
Shin Hye: Thank you ... Against you by, you would still have to make an effort.

She opened the door of his room and the hand on the doorknob, turned one last time to us.

Shin Hye: Hi, guys! A Sandara tomorrow!
Sandara: Bye! she replied, smiling.
Shin Hye ... Yong Hwa. saluted Does issuing a small nod.

But he had no time to answer she had already closed the door behind her.

Min Hyuk: Because you broke it! he said, laughing.
Jong Hyun: Hey! ... I objectais giving a nudge to make it stop.
Min Hyuk: What, it's true! he retorted with a shrug.

I made the big eyes Min Hyuk, forcing him to shut up.
We went to our rooms all respective in silence.

Sandara: Well, tomorrow is the guy!
Jong Hyun: Hi, Sandara!
Jung Shin and Min Hyuk: tomorrow!

Yong Hwa smiled waving her hand. It was not yet given, say so!
It is true that he did not used to be a snub daughter. Especially by a girl.

14h 05 / Seoul Airport

Min Hyuk's POV:

This is not true! Why it fell on me?
There were over 2000 people in this airport, and it was my suitcase was exchanged with another.
My day began well.
The others were returned to Seoul this morning. There were more than me! ...

I had only noticed this morning that I was wrong suitcase. With me in my room. Not before we went so fast from the airport that I did not pay attention.
I should be more observant, sometimes!

I headed to the "reception", hoping to find my suitcase with my t-shirt and my pants. To interact with this suitcase full of minishort and, mmmh ... bra.


14h 06 / Seoul

Yong Hwa's POV:

Won Hong: Let's go eat some ice cream?

It was my little brother!

Yong Hwa: I'm leaving!
Jong Hyun Yong Hwa, you're always ready when it comes to eating something!
Yong Hwa Ha, ha, - he said, forcing himself. - You're super funny, you know that?
Jong Hyun: Say it is not true, too!
Shin Hye: Oh, Jong Hyun stop the poor!
Yong Hwa: Are you kidding here? -I wanted to know as I turned to her, puzzled-.
Shin Hye: No, of course not. -Teased her.
Sandara: We'll eat this ice cream? Now talking about, it makes me hungry.
Jong Hyun: But we ate a great little lunch-he said, somewhat surprised. And we had lunch there just one hour.
Sandara & Hong Won: And then? He asked, with a look interrogateu choir-r.

. . .

14h 23 / Seoul (Ice Cream Freeze)

Shin Hye's POV:

We had just entered the small shop that Hong Won already headed to the counter.

Won Hong: Hi Bailey! You'll ...? But you're not Bailey?!

Indeed, it was not the same waitress as last time. She had brown hair and somewhat wavy.
The girl behind the counter looked up at us, smiling.

Girl: Hi! I'm ...

Hey everyone
I am really sorry about my english
I used google translator and i tried to correct some error the translation but its not that great.

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