Of Silver And Gold (ONC 2023...

By CShiauJing

362 67 209

After seeking sanctuary in Harl for almost nine hundred years, Herbert Fletcher Zaeheri, the legendary vampir... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13


17 2 7
By CShiauJing


0412 hours

Rao Yueru

It was funny how sparks of magic could turn his life tragic.

He could still remember his limp arms and legs that failed to support his every movement. It was just a rush of adrenaline that forced him up, wishing he could get a grip on his vampire before the feather-brain figure threw himself down the balcony. Yueru ran his fingers around his neck, scratching the skin that itched each time he thought of gold liquid attacking his blood. That sensation will be living in his mind and soul rent-free. He felt his life crumbling down in pieces, realizing that he never had a good grip on what Herbert was hiding from him. That night, felt like a hit on his ignorance. He was so stuck on his mission that he failed to understand what he went through despite the hints on some nights and early mornings they shared together.

Lorcan, surprisingly disappeared when Herbert dragged the prince down to their demise. Yueru was confident that Herbert will survive, but what became of the prince, he did not know. Zhea, a kingdom that was highly reputable too had secrets. Now, it is a trading ground without its prince, or maybe there is one hiding somewhere in the basement just like how Zyair had roped Herbert from his centuries of freedom. He did not have time to uncover the story since he had been busy trying to escape from the castle. His mission was left ajar.

The first person he thought of was his Uncle Erix who was thunderstruck with his appearance. He knew he looked terrible at the moment, not the best time to meet his little cousin who struck him with tiny blue talons in self-defence. Ac had left JAL the next day, joining his company when the wolf felt better. They spent two days removing the poison in his system, preventing him from chasing after what Arwan said, a silly and overgrown mission for a child like him. Well, Yueru was no child, he was at the age for an arranged marriage he had yet to decline. Roa is at stake, but he understood he was in no condition to chase after what was gone yet. He spent his time curling in bed, not really wanting to think about Roa when the only person who risked his life is nowhere to be found. Spending his time in Zhea was relaxing ever since Lorcan and the prince disappeared.

Yueru could care less about being banned from living in the luxurious JALor his reputation. Every night, he wished that Herbert would return, and what he wished most was that he wasn't so self-centered before. If he had taken some time to pry on Herbert's past perhaps he could prevent the vampire from going rogue. Every vampire has their own transformation, a simple knowledge for all beings, but he never knew what kind Herbert had become. His heart ached to return to Harl, to dig secrets from the two sisters who raised the vampire he loves. One never knew how much they have lost until everything that seemed usual and permanent was lost.

He was contemplating if he should return to Roa or just spend his useless life here in Zhea. At least, he could work with his uncles who spend their life healing anything and anyone. Arwan had always welcomed him, mentioning that he could be the best companion for Thera and Erix when he and his mother needed to leave for their hometown. It was three days before he made up his mind that he found a bottle, and a root sitting by his table together with a tiny note written in painful scribbles. Those beautiful writings had ended up in scrawls as if something was dragging him away.

Found it. Don't give up. We have come this far, and if you are giving up, I will torment your life when I am back. I did not save you for nothing. Stop sulking. It doesn't look good on you. Also, I heard you. Stop beating yourself around about not knowing me. If I want to, I would have but you already have too large of a caterpillar to handle. Thera is right, I will be back someday. I might be lost, but I will always find my way back to you. I have been through this twice. It is enough to teach me something.

Just a head's up, the prince of Zhea, well, the fake one, is dead. I saw the royalties returning from their voyage last night, and apparently after a few sweeps in the castle, they found the original one. I had to stay. You know, curiosity. Just like how you asked Ac about me. Don't lie. Zhea is now free, as far as I am concerned. Return back to Roa, Yueru. You belong among them as a leader.

Hey, remember, don't confess to the skies and the waterfalls. That is not very princely of you.

The kingdoms are filled with spies, but there is one I will always spy on.

Rushing to peek out of his window, Yueru swore he saw a figure disappearing among the dark forests as the sun began to rise alongside the chatters coming from the market. A bright smile plastered on his lips as he tapped his warm cheeks gently to remind himself it was not a dream. He picked up the bottle, and the roots, rushing to let his uncle know about what had happened. Yueru felt all the bags on his shoulders being lifted after knowing that his companion is still alive even though the writings did suggest that he might be gone for some time.

Once Roa is free, he swore he would undo what had become of the one who sacrificed himself for him. 

== xxx ==


0000 hours

Herbert Fletcher Zaeheri

Flesh and blood.

Racing his way through the forest, Herbert focused on the one thing he craved the most. He set himself away from those heart-beating supernaturals yet some found their way to his tiny home. A home covered in fungus, moss and tiny insects. He growled at the sight of the soldier pointing the weapon before his face. Two others joined, shooting arrows that easily missed his reflexes. Herbert laughed, picking the arrow from the ground. If they had spent days in the libraries, they would know by now that he is the master of such weapons. No one can fool him of their quality, and this was the worst.

A roar escaped from his throat. His eyes lingered around the figures, chasing after those heartbeats that thumped intensely forming a tiny band in the middle of the forest. Herbert hissed. Fangs bore widely with yellow venom dripping from every sharp edge. One tiny drop could melt their insides.

"Sorry," one of the males spoke, kneeling down to beg. "Sorry, please, leave me alive. I have my family, my –"

"Too late," Herbert grinned, his red eyes met those fearful brown ones as he sniffed his scent. "You are astray from your nest, little snake. A little too late for an apology don't you think? All three of you. Or should I send one of you back alive?"

"Send me, send me," one insisted, grabbing onto his feet.

Herbert smirked. He leaned close to him, grabbing onto his neck tightly.

"There might be once, I would let you scatter,"

Two began to run. There were three blind mice who messed with him. One in his grip and the other two dashed like horses in a war. He ignored them, sinking his fangs into his neck. Speeding towards the direction of the others while the moon rose higher in the skies, screams echoed, causing the owls to take off into the night. Dropping the limp body on the ground, he dragged them close to each other.

"But now, you are tethered to my blood and venom." 

Word Count: 1309 words

Cumulative Word Count: 24,254 words

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