True Love

By sarahsaya

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True Love
Chapter 1 - Meeting
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Mr Jung
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 6

194 2 0
By sarahsaya

Yonghwa's POV:

Shin Hye: Yes, that would be cool! she agreed with a smile.
Sandara: It does not bother me.

Shin Hye turned to me with a smile on her lips and defiantly stuck to her face.

Shin Hye: You see, THAT it will be fun! I shouted she amused limit.

She averted her eyes then, and began - with my bandmates and my father - a conversation about this new project.

No, but ... she did not care about me or what?!
I thought my "replicas" of earlier were maybe not funny, but nice ... Not?
But it? It was not funny. It was, it was ... Oh, it was anything but funny!

And I thought I'd just spend a few moments with her, when there was Won Hong. But no, she will always be there now.
For interviews, concerts, photoshoots ... Permanently. All the time.
Casting a glance at her, a smile which constantly hovered on her lips, I sensed that it would be funny ... No pun intended!
But I was not worried. I was always the good side of things, me! ...

"But we have all been before us."
I knew it. I knew it would bore me bad luck. I never had luck with this stuff.
My mother always said to turn my tongue seven times before speaking. But I was just thinking, though. Just think!
He had me believing that it does not succeed, to me ...

. . .

21h 31 / Residence Jung

Sandara's POV:

We were all in the living room of Jung, and it was now more than an hour we talked, while laughing. Mr and Mrs Jung had left us to be "between young people" in the room, there were already a few minutes, and Won Hong, being on vacation, too, his parents allowed him to go to bed later.
But I felt more tired, not having slept well the last two nights, so I decided to leave.

Sandara: Well, excuse me, but I'll go,-I preach them standing up-. See you tomorrow, okay?
Shin Hye: Okay, I will delay no longer.
Jung Shin, Yong Hwa, Min Hyuk and Won Hong: tomorrow!

Only Jong Hyun, had said nothing, staring at me. A brown eyes and impenetrable, which seemed to shake as he put me at ease. But deep down, I felt that I liked very much.
Too bad. I was an employee, after all, become best friends was not foreseen in the program this summer ... I gave them a final wave of the hand, and left the house.

I had just come out of the porch, when behind me, someone called me. I turned to see Jong Hyun advancing towards me. When he was my height, I went on my way, on my not him.

Jong Hyun: It's cool that you and Shin Hye, you spend the summer with us. And then ... he began, smiling. Like that, I would finally an opportunity to pay you, your hot dog.
Sandara: Yeah, that's nice,- I replied with a smile in return-.

We had just arrived at the door, when Jong Hyun pointed out to me:

Jong Hyun: Actually, I too have found this shirt ridiculous,- he threw holding my door-. Good night, Sandara.

I could not help but smile and blush of course, that he had just told me, surprised that I heard was this afternoon, but at the same time intimidated the tone in which he l had said.
But when I turned in the direction he had taken a few seconds earlier, he had already disappeared.


The next day. . .

09h 21 / Residence Jung

Shin Hye's POV:

I had just finished getting ready. And I would surely be the last to get up. Sandara was already gone.
There was now a good half hour ...

I crossed the garden, and went back inside the house. I took the way to the kitchen. When I arrived in the room, I threw a look around. Person. They had quickly say so!
They were probably all together, so I decided to join after.
I then walked to the fridge and poured myself a glass of orange juice and sat down at the big table. A bag filled croissants and pain au chocolate was placed on it, in front of me.

"I take one? ... No, I can't!"

I took a sip of my juice, while eyeing the corner of my eye the croissants. They looked good ...
Oh, what the heck! I took one and bit into it.
Hmm. Well, what? It was not my fault, they called me! And then yesterday, Ms. Jung had assured us that we had to do like we were at home. Well, I started now!

Then I drank a sip of my orange juice, closing my eyes and thinking that I could do this afternoon. I finished my drink, and asking the glass on the table in front of me, opening my eyes. And I jumped up, emitting a faint cry, while I wore my hand to my heart suddenly accelerated.
He was there.
In front of me, smiling. I did not even hear it! No, but I was going to ...

... : I did not know I was doing that effect girls.
Shin Hye: No, but it will not Yong Hwa?! I burst out in me leaping. You did not perhaps noticed, but you're scaring me. -I quarreled-. And normally, a normal person would say "hello". That's what we said in the morning, you know ...

He smiled. Probably to annoy me even more than I already was.
I was already not a morning person ... So if, in addition, it scared me so I just barely get up! ...

Yong Hwa: Maybe, but I'm not like everyone else, he announced with a smile. I'm Jung Yong Hwa.
Shin Hye: And then? -I asked as I walked to the sink-. You might be Jung Yong Hwa,- I noticed mimicking quotes with my fingers-, but it does not mean that you're not like the others.

He did not answer. I walked to the table, took my croissant and bit into it. I realized then, that he was already installed, took a glass of fruit juice that was half empty and had almost finished his chocolate croissant.
I watched, amazed limit.
He then threw a glance at me and caught me looking at him.

Yong Hwa: What?
Shin Hye: No, no, nothing. -I replied, turning my gaze-.
Yong Hwa: Then why are you looking at me like that?

I turned my head quickly toward him.

Shin Hye: Well, okay, do not attack me!- I retorted-. I just noticed that you ate at the speed of lightning, that's all. And anyway, I do not look at you like that, I look like I want!

He looked at me with a mixture of exasperation and irritation, and turned his head to finish his breakfast.
I had the impression of having seen that look.
Ah, yes! Surely my cousin when I forbade to draw on the walls of the living room! ...

Shin Hye: I've offended? ... I tried, smiling.
Yong Hwa: No, -replied he, turning to me.- But I'll make sure that we meet less often this summer.
Shin Hye: Good.
Yong Hwa: Good.
Shin Hye: Fine.
Yong Hwa: Fine

I finished my croissant, then made a U-turn to go. I threw then in a bantering tone, not too loud but enough for him to hear me:

Shin Hye:I 've offended!

I laughed when they heard grumbling.
I came out of the kitchen when I met Mr Jung in the hallway.

Shin Hye: Hello Mr Jung!
Ji Taek Oh, hello Shin Hye. I have discussed with Sandara use your time today. Here is a summary sheet of the day, I INFOMA he handed me a paper. I do not think boys cross today, you tell them hello for me, and transmit their program today. I'm gonna get something to eat and I'm off. I have two or three things to pay for their concert tomorrow night.
Shin Hye: Okay. I would say that. And you will surely see Yong Hwa in the kitchen eating. Good day!
Ji Taek: Always the last to get up, one ... -he told smiling-.
Yong Hwa: Hey! I heard that!

I smile, my eyes fixed on the door of the kitchen.
I found someone who got up even later than me. In the person of Yong Hwa!

Ji Taek: Have a good day! we wished he laughs.
Shin Hye: Yes, thank you! I replied starting.

Sandara's POV:

I had just crossed Mr. Jung. He gave me the program of CN BLUE, then he was gone, he had something to settle.
Now I had to find them. I ate with Hong Won, Jung Shin and Min Hyuk this morning, but then they were dispersed, and I do not know where Yong Hwa and Jong Hyun.
I was on the porch when I began to run into the living room (yes, this house was a maze!) When I met Shin Hye.

Shin Hye: Hi Sandara! Sleep well?
Sandara: Yes, it is! And you?
Shin Hye: Yes, thank you. So you also crossed Mr Jung?
Sandara: Yes. He gave me the time use of boys but I found none, I agreed.
Shin Hye: Well, take care only of Jong Hyun and Min Hyuk, I know where I'm going Yong Hwa and Jung Shin did find somewhere.
Sandara: Okay, I accepted it. See you later!

Shin Hye then went towards the kitchen. She did not look happy to go back ...
Okay, now I had sought Jong Hyun and Min Hyuk. They should not be far away. I turned the eyes of the direction to take Shin Hye came and turned my head to look in the opposite direction.
Indeed, Jong Hyun was not far away. In fact, it was right there in front of me.
So much the better, it would save me to visit the house one morning.
He had come into the house, and I had not yet seen. It was back to me, so I decided to call.

Sandara: Hi, Jong Hyun. I ...

Then he turned, he said nothing. A sudden uncertainty over me, and I wondered if he had not forgotten that I was living with him now. At the other end of the garden. Or maybe I had forgotten it altogether!
So I try again.

Sandara: Jong Hyun?

Still no response ... I tried again therefore less confident ...

Sandara: Lee Jong Hyun?

He still did not move. Breathed it, at least?!

Me Well, I'm sorry, I have no other names to refer you there.

How did I know his full name? I asked to talk to me Shin Hye four members yesterday.
I'd spent an entire summer with them, it was necessary that I know things about them! While Shin Hye I had a little information ...

My roommate was nice to be one of the biggest fans of CN BLUE, I knew nothing of them. Really, really nothing.
Ashley loved CN BLUE, the idolized, even. She only spoke of them with her friends. The last photoshoot of the group, their new song, new haircut Yong Hwa, etc ...

Not with me, of course not. It was nice to be in the same room this year, we had to talk, mmmh ... three times?!
Yes, that was it, three times. Until she learned what had happened the previous summer, the new "reputation" that I had in my high school, this ... Finally, brief.

Like I said, I knew nothing of CN BLUE. Except ... their songs.

■ ■ Flashback: there are 11 months of this ■ ■

November 18, 2009 / 17h 19 / Internat High School in Los Angeles (Jefferson High School)

I sat on my bed, trying somehow to revise my history test, which took place the next day.
But, having had enough of the noise was Ashley, I blew a good shot, and shut my book a gesture sec.
At this sound, Ashley, who was dancing and singing the chorus you head the last hit "I'm a Loner" of Cn BLUE, turned to me.
She frowned and lowered her his CD player.

Ashley: What? she asked in a tone of disdain.
Sandara: You did may not have noticed, but I'm revising!
Ashley: You did may not have noticed, but I have nothing to do, she replied, turning away.

I did not answer, while mentally cursing, then I re-opened my book, trying to focus again.
Ashley was a plague. It was a newcomer to the school of J. H. S., but it was quickly integrated into the band popular. She and the other girls were rich, popular, "beautiful" (the quotation marks scored well ...), and they had everything they wanted.

I do not. I was just the opposite of those girls. And they did understand me by all means! ...

Ashley went back the sound, before I reply, but his cell phone rang.

♫ "Oetoriya oetoriya Dara dara Diri of ..........."

She went to answer while humming the tune of the song, before the call:

Ashley: Hi! (...) Yes, of course. (...) I do not believe it! She did it? (...) I'll be right!

She hung up, and threw her laptop on her bed. She ran into the bathroom, and came just ten seconds later. She took her bag and walked out of the room after whirlwind me start by opening the door

Ashley: If a supervisor is here, tell him I'm at the library!

And the door slams, while I mumbled a "Yeah, right!"
We had nothing in common, and this is one of many differences. I never lied to anyone. I'd prefer to tell the truth, that hurt by hiding. I was doing the experiment, and I knew it hurt ...

Really nothing in common.
Oh, yes. One
I, too, became a fan of CN BLUE. Their voice, their melodies, their lyrics ...
But not one of them, their physical. It was difficult ... I never saw their faces ...
And to be honest, I never bothered to see how they were on the internet, watch one of the many magazines that had Ashley.
But I was sure she would have liked our post room of their posters, but it was forbidden to paste photos, pictures or posters on the walls of the rooms. Still happy!

So, yes, I did not know how they are. While this was now two months since we had taken the course, I knew Ashley - and therefore CN BLUE. He was sure that hearing their songs, and talk about them all day long, it helped.
I did not put a lot of time to enjoy their music. But I was not a groupie. No, far from it.

After a few seconds, not Ashley away in the hallway became louder. I laid my eyes on the door she had just crossed, then my history book. My eyes fell on the object then Ashley had forgotten. His laptop ...
Which contained all the songs of CN BLUE.

Without thinking, I threw my book on the bed, which fell on the ground because of my inattention. I grabbed my laptop sitting on my bedside table and went along to bed my roommate.
I pressed different buttons on the phone to drop the folder "Songs CN BLUE <3". And I began to send songs on my laptop.
I did not dare take a look at the laptop screen when marching songs, my eyes rested on the door. Fearing that it opens, I prayed that sends songs to finish my mobile as soon as possible.

"Beep, beep, beep ..." Send completed!
I breathed relief, and was bringing the laptop screen Ashley menu. I rested the laptop to its original position, and joined my bed. I lay and crossed legs after getting my book, feigning nonchalance that I was far from feeling at that moment.
I would like to I was reviewing again. She used this, it will work!

The door opened then on Ashley, all out of breath.

Sandara: What's going on? - I questioned the a tone that I wanted-detached.
Ashley: Nothing, retorted her, suspicious. - I just forgot my phone.

She took it and left without a word. Just in time, I thought with relief.
God knows what she (me) would have done if she had discovered in the process of using his cell phone ...
End of ■ ■ ■ ■ Flash Back

Jong Hyun's POV:

Jong Hyun: Uh .... Yeah sorry, I was ... Finally, no nothing. Forget it.
Sandara: Okay, I just wanted to pass on your program, you and your brothers.
Jong Hyun: Okay.

A few seconds passed without Sandara does not take the word.

Jong Hyun: So? ...
Sandara: Oh, sorry! Got an interview for the magazine "ELLE Girl" this morning at 11:00. And this afternoon, you have a photoshoot for the same magazine, at 14:00. Then you are free.
Jong Hyun: Okay, thank you.
Sandara: Nothing.

A few seconds passed, and neither of us could speak. It became a habit! ...

Sandara: Okay, well, a while ago.
Jong Hyun: Yes, okay.

She started from my eyes fixed in his dos.Elle then went home. I followed her figure, which became smaller and smaller. Then she disappeared.

Yong Hwa's POV:

I had to cross my father. But he had to go to fix something for our next concert. I should have asked him the date ...
I had just finished my breakfast and I washed my glass, while swallowing the last bite of my second pain au chocolat, when I felt a presence behind me.
I turned.

Yong Hwa: You missed me? I thought we had to cross as infrequently as possible.

Shin Hye looked me straight in the eyes, and seemed to want to tell me something (probably for revenge) ...

Shin Hye's POV:

"I wish to answer you, Yong Hwa, but then I do not have time. I still have to speak with Jung Shin., But I will answer. Later, but I will answer. I forget nothing, me".

Yong Hwa's POV:

... She was going to say but she revised. Instead, she said:

Shin Hye: At 11:00 you an interview with the other members for ELLE Girl. You then at 14:00 a photoshoot for the magazine. After you are free.

She then turned around to return to the salon, so I threw her:

Yong Hwa: Thank you, Shin Hye! I thanked her laughing.
Shin Hye: Hmm.

She would disappear down the hall, but I still threw her a smile glued to my face:

Yong Hwa: I've offended?

Then she stopped suddenly, and turned her head towards me just. Then she went her way. No answer.
On this one, I was pretty proud of myself. But I knew she would be revenged.

Okay, now, towards my bathroom. I had to prepare for the interview earlier.

Shin Hye's POV:

He laughs, he laughs, I thought. I would take revenge!
But first I had to find Jung Shin. Knowing that he must surely be in the music room, I climbed upstairs.

After discovering three bedrooms, a bathroom and an office, I was finally in front of the right door guitar chords were heard in the room, and I could distinguish voices.
I knocked and opened the door quietly. The two boys turned their heads towards me.
Shin Jung put his guitar, while Hong Won walked up to me.

Shin Hye: Hey! Sorry to bother you but I have to give you your working time of the day, I informed him-Jung Shin turning towards him.
Jung Shin: Do not worry, reassured me-he-rising. You do not bother us. I just learned a few chords Won Hong.
Shin Hye: This is cool! -I threw in approaching Jung Shin, Won Hong at my side-.

I informed her then uses the time of day.

Jung Shin: Okay, thank you Shin Hye.
Hong Won: And me? -He asked as he gently pulling down my shirt-.
Shin Hye: Well you, you stay with me and Sandara. We'll take a walk in the park or elsewhere. As you wish.
Hong Won: Cool,-he replied, smiling at me. I'm looking forward to this afternoon. I'll take him to a place that I love. You too will love!
Shin Hye: Okay Won Hong, I nodded, smiling at him in return. Well, I'll leave. I'll join Sandara. Bye!
Shin Jung & Won Hong: Ok, a while ago.
Jung Shin: And thank you.
Shin Hye: Nothing, I concluded in me toward the door. It is a pleasure to work for you, gentlemen Jung Lee.

I threw them one last smile while they laughed at my remark. I closed the door and then won the lounge downstairs. I raised my eyes on the next big clock, placed above the fireplace, and looked at the time. It was now 10:14. I therefore pressed to join Sandara, who must surely be in our room.
There were only 20 minutes before calling the boys for their interview.
. . .

10h 36 / Residence Jung


Sandara's POV:

Well ... You could say that Shin Hye had a strong voice. But at least it had borne fruit. The CN BLUE Won Hong and stairs down to just a few seconds later. They approached us, joining us in the lobby. Won Hong arrived a few moments later, smiling.

Won Hong: Come on, let's go? I want to take you to my favorite place!
Shin Hye: Yes, here we go.
Sandara: The time you take your business and everything you need.

When Yong Hwa was close enough to the coat rack (which was right next to Shin Hye, be-dit-way) he reached out to grab his jacket and brushed the arm of the latter. She looked up at Yong Hwa, who was trying to smile - his gesture, surely. Shin Hye gave him a look half questioningly, half exasperated and looked away to the other three boys.
I did the same, and laid my eyes on Jong Hyun, Jung Shin and Min Hyuk. This last spoke.

Min Hyuk: Why call us now? We did not go there at 11:00, right?
Shin Hye: Well ... so. But we do not know whether or not we long to go, so we decided to call you now. And in my defense,- she began smiling-, this is Sandara idea!
Sandara: Hey! -I protested, laughing anyway-. I did not know me!
Min Hyuk: Do not worry. We arrive just in time, if we take our limousine.

Shin Hye and I watched him, eyes wide open. Did I hear right?
Yong Hwa then noticed our surprise.

Yong Hwa: And yes, you will get used, girls. You'll spend a whole summer with CN BLUE. You understand what is meant by "Rhinestone and Glitter." You'll be in for two whole months.

Shin Hye's POV:

I looked at him with exasperation that I had for two days now, whenever Yong Hwa launched a sentence of this kind. That is to say, almost all the time, actually.
I turned away and opened the door. Then walked me to the gate, the others following closely, and then launched:

Shin Hye: If I wanted to spend a whole summer in "Rhinestones and Glitter", as you say, I can tell you that I would surely not here.

I stopped then, with what I just said. I then turned and looked Jong Hyun, Jung Shin and Min Hyuk.

Shin Hye: Well, no offense, of course.

Min Hyuk smiled gently.

Min Hyuk: Do not worry, we understood what you meant.

I went on his way, and then I stopped again, before the iron doors of the gate this time.

Shin Hye: Good. Because it does not concern you, you,- she finished watching Yong Hwa straight in the eye-.
Sandara: Well, there goes.

Jong Hyun took out his notebook from his pocket.

Jong Hyun: Yeah, I call our driver ...

He walked away, the time of his call, then returned a few seconds later.

Jong Hyun: It's okay, it will happen one minute to another.

We waited only a few seconds, and a long black car pulled up in front of us. Boys before we made up, and when everybody was installed, the car started up again with a squeal of tires.
. . .

13h 36 / Han River (park)

We were all three, Won Hong, Sandara and me talking and laughing in the park of the city. We were there for almost two hours. We had planned to do a small tour, but we did not see the time passing. We came here with the limousine Jung, after having deposited the space provided for their appointment.
They had left us, why not enjoy a little?
I was going to sit on the bench that was in front of me, exhausted by two hours of laughter when Won Hong prevented me, taking me by the arm.

Won Hong: Hop, hop, hop! This is not the time to sit down, I want to take you to my favorite place.

I was going to reply, but I did not have time to open my mouth.

Hong Won: And you do not argue.

I threw a look at Sandara, who looked Won Hong and me with amused eyes. Won Hong had also taken his hand and now led us towards the center of the city. Then I leaned towards him and Sandara said:

Shin Hye: Better not talk, eh?
Sandara: In fact, it's better not ... she whispered.

She cast a quick glance toward Won Hong, then returned to me.

Sandara: We will be arguing otherwise!
Won Hong: I would not bother you ... No, just tell you that I hear you.

I exchanged a last look with Sandara, then we turned away our eyes.
Then, at the same time, we looked up the store which was before us. Sandara cast a few glances inside, she seemed pensive, suddenly. Me, this place made me rethink a meeting, there are just three days. The beginning of my summer ...
But we passed quickly before the grand building, as Hong Won continued to lead us on the sidewalk, leading us to his "favorite place."

All the people who came out of the store held their hands a pastry or a drink. Normal.
The store at which we had just passed was none other than the Starbuck.

. . .
13h 53 / Han river

We were at this very moment in a favorite Frankie. The latter issued, arriving in the room, a "Ta Daam!" theater that made me smile, then walked to the counter. Behind it was a girl a little older than me and Sandara, with blond hair and smooth, an american girl .
She was wearing a red T-shirt under a dark green apron that which the logo of the store was registered.

Won Hong: Hi Bailey! he shouted, smiling, approaching the counter.
Bailey: Hi, how are you? she asked the young man.
Won Hong: Yes! I present Shin Hye and Sandara, showed us he turned to us. They keep me this summer, when my brothers will live and everything.
Bailey: Magic, girls! So, what do you take? Won Hong, the same thing?
Won Hong: Yes, chocolate ice cream, vanilla, lemon and one with lots of whipped cream and hot chocolate. Oh, and ...

Yes, indeed. The favorite place was ... a glacier. The "Ice Cream Freez" more precisely. It was a warm, many photos of the city of Los Angeles hung on walls painted in light gray.
And Won Hong as they made the best ice cream in the world ... but also pancakes and waffles! ...
After our selection, Won Hong led us in a quiet corner, where we discussed then, while eating our ice cream, we will this summer.

Sandara Say Won Hong, nobody bothers you here? I mean, with celebrity CN BLUE, and all that?
Won Hong: No, it's okay. Apart from a few groupies from time to time, all goes well, they are used to. And there are many other stars in this city, you see. Most people are understanding. The most part ... he added, laughing. And anyway, you can't do anything about it, if it is too beautiful, in the family!
Shin Hye: And ben. We know that you want your fun side - and somewhat boastful, you!

We were all eating when something I remembered. It was time for revenge.
I turned then to Hong Won, who finished his ice cream.

Shin Hye: Say, Won, is that I could ask you a question?

He shook his head positively, mouth full of whipped cream.

Shin Hye: Yong Hwa has a nickname, right?

16h 27 / Residence Jung

It was now more than an hour we were back. We were all installed in the pool, talking about our afternoon at the park and photoshoot group.
Yong Hwa and I tried to say as little as possible ... Basically, we did not. We tried, anyway.
But it was not easy not to hear what he was saying when, in fact, he said that ...

Yong Hwa: Actually Won, did you have fun with the girls? You could show them your favorite place ... all three?
Won Hong: Yes, it was good, we ... Wait, three?
Yong Hwa: Well, yes. Sandara, Shin Hye ... and her bad temper, he joked ...
Sandara: Oh, no ... she murmured beside me. Here we go.
Jong Hyun: the sentence he should not have say.

It is at this moment that I woke up with a bound, and I approached him.

Shin Hye: What?- I began angrily-. Again, to see?
Yong Hwa: I said that ... he started smiling.
Shin Hye: But who do you think you are? Huh? You say one more thing like this on me and ... I balance you in the pool.

He laughed. A new wave of discontent rose in me.

Yong Hwa: Ooouh is that you'd almost scared me ... if you were a head taller.
Shin Hye: Yes, you should be afraid ...- I guarantee giving him a nasty look-. Because me and my bad temper, we'll make your life impossible this summer, if you continued like that. I was finishing with a satisfied smile.
Yong Hwa: Anyway what I say, you will do nothing to change it, is not it?
Shin Hye: Yes, yes of course. I may be in Seoul, but this is not to say that I will change something in me. Against you by ...

Yong Hwa was about to reply, but I do not let him in time.

Shin Hye: I defects but, like everyone else. And I care, I said under the chin defiantly.

He smiled, and I continued.

Shin Hye: I want to say something, I say. If I want something, I do it. I would not change anything about my life and my habits. I would stay myself, anyway. Including ... Yonha?! I was finishing emphasizing the last word.

It's funny, his smile disappeared immediately when his nickname crossed my lips ...

Yong Hwa: Stop, -decreed he frowned. Do not call me that.
Shin Hye: Why?- I asked in a tone of innocent, with a smirk-. It would disturb our little Yonha, call it by he's nickname?
Yong Hwa: I hate when people call me like that!

My smile is growing up to this point.

Shin Hye: I know, I approve of shaking his head slowly. Precisely.
Yong Hwa: It amuses you? Not me.
Shin Hye: Well, at least now you know one more thing about me.
Yong Hwa: Yeah? And what? I asked him, folding his arms.
Shin Hye: When I search, I find. I assured looking him straight in the eye.

I turned around to return to the chair on which I was sitting a few minutes earlier. He replied:

Yong Hwa: Well, at least we have one thing in common.
Jung Shin: Yeah, and it may make sparks ... he added quietly.

I turned then to the others, who had not said a word since earlier.

Shin Hye: Yes, sure. If Yonghwa don't stop ...

Then I met the eyes of the latter.

Shin Hye: Uh, sorry if Yong Hwa don't stop...
Yong Hwa: Oh, get going, okay? he interrupted, shaking his head. You ...

But Yong Hwa did not have time to finish his sentence, a noise was heard last us. As one man, we turned to the entrance of the house, and we saw a car parked in the yard. Finally, when the car was stopped, a person stepped out and looked in our direction ...

I see nothing, everything is black. The few lights on in the room not enough that I can see what is happening to me. The tears come to my eyes do not help.
I try to move, but I upsets many people. I have not the strength to avoid all. I walked to a corner of the dark room, and let me and slide down the wall.
Finally the tears flow down my cheeks now burning due to heat, sadness and anger are now experiencing.
. . .
"Why, why I wanted to come to this party? Why be going upstairs Why have lost a year of my life to it ... why?"


I really want to say sorry for the very late update
I am really sorry for my english google tradiction isn't really a good traductor so i am going to do my best for the grammars
I was really busy with my school , homework and the school activities

I hope that you have appreciated this chapter

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