The Heroes' Paradox

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Daisy Winchester hates the life she grew up in, but she loves it at the same time. She calls it the paradoxic... More

The Night Normalcy Died
01. Pilot
02. Wendigo
03. Dead in the Water
04. Phantom Traveler
05. Bloody Mary
06. Skin
07. Home
08. Asylum
09. Scarecrow
10. Faith
11. Nightmare
12. Shadow
13. Hell House
14. Something Wicked
15. Provenance
16. Dead Man's Blood
17. Salvation
18. Devil's Trap
19. In My Time of Dying
20. Everybody Loves a Clown
21. Bloodlust
22. Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
23. Simon Said
24. No Exit
25. The Usual Suspects
26. Crossroad Blues
27. Croatoan
28. Hunted
29. Nightshifter
30. Born Under a Bad Sign
31. Tall Tales
32. Heart
33. Hollywood Babylon
34. What Is and What Should Never Be
35. All Hell Breaks Loose (Part One)
36. All Hell Breaks Loose (Part Two)
37. The Magnificent Seven
38. The Kids Are Alright
39. Bad Day at Black Rock
40. Fresh Blood
41. A Very Supernatural Christmas
42. Malleus Malleficarum
43. Dream a Little Dream of Me
44. Mystery Spot
45. Jus in Bello
46. Ghostfacers
47. Long Distance Call
48. Time is On My Side
49. No Rest For the Wicked
50. Lazarus Rising
51. Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
52. In the Beginning
53. Metamorphosis
54. Monster Movie
56. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
57. Wishful Thinking
58. I Know What You Did Last Summer
59. Heaven and Hell
60. Family Remains
61. Criss Angel Is a Douchebag
62. After School Special
63. Sex and Violence
64. Death Takes a Holiday
65. On the Head of a Pin
66. It's a Terrible Life
67. The Monster at the End of This Book
68. Jump the Shark
69. When the Levee Breaks
70. Lucifer Rising
71. Sympathy for the Devil
72. Good God, Y'all!
73. Free to Be You and Me
74. The End

55. Yellow Fever

24 2 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff


Dean ran down the road, hearing growling and barking noises behind him. He turned around a corner, ran into a shopping cart, and fell to the ground. He saw a homeless man rummaging through a garbage bin.

"Run! It'll kill you!" Dean yelled as he pointed.

Dean was running from a pink-ribboned Yorkie. He started running again while shouting at the same time.



The coroner opened a body bag. "Agent Tyler, Agent Perry, Agent Hamilton, meet Frank O'Brien."

"He died of a heart attack, right?" Sam asked.

"Three days ago."

"But O'Brien was 44 years old, and according to this - a marathon runner."

"Everybody drops dead sooner or later. It's why I got job security."

"Yeah, but Frank kicked it here," Dean said. "Now, just yesterday, two perfectly healthy men bit it in Maumee. All heart attacks, you don't think that's strange?"

"Sound's like Maumee's problem to me. Why's the FBI give a damn anyway?"

"We just want to see the results of Frank's autopsy," Daisy replied.

"What autopsy?"

"The one you're about to do."

The coroner cut open the dead body. "First dead body?"

"Far from it."

"Oh, good. Because these suckers can get pretty ripe. Hand me those rib cutters, would you?"

Sam took a fortifying breath while Daisy crossed her arms with a grimace and Dean picked up the rib cutters and handed them to the coroner. The coroner cut the ribs open while Sam kept himself from squirming.

A discoloration on Frank's left ring finger caught Daisy's attention and she asked, "Is that from a wedding ring? I didn't think Frank was married."

"Ain't my department."

"Any idea how he got these?" Sam picked up Frank's arm, which was full of scratches.

"You know what? When you drop dead, you actually tend to drop. Body probably got scraped up when it hit the ground. Huh!"

"What?" Sam asked.

"I-I can't find any blockages in any major arteries." The coroner broke off the heart while Dean tried not to vomit. "Heart looks pretty damn healthy." He handed the heart to Dean. "Hold that a second, would you?" Sam and Daisy smirked.

The coroner cut something else in the body and hit Sam and Daisy's faces with blood. "Oh, sorry. Spleen juice." Dean smirked.

They left and Sam wiped wiped the blood from his face. He handed the towel to Daisy and she wiped her face of the blood.


Sam, Dean and Daisy were sitting down in front of the deputy's desk, waiting. The deputy smiled at Dean before focusing on Daisy and smiling at her. Dean glared, silently warning the deputy to look away. He didn't like the flirtatious expression the deputy had towards his sister.

The sheriff opened his office door. "Hell's bells, Linus, have you seen my... Who are they?" The hunters stood.

"Federal agents," Deputy Linus replied. "I, uh..."

"And you kept them waiting?"

"You, you said not to disturb."

"Come on back, fellas, Miss."

Sam, Dean and Daisy walked towards the sheriff's office, but he stopped them and said, "Shoes off."

The three took their shoes off and walked into the sheriff's office.

"Al Britton," the sheriff introduced. "Good to meet you." He shook Sam, Dean and Daisy's hands.

"You too," Sam said as the sheriff gestured for the three to sit down. "Thank you."

Sheriff Britton took out alcohol gel and started slathering his hands. Dean looked at Sam and Daisy with a weird look on his face.

"Okay. So, what can I do for Uncle Sam?" Sheriff Britton asked.

"Well, we're looking into the death of Frank O'Brien," Sam replied. "We understand some of your men found his body."

"They did. Me and Frank, we were friends. Hell, we were gamecocks." Dean snickered, earning a stern look and Dean looked abashed. "That's our softball team's name." Dean nodded. "They're majestic animals. I knew Frank since high school. To be honest, I just this morning got up the strength to go see him. Frank was... he was a good man."

"Yeah. Big heart," Dean said.

"Before he died, did you notice Frank acting strange?" Daisy asked. "Maybe scared of something?"

"Oh hell, yeah. Real jumpy," Sheriff Britton answered.

"You know what scared him?" Sam asked.

"No. Wouldn't answer his phone. Finally, I sent some of my boys over to check on him, and well, you know the rest." He poured alcohol gel on his hands again and Dean looked at his brother and sister with a WTF look on his face.

Sheriff Britton slathered gel on his hands as he questioned, "So, why the Feds give a crap? You don't really think there's a case here?"

Dean looked at Sam and Daisy. "No, no. It's probably nothing. Just a heart attack."

The three left the sheriff's office.

"No way that was a heart attack," Dean said.

"Definitely no way," Sam agreed while Daisy nodded. "Three victims, all with those same red scratches. All went from jittery to terrified to dead within 48 hours."

"Something scared them to death?"

"All right, so what can do that?"

"What can't? Ghosts, vampires, chupacabra? It could be a hundred things."

"Yeah," Daisy agreed. "So, we make a list and start crossing things off."

"All right, who's the last person to see Frank O'Brien alive?"

"Uh, his neighbor, Mark Hutchins."

Dean noticed something ahead. "Hang on, hang on."

"What?" Sam asked.

Dean faced the his siblings. "I don't like the looks of those teenagers down there." Sam and Saoirse looked around and saw teenagers talking near the Impala. "Let's walk this way."

He crossed the street while Sam and Daisy stood with a perplexed look on their faces.


"Tyler, Perry and Hamilton. Just like Aerosmith," Mark said as Dean looked around the room.

"Yeah, small world," Sam replied. "So the last time you saw Frank O'Brien?" Dean noticed a big lizard and suddenly faced forward, swallowing.

"Monday, he was watching me from his window. I waved at him, but he just closed the curtains."

"Hmm," Daisy hummed. "Did you speak to him recently? Did he seem different? Uh, scared?"

"Oh, totally. He was freaking out."

Sam and Daisy looked at Dean who looked incredibly freaked out.

"Do you know, uh... do you know what scared him?" Dean questioned.

"Well, yeah, witches."

"Witches?" Sam repeated as the trio looked at each other. "Like..."

""Wizard of Oz" was on TV the other night, right? And he said that green bitch was totally out to get him."

"Anything else scare him?"

"Everything else scared him. Al-Qaeda, ferrets, artificial sweetener. Those PEZ dispensers with their dead little eyes. Lots of stuff." Dean looked around again at the animals inside the aquariums.

"So, tell me. What was Frank like?"

"I mean, he's dead, you know? I-I don't want to hammer him but, he got better."

Daisy raised a brow. "He got better?"

"Well, in high school, he was a dick."

"A dick?" Sam repeated.

"Like a bully. I mean, he probably taped half the town's butt cheeks together." Dean snickered. "Mine included."

"So he pissed a lot of people off," Dean noted. "You think anyone would have wanted to get revenge?"

"Well, I don't... Frank had a heart attack, right?"

"Just answer the question, sir," Sam told him.

"No, I don't think so. Like I said, he got better. And after what happened to his wife."

"His wife? So he was married," Daisy said.

"She died about 20 years ago. Frank was really broken up about it."

Dean started staring at the snake around Mark's neck and he noticed. "Don't be scared of Donny. He's a sweetheart. It's Marie you got to look out for." He nodded to the couch. "She smells fear."

An albino snake crept up from behind the couch. Dean saw it and gasped. He stayed very still as it crawled down his lap.


Dean was sitting in the car reading while scratching his left arm.

Sam and Daisy opened the passenger's door and the back door and climbed in before Sam asked, "Hey. Any luck at the county clerk's office?"

"I'm not sure I'd call it luck. Frank's wife, Jessie, was a manic-depressive. She went off her meds back in '88 and vanished. They found her two weeks later, three towns over. Strung up in her motel room, suicide."

"Any chance Frank helped her along to the other side?" Daisy questioned.

"No, Frank was working the swing shift when she disappeared. Airtight alibi."

Dean turned on the car and drove in the middle of town as he asked, "How was Frank's pad?"

"Clean," Sam replied. "Searched it from top to bottom. No EMF, no hex bags, no sulfur."

"So probably no ghosts, no witches, no demons."

"Pfh..." Sam and Daisy began.

"Three down and 97 to go."

"Yeah," Sam said, seeing Dean's speed. "Dude, you're going 20."


Daisy frowned. "That's the speed limit."

"What? Safety's a crime now?" Dean drove through the intersection past the hotel.

"Dude, where are you going?" Sam asked. "That was our hotel."

"Sam, I'm not gonna make a left-hand turn into oncoming traffic. I'm not suicidal." His passengers gave him a confused look. "Did I just say that? That was kind of weird."

The EMF went off in the background.

"Do you hear something?" Sam questioned, taking the EMF meter and moved it to and from Dean where it made a sound.

"Am I haunted? Am I haunted?!"


Sam was on the phone talking to Bobby. He heard music coming from the Impala and walked towards it. He saw Dean lying on the front seat doing air drums to Eye of the Tiger. Daisy was sitting in the back seat with an amused expression. He banged on the roof of the car and scared Dean.

"Dude," Dean called. "Look at this." He showed the scratches on his arm.

"I just talked to Bobby," Sam said.

"And?" He smelled a box of donuts and threw it into the car.

Sam looked perplexed at Dean ignoring the donuts. "Um, well, you're not gonna like it."


"It's ghost sickness."

"Ghost sickness?"


"God no."


"I don't even know what that is."

"Okay. Some cultures believe that certain spirits can infect the living with a disease, which is why they stopped displaying bodies in houses and started taking them off to funeral homes."

"Okay, get to the good stuff."

"Symptoms are you get anxious..."


"Then scared, then really scared, then your heart gives out. Sound familiar?"

"Yeah, but Sam, Daisy, we haven't seen a ghost in weeks."

"Well, I doubt you caught it from a ghost," Daisy shot back. "Look, once a spirit infects that first person, ghost sickness can spread like any sickness through a cough, a handshake, whatever. It's like the flue. Now, Frank O'Brien was the first to die, which means he was probably the first infected. Patient zero."

"Our very own outbreak monkey."

"Right," Sam replied. "Get this, Frank was in Maumee over the weekend. Softball tournament. Which is where he must have infected the other two victims."

"Were they gamecocks?"


"So, ghosts infected Frank. He passed it on to the other guys and I got it from his corpse?"


"So now what, I have 48 hours before I go insane and my heart stops?"

"More like 24."



"Well, why me? Why not you or her? I mean, you two got hit with the spleen juice."

"Yeah, um, you see Bobby and I have a theory about that too. Turns out all three victims shared a certain, uh, personality type. Frank was a bully. The other two victims, one was a vice principal, the other was a bouncer."


"Basically, they were all dicks."

"So you're saying I'm a dick?"

"No, no, no. It's just that. All three victims used fear as a weapon, and now this disease is just returning the favor."

Dean frowned. "I don't scare people."

Daisy tilted her head. "Dean, all we do is scare people."

"Okay, well then, you're both dicks too."

"Apparently, we're not."

"Whatever. How do we stop it?"

"We gank the ghost that started all this," Sam said. "We do that, the disease should clear up."

"You thinking Frank's wife?" Dean asked.

"Who knows why she killed herself, you know? Hey, what are you doing waiting out here, anyway?"

Dean looked up at the hotel. "Our room's on the fourth floor." Sam looked and shook his head. "It's... it's high."

"I'll see if we can move us down to the first."



Dean climbed into the Impala and looked at the donuts.

Daisy reached for the donuts and Dean swatted her hand away, causing her to frown. "Ow! Hey!"

"I don't want you to get poisoned or sick," Dean reasoned.

"But I'm hungry."

"Forgive me for trying to protect my little sister."

"Ugh. Whatever."


Dean sat at a table with a book in front of him. He stared at the wall clock which was ticking loudly in the background. He went back to reading and coughed when he saw the disturbing images. He saw words talking to him and started panicking. He looked at the clock irritably.

Dean took the clock from the wall and dropped it, breaking it.

Sam and Daisy entered the room and saw the broken clock on the floor. Dean was on the sofa drinking beer.

"Everything all right?" Sam and Daisy asked.

"Oh, yeah," Dean replied. "Just peachy. Find anything?"

"Yeah, Jessie O'Brien's body was cremated, so Daisy and I are pretty sure she is not our ghost," Sam answered. "Hey, quit picking at that. How you feeling?"

"Awesome. It's nice to have my head on the chopping block again. I almost forgot what that feels like."


"It's freaking delightful."

"I'll keep looking," Sam and Daisy said.

Dean started to cough.

"You okay?" Sam asked. "Hey!" Dean began choking. "Dean."

Dean was gagging over the sink where he spit out a wood chip.

"We've been completely ignoring the biggest clue we have, you," Sam said.

"I don't want to be a clue," Dean whined.

"The abrasions, this, the disease, it's trying to tell us something," Daisy told them.

"Tell us what, wood chips?" Dean questioned.



Dean looked at the mill apprehensively before saying, "We're not going in there."

"I need backup, and you two are all I've got," Sam said. "You're going in, Dean."

Dean took a drink of whiskey. "Let's do this. It's a little spooky, isn't it?"

Sam handed Dean a gun and the latter said, "Oh, I'm not carrying that. It could go off. I'll man the flashlight."

"You do that," Sam and Daisy said.


The EMF went off.

"EMF's not gonna work with me around, is it?" Dean asked.

"You don't say," Sam shot back. "Come on."

"Wait..." Sam startled Dean. ""To Frank. Love, Jessie." Frank O'Brien's ring."

"What the hell was Frank doing here?" Dean wondered.

"No clue," Daisy replied.

They walked into a room full of lockers where they heard rustling. Sam opened a locker and Dean screamed after being startled by a cat.

"That was scary!" Dean exclaimed as Sam and Daisy walked away. "Wait."

Sam held up an ID card. "Luther Garland."

Daisy saw a drawing on the table. "Hey, this is uh... this is Frank's wife."

"Plot thickens," Sam commented.

"Yeah, but what into?"

Dean tore off the drawing and the machines turned on. He looked around and saw something in the corner. Sam and Daisy looked at Dean and saw him looking behind them. They turned around and saw the same thing.

"Hey!" Sam and Daisy yelled as they turned to see Dean running out of the mill.

Sam and Daisy shot the apparition and went after Dean who was hiding behind the Impala taking another drink.

"Guess we got the right place," Sam commented.


Deputy Linus handed a folder to Sam. "This is the Garland file." He saw Dean swaying. "Is he... drunk?"

"No," Sam replied. "Deputy, according to this, Luther Garland's cause of death was physical trauma. What does that mean?"

"The guy died 20 years ago, before my time. Sorry."

"Then can we talk to the sheriff?"

"Um, he's out sick today."

"Well, if you see him, will you have him call us? We're staying at the Bluebird." He pointed to the file. "Mind if we take this?"

"Know what? You're awesome," Dean told Deputy Linus.

"Thanks," Deputy Linus replied. "Um, y-you too, I guess."

Sheriff Britton, over the intercom, said, "Who was that?"

"It's uh, those FBI guys and girl."

"What did they want?"

"A file, Luther Garland's. Sheriff?"


"They know. They know. They know what you did, and they're gonna make you pay."


Sam, Dean and Daisy were walking inside. Dean was startled by a resident they bumped into in the hallway.

"This isn't gonna work," Dean said. "Come on, these badges are fake. What if we get busted? We could go to jail."

"Dean, shh!" Sam told him. "Deep breath, okay?" Dean took a deep breath. "There. You feel better?" Dean shook his head no. "Just come on. Don't scratch."

Sam gave a small smile. "Mr. Garland. Hi uh, I'm Agent Tyler. This is Agent Perry and Agent Hamilton, FBI. We'd like to ask you a few questions about your brother Luther."

"Let me see some I.D.," Mr. Garland said.

"Certainly." They showed their I.D.s.

"Those are real, obviously," Dean told Mr. Garland. "I mean, who would pretend to be an FBI agent, huh? That's just nutty."

"What do you want to know?" Mr. Garland questioned.

"Uh, well... according to this, your brother Luther died of physical trauma," Sam replied as Mr. Garland scoffed. "You don't agree."

"No, I don't."

"Well, then, what would you call it?"

"Don't matter what an old man thinks."

"Mr. Garland," Daisy said. "We're just trying to get the truth on your brother. Please."

"Everybody was scared of Luther. They called him a monster. He was too big, too mean-looking. Just too different. Didn't matter he was the kindest man I ever knew. Didn't matter he'd never hurt no one. A lot of people failed Luther. I was one of them. I was a widower with three young 'uns. And I told myself there was nothing I could do."

"Mr. Garland, um... do you recognize this woman?" Sam questioned, showing the picture.

"It's Jessie O'Brien. Her man, Frank, killed Luther."

"How do you know that?"

"Everybody knows. They just don't talk about it. Jessie was a receptionist at the mill. She was always real nice to Luther, and he had a crush on her. But Frank didn't like it. And when Jessie went missing, Frank was sure that Luther had done something to her. Turns out the old gal killed herself, but Frank didn't know that. They found Luther with a chain wrapped around his neck. He was dragged up and down the stretch outside that plant till he was past dead."

"And O'Brien was never arrested?" Dean asked.

"I screamed to every cop in town. They didn't want to look into Frank. He was a pillar of the community. My brother was just the town freak."

"You must have hated Frank O'Brien," Sam said.

"I did for a long time, but life's too short for hate, son. And Frank wasn't thinking straight. His wife had vanished, he was terrified. A damn shame he had to put Luther through the same, but... that's fear. It spreads and spreads."


"Now we know what these are, road rash," Dean said. "And I'm guessing Luther swallowed some wood chips when he was being dragged down that road."

"Makes sense," Sam agreed. "You're experiencing his death in slow motion."

"Yeah well, not slow enough, huh? Say we burn some bones and get me healthy."

"Dean, it won't be that easy," Daisy warned.

"No, no, it'll be that easy. Why wouldn't it be that easy?"

"Luther was road-hauled. His body was ripped to pieces. He was probably scattered all over that road. There's no way we're gonna find all the remains."

"You're kidding me."

"Look, we'll just have to figure something out," Sam reasoned.

"You know what? Screw this."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dean."

"Come on. No, I mean, come on, Sam, Daisy. What are we doing?!"

"We're hunting a ghost," Sam and Daisy replied.

"A ghost, exactly! Who does that?"


"Us? Right. And that Sam, Seri, that is exactly why our lives suck. I mean, come on, we hunt monsters. What the hell?! I mean, normal people, they see a monster and they run. But not us, no, no, no, we -- we search out things that want to kill us. Yeah? Huh? Or eat us! You know who does that? Crazy people! We... are insane! You know, and then there's the bad diner food and then the skeevy motel rooms and then the truck-stop waitress with the bizarre rash. I mean, who wants this life, Sam? Huh? Seriously? Do you two actually like being stuck in a car with me eight hours a day, every single day? I don't think so! I mean, I drive too fast. And I listen to the same five albums over and over and over again, a-and I sing along. I'm annoying, I know that. And you -- you're gassy! You eat half a burrito, and you get toxic! Daisy, when you're on... Sometimes you can be mean! I mean, you two know what?" He tossed Sam the keys. "You two can forget it."

"Whoa, Dean. Where are you going?" Sam asked.

"Stay away from me, Sam, Daisy, okay? 'Cause I'm done with it. I'm done with the monsters and -- and -- and the Hellhounds and the ghost sickness and the damn apocalypse. I'm out. I'm done. I quit."

Dean was walking when he heard growling behind him.


Sam entered and said, "Daisy and I looked everywhere for you, Dean. How the hell did you get here?"

"Ran," Dean replied. "What do we do now? I got less than four hours on the clock. I'm gonna die, Sammy, Daisy."

"Yeah, you are." Dean looked puzzled at Sam and Daisy's words. "You're going back."


"Downstairs Dean, Hell," Sam told him. "It's about damn time, too. Truth is," Sam turned to Dean with yellow eyes, "you've been a real pain in my ass." He threw Dean against the wall with a hand gesture.

Daisy's eyes turned black and she smirked. "I'll be taking you."

"No! You get out of my brother and sister, you evil sons of bitches!"

Yellow-Eyed Sam said, "No one's possessing me, Dean. No one's possessing her. This is what we're going to become. This is what we want to become. There's nothing you can do about it." He started choking Dean.

Sam and Daisy were shaking Dean's shoulders. "Hey, hey, hey, Dean. Hey, Dean. Dean. Dean."


Sam and Daisy were sitting on the Impala as a car drove up.

"Howdy, Sam," Bobby greeted.

"Hey, Bobby," Sam called. "Thanks for coming so quick."

"Where's Dean?" Madelyn asked as she stepped out.

"Uh, home sick."


Dean was in the hotel watching TV. He saw Pokey being lassoed and dragged and mumbled, "Oh, this isn't helping."


"So, have his hallucinations yet?" Bobby questioned.

"Yeah, a few hours ago," Sam answered.

"How we doing on time?"

"We saw the coroner about 8:00 a.m. Monday morning, so, uh... just under two hours," Daisy replied. "What about you two? You find anything?"

"This uh, encyclopedia of spirits dates to the Edo period," Bobby said as he handed Sam a book with Japanese text.

"You can read Japanese?" Sam asked, surprised.

Bobby answered in Japanese.

"Guess so, show-off."

Madelyn chuckled and continued. "Anyway, this book lists a kind of ghost that could be our guy. It uh, infects people with fear. It's called a Buru Buru."

"It say how to kill it?" Daisy questioned.

"Same as usual. Burn the remains."

"Uh... is there a Plan B?"

"Well, the Buru Buru is born of fear," Bobby said. "And the lore says we can kill it with fear."

"So we have to scare a ghost to death?" Sam asked.

"Pretty much."

"How the hell we gonna do that?"


Dean's phone rang and he answered. "Hey.

"Hey!" Sam said. "So, uh, just ride out the trip, okay? You're -- you're gonna be fine. We got a plan."

"What is it?"

"Uh, just a good plan, all right? Hang in there."


"This is a terrible plan," Bobby and Madelyn stated.

Sam glanced at them. "Yeah, tell me about it."

"I know I said, "scare the ghost to death" but this?" Bobby said.

"Hey, you two got a better idea, Sam and I are listening," Daisy shot back.

Sam and Daisy entered the mill when a hand came up behind a glass window that showed Luther's reflection.


Dean started hearing barking. The door rattled and broke off the hinges.

"Sheriff?" Dean called, noticing the gun in Sheriff Britton's hand. "What are you doing?"

"Why are you looking into Luther Garland's death?" Sheriff Britton asked.

Dean noticed blood on the sheriff's right arm. "Hey, hey, you're -- you're sick. You're sick. You're sick, all right? Just -- just like me, okay? You got to relax."

Sheriff Britton hit Dean. "Frank O'Brien was my friend. So he made a mistake. So I didn't bust him. So what? And you're gonna bring me down over that?! No, sir." He pointed his gun at Dean, but Dean swatted it away.

A fight broke out.

"They know what you did," Sheriff Britton said before hyperventilating. "Get away from me!"

"Al, you got to calm down!"

"Step back!" He had a heart attack. "They know..."


Bobby, over the walkie talkie asked, "Any luck?"

"I don't know what's wrong, Bobby," Sam said. "Last time he came right at us. It's almost like he's, uh... like he's scared." He put down his shotgun.

"So now what?"

"I guess we got to make him angry. Hey, Luther!" He and Daisy started tearing up drawings and machines turned on. "Come on, Luther!" Sam taunted. "Where the hell are you? What are you waiting for?" He and Daisy turned and saw Luther.


Dean was sitting on the bed scratching his arm. He heard what Sam and Daisy said during his hallucination.

"You're going back," Sam said. "It's about damn time too. Hahahaha."

"I'll be taking you," Daisy told him.

He heard barking and looked at his watch and saw something on the floor. He picked it up and saw it was a Bible.

"Hi, Dean," a little girl greeted.

"Huh, no! No!" Dean cried.

"Yes! It's me, Lilith!" She embraced Dean. "Oh, I missed you so much. It's time to go back now."

Dean moved away from Lilith. "You - you are not real!"

"What's the matter, Dean? Don't you remember all the fun you had down there? You do remember. Four months is like 40 years in Hell. Like doggy years. And you remember every second."

Dean clutched his chest. "You are not real."

"It doesn't matter. You're still gonna die. You're still gonna burn."

"Why me? Why'd I get infected?"

"Silly goose. You know why, Dean. Listen to your heart."


"Baboom, baboom, baboom, baboom."


At the lumber mill, Sam and Daisy were fighting Luther's spirit.


Lilith was still taunting Dean.


Sam and Daisy managed to wrap the chain around Luther's neck and cried, "Bobby, punch it!"

Bobby floored the Impala and pulled Luther's spirit across the road until his disappeared. At the same time, Dean recovered in the motel room.


"So you guys road-hauled a ghost with a chain?" Dean asked, smiling as Madelyn took his hand.

"Iron chain etched with spell work," Sam replied.

"Hmm, that's a new one."

"It was what he was most afraid of," Daisy replied. "It was pretty brutal, though."

"On the upside, I'm still alive, so uh, go team!"

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "How you feeling, by the way?"


"You sure, Dean?" Bobby asked. "'Cause the line of work can get awful scary."

"I'm fine. You want to go hunting? I'll hunt. I'll kill anything."

Madelyn laughed softly at his words.

"Awwww, he's adorable," Bobby teased. "I got to get out of here. You boys and girls drive safe. Madelyn, you coming with?"

"You too, Bobby. Hey, thanks."

Madelyn shook her head. "Nah, I'll stay with them for the time being. Let Reagan and Noah know."

"I will."

Bobby drove off. Madelyn glanced at Dean. Bobby was right about one thing; the man she married was adorable.

"So uh... so, what did you see?" Sam asked. "Near the end, I mean?"

"Oh, besides a cop beating my ass?" Dean questioned.

"Seriously," Daisy and Sam said.

Dean looked at his brother and sister and saw a yellow flash in Sam's eyes and a black flash in Daisy's eyes. "Howler monkeys. Whole roomful of them. Those things creep the hell out of me."

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