Belong | Min Yoongi

Galing kay mimiswriting

16.5K 1.3K 240

Being an actor has always been your dream. Pursuing it meant many things - leaving the town where you grew up... Higit pa

01: Present Day
02: Present Day
03: Present Day
04: Present Day
05: Present Day
06: Present Day
07: Rewind
08: Present Day
09: Present Day
10: Present Day
11: Present Day
12: Present Day
13: Present Day
14: Rewind
15: Present Day
16: Present Day
17: Present Day
18: Present Day
19: Present Day
20: Present Day
21: Present Day
22: Present Day
23: Rewind
24: Present Day
25: Present Day
26: Present Day
27: Present Day
28: Present Day
29: Present Day
30: Present Day
32: Post Credits

31: Rewind

446 31 4
Galing kay mimiswriting


3 years ago

Yoongi's childhood home is a one-floor house with a spacious kitchen and a nice lawn. His dad had built it for their mother as a way to keep her happy. It has a lot of the things she likes, like a big common space for everyone to gather around during meals, a vertical garden outside, and some planter boxes hanging by the windows. Half of the furniture is from the antique shop, which his dad had refurbished to fit the style of the place.

Yoongi was too young when they first moved in, but he remembers many things about it, like evenings watching talk shows and the news while they all ate and cleaned up as a family, mornings of his parents talking about different topics that got Yoongi interested in watching documentaries, and afternoons with his brother shooting hoops in their small backyard.

He also remembers the weekends you'd stayed over when he was injured, the first time you saw him break down, and the last time you walked out the door. There are memories of him ignoring his dad, arguing with his brother, and that evening when he took down the basketball ring and threw it in the trash.

He spent a whole year living here after the injury. Yoongi saw how his old man remained positive despite the pain over seeing his son struggle, how he worked hard to pay the medical bills, how he tried to make the house feel like the home he lost, even if Yoongi wasn't sure that was possible, only because you were no longer in it, and there's really no one to blame but him.

Things got relatively better though. After he fully recovered physically and got to save enough by helping the stores in the area digitize and selling some of his prized NBA jerseys, he moved out and rented a tiny studio apartment. He continued to help his dad at the shop, expanding its services for more income stream while also doing freelance work online. It was mentally tiring, but it helped his mind be preoccupied with things. Perhaps that's what got him talking to his friends again; it's what got him to go out and find other ways of moving on from all the pain that he chose to carry by himself.

It's a Friday when Yoongi visits his old house with some groceries he bought. He got a huge payout in one of the projects he worked on and he's been slowly paying off his dad by buying the essentials and medication, as his old man insists that there's no debt to be paid; it's his job to look out for his son, after all.

"Hey, dad," Yoongi greets as he walks into the kitchen.

"Hey, son," his dad replies, scooping them bowls of stew for dinner, a routine they've both developed after Yoongi moved out.

They proceed to eat, with him staring blankly down the hallway like he sometimes still does. It hasn't been a good couple of weeks and he's just been waiting for the next big project that would help him keep his mind off things again.

"So an old friend was in town this week and we went to this local bar," his dad says. "It's nice. They have live music every Thursday. A-reum was the one playing last night."

At the mention of her name, Yoongi stills for a bit, only to hum in response.

"I asked her how she's doing and why she hasn't passed by the shop in a while. Imagine my surprise when she said that you two have broken up. Two months ago. And I was the clueless father who didn't know that his son was going through another heartbreak," his dad continues. "What happened, son? You both seemed happy. You looked happy."

"Shit happens," Yoongi shrugs, not keen to talk about how much of a jerk he really is. It's enough that he knows exactly what caused him to fall out of his feelings for her; he doesn't really want to share that with anyone else.

His dad looks at him with a hardened gaze. It isn't that he didn't know about the breakup; it's more about his son's reaction to it, how he's looking indifferent to it as if it's not possibly hurting him right now. It's choosing again to go through all this by himself. Even more, it's the fact that A-reum seemed good for him. Yoongi was smiling again, laughing again; it wasn't the same as before but it was better than the closed-off, broken version of him.

"What happens?" The older man presses. "A fight that you didn't want to fix? Remembering something from your old life and then shutting her out? Or was it because she wanted to chase her dreams and you let her leave you?"

If this was 2 years ago, Yoongi would've answered back. He would've argued that it wasn't his old man's place to accuse him like that, even if he has all the reasons to, given Yoongi's track record. But instead, he just looks down, eyes sullen as he thinks of the night he told her that he no longer felt the same, and that it was better if they continued with their lives separately.

"That's kind of out of line," he replies, respectfully.

His dad sighs, suddenly feeling guilty about making assumptions, especially when he knows how hard his son struggled, and how he worked just as hard to be better.

"I'm sorry, son, I just—"

"It's okay, dad. They're not baseless accusations," Yoongi interjects. They're what happened with you, after all.

"I just... don't want you to keep pushing away people who love you, who want to be there for you," his old man says. "It's an exhausting thing to do at such a young age. You've got so much life to live. You can't be scared forever."

"I know. It was my fault. There's still a lot I still can't let go of," Yoongi explains, even if there are more reasons behind it. "But I don't really want to talk about it. It's hard, sure, but I can manage. You don't have to worry. I promised I'd reach out if it gets too much."

"Okay, then," his dad concedes. It's progress from before, if he's being honest, and this is always better than having his son crying on his own and completely shutting everyone out. "How was your day then?"

Dinner continues without the tension from earlier. Both men even get a laugh in. Perhaps Yoongi's just much better at compartmentalizing now, or maybe he's picked up a few acting tips from you. But either way, it keeps his dad from asking more. Breaking up with his girlfriend because she reminds him so much of you isn't exactly in the list of Yoongi's proudest moments; he'd carry this thought in his grave if he has to.

His old man heads to the couch while Yoongi insists on cleaning up. He washes the dishes, throws out the trash, and organizes all the groceries he's bought. By the time he joins his dad, he could already hear the snores from next to him. Yoongi lets him be, knowing it's been a tiring week, and proceeds to watch the show that's on TV.

It takes a while for him to register that it's you on the talk show, along with your co-stars from a recently-concluded series where you starred in a supporting role. His dad watched the show religiously; he was probably waiting for this segment before he fell asleep.

The cast consists of mostly veteran actors and you're the youngest of them all, and so most of the questions addressed to you are about your feelings acting alongside people you look up to and if you felt any fear going into this project.

"Any time I star on a show is terrifying, only because I'm afraid to fail," you answer. "It means so much to me to be given this chance and I have to tell myself that I can't waste this opportunity. I only will if I let the fear take over, and that's like betraying all my hard work, you know? I have to remind myself that I'm meant to take up this space. My agency, my friends, my colleagues - they all helped me get here. Giving in to the fear feels like I'm letting them down, too, and they don't deserve that."

The host seems in awe with your answers, so do your co-stars who pat you on the back and remark that you've always been very mature, that you're a hard worker as much as you're talented, and that they didn't feel like you were new to the industry with how bold you were.

You cover your face in amusement while they all look fondly at you. You have that smile on, the one where you're a little embarrassed over being praised, but Yoongi can sense that you're also a little emotional over hearing what your colleagues think of you.

It's the first time he's watching you get interviewed and he's a little emotional as well, seeing you get flustered but look proud. He listened to you talk about all these things - what shows you want to act in, which actors you want to work with, the attitude you want to bring into every project. You once told him that you admired him for being brave for dreaming, but he never got to tell you the same. He thinks you're much braver than he ever would be. You loved him fiercely and certainly, after all, and he'd been the scared one who couldn't do the same.

He stands by his decision that letting you go meant he loved you too much to keep you suffering with him, but sometimes he can't help but think that maybe he'd been greedy, that his love had been selfish, that his selflessness made him decide for the both of you, and that ultimately pulled you both apart. Seeing you in the same room with people you admire eases that thought a little bit, but it's your words that hit him harder.

What's hard work if he doesn't get to reap the benefits? Perhaps it's one reason why the injury hurts more than just physically; it's hard to explain how something so devastating can rip one's soul, especially when he'd spent years molding his life around basketball only for him to lose his space in its world.

It continues to pain him; he aches for the death of his dream. But it's the people around him who suffered greatly because he'd given in to the fear of living life without the sport he'd loved greatly. You hurt the most because of it; his family and friends continue to see him without the light in his eyes anymore. He'd hate to think that everyone who'd supported him from when he was able, to when he was broken would think that they haven't been enough. He'd only wanted to shield them all from how dark it was in his mind so only he gets to shoulder it; perhaps selflessness can actually be selfish, too.

His thoughts are disrupted when your name is called again. The host asks what advice you could give to young aspirants who are just starting or have yet to put one foot on the door of this industry.

"I'm just like them," you chuckle, a little shy. "I'm still finding my way."

"But you've at least done something," the host says. "Hearing it from someone close to their age or someone they can relate with may resonate more with them than from the veterans who've been doing this for years."

Your co-stars agree and encourage you to talk, so you take the mic and address the viewers.

"To the young ones in school training to become an actor, or doing this for fun, or exploring the possibility of doing this for a living, I'm telling you now, it's not always gonna be easy nor glamorous," you start. "It's gonna hurt sometimes, you'll face rejection; you might even feel like it may not be worth it. Remember that it's all part of the ride. It's pretty amazing most of the time, especially when you love and respect your craft. Just keep working hard and turn to the people who'll dream your dream with you."

Yoongi notices the way your smile fades a little, even more when you say the next words, as if they're hurting you and giving you peace at the same time.

"But if it gets too much, remember that it's okay to give up, too. That doesn't make you weak nor a failure nor a coward," you continue. "Giving something up decisively takes courage. And you worked hard. The people who love you will love you no matter what."

A lone tear falls down Yoongi's cheek. If he was being delusional, he'd think you meant to say the words to him. Maybe the guys still talk to you; perhaps they told you about how he'd stopped playing basketball altogether, how he doesn't like watching or talking about it anymore, and how he'd given up any bit of dream related to it. And maybe that hurt you, too, and that's why you're saying this, perhaps hoping in some way, it will get to him.

He turns off the TV and walks to his room. It hits him when he looks around, the love he once displayed for the sport no longer there. The empty walls that used to be full of posters, the rusty shelf that used to house his trophies, the closet that was once filled with jerseys that he'd sold. He didn't give it up decisively. He gave it up fearfully and helplessly, because as he looks at this place that's devoid of what once was his dream, all he feels is pain and guilt.

He misses the sport terribly, and being without it has hurt him more than anything.

Yoongi gets the posters he'd kept under his bed. Some of them have tears in them, most are crumpled. But he meticulously tapes and flattens them before posting them on his walls again, feeling his room come alive once more. He retrieves all his trophies from the big trash bag in the corner, taking each one out and placing them on the shelves.

From inside his closet, he unfolds the 2 remaining jerseys he didn't have the heart to sell - the MJ one that his mother left for him, and the Allen Iverson one that you got him for your anniversary. He hangs them inside, his fingers tracing the Sixers logo of the one from you, and he allows himself to remember how playing made him feel so happy and free. But more than anything, he lets himself remember the excitement he'd get whenever he watched the sport, whenever he'd talk about or analyze it, whenever he'd think about it, and then a smile graces his face.

Not playing professionally may be an unrealized dream now. He's in his late 20s with only a college career to be proud of. He's accepted some time ago that his knee won't be the same anymore, but he doesn't need that to enjoy the sport. He still loves it whether he shoots the ball or watches someone else do it.

As he looks around his room, he feels that bit of excitement once again, and all it took was an interview he didn't intend to watch of the woman whose love he'll always hold onto for him to realize that he doesn't want to give all this up. It'll always pull him back in. If he can't let it go decisively, then he won't do it at all, not when it's what could get him back on his feet again, even if it's what tore him apart in the first place.

He pulls out his phone and texts his brother.

[To: Geumjae] Are you free in the morning? Can you go to the park with me to shoot around?

[To: Geumjae] I miss it. I think I'm ready

[From: Geumjae] Of course. I'll drive out and see you tomorrow.

[From: Geumjae] I'm happy for you. Love you.


Being back in his university's basketball court makes Yoongi feel nostalgic. He spent 4 amazing years making this place his home. He'd had most of his best moments here, like the 3 championships he won with his team. It feels a little weird to be in here all those years later, no longer in the maroon and white jersey that he used to sport but in business casual clothes, as the team's coach officially welcomes him to the team.

Right after he snapped out of a 3-year long pity party, he played for the first time with his brother. He definitely missed the feel of the ball in his hand and the sound of the net swooshing when he shoots. He still got it, his brother had said, and it felt good to hear it. He wouldn't deny that he can still shoot pretty well, but he was also practical enough to know that he couldn't sustain it. His knee still feels stiff at times - a normal occurrence as the doctor had told him - and he'd get tired more easily, but the joy came back. The fear didn't.

After that, Yoongi went back to watching basketball again, from the NBA to the national and university leagues. He discovered the online space for sports analyses, and he got sucked into its world. He'd comment on articles constantly and make his own, and he's glad he did because it's what ultimately landed him this job. One of his former coaches saw what he'd been saying and was impressed; Yoongi's basketball IQ and unique way of looking at the game haven't changed, the older man said.

That was 5 months ago and so much has changed since then but he's proud of how he got back on his feet. There's a different type of drive now, as he watches the team scrimmage as part of their training. Seeing their passion and hunger for success is inspiring, and the thought of bringing home another crown for the school with them excites him. It's a new aspiration, and he'll work hard to make them experience what he experienced as a young player with all his hopes and his dreams. Maybe they could achieve what he couldn't because if it wasn't him, then it could at least be someone he helped mold.

One other change has been you, insofar as Yoongi finally watching your concluded series for the first time. His dad insisted, saying he'd watch again with his son since it's a really good show, and not just because he adores you greatly. But Yoongi wanted his peace and chose to watch it on his own.

He felt proud seeing you on screen. You're made for it. Your charm and energy shine through and you express emotions so genuinely. He'd ignored his brother's teasing that he might fall for you again, with Yoongi not wanting to acknowledge the possible truth to that.

But you're an actual celebrity now and he's just him. He doesn't know how your love life has been other than the rumors of you dating some actor or model, which your agency always denied. You'd said once that most of those are just PR stunts anyway and shouldn't be believed, so Yoongi didn't bother spending so much time thinking if you were with someone. If any, he just hoped it's someone who trusts and respects you, and he'd be content with knowing that you're happy, even if in the deepest cracks of his heart, he wished it was still him.

You haven't really left his mind, if he's being honest. His relationship with A-reum was proof of that, so is the fact that it was your interview that got him out of his self-destructive hole to restart.

But it's tonight out of all nights, when he pulls out the lone decent-looking jacket he has that he plans to wear to the meeting with the university faculty and sports director - which also happens to be something you got him years ago - that he thinks that maybe there's a reason why he can't completely move on from you. He tried and he honestly continues to, but it's not easy when much of the happiness he remembers has you in it. You show up in his dreams sometimes, too, as if the universe is reminding him that he's okay now, that he's at least close to the man he once was and not just a shell of it anymore, and that maybe, you'd want to grab some coffee and see where things go.

It's what prompts him to look up the details for your upcoming movie premiere so he could go. You worked on it the same time you were filming your series, and even if your name is one of the smallest ones on the poster as a supporting character, he already knows this is incredibly important to you. It's your first movie, it seems, and he wants to be there to wish you luck and let you know he's proud of you, and that if this is where your shared heartbreak led you, then he knows there's no way he'd regret letting you go those years ago.


The woman staring back at you is someone you almost don't recognize. Other than the glamorous champagne-colored dress that you're wearing, there's a smile that you haven't seen in a long while, too. In over 3 years, to be exact. A heartbreak does that, you suppose. Your biggest supporting role in a series that wrapped up a few months ago felt too surreal for you, and you'd gone through the promotions for that feeling anxious; you barely had time nor energy to appreciate yourself nor the experience.

You do now. After the praises for your performance then and the ones from your colleagues for this, you feel that you at least deserve to smile, that you can truly claim for yourself that you're on the way to big things, even if you know you're far from it. You're the most junior out of the entire cast, after all, and you're more like a supporting role to the supporting role. You're in the credits, at least, and you got to act alongside some of the people you look up to once more.

It's premiere night and that calls for a big event. Jimin, your newly-hired personal assistant slash stylist, knocks on your door to say that the car is ready. You exit your room and drive from your humble apartment to the venue, feeling giddy and nervous.

"Looks like there are lots of fans tonight," Jimin says from the passenger seat, getting news from his phone. "There's a long line inside and outside. I heard it's a packed cinema, too."

"Well, it's Song Hye-kyo. What do you expect?" You giggle. "When she's your lead, there's bound to be a score of fans. But that's good for me, right? They're there for her. I'll just be fading into the background and no one will even notice."

"Why would you want that?" Jimin looks at you curiously.

"You know why."

Your unsure smile informs him of the reason and he understands. It's gonna be tricky but you decided to not hide anymore starting tonight. You want that freedom, and you want it soon.

"But also, I'm still not used to it," you continue. "It's my first movie and I'm just a small part of it but it's all still new to me. I don't want people's attention if it's me looking overwhelmed, you know?"

"You're gonna be fine, ___," Jimin assures you. "You at least still look pretty when you look like that."

"Hmm, that's oddly encouraging," you chuckle, seeing the scores of fans in the lobby before your driver heads straight to the VIP parking.

Jimin opens the door for you and leads you through the entrance. "Blow them away with your beauty, okay? I'll see you shortly."

You're led towards a waiting room for the lesser-known actors, which you don't mind. The big-name ones have their own and you'll probably only speak with them during the afterparty later. Right now, you're talking with your co-stars while getting a retouch of your makeup, and it helps ease your worries a bit. All you need to do is walk out to the red carpet with them and hope that the people at least cheer for you. You can worry about how you fared in the movie later on.

It's an hour later when it starts. You walk towards the doors that exit to where the hosts and crowd are, already hearing their cheers as you wait. There's 6 of you and cheers erupt when your names are called. You all walk out and wave at them, definitely overwhelmed by the camera flashes and shrieks of the people but you remain calm and professional, smiling the entire time and greeting them calmly. It's more than you expected and you're just happy to be experiencing this for the first time. It's a moment you definitely won't forget, and you're glad you can at least share this with someone right after.

Your group is briefly interviewed before you're led out to the other side to go back to the waiting room; you'll all go to the cinema in an hour after all the actors have been introduced and interviewed. You take a detour, though, knowing you can't really wait any longer. All the fans are inside the hall, waiting for the big stars to come out so the hallway leading to one of the building exits is empty. It's accessible to the public but you already know that no person in their right mind would be here, so it's the perfect spot.

You enter and wait only a few minutes before you hear your name being called. Turning around, you see him, and you feel even more excited.

"You looked gorgeous out there," Min-kyu greets as he hugs you right away.

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you giggle in his ears. "Thank you. Did I stutter?"

"Nope, you sounded great, too," he chuckles, taking your hand. "I'm really proud of you. I'm happy I get to be here, and that we could decide on this together. I can't have people linking you with someone else again when I'm right here."

"You mean when I'm right here," you tease, seeing as he's the one always being rumored to be with some model. You place his hands on your waist as you continue. "It won't be so hard anymore after tonight."

"Okay. Well then, I don't want to keep you," he responds. "Someone might see us. But I'll sneak in next to you in the cinema, alright?"

"Got it," you smile giddily. "I'll see you in a bit."

You kiss him goodbye and assure him that you'll see him shortly.

It's the sound of a door closing that alarms you, breaking you out of your little bubble with the man you've been cozying up with for the past 7 months. It's perhaps your longest relationship, if you could even categorize the previous ones as such. Andrew was a 3-month long fling, Ki-yong was a half-year on-off whatever, and Min-kyu has been the only one so far that you haven't had any issues with. You're unsure for how long it's gonna last, but one reason why you don't want to keep hiding anymore is because he gets linked to any woman he so much as says hi to. If whoever walked in your little PDA just now decides to do something about it before you do, then the timing wouldn't be too far apart.

"Do you think someone saw us just now?" You ask.

"If anyone did, we're too far for them to take any photos," he reasons. "If they saw anything, there wouldn't be any proof. But that won't matter much after tonight, yeah?"

"I guess so," you smile. "But they're gone, so let's go."

You head out separately after fixing yourself, the giddy feeling from his kiss evaporating once you're back in your world, knowing you'll reunite with him again later. It's a good distraction more than anything, as your mind wanders for a millisecond how it would be like if someone else were here with you, celebrating your first movie together. But that's not your life anymore. This is. You'd like to think it's a hundred times better than the one you left behind.


Yoongi stares at the door he'd just walked out of after seeing you in another man's arms, something he didn't intend to witness.

He'd seen you walk down the red carpet then proceed to the left, and he'd been too far out to catch up to you. It's a Song Hye-kyo movie so he knows that everyone's gonna be waiting for her, and it's probably why the path towards one of the hallways is empty. He doesn't know what he was thinking following you, and looking back now, he's unsure why he thought coming to your movie premiere without you knowing was even a good idea. But after feeling stupidly hopeful that something could come out of him showing up after letting you go, he decided to come, to drive from Daegu, dress up nicely, and be swift enough to go after you before security takes him away.

He does see you. With your arms around a man who makes you laugh and clearly makes you happy. He looks like that actor who's being rumored with a bunch of different women, but it seems like he's locked on you. Yoongi could only hope he isn't cheating on you or anything; that would be worse than what he's feeling right now, and he's feeling pretty terrible. And stupid.

Even more as he looks at the bouquet of daisies he's holding, something that he planned to give to you to celebrate your first movie premiere. It's probably the plainest flower out there and there are definitely more that would suit you, like dahlias and marigolds and roses - all breathtakingly beautiful and deserving of being at the center of everything just like you are.

But he'd noticed those years ago how your eyes always turned to daisies whenever you entered a flower shop. Anyone would miss it, but Yoongi's attention is on you a lot of the time, and he's seen your gaze linger on it, especially as they're placed as supporting decor to a grand arrangement. He thinks it's perhaps your way of wishing for a simple life behind all this glamor, and that somewhere in your heart, you desire someone who could give you something just as simple, perhaps someone like him.

It's why he decided to pass by the fanciest flower shop he could find earlier and get this, so he could tell you that you could achieve whatever it is you dream of, no matter how big or small, how grand or simple. And that no matter how high you go, he'll always be rooting for you in every way he can.

It doesn't seem right to still be giving this to you, he thinks, but then again, it's not like he expected to get back together just because he decided to show up unannounced on what is a big day for you. He won't deny that he didn't think about it, though, but he really just wanted to catch up, maybe tell you that you helped him get back on his feet. And that he's incredibly proud of you, and that he believes you'll just get better and bigger from here.

But as the scene of you looking happy with another man who could probably give you much more than he ever could replays in his mind, Yoongi is reminded that it's not his place anymore, that he does not have a place in your life anymore. He made that call when he broke things off, and he doesn't have the right to ask you for anything else after that. Even if it's just your time.

So he walks out of the hall and into his car where he stays for a good half hour, trying to figure out what to do. He eventually decides to still give it, without the burden on you knowing it's from him.

And that's what he does, as he waits at your agency building lobby the next morning for the reception to clear the flowers. He'd spent the night at a hostel and was close to just throwing it and forgetting this whole thing even happened, but he braved through it until he's unable to back out now.

"No card?" The man asks.

Yoongi looks at the piece of cardboard that he took out right before he gave the bouquet.

I'm so proud of you, ___. So much time has passed and I'm doing better. I can see that you are, too. I was in the city and thought, for old time's sake - would you like to grab some coffee?

He slips it in his pocket and answers, "no card. But could you write ___'s name on the envelope?"

The man hums in agreement. "And who do I say this is from?"

"I'd like to remain anonymous."

The man looks at him warily before he nods and writes your name as the only indicator that it's for you. No other message and no trace of the sender.

"Okay, all good."

"Thank you," Yoongi says, walking out the building to head to his car and drive back to Daegu.

He decides to eat at a nearby convenience store, and that's when he sees the news that confirms everything he saw last night.

Rumors no more: Actors Kim Min-kyu and ___/___ confirm 7-month relationship.

Yoongi reads the headlines over and over again, the scene from last night haunting him once more. He doesn't know why he thought that still giving you the flowers, even anonymously, was a good idea, even more now that you've been dating this man for longer than he imagined.

You've been that happy for 7 months now. It doesn't seem right to still insert himself like that.

He rushes towards the agency again to try to retrieve the bouquet and take it all back. He's at the end of the street, a sprint away from the building but then he stops at the sight of you exiting. With the flowers in your arms.

There's that crinkled smile of yours that he's missed so much. You're looking at the daisies with such softness, like you're truly appreciating it, and Yoongi's heart melts at the sight. You may not know it's from him and perhaps that's the best part, but it's the thought that you seem to really like it, especially when a blond-haired man stands next to you and hands you a bouquet of roses, which you smell and smile at before returning it to him. You cradle the daisies, shrugging when you try to retrieve a card that isn't there, and Yoongi's relieved that of all the stupid things he's done the past 12 hours, leaving the card out was the smartest thing he did.

A car arrives and you enter, leaving Yoongi still at the end of the street to watch you drive away, perhaps out of his life for good, at least until your next premiere where he'll probably give you the flowers again.

He hopes that with them, you get to feel the care he has for you that never withered, that on your lowest days, you think of the admirer who believes that your love for daisies is something that matters.

Your car disappears from his sight. He resigns to this next new life without you - the one where you're happy where you are and he's trying to be. He'll admire you from afar until he gets to move on from you completely.


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Pairing: BTS Yoongi/Suga (Doberman Pinshcer Hybrid) x Reader (human) Genre: Fluff/ Slight Angst/ Smut/ Hybrid au/ Office worker (reader)/ Bodyguard a...
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[COMPLETED] All Min Yoongi wanted was coffee because he was out. He didn't mean to meet a weird girl who liked mornings and awfully sweet coffee. He...