Guardian (Kazuma x Oc)

By Aya_Write2

73.8K 2.6K 131

Completed "She's dead?" a voice whispered out in shock as her lips trembled from the cold and fear of what co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Part 15.5
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20


1.8K 80 30
By Aya_Write2

Karin and Kazuma stood in the hall of the house as Karin walked back and forth, her face full of nerves as Kazuma simple watched her.

"Karin, everything will be alright" Kazuma stated while Karin looked towards him.

"But.. but what if it's not. I-I don't want it to happen again. Especially not to Kyo and Tohru" Karin said before Kazuma reached and grabbed her hands

"Everything will be fine" Kazuma stated as Karin nodded and squeezed him hand and smiled up at him before the door flung open.

"He's here" Kyo stated with a tired expression and breathing heavy as Karin eyes widened.

"He?" Karin asked as she made her way towards Kyo as Kazuma followed. Kyo simple smiled.

"It's a boy" Kyo smiled as Karin smiled widely before bringing him into a hug.

"Congratulations!" Karin smiled before her eyes looked over "now let me see him!" Karin soon pushed Kyo away and running into the room.

"Awe Tohru!" Karin smiled walking towards her as she laid in the bed, the new born baby in her hands.

"Well done Tohru" Kazuma smiled walking over with Kyo as Tohru simple smiled towards him.

"Thank you" Tohru smiled before she looked over to see Karin looking towards the baby before she chuckled

"Would you like to hold him, Karin?" Tohru asked as Karin eyes widened before she looked up at Kyo who smiled

"Please" she smiled before Tohru carefully handed the baby towards him, Karin looked down with a smile on see the little spikes of orange hair as she smiled.

"What have you decided to name him?" Kazuma asked as Tohru and Kyo looked towards each other before Kyo sighed.

"Hajime" Kyo stated before both Karin and Kazuma eyes widened before Karin looked up at him, tears in her eyes.

"Really?" She cried as Tohru simple smiled before reached over and placing her hand on Karin shoulder.

"It is a beautiful name" Tohru smiled as Karin simple smiled with tears before looking down at the baby once again.

"Welcome to the world Hajime" Karin smiled with tears as Kazuma soon walked to her side to have a look.

"This is your grandma Hajime" Kyo soon smiled down at the baby while Karen wore an annoyed expression.

"I told you! I am not Grandma!" Karin soon yelled while Kazuma simple sighed.

"That what you are though! What the hell do you expect him to call you!" Kyo shouted as Karin glared as fire surrounded the two. Baby still in her hands.

"Karin! Just like everyone else! I'm not old enough to be a grandma!" Karin shouted back.

"You sure about that! You old hag!" Kyo soon shouted as Karin simple glared further.

"You brat! I will hit you!" Karin soon shouted before they both froze on hearing a small laugh. They look towards the baby, seeing a smile.

7 years later

"Come here you little monster!" Karin smiled chasing two young boys in the garden as Kyo, Tohru and Kazuma watched with smiled. Tohru with a pregnant belly.

"There is a reason I asked to come today. I wanted to talk to you both" Kazuma stated as Kyo looked towards him.

"Is everything okay?" Tohru question while Kyo simple wore a worried expression.

"It's about Karin... she's hasn't been every well as of late" Kazuma stated before he sighed loudly looking towards her running figure "it's isn't looking good" Kazuma stated as Tohru hand was over her mouth.

"I worry she's hasn't got long left" Kazuma stated as Kyo simple looked down.

"Hey" Kyo stated walking towards Karin who fanned herself on the deck of the house

"I forget how energetic kids can be, I can't keep up" Karin smiled out of breath as Kyo soon sat beside her.

"Karin.. are you okay?" Kyo soon asked as Karin looked towards him and sighed seeing the worried expression.

"Kazuma spoke to you" Karin stated before she sighed looking towards him before ruffling his hair.

"I'm fine. I just fainted, it's not serious" Karin stated before she smiled at him "I am fine Kyo. Don't worry" she smiled.

"Now, I better help Tohru with dinner" Karin smiled before walking away. Kyo simple wore a sad smile

Karin coughed as she walked away, her eyes going towards her hand to see spits of blood before she sighed loudly.

A few weeks later

"Sensei!" A voice shouted through the courtyard as the said man looked up to see one of his students running towards him.

"What is wrong?" Kazuma asked with a smile before the student breathed heavily and wore a worried expression

"Karin! She- she fainted and coughed blood!" The student shouted while Kazuma eyes widened before he ran ana followed.

"Karin!" Kazuma shouted reaching toward her as her body soon rested in his arms, blood running from her nose.

"Call an ambulance!" Kazum shouted, worry laced in his voice as the student ran. Kazuma stroked her cheek.

"Kazuma" Hatori's voice soon echoed on the dark halls of the hospital as Kazuma stood up from his seat. Worry laced in his face.

"Is she okay? Can I see her?" Kazuma asked with worry as Hatori simple looked with a frown as Kazuma eyes widened.

"I think it's time for you to call Kyo and Isuzu" Hatori stated as Kazuma frowned.

"Where is she?!" Rin soon shouted racing down the hospital, Haru following after as at Kazuma stood up.

"She's just through here" Kazuma stated point towards a door while Rin looked towards him.

"Why did you tell me?!" She explained towards the order man, Haru reached for her hand.

"She didn't want to. She wanted you to keep on living your life" Kazuma stated as Rin sighed before moving towards the door and entering.

"Karin" Rin soon stated as the women laid sat up in her hospital bed, her skin white and bags under her eyes.

"Rin, how are you? How are the twins?" Karin smiled as Rin shook her head sitting beside her.

"Nevermind about me. What about you? Why didn't you tell me?" Rin asked with tears.

"Rin" Karin stated reaching out her hand and holding the girls hand as she smiled.

"You have a life, an amazing one and you're finally happy. How could I come in and interrupt that?" Karin asked before she laughed.

"Besides I'm fine! The doctors are been dramatic" Karin laughed before cough and coughed and soon broke into a cough fit.

"Karin" Kazuma stated running over and passing her the glass of water on the side.

"Thank you but I am fine. You all need to stop fussing" Karin stated shaking her head.

"Stop saying that shit! You're not okay! Just let us help you!" A voice echoed as Karin eyes widened looking at the door to see both Kyo and Tohru.

"Oh no! Tohru you should be resting and with your daughter! Both of you!" Karin exclaimed before she coughed yet again.

"Shut up you hag! You need us! You have helped us, so let us help you!" Kyo shouted before Karin sighed looking to see everyone looking at her.

"Fine but once I'm better which I will be! I will kick all your ass's!" Karin shouted before she gripped Kazuma hand as the man looked down at her with a frown.

Each person spent time with Karin while she was in the hospital. Kazuma the most but Kyo and Rin followed straight after him. Whether it was playing games, helping with the medication and getting ready each person help Karin I'm more ways then one but she only seemed to get worse.

"Kyo" Karin whispered as she laid on the bed, hair skin paler and the bag under her yes bigger as well as her being skinner.

"What? So you need anything?" Kyo asked as he sat beside her, him been the only one there.

"I need a favour" Karin whispered as Kyo sat up and leaned closer towards the older women who's hand shook.

"I'm not getting better. We all know it but I don't want to die here, I don't want my last moments to be in this hospital bed I want to be home" Karin stated as Kyos eyes widened.

"Karin, I-I" Kyo muttered while Karin simple looked at him and smiled.

"Please Kyo. I don't want my last memories to be stuck in this bed" She begged before she sighed and got up.

"I will get Tohru to start the car" Kyo stated before he walked out the room. Karin smiling before he walked back in.

"We have to be quick, Hatori, Rin or even master will stop us if they see" Kyo stated pulling all the wire out before carrying the women out.

"Are you crazy! She need to be in the hospital!" Rin shouted behind the door Karin laid in as Kazuma kneeled beside her.

"She asked me to do it! She wanted to be here!" Kyo shouted back as Karin simple coughed

"She's need to be at the hospital! They can help her! They came maker her better!" Rin shouted as Karin sighed looking towards the hand Kazuma held

"She isn't getting better! I spoke to hatori! There is nothing they can do! The only thing they can do is make her more comfy! She wants to be home!" Kyo shouted before everyone fell silent.

"He's right" Karin spoke as Kazuma eyes widened looking down towards his wife.

"I know I've been saying I'm fine. And that nothing is going to happen but Kazuma I'm not getting better" Karin spoke as Kazuma reached out his hand and stroke her cheek.

"I'm right here. I won't be leaving" he stated as she simple weakly smiled at him.

The two froze as they heard crying on the other side of the door. Karin sighed as she knew it was Rin.

"Uhh" a groan and coughs echoed from the room as Kazuma ran towards it, his eyes widened seeing Karin coughing up blood.

"Karin!" Kazuma shouted rushing towards her while the man simple look at him as she now rested in his knees

"It's time" she whispered as Kazuma gasped widely before he nodded as he settled her back in bed and wiping her up.

"I will contact them now" Kazuma spoke with a saddened expression.

"Kyo" Kazuma stated as he now stood by the phone as he gulped before shaking his head.

"Master, is everything okay?" Kyo questioned as Kazuma breathed in and out

"I think it's time" Kazuma stated while Kyo simple sighed on the other end of the phone.

"We will be there as soon as we can" Kyo spoke.

"I'm just going away, that's all. I just wanted to see you both" Karin smiled rubbing the heads of the twin as they sat beside her.

"When will you be back Karin!" One shouted as Rim's eyes widened with tears as Karin simple smiled.

"Not for a long time" Karin smiled rubbing their cheeks.

"Come on guys let's let your mother speak to Karin" Haru soon stated walking towards the twins as the two children reached and both hugged Karin who smiled.

"Love you kids" Karin smiled before Haru guarded them out but not before looking back.

"Thanks Karin" He stated with a soft smiled as Karin returned it and they walked out. Karin looked towards Isuzu.

"Don't be upset Rin" Karin smiled as the dark haired women sat beside the older ones bed.

"How could I not be?!" Rin shouted with tears as she looked down towards the older women who simple smiled

"You're my mum! You have always been there. What am I going to do without you?!" Rin continued to shout with more tears streaming down her face.

"Your gonna live" Karin mumbled as Rin eyes widened looking at the women as Karin smiled "your gonna continue your life, your gonna watch your kids grow and your gonna be happy" Karin smiled as Rin still has tears.

"I love you Karin" Rin cried as Karin simple smiled and squeezed her hand.

"I love you too"

"Karin!!" Voices rung out as the older women looked to see two young boys run in as Tohru stood there with a baby in her arms.

"Hey there my little monsters" she smiled as the raced over towards her bed.

"Are you okay?!" Hajime asked with tears as the women simple looked up and smiled at him.

"I will be soon" She smiled as the other boy simple held her hand.

"You know I held you both after you were born and you were so tiny but I knew you would both be so strong" Karin smiled as the boys returned the smiles

"You know who your named after?" Karin questioned as Hajimes eyes widened looking towards the older women.

"Your named after my first son, who is now resting" She smiled as the boy frowned before reaching and grabbing Karin hands.

"I'm happy I'm named after him Karin" Hajime smiled as the older women eyes widened with tears in her eyes

"Call me Grandma" she smiled at both the youngs boys who also smiled.


"Hey" a voice soon echoed in the dark room as Karin eyes widened as she looked over to see Kyo as she smiled.

"Kyo" she smiled as he began to walk towards her and sat beside her bed as he wore a concerned expression.

"I'm not I'm any pain" Karin stated as Kyos eyes widened looking towards her as she smiled.

"I lost my son" Karin soon muttered as she looked at him with tears "he died in my arms when he was born" she continued.

"I thought I would never be happy again or have any purpose but then you happened" Karin stated as Kyo looked at her with tears.

"You came into my life and help fill that void I had and I'm so glad I got to watch you grow" Karin smiled as Kyo soon reach out and grabbed her hand.

"Thank you for everything Karin, thank you for being my mother especially when I needed one the most" Kyo smiled as Karin simple returned it.

"Promise me something Kyo" Karin soon mumbled as Kyo looked down towards her.

"Anything" Kyo muttered

"Look after Kazuma. Make sure he isn't to lonely" Karin mumbled as Kyo soon nodded and smiled.

"Thank you Karin" he stated as Karin simple smiled widely.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Kazuma smiled coming into the room with a glass of water.

"I'm fine" Karin mumbled as Kazuma simple smiled and kneeled down beside as he looked at her.

"It feels nice having a full house again doesn't it" Kazuma smiled as Karin simple sighed loudly before reaching out to grab his hand.

"Don't be on your own" Karin stated as Kazuma stiffened and looked down towards the women who frowned.

"Please Kazuma. Never be on your own . Visit Kyo or Rin. Promise to not be on your own" Karin stated as Kazuma nodded.

"I have truely understood love till I met you Kazuma. You made me feel like I was the most important person, you made me feel alive" Karin mumbled as Kazuma soon had tears in his eyes.

"Karin" he mumbled as the women simple shook her head with tears

"I love you Kazuma..." she mumbled before she breathed in and out heavily

"thank you for the most beautiful life"

Kazuma eyes widened as he saw her take her final breath. He sat there eyes wide with tears before he reach for her hand.

"Your the one that made it Beautiful Karin"

Authors note.

I'm crying. I'm literally crying.....

But I finally did it, I finally uploaded the Epilogue for Guardian and I really do hate myself for it but I felt it was the best ending for the character.

Though it won't be the last you see of Karin as I am going to create and upload a one shot book of all my OC's so if you have any idea or anything you would like to see please comment and ask.

Thank you everyone for reading the book and going through this emotional story. Thank you

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